by Sasha Grey
I’m not just talking about the things I did, but about the things I fantasized and dreamed about. The places my subconscious led me. Because it all comes from the same place at its core.
Why would I topple the bricks someone built on my own foundation? When a tree is sick you cut out the diseased boughs, you don’t hack down the whole thing and burn it to ashes. But from time to time, you need to plant seeds so new things can grow. Trees are good, forests are better. There’s safety in numbers. There’s experience in numbers.
Knowledge is power. Sex is the great equalizer.
And I sent you this book you’re reading right now for a reason. Because I see in you the same things they saw in me.
So, what do you say? Do you have what it takes to join me on the next step? Me? I’ll be with you in spirit, for these events happened to me long ago. They’re fresh for you, ancient history to me. I’ve moved on to other things.
But The Juliette Society? My journey’s ending but yours is just beginning…
If you’re ready for it.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who had faith in this trilogy and saw it through, and the fans that have maintained passion for following Catherine’s journey. This was never intended to be a traditional romance novel, so the support of everyone who understood that The Juliette Society was an homage to classic erotica, I thank you for letting me take this chance. To Marc Gerald, Peter McGuigan, and Kirsten Nehaus for the constant faith and input. Cobra Verde. Tamara. To my mentor Anthony D’Juan for never letting me settle for less, or make excuses. To my family and friends for always believing in me. Lastly, to the teams at Little Brown, Cleis Press, Grijalbo, Livre De Poche, Audrey, Heyne, and Markus Naegele, for the love of literature.
SASHA GREY first made her name as one of the most notorious adult film stars in recent history; but with a no regrets attitude, she moved on from her former career in 2009 at age 21. She published NEÜ SEX a book of photographs, and has appeared in both traditional films and television, most notably HBO’s Entourage. In 2013, she published her first novel, the internationally successful The Juliette Society, in 25 countries. The Mismade Girl is her third novel. She regularly tours internationally, as an artist, author, and deejay.