“How long do you think you can exist without touching water? You know the instant you make contact with it they’ll find you.”
“I have to do something. I won’t let them kill you!” He cupped her cheek with one hand and placed the other onto her belly. “I will keep the two of you safe, no matter what I have to do, even if I have to kill them.”
“Alicia, don’t. I don’t want to hear it. Just let me figure out what to do. I’ll come up with something. There has to be a place where I can protect you.”
“Where? On the moon? There’s nowhere for us to go. We can’t escape your people. They can track you anywhere.”
“Then we separate.”
“What?” Alicia could hardly believe what she was hearing, and she blinked several times in disbelief.
“They can track me; they can’t track you. If I have to leave you to keep you alive, I will.” The emptiness returned to his voice, and she even felt it through his water.
“If you do that and they take you in, how long would it take before they use the bond between us? Before they pull my location out of your water?”
“Alicia, I swear to Enki, I will do whatever I have to do to keep you alive. Let them take me. The king’s palace is filled with water; I can kill enough of them to get the point across.”
“You’d leave me alone with the Ver-Rist Tokos looking for me? You’d attack and kill your own people?”
“Fuck!” Daniel pulled her close and held her tight. “I’m not going to lose you. I can’t.”
She could feel the shudders in his chest when he breathed, and her mind raced. I’ve got to figure a way out of this mess. An idea came to her, and even though it seemed crazy, it was the only one she had. It might work. She squeezed him tighter before she took a deep breath. “Let them take me.”
“What?” Daniel loosened his hold on her and positioned her so he could look into her eyes.
“Let the Ver-Rist Tokos take me.”
“Are you insane?”
“No, just hear me out. I—”
“No! I will not let them get their damned hands on you. Hell no, Alicia!”
“Danny, listen to me, please. Just let me explain my idea.”
“I’m not listening to any plan that involves the Ver-Rist Tokos taking my Dau-Hael. You actually expect me to agree to this?”
She could see the conversation wasn’t going to go forward, so she put her hands on his shoulders and stared him down. This situation was the last thing she ever imagined, but she was pregnant now, and her emotions swelled with the need to act. Alicia moved aside, and the doctor in her moved forward. “Daniel, I am your wife, and I am going to do whatever I can to protect this family. Now you can either listen to me, or I will drug you and do what I need to do while you’re unconscious. We don’t have time to play around. This is an emergency, and we have to make a decision and act.”
Daniel stared at her and clenched his fists. Neither was willing to back down, but he remained silent and glared at her when she began to speak.
“What your king needs is an elimination of this threat. Let the Ver-Rist Tokos take me. If I am even remotely capable of what they say, they will take me directly to their ruler. You can lead your people to where the Ver-Rist Tokos are hiding when you come to get me, and they can come in and … eliminate him. No king, no threat.”
“Alicia, you don’t know what these people are capable of.”
“They’re capable of the same thing the Pa lel are. Murder of an innocent, pregnant woman for starters.”
Daniel winced after she spoke the last words and pursed his lips.
“Danny, my life…” It was then Alicia allowed her gaze to fall to her belly, accepting that another life was now living and developing inside her. “Our lives are forfeit no matter what. At the very least we can make a tactical move and try to eliminate this king in the process. We’re out of other viable options. We can’t outrun or hide from water; you know this.”
Daniel let his head fall back. When she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, he began stroking her back. “Beautiful, if I lost you… I’ll destroy this entire planet if I have to.”
“A lot of this is out of our hands. At least we can control this part. I trust you with my life … our lives. I know you’ll be there to get me out when the time comes.”
Daniel sat in silence for long minutes. At least he’s not saying no anymore. While he continued to think, she called Chris and explained her plan. After fifteen minutes of nonstop yelling and swearing, he calmed down and began to strategize.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this, beautiful.”
“You’ll do it to keep us safe. I know you’ll be there.”
Chapter 16
It took two days to mobilize, but Chris arranged teams that were ready to track and follow Alicia. They knew they wouldn’t have to wait long. Alicia was set to drive to work and head to her office while the various teams shadowed her and remained hidden. As soon as she exited her car in the hospital parking lot, her expression changed and she appeared to be in a trance.
“I can’t do this, Chris. I can’t let them take her.” Daniel watched with a feeling of helplessness as his Dau-Hael’s water was manipulated, sending daggers of white-hot rage into his belly.
“We’re right behind her. We won’t lose her.”
Alicia got back into her car and pulled out of the garage before driving two streets over. Still in a trance, she turned the car off and got out. She walked to a silver Mercedes and got in when the door was opened for her.
“Stay focused, everyone.” Chris sent the command and narrowed his eyes. He watched as the Mercedes pulled out of its parking space and drove off. “He’s on the move; don’t follow too close and keep yourselves hidden.”
Daniel fought the urge to press Chris’ foot on the gas so they could follow closer. He flexed his fingers, cracking his knuckles as he monitored Alicia. His breath hitched when he felt her manipulation end, and when he heard the man speak, he felt the muscles in his jaw twitch. “I’m going to fucking kill him!”
* * * *
“Hello, Alicia. You’re looking rather lovely today.”
“Grant?” Alicia tried to stay focused, but after her manipulation was ended, her first instinct was to run.
“Surprised to see me?” Grant’s voice was calm, and he smirked at her as he drove.
“What’s going on?” She feigned ignorance to get him to reveal more of his plan. She couldn’t read his water, but she could try to get him to talk through his intentions.
“All will be revealed, but let’s just start by saying there are more things in this world than you realize.”
“Where are we going?” She could feel Daniel as he followed her, but that didn’t stop her from twisting the drawstring to her scrub pants in her fingers. It was the only outlet for her anxiety, and she kept her digits moving.
“We’re going to a very special place.”
“Why? Take me back to the hospital, please.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You are a unique woman, Alicia, full of unique talents and abilities…” When he reached for her hand, she pulled it away. “There is something I need from you, something I need to confirm.”
“What do you want?” She tried to keep her voice firm, but inside she wanted to curl up into a ball and block out the world.
“From you? Everything, but my king wants something specific. I am to bring you to him and attempt to extract some data. I have to tell you, I’m looking forward to it.” There was a sinister quality to his voice, and she searched for the lock on the door.
“Extract?” Red flags waved inside her head, and even more anxiety crept into her adrenaline-laced body. Her muscles began to spasm, and she checked the side mirror for signs of Daniel and Chris. This was a bad idea.
“Yes. You see, there is something about you, Alicia. Something very special and extremely rare. You have an
ability you are not even aware you possess. Initially, we wanted to observe you while you conducted your research to get the information we needed. Sadly, you took too long for our timetable. So I was encouraged to help you to focus on other things so we could get the sample we need.”
“What kind of sample?” Focus how? On what? She looked at the road ahead and almost cringed. We’re heading to the lakes. I’ll be surrounded by water. She hadn’t anticipated this, and fear began to overwhelm her thoughts. She tried to fight the tremors in her body, and she pressed her knees together as hard as she could to keep her legs still.
“We need to scan your brain during periods of concentration. The more intense, the better.”
“So you want me to play chess with your king?”
“I suppose that might work, but I doubt someone with your intellect would have to concentrate to play chess. I had something much more enjoyable in mind. It ends with you screaming my name.”
The feeling of Daniel’s rage slammed into her like a freight train, and she winced under the weight of it. “He’s a dead man, Alicia. So help me, Enki…”
She couldn’t afford to lose it, so she tried to keep talking. “What if I can’t give you what you want?” Just in case they can’t get to me in time. At least I’ll know what to expect.
“Alicia.” He made a small tsk tsk tsk sound with his tongue before continuing. “I doubt that. There are ways for me to get what I want from you.”
“What if you can’t get whatever it is you want to scan?”
“It doesn’t matter. I shall have you no matter what.” Grant looked at her out of the corner of his eye, and she felt her blood run cold.
“Have me?”
“You should be flattered. You are my reward. I asked for you specifically.”
Alicia balled her hands into fists upon hearing those words, and she could feel every ounce of anger rushing over her from Daniel. “I’ll die before I let you touch me!”
“Oh no, no, Alicia. I won’t let you die; it will be quite the opposite in fact. I have unique talents as well. You’ll come to appreciate them very soon. How about a sample to warm you up while we travel?”
“Don’t touch me!” She was already sitting close to the door. Upon hearing Grant’s words, she pressed herself farther into the armrest and continued pushing in an attempt to create even the tiniest bit more distance between them. The hard leather surface pressed against her ribs, but she kept pressing her body into it, despite the discomfort it caused.
“I don’t have to touch you yet. Watch and learn.”
Waves of sensations began to pass into her, and she felt her body heat up in response. Somehow, every nerve felt electrified, and a pulsing sensation began to grow deep inside her. Her breaths became shallow, and her chest heaved. She was reacting to his manipulation against her will, and she hated it.
“Stop it!” Her voice was shaky, and her mind warred with her senses. She tried to force her body to ignore the feelings, but they continued to grow within her. How do I make it stop? She felt herself all but drown in pleasure, and her hips began to rock in the seat.
“How does it feel, Alicia? Would you like more?”
“Leave me alone!” Alicia’s eyes filled with tears, and her throat went dry. The sensations increased inside her until she thought she would go crazy. She continued to feel the pleasure, and it continued to build when Grant spoke. Her nipples hardened, and she felt her thigh muscles quivering. She could feel the wetness build in her panties, and she squirmed. Every movement, every breath, and every bump on the road drove her closer, and she closed her eyes and tried to think. I can’t give in to this! How do I fight this?
“Why don’t you let me help you relieve a little tension.” Manipulating her water, he moved her arms and hands, forcing her fingers between her legs. She rubbed herself with slow movements, and she shivered. Goose bumps dotted her skin, and the pleasure she felt climbed exponentially.
Desperation spurred her next action, and she bit down on her bottom lip until she drew blood. She thought the pain might calm her, but it only added to her sensations. “Daniel…”
“I love you, Alicia, and I will not let that son of a bitch do a goddamned thing to you.” She could feel his agitation. His rage was for Grant, not her, but it didn’t make her feel any better.
She felt a mixture of shame, humiliation, and disgust. She knew Daniel could feel everything happening to her, and she felt like she was somehow betraying him. She didn’t have long to dwell on her thoughts. Grant manipulated her left arm, forcing her to fondle her own breast and pinch her sensitive nipple.
“Would you like me to unzip?” He glanced at her with a smirk, as if he was enjoying the show.
“I’d like you to go to hell.”
“My, my, Alicia. Shall I wash your mouth out?” He rested a hand on the large bulge in his pants. As if seeing or sensing something she didn’t, Grant swore. Inside the cup between them, an image appeared in the water, and she watched Grant respond by dipping his fingers inside and speaking.
“Your Highness, we are very close. If it pleases you, I will use the western entrance so that I may bring her directly to your chamber.”
She couldn’t hear the other person, but she was grateful for the interruption.
“Yes, Your Highness, right away.” Grant removed his fingers from the water and smiled. He never stopped sending waves of pleasure through her, and he accelerated down the lonely stretch of highway. “Do you see now? I’ll have you begging me to take you.”
As they continued their journey, Alicia sat in her seat with a film of sweat over her body. Her pelvis began to move from side to side, and her legs were parted by Grant’s control. He never let up the manipulation, and her body screamed for release.
Grant smiled as he watched her. “If it weren’t for this mission, I’d have your legs over my shoulders right now. Can you feel it, Alicia? The moment when I first press into you, filling you? Can you imagine how it feels to stretch around me? To squeeze me?” She was disgusted by his words, but her body had other ideas, and she felt her inner walls contract and release on their own. “When my king is done with you, I’m going to fuck you until you pass out.”
* * * *
“Your Highness.” Grant bowed, dropped to his knee, and manipulated Alicia to do the same.
“Well done, Grant. We are ready to proceed with the scans. I’ll be observing the reactions personally. We need varying levels of concentration. Do what you must.”
“As you command, Your Highness.”
King Davidus disappeared into an alcove, and Alicia could hear beeping sounds. Grant forced her to her feet, providing her with an opportunity to look around the room. There were large tanks of water around the perimeter. There was a large bed in the far corner, and the headboard and foot board were also filled with water.
Before she could see anything else, her arms were lifted over her head, and two globes of water floated to her temples. Grant was soon in front of her, and he removed her scrubs without delay, leaving her in her bra and panties.
She could only look on in fear as water from one of the tanks traveled to her and encircled her wrists, waist, and ankles.
She stared as her feet left the floor, suspended in midair by her watery bonds. Grant smiled as he walked around her. As if he intended to tease her, he took off his clothes while he walked around her.
I can’t let him see me afraid. I can do this. She wanted to convince herself, but it wasn’t working. None of this was what she expected. The feeling of complete helplessness gnawed at her, and she felt like a caged animal.
“Tell me, Dr. Lewis, what do you think? I’d love your professional opinion.” Grant released her vocal cords, allowing her to speak. He posed naked in front of her, and his face beamed with pride.
“I think that you’re a crappy researcher. My name isn’t Dr. Lewis anymore, it’s Dr. Winters.”
“Really? I wasn’t aware. Not that it matters. You belong to me now.�
� He sent more waves through her body, and a wicked smile curved his lips as she struggled against the water holding her.
Alicia’s muscles spasmed, and she began to shake. They need me to concentrate. I have to do the opposite. I can’t let them scan me; I can’t give them any data to collect.
Chris’ and Daniel’s teams surrounded the large facility and coordinated their simultaneous entrance.
“We need to go now, Chris.” Daniel didn’t want to stop. He didn’t give a damn about being stealthy as he walked past his friend. He had two goals: to get to his Dau-Hael, and to kill the man who dared think about putting his hands on her.
“We can’t let them know we’re here. We have to be careful and disable any alarms that could be in place. I have a specialist in each team to handle that. Come on, Daniel, we can’t lose it now.”
“Tai ikamu, Chris. I don’t care about the damned alarms! We need to move before he…” He spoke the words through his teeth.
“I know, Daniel; we’ll make it.” Chris gave the order, and each team began to move. When he sensed a Ver-Rist Tokos agent ahead of them, Daniel killed him without hesitation. Each team reported their kills, and they continued to move through the facility.
The Pa lel enforcers masked their Leuk Ahnal nature, and relied on hand-to-hand combat and the element of surprise in the hope of keeping their movements covert. They plotted their routes using a series of clicks over their radios to follow Daniel’s and Chris’ directions.
* * * *
Alicia’s mind was in a haze of pleasure and sensation. Despite her clouded senses, she was aware of her body moving, and she lifted her head to see Grant was using the water to carry her to the bed. He placed her onto her back and manipulated the water to separate her ankles. Kneeling between her thighs, he stroked himself in front of her.
“You will enjoy this, Alicia, I promise.”
Alicia looked Grant up and down, and he smiled.
“See something you like?” He licked his lips and lowered his hand to stroke his shaft.
“I never answered your question.” There was only one way she could think of to keep him away from her.
Waves of Change (World Above Water, Book 1) Page 14