The Last Veteran

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by Peter Parker

Chapman, Guy, A Passionate Prodigality, Ivor Nicholson & Watson, 1933 [MacGibbon & Kee, 1965]

  Churchill, Winston, The World in Crisis 1911–1918, Odhams, 1939

  Clark, Alan, The Donkeys, Hutchinson, 1961 [Pimlico, 1991]

  Commonwealth War Graves Commission, The Commission’s Horticulture, 1998

  Coombs, Rose E.B., Before Endeavours Fade (rev. edn), Battle of Britain International, 2006

  Das, Santanu, Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature, Cambridge University Press, 2005

  Ellis, John, Eye-Deep in Hell, Croom Helm, 1976

  Falls, Cyril, War Books: An Annotated Bibliography, Peter Davies, 1930

  Ferguson, Niall, The Pity of War 1914–1918, Allen Lane, 1998

  Gibson, James (ed.), Let the Poet Choose, Harrap, 1973

  Gibson, T.A. Edwin and G. Kingsley Ward, Courage Remembered, HMSO, 1989

  Graves, Charles, The Home Guard of Britain, Hutchinson, 1943

  Graves, Robert, Goodbye to All That, Jonathan Cape, 1929 [Penguin, 1960]

  —— (ed. Paul O’Prey), In Broken Images: Selected Letters of Robert Graves 1914–1946, Hutchinson, 1982

  Gregory, Adrian, The Silence of Memory, Berg, 1994

  Hannington, Wal, Unemployed Struggles 1919–1936, Lawrence & Wishart, 1936 [1977]

  Hanson, Neil, The Unknown Soldier, Doubleday, 2005

  Hiscock, Eric, The Bells of Hell Go Ting-a-Ling-a-Ling, Arlington Books, 1976

  Holmes, Richard, Tommy, HarperCollins, 2004

  Howard, Michael, The First World War, Oxford University Press, 2002

  Hussey, Christopher, The Life of Sir Edwin Lutyens, Country Life, 1953

  King, Alex, Memorials of the Great War in Britain, Berg, 1998

  Lewis, Cecil, Sagittarius Rising, Peter Davies, 1936 [Penguin, 1977]

  Liddell Hart, B.H., History of the First World War, Faber, 1934 [Pan, 1972]

  Littlewood, Joan, Joan’s Book, Methuen, 1994

  Lloyd, David, Battlefield Tourism, Berg, 1998

  Lloyd George, David, War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, Odhams Press, 1933–36

  Longworth, Philip, The Unending Vigil, Constable, 1967

  MacArthur, Brian, For King and Country, Little, Brown, 2008

  Macdonald, Lyn, 1914–1918: Voices and Images of the Great War, Michael Joseph, 1988

  Mackenzie, S.P., The Home Guard: A Military and Political History, Oxford University Press, 1995

  Madge, Charles and Tom Harrisson, Britain by Mass Observation, Penguin, 1939

  McCann, Graham, Dad’s Army, Fourth Estate, 2001

  Michelin Guides, The Somme: Volume 1, Michelin & Cie, 1919

  Middlebrooke, Martin, The First Day on the Somme, Allen Lane, 1971

  Morton, H.V., The Heart of London, Methuen, 1925 [illustrated edn, 1938]

  ——, The Spell of London, Methuen, 1926

  ––––, In Search of England, Methuen, 1927

  Moult, Thomas (ed.), The Cenotaph, Jonathan Cape, 1923

  Noakes, Vivien (ed.), Voices of Silence, Sutton, 2006

  Omissi, David, Indian Voices of the Great War, Macmillan Press, 1999

  Owen, Harold, Journey from Obscurity, vol. III: War, Oxford University Press, 1965

  Owen, Wilfred (ed. Martin Taylor), Poems by Wilfred Owen, Imperial War Museum, 1990

  Paris, Michael (ed.), The First World War and Popular Cinema, Rutgers University Press, 2000

  Parker, Peter, The Old Lie: The Great War and the Public School Ethos, Constable, 1987

  ––––, Ackerley, Constable, 1989

  Patch, Harry and Richard van Emden, The Last Fighting Tommy, Bloomsbury, 2007

  Percy, Clayre and Jane Ridley (eds), The Letters of Edwin Lutyens to His Wife Lady Emily, Collins, 1985

  Pope, Stephen and Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, Dictionary of the First World War, Macmillan, 1995

  Porter, Roy (ed.), Myths of the English, Polity Press, 1992

  Read, Herbert, The Contrary Experience, Secker & Warburg, 1963 [1973]

  Reed, Paul, Walking the Somme, Leo Cooper, 1997

  Sassoon, Siegfried, The Heart’s Journey, William Heinemann, 1928

  ––––, Collected Poems 1908–1956, Faber, 1961

  ––––, Diaries 1915–1918, Faber, 1983

  Sayers, Dorothy L., The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, Gollancz, 1928 [rep. 1937]

  Sheffield, Gary, The Forgotten Victory, Headline, 2001

  Sorley, C.H., Marlborough and Other Poems (rev. edn), Cambridge University Press, 1919

  Stamp, Gavin, Silent Cities, RIBA, 1977

  ––––, The Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, Profile, 2006

  Stone, Norman, World War One: A Short History, Allen Lane, 2007

  Summerfield, Penny and Corinna Peniston-Bird, Contesting Home Defence, Manchester University Press, 2007

  Summers, Juliet, Remembered: The History of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Merrell, 2007

  Taylor, A.J.P., The First World War: An Illustrated History, Hamish Hamilton, 1963

  Theatre Workshop, Oh What a Lovely War!, Methuen, 1965

  Van Emden, Richard, Britain’s Last Tommies, Leo Cooper, 2005 [Abacus, 2006]

  Van Emden, Richard and Stephen Humphries, Veterans: The Last Survivors of the Great War, Leo Cooper, 1998 [Pen & Sword, 2005]

  War Office, The, Instructions for the Training of Platoons for Offensive Action, 1917

  Ware, Fabian, The Immortal Heritage, Cambridge University Press, 1937

  Whaley, Joachim (ed.), Mirrors of Mortality, Europa Publications, 1981

  Winter, Denis, Death’s Men, Allen Lane, 1978

  Winter, J.K., The Great War and the British People, Palgrave Macmillan, 1986

  Woolf, Virginia, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, vol. 1: 1915–1919, Hogarth Press, 1977

  Wootton, Graham, The Official History of the British Legion, Macdonald & Evans, 1956

  The following websites have also proved invaluable:


  BBC History World Wars:

  BBC News Channel:

  BBC Ninety Years of Remembrance:

  British Light Infantry Regiments:

  Combe Down Heritage Society:

  The Commonwealth War Graves Commission:

  The First World War Poetry Digital Archive:

  The Great War 1914–1918:

  The Imperial War Museum:

  The Long, Long Trail:

  The Ministry of Defence:

  The National Archives:

  The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography:

  The Peace Pledge Union:

  Roll of Honour:

  The Royal British Legion:

  Veterans UK:

  War Grave & Battlefields Heritage:

  The War Memorials Trust:

  The Western Front Association:

  World War One Battlefields:

  In addition, both The Great War 1914–1918 (above) and The Accrington Pals ( have useful links to other First World War websites.


  The Last Tommy, directed by Harvey Lilley (BBC, 2005)

  Private Harry Patch, directed by Jenny Walmsley and Rob Wicks (BBC, 2008)


  The page numbers in this index relate to the printed version of this book; they do not match the pages of your ebook. You can use your ebook reader’s search tool to find a specific word or passage.

  Ackerley, J.R. 12, 13

p; AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service) 144, 146, 266

  ‘Aftermath’ (Sassoon) 97

  Aisne, Battle of the, 1914 57, 117

  Albert II of Belgium, King 280

  Allingham, Henry: Armistice, 1918, recalls 2; Austin, Longbridge, post-war job at 145; British Air Services Memorial, St-Omer, unveils 235, 294; childhood 225; death 286; Dennis Goodwin and 225, 226, 230; First World War 2, 225; freedom of Eastbourne, granted 235; freedom of St-Omer, granted 235; funeral 287, 288; joins up 225; Kitchener’s Last Volunteer 230; Légion d’honneur, awarded 235; meets schoolchildren 22; 90th anniversary of Armistice, attends 283; 90th anniversary of outbreak of war, attends 276; portraits of 285; public profile 234–5; Second World War, role in 145; war, opinion of 227–8

  Amalgamated Society of Engineers 26

  ‘And there was a Great Calm’ (Hardy) 1

  Anderson, Alfred 143

  Anderson, Lindsay 197

  Angel of the Mons, the 21, 64

  Armed Forces Memorial, Staffordshire 212

  Armistice, 1918, First World War 56, 61, 70, 83, 104, 129, 131, 261, 269; declared 1–23, 28, 44, 46; 80th anniversary of 270; first anniversary 50, 51; 90th anniversary of 212, 215, 216, 234, 278, 283; 70th anniversary of 269

  Armistice Day 9, 63, 128, 219; Cenotaph as focus of 65, 94–8; first 50; 1945 153–4; novel (The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club) 106–11; poppies on 89, 90, 132; protests on 75, 80; Remembrance Sunday, replaced by 153–68; Second World War 132, 133; Trafalgar Day, supplants 93–4; two minutes’ silence on 50–51, 79, 105–6, 129, 130, 132, 159, 160, 163, 217–18, 284; universal observance declines, 1930s 129, 130; World Requiem performed on 91–2, 93

  Army Air Corps 283

  Army Service Corps 35, 83

  ARP (Air Raid Precautions) 144, 149

  Arras Memorial 210

  Arras, Battle of, 1917 57, 103, 210, 229, 273

  Arthur, Max 227

  ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) 159–60

  ‘Attack’ (Sassoon) 190–91

  Attenborough, Richard 194

  Attlee, Clement 157

  Aubers Ridge, Battle of, 1915 176, 196

  August 1914 (Tuchman) 199–200

  Babcock, John 231

  Baker, Herbert 68, 69

  Barnett, Correlli 19, 188, 189, 216

  Barrow, Eric 104

  Barton, Peter 279

  BBC 11, 93, 106, 138, 140, 169, 170, 171, 189, 206, 216, 237, 270, 277, 279, 287

  Beatles, The 194, 198

  Beatty, Earl 60

  Beckett, Francis 218

  Beckett, John 42

  Beharry, Lance Corporal Johnson 284

  Bells of Hell Go Ting-a-Ling-a-Ling, The (Hiscock) 5

  Berchtold, General von 196

  Biggin Hill, Kent 35

  Billington, Ada 260, 263, 266, 267

  Binyon, Laurence 8, 9, 96, 215, 278, 279, 291

  Blackadder Goes Forth 20

  Blair, Tony 217

  Blake, Robert 179

  Blomfield, Sir Reginald 69, 127, 275

  Blunden, Edmund 112, 126, 127, 131, 186

  Boer War 9, 54, 116, 140, 142, 150, 222

  Bond, Brian 19, 188, 199

  Borroni, Delfino 230

  Bottomley, Gordon 126

  Bowie, Andrew 36

  Branagh, Kenneth 19

  ‘Break of Day in the Trenches’ (Rosenberg) 87–8

  Breen, Harold 142

  Bridges, Robert 95

  Britain’s Last Tommies 227, 229

  British Air Services Memorial, St-Omer 235, 294

  British Army: 1st Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders 36; 4th Dorsetshires 37; 5th Royal Irish Lancers 7; 7th Division 178; 8th Division 178; 8th East Surrey Regiment 216; 13th Royal Scots 230; 28th Northwest Infantry 7; 93rd Sutherland Highlanders 223; Bedfordshire Regiment 105; British Expeditionary Force 54, 60, 83, 174–80, 182, 221; Devonshire Regiment 215; Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry (DCLI) 6, 237, 244, 252, 257, 271, 275, 280–81, 290; Durham Light Infantry 145, 228; Essex Yeomanry 3; Fifth Army 120, 253; First Army 117; High Command 19–20, 118, 119, 176, 190; Irish Rifles 177; King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) 114, 116; mutinies, post-First World War 32–6; ‘Pals’ Battalions’ 211; Royal Army Medical Corps 103–4, 219; Royal Army Ordnance Corps 34; Royal Army Service Corps 266; Royal Auxiliary Air Force 179; Royal Corps of Signals 145; Royal Engineers 8, 9, 104; Royal Field Artillery 3, 149, 228; Royal Fusiliers 3, 75, 229; Royal Garrison Artillery 105; Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 124, 137; Royal Welch Fusiliers 126; Seaforth Highlanders 7; Somerset Light Infantry (SLI) 103, 104, 238, 244; Yorkshire Regiment 126 see also under individual battle and conflict

  British Expeditionary Force 54, 60, 83, 174–80, 182, 221

  British Legion 41, 83, 84–7, 90–91, 92, 105, 110, 111, 128, 157, 161, 162, 163, 167, 217, 219, 262, 281, 287, 289

  British Red Cross 53–4

  Brooke, Rupert 62, 96, 100, 202, 284

  Brookwood Military Cemetery, Surrey 210

  Browne, Des 15

  Buckles, Frank Woodruff 230

  Bülow, General von 175 Burnet, John 70

  Burney, Ivor 202–3

  Byng, General 34, 83

  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 169, 185n

  Cannadine, Edward 77–8

  Carpenter, Archdeacon Edward 163

  Carter, E.R. 266–7

  casualties, numbers of First World War 9, 12–13, 16–17, 52, 73, 113, 183

  Cavalcanti, Alberto 149–50

  Cave, Nigel 19

  Cazenave, Louis de 231–2

  Cement House Cemetery, Langemarck 279

  cemeteries, First World War 52–5, 67–75, 104, 209, 210, 214–15, 269

  Cenotaph, London 44, 47, 48–50, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 79, 80, 81, 85, 90, 91, 92, 94–6, 97–8, 102, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 221, 228, 234, 276, 282, 283, 284

  Cenotaph (Moult) 96

  Chamberlain, Neville 130

  Chapman, Captain Guy 3, 32, 39

  Charge of the Light Brigade, The (film) 198, 201

  Charles, George 228

  Chiarello, Francesco 230

  Chilton, Charles 186, 194

  Chirac, Jacques 232

  Choules, Charles 5, 230, 233

  Churchill, Winston 36, 112, 113–14, 122, 123, 137, 138, 139–40, 143, 150, 161, 174, 179, 182, 245

  Chuter-Ede, James 157

  Cinderella (Knight/Lyle) 135

  Clark, Alan 174–80, 185, 186, 189

  Clark, Bert 144

  Clayton, Philip ‘Tubby’ 252, 278, 284

  Cliveden War Cemetery, Buckinghamshire 210

  Clyde Workers’ Committee (CWC) 27, 40

  Collected Poems (Brooke) 126

  Collected Poems (Owen) 202

  Collected Works (Rosenberg) 126

  Colleville-sur-Mer cemetery 269

  Collins, Canon John 163

  Collins, Lieutenant Norman 7

  Combe Down War Memorial 105, 263–4

  Combe Down Water Company 262

  Combe Down, Somerset 103, 105, 146, 147, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244, 259, 261, 264, 267

  Commonwealth War Graves Commission, The (CWGC) 215, 277, 280

  Communist Party of Great Britain 42

  Comrades of the Great War 42, 83

  Condon, Private John 215

  Conrad, Joseph 97

  Contrary Experience, The (Read) 202

  Cooper, Duff 121, 122

  Coppin, Ronald 165–7

  Corrigan, Gordon 19

  ‘Counter-Attack’ (Sassoon) 191

  Courtenay, Tom 197

  Crime Act, 1885 28

  Crompton, Rookes Evelyn Bell 223

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 169

  Culloden 170, 198

  Cummings, Kenneth 135–6

  Curzon, Lord 44

  Dad’s Army 140–43, 149–50

  Daily Express 80, 92, 98

  Daily Herald 79, 130

/>   Daily Mail 93

  Daily Mirror 235–6

  Daily Telegraph 57, 234

  Dannatt, General Sir Richard 289

  Dartmoor Cemetery near Albert 214

  Daubeny, Captain C.J.O. 104–5

  Daubeny, Captain C.W. 104

  Davidson, Archbishop Randall Thomas 56

  Davies, Jack 271

  Days of Hope, The (Macdonald) 205

  D-Day 147–8

  Death of a Hero (Aldington) 112

  Death of Innocence, The (Macdonald) 205

  Death’s Men (Winter) 205–7

  Defence of the Realm Act, 1914 28, 29

  Deighton, Len 195

  Despatches (Haig) 113–14

  Devonshire Cemetery, Mametz 215

  Devonshire Regiment 215

  Diary of an Unknown Soldier 170

  Directorate for Graves Registration and Enquiries (DGRE) 55, 69, 70, 71

  Donkeys: A History of the B.E.F. in 1915, The (Clark) 174–80, 185, 186, 196

  Duchy Farm New British Cemetery 277

  Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry (DCLI) 6, 237, 244, 252, 257, 271, 275, 280–81, 290

  ‘Dulce et decorum est …’ (Owen) 190

  Duncan Smith, Iain 13, 15

  Durham Light Infantry 145, 228

  Dye, Air Vice-Marshal Peter 294

  Earl Haig Appeal 89–90

  Eden, Anthony 138, 142

  Elder, William 143

  Elegy for Strings (Kelly) 284

  Elgar, Edward 172–3

  Elizabeth II, Queen 159–60, 212

  Ellingworth, Charles 223

  Ellison, Private George Edwin 7, 214

  Emden, Richard van 227, 229, 230, 270, 278, 279

  Empire Festival of Remembrance, 1927 92

  Empire Services League 83

  employment: during First World War 26–8; officer class post-war 38–9; postwar 37–41, 43, 67, 76–82; strikes, post-war 40–41; strikes during war 26–8; trade unions and 26–8, 40, 43; unemployment benefit 38, 41, 43

  End of War, The (Read) 126

  English Poetry of the First World War (Johnston) 202

  Enigma Variations (Elgar) 172

  Essex Yeomanry 3

  Eton College, memorial cloister at 211

  Falklands War, 1982 283, 292, 293–4

  Fallen, The (Matthews) 212–13

  Falls, Cyril 123–6

  Farrar-Hockley, General Sir Anthony 188

  Festival of Remembrance, 2007 93

  FHM 281

  fiction, First World War 124–5

  Finnigan, Alfred 149, 228

  First Day on the Somme, The (Middlebrook) 204–5

  First World War: adoption as a national trauma 16–19; Anglocentric view of 20; Armistice see Armistice; battles of see under individual battle and area name; blame for 174–92; burial of fallen soldiers 51–66; casualties, number of 9, 12–13, 16–17, 52, 73, 113, 183; cemeteries 52–5, 67–75, 104, 209, 210, 214–15, 269; Christmas Truce, 1914 274; conditions in 248–51; demobilisation from 31–6; food shortages and rationing during 29; literature 20, 124–7, 202–3, 214; memorials 102–3, 104, 105, 209–11, 220–21, 263–4, 278–9; mental health problems suffered by soldiers of 36, 131, 261; ‘missing in action’ 53–4; mutinies in British Army after 32–6; pensions for soldiers of 36, 48, 129, 131; Official History of 116–17, 118, 183; revisionist historians’ view of 19–21; in school curriculum 213–14 ; social and political unrest after 25–43; veterans see veterans; wounded 6, 22, 36, 131, 250–51, 255


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