Woman in Love

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Woman in Love Page 2

by Brown, Berengaria

  Lydia joined in, stroking her hand down Tammy’s side and searching for her cunt. Obligingly Tammy opened her legs so Lydia’s fingers could slide into her warm, wet center.

  Tammy concentrated on Lydia’s lush breasts. Licking, sucking, and nibbling, lapping at the sides and the curve of the underside. Rolling and tweaking the nipples.

  Her breath was hitching at the wicked things Lydia’s fingers were doing in her pussy. Three fingers were in there now, swirling around, scraping her walls, curving up to find her G-spot. “Yes, yes right there!” she gasped as Lydia scraped across the nerves at her most sensitive place.

  Tammy responded by firmly pinching both Lydia’s nipples and once again the two of them crashed into orgasm together, shaking and convulsing in each other’s arms.

  “That was so good.”

  “Oh, yes. We really do fit together to make a whole. You’re the yin to my yang, the light to my darkness. I think I’ve known that instinctively for quite a while.”

  “Right now we need to have showers and get ready for work though.”

  “Yes, but tonight we’ll sit down with my calendar and yours and we’ll plan and schedule our times so we can be together for much more than a few snatched moments like this.

  “Plan. Organize. Schedule. I can see I’ll have to get you to loosen up a little more. Tonight we’ll play and explore each other’s bodies slowly and thoroughly, and then we’ll fuck like bunnies,” said Tammy.

  And they both laughed as they headed into the bathroom.

  Chapter Three

  Damaris and Larnie

  Damaris lay in bed, holding Larnie’s luscious body hard against hers. She loved Larnie with every ounce of her being, but their relationship—if it could even be called a relationship!—was going nowhere.

  It wasn’t exactly that Larnie was commitment-shy, more that Larnie didn’t even see the need for commitment. Oh, Damaris was certain Larnie wasn’t sleeping with anyone else—and nor was she—but while Damaris’ idea of heaven was Larnie in her arms, just like this, every night for the rest of their lives, Larnie wanted… What did Larnie want? Hell if Damaris knew! Not some kind of formal commitment anyway.

  Damaris let her hand slide over Larnie’s skin. It was so soft and sweet. She buried her nose in Larnie’s hair, inhaling its tangy apple scent. Whenever she smelled apples, it always reminded her of Larnie.

  Larnie was relaxed in her arms, but Damaris was almost certain the woman she loved wasn’t asleep. So Damaris moved her hand slowly over Larnie’s ribs, up higher to cup a warm breast. Larnie’s breasts were just the perfect size to hold and suck. For a moment Damaris wished they were facing each other so she could pull a berry-brown nipple into her mouth and suck on it. Instead, she rolled it between her fingers, feeling it grow longer and harder under her attention.

  Damaris pressed her cunt, already creaming with desire, against Larnie’s rounded ass, rubbing gently. She wanted Larnie again. Wanted to push her fingers deep into Larnie’s hot little cunt, to twirl them up until she pressed on that slightly rougher bit of skin filled with nerve endings and drive Larnie wild by holding her on the edge of climax until they were both exploding with need.

  Right now, Damaris concentrated on Larnie’s breasts. Larnie had such hot, highly sensitive nipples that it was sometimes possible to give her a climax just by stimulating them. Oh, not always, but if she could tease Larnie just right... Oh, yeah, right there. Damaris pinched Larnie’s nipple with her right hand, all the while stroking Larnie’s soft breast with her left. Already Larnie was starting to squirm, pressing that delicious ass back into Damaris. Uh-huh, she had Larnie’s attention now.

  Damaris rubbed her cunt against Larnie’s ass, still tweaking Larnie’s nipple with one hand, and slowly stroking Larnie’s breast with the other. Keeping her body tightly behind Larnie’s, Damaris licked a damp line along Larnie’s shoulder and then puffed on the wet spot before licking again, higher up the shoulder this time, gradually working her way north to Larnie’s neck.

  Simultaneously, she thrust her knee between Larnie’s legs, wanting to feel Larnie’s damp pussy on her skin.

  Larnie groaned, pushing her butt back into Damaris and rubbing her wet cunt on Damaris’ leg. Then it was Damaris’ turn to groan, her fingers instinctively gripping Larnie’s nipples tighter, pulling on them, stretching and elongating them, appreciating how hard and swollen they were now.

  Larnie twisted her head on the pillow, turning her face up to Damaris. “Kiss me,” she demanded quietly.

  Damaris was more than happy to oblige, dipping her own head until their lips met, first very gently and sweetly, but then suddenly much harder and more passionately.

  Damaris slid her tongue along the seam of Larnie’s mouth and then she was inside, tasting, testing, savoring Larnie’s flavor. Frantically, she thrust her tongue deeper and harder, wanting more of Larnie. Wanting all of Larnie.

  Their tongues met, and thrust, and danced, then Larnie sucked on Damaris’ tongue, and Larnie’s fingernails dug deep into Damaris’ hip. Fire raced along Damaris’ nerve endings, and all thoughts of playing crashed to a halt. Her fingers pulled and tugged on Larnie’s nipples. Her mouth waged passionate war on Larnie’s. Her knee rubbed back and forth over Larnie’s pussy. Larnie met her at every pulse point, pushing back, pressing forward, wiggling to ensure the most sensitive places received attention.

  A climax was building inside Damaris, but she was going to need much more than this.

  She dropped a hand to Larnie’s cunt and sent three fingers deep inside that hot, wet heaven. She pulled her lover back hard against her, so her own aching nipples dug into Larnie’s back, and her own wet, needy pussy continued rubbing on Larnie’s round ass. She began thrusting her fingers in and out of Larnie, pressing deep, twirling all around, cupping upward to hit Larnie’s sweet spot. Constantly moving, never still, always striving to drive Larnie as wild as she was herself.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” chanted Larnie, her head thrashing back and forth and her chestnut curls brushing over Damaris’ face. God, it was sexy, to have all those silky, soft, apple-smelling strands running over her face like that.

  Damaris’ heart pounded and sweat was rolling off her body as she strove to bring Larnie the ultimate pleasure by holding her right on the very edge of release for as long as they could both bear it.

  Larnie’s legs twisted and kicked, her body thrashed, rolling back and forth as she impaled herself on Damaris’ fingers.

  “Damn it, Damaris, I need to come,” she panted.

  Smiling, Damaris dug a fingernail into Larnie’s clit while scraping all three fingers across her sweet spot.


  Hot cream poured over Damaris’ fingers as Larnie’s cunt clenched around her. She brought her other hand up to press hard on Larnie’s mound, reveling in the waves of orgasm she’d given the woman she loved so much.

  “Oh, God.” Larnie was whimpering now as Damaris gentled her strokes and brought her lover down. Finally, they both lay still, panting and sweaty. Once again, Damaris nuzzled her face against Larnie’s neck, loving these moments of intense sharing, wishing they could go on forever.

  All too soon Larnie pulled out of her arms, but instead of getting up, she dived down the bed. Her pixie face and impish smile grinned up at Damaris as she settled her body between Damaris’ thighs. “Now you.”

  “I’m fine. Really. You don’t have to—Oh!”

  Larnie’s mouth latched onto Damaris’ clit, and Damaris was already so aroused from touching the woman she loved that Larnie’s first suck nearly had her flying off the bed.

  Larnie looked Damaris straight in the eyes and grinned like the cat who’d stolen the cream. “You like?” she asked licking her lips lasciviously.

  “Oh I do.”

  “Awesome.” Larnie buried her head between Damaris’ thighs again and this time nibbled on Damaris’ labia. The sharp little nips of Larnie’s teeth were the perfect contrast to her suction on Damaris’ clit.

  Cream poured from Damaris, and already a coil of need was tightening deep in her belly. Her body was so sensitized from touching Larnie that it wasn’t going to take much to tip her over the edge into ecstasy.

  Larnie was back to sucking her clit, then nibbling her nether lips, then her tongue dived inside Damaris. Her tongue was everywhere, swiping along her walls, flicking her clit, teasing around her folds.

  “So good,” she said, her hips thrusting up into Larnie’s mouth all by themselves.

  “Oh I’m much better than good,” said Larnie, swiping her tongue along the insides of Damaris’ thighs and making her legs shake with need.

  “That’s true,” Damaris replied, and then she couldn’t say another word as Larnie bit down on her clit, and she came in a screaming explosion that nearly blew her head off.

  Chapter Four

  Larnie supposed she should get out of Damaris’ bed, have a shower, and go home. She’d never stayed a whole night at Damaris’ place before. She knew Damaris wanted her to, but it had never seemed right before. Tonight it felt so good to be wrapped in her lover’s arms, snuggled under the blankets together. They’d both napped for a little while and now were just content to be together.

  She shouldn’t be lying here happily like this, though, should she? It wasn’t even three years since her mother had died, so she should be remembering her mother. Maybe going to the lawn cemetery, checking the rose bush didn’t have any bugs on its leaves or need some more fertilizing or water. Yeah, it hadn’t rained for a few days, so maybe it’d be thirsty. She should make sure to pack some water in the car and visit after work tomorrow. Her mother needed her. She didn’t have time to…

  Did her mother really need her? The groundskeeper at the cemetery did a pretty good job. The rose bush was always properly pruned and— No. No. It was her responsibility. Her mother relied on her to make sure the gravesite was in perfect condition. Her mother’s house had never had so much as a speck of dust in it, and she’d just die if…

  Well she is dead. And that was her life. It’s time to live your life.

  No. Don’t be an unnatural, unloving daughter. How can you be so selfish as to put your own pleasures ahead of what your mother needs?

  “I can hear your mind whirring a mile a minute. Want to talk about anything?” Damaris asked.

  “No. Everything’s fine.”

  “Would you like to make some plans for over the holidays then? We’ll both have a full week off work. Long enough to—”

  “Oh, no. I couldn’t possibly do anything celebratory over Christmas. My mother is hardly cold in her grave. That wouldn’t be at all suitable.” Larnie could hear the confusion in her own voice.

  “It doesn’t have to be some wild party thing. It could be something quiet, something that wouldn’t dishonor your mother.” Damaris’ voice was soft and soothing.

  Larnie wanted to believe her words, but it still seemed wrong. Surely it was much too soon to be thinking of pushing her mother to the side. Her mother had been the central feature of her life for so long. That was as it should be. A daughter had a duty to honor her mother. To help her.

  But she’s dead, Larnie. She’s been dead almost three years. She doesn’t need you to look after her anymore.

  Of course she does. I have to…

  What? What do you have to do exactly?

  “I don’t know. It just seems so wrong to be planning a life without her. She needs me. I have to… I mean, I should be…”

  “We could do something together that your mother would have appreciated. What would you have done if she was still here?” Damaris took Larnie’s hand and gently rubbed her thumb over Larnie’s palm. It wasn’t sexual, but it was so soothing, relaxing. It helped Larnie take a deep breath and answer properly instead of sounding like she was brain-dead, or drunk or something.

  “Mom had always kept the house spotlessly clean. She’d grown up with that whole 1950s housewife thing, and she’d really bought into it. Even the insides of the closets were always perfectly tidy. When I was a kid, holidays were when we’d wash down walls, scrub the patio, and wash curtains. Other kids were out riding their bikes or rollerblading on the street, and I’d be on my hands and knees in a closet scrubbing the baseboards. But I liked it. It was just Mom and me making things neat and tidy.”

  Damaris made a soothing little noise and kept stroking Larnie’s hand. It gave Larnie the strength she needed to keep talking about this intensely private part of herself.

  “As her health got bad, she hated everything not being perfect anymore, so all my weekends were spent making things neat for her. She couldn’t rest and relax if there was a mess or dirt anywhere. But now, I guess that really doesn’t matter anymore. Or do you think she’s looking down from heaven, upset that the kitchen blinds need a good scrub?”

  “If it will make you happy to spend the holiday scrubbing the kitchen blinds and cleaning out closets, we can do that. But maybe she’d like it if we put up a tree together or baked some holiday food as well?” suggested Damaris.

  “Actually…” Larnie found herself smiling at a remembered memory. “At least once each holiday, we made s’mores in the oven. One year I really wanted to camp out with other girls, and Mom wouldn’t let me go. So we made s’mores in the oven. They are so deliciously gooey I didn’t think she’d ever do it again, but it became a kind of annual holiday thing for maybe five years when I was growing up. I’d forgotten about it until now. But I’d like to do that.”

  “S’mores in the oven? Wouldn’t the marshmallow and chocolate go everywhere and make a mess? It sounds like your Mom wouldn’t have been too positive about something so very messy,” asked Damaris.

  “We used a deep pan, well lined with aluminum foil, so the mess was self-contained.” Larnie found herself laughing at the memory.

  “But you put chocolate in the oven?”

  “Yes. Chocolate on the graham crackers. Marshmallows on the chocolate. When the marshmallows turn golden-brown they’re done.”

  “Okay. That sounds yummy. We can do that. Now, what about decorations? Did you have a tree?” asked Damaris.

  Larnie told Damaris about the little plastic tree they’d had as she was growing up. The more she talked, the more she relaxed and began to realize she could start moving on. Her mother was dead, but she wasn’t. And her mother hadn’t been a selfish person at all. A neat-freak maybe, but never selfish. Mom would have wanted Larnie to find happiness and get on with her life. Maybe three years was a long enough time to mourn and put her life on hold. Maybe it was time to take the next step. A step with Damaris who she loved so much.

  Larnie snuggled deep into Damaris’ arms. “I’ve been too self-centered to appreciate you properly. You’ve been so patient and caring of me. You’re the best lover a woman could ever have.”

  Larnie pulled Damaris’ mouth to hers for a passionate kiss. Suddenly, she wanted to take charge, to love this woman the way Damaris deserved to be loved. Unselfishly. Just the way Damaris had always treated Larnie.

  Larnie pushed Damaris flat on the bed and climbed over her hips, settling her own wet cunt over Damaris’ pussy.

  Then Larnie started stroking Damaris’ skin, trailing her fingertips down Damaris’ arms, up over the ribs, and around those voluptuous breasts—very light, butterfly touches, just enough to tease and arouse.

  She grinned as Damaris shivered underneath her and wiggled her cunt a little to tease some more.

  Leaning over to the nightstand, Larnie pulled the drawer open to see what was in there that she could use to play with. A jar of lavender body lotion seemed appropriate, so she opened it and dropped a few dollops on Damaris’ breasts, then swirled the puddle of cream around Damaris’ nipples and out around the rest of the globes in a spiral pattern. Round and round she spread the cream, gradually massaging it into Damaris’ skin, making sure to tweak her lover’s nipples in passing.

  Next, Larnie spread some on Damaris’ stomach, making wavy patterns across her
flesh, and filling her bellybutton with a drop of the sweet-smelling cream. From there, she extended it over to Damaris’ hips, massaging as she went, rubbing the cream into Damaris’ skin, making every effort to tease and arouse as she did so.

  “Lower,” said Damaris hoarsely.

  Grinning widely, Larnie flipped herself around, making sure Damaris could feel how very wet her pussy had become, and lifted one of Damaris’ feet. Going as slowly as possible, she stroked the lavender cream over each toe, and around the heel, smoothing as she went.

  “God, that’s sexy. Not quite what I was hoping you’d touch, but very sexy,” said Damaris.

  “Glad you like it,” said Larnie, hearing the laughter in her own voice as she picked up Damaris’ other foot and repeated her treatment.

  Larnie landed flat on her belly, her legs pulled from underneath her, and her pussy level with Damaris’ mouth. Apparently Damaris’ patience had run out.

  Laughing, Larnie wiggled a little and sucked on Damaris’ clit. Oh she was hot all right. That little button was red, engorged, and ready for action. Larnie was perfectly positioned to give it some. She carefully swiped her tongue over it in one long lick. Then she repeated the swipe but pressed her tongue onto the clit as she finished. Hmm, what next? Larnie licked along the seam of Damaris’ cunt. It was damp and full of her flavor. Larnie loved the taste of Damaris. She was all woman, hot, wet, sweet. Delicious.

  Concentrating on her task, Larnie nibbled along the edges of Damaris’ labia. They were plump and soft, as well as damp from Damaris’ cream. Every now and then Larnie licked instead of nibbled, and once she gave a sharp nip, wanting to add a touch of variety and keep Damaris on edge.

  Then she thrust her tongue deep inside, wanting more of Damaris’ yummy flavor. Oh, Damaris tasted so good. And she was very wet. Larnie dragged her tongue along Damaris’ walls, and then pumped it up the channel a few times before retreating to lick Damaris’ clit again.


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