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by Jamie Heppner

Brokentooth lunged while Shade was distracted and hit him full in the chest. The sound of broken bones cracked the air as Shade fell backwards. In desperation, he threw the moonstone towards the face he had seen as he fell backwards. The last thought he had before the darkness took him was. "I hope it had been real."


  The Oracle screamed as she watched her son's broken body fall to the ground."I think he's dead!"

  Tears streamed down her face as the General did his best to comfort his wife. She had been filling him in as best as she could from her visions of what was happening. He had hoped for Shade but the battle didn't seem to be going in his favour from the start."What can we do?"

  The Oracle did her best to pull herself together."Nothing, it's up to Dawn now. It's hard to see what’s going on, the wolves; it's so hard to see their futures."

  The General began pacing back and forth in the cabin. They hadn't seen a werewolf or a Nightwalker since the group had left days ago. He was beginning to get frustrated at being trapped and helpless. "Do you still see my death if I go to the mall?"

  The Oracle simply nodded between sobs.

  "Ok, then what do you see if I go to the werewolves?"

  "It's changing, always changing. Some visions you are torn apart as a false leader, others we both die trying to get there. Still others just fade into grey; the future is broken where the wolves are. I can't see what's happening."

  The General slammed his fist down on the table causing one of the legs to splinter. "Shit. I didn't mean..."

  The Oracle waved her hand dismissing it. It was the last of her problems. Her hands pressed against her temples again as though trying to keep the visions from bursting out of her temple."Dawn is confronting Brokentooth."

  The General sat down beside his wife and placed his arm around her. Offering her what strength he had while he waited to see what she would say.


  Dawn caught the stone in her scarred hand and jumped into the center of the circle to confront Brokentooth. She had to interrupt before he could hit Shade again. Dawn couldn't tell if Shade was still breathing or not, his body was lying away from her. Brokentooth didn't hold his wolf form any longer, but shifted back to a human. "Well, nice to see you are awake too. I guess I can deal with you now and clean up the mess you made for me."

  Dawn's gaze flickered around the circle seeing plenty of faces in the crowd she recognized. Their eyes were bright with seeing her out of the tent, and in a position to create a change. However, she didn't know many of the other faces. They didn't look happy for her to be there, only resigned. As though she would be dead soon, so it wasn't important enough to care about. The life inside them was faded, almost weaker than normal. Dawn thought she knew the reason.

  "I have a chance now to show everyone who the real leader of the werewolves is. I need to make the best of it."

  Brokentooth walked to the side of the ring and grabbed a sword from one of the children holding it. It was an old and rusty thing, but it would still be deadly in the arm of Brokentooth.

  "I guess I should ask if you have any last words, but it seems your voice is broken on the ground over there. I think it is time you joined him." Brokentooth began a steady advance towards Dawn the sword raised in front of him.

  Dawn wasn't sure she could talk to this many at once. She had the moonstone but she knew it was best not to use it unless she had to. She lifted her head high and stared right at Brokentooth. With all she could muster, she projected her voice to as many wolves as she could.

  "My voice works just fine."

  A collective gasp rose up from the wolves all around the ring. It hadn't reached all of them. She could tell from looks of confusion and the muffled questions asked. It didn't take long for the word to spread though and soon all eyes were on her. Brokentooth had stopped in his tracks and stood staring at Dawn with a look of anger on his face. "So you learned a new trick did you? Well this time I won't leave you alive. This ends now!"Brokentooth raised the sword back over his head and threw it as hard as he could at Dawn.


  Time stopped. Dawn could see everything, and she knew his aim was true. The sword was already coming free of Brokentooth’s grip and flipping end over end towards her chest. She started to move herself out of the way but knew it wouldn't be enough. The strength of his throw was so much faster than her speed. She would be dead before she had a chance to fight back.

  Dawn braced herself for the impact. There was a blur of color as the sword was almost in her chest and time resumed its normal pace. Kai lay on the ground beside her. The trickle of red flowing free from around a sword plunged through her chest. A collective scream rang from the crowd as they all saw what had happened. Brokentooth roared and shifted again to a wolf. His eyes red with anger he clawed up fresh soil as he plunged towards Dawn. His mouth wide open and aimed right at Dawn's throat.

  Dawn screamed as loud as she could. "NO MORE! STOP! I COMMAND IT!"

  Every wolf heard this time and froze in their tracks. Even Brokentooth could not resist the direct order. He ground to a stop before Dawn. His eyes still red, but his body unwilling to listen to him. The war inside him was strong though and he was twitching as he fought inside to regain control over himself.

  Whispers of leader began reaching Dawn's ears. More than one wolf had gone into the familiar trance. A search for where their leader was, when their eyes snapped open not a single one looked at Brokentooth. All eyes were on Dawn.

  Brokentooth had shifted back to his human form. The battle inside was raging on still but it looked like he was winning.

  "You will never be my leader. I will kill you where you stand and take the leadership myself. I will not be led by a little girl!"

  Dawn reached down inside her pocket and her fingers clasped around the moonstone. She could feel its power in her grasp. Shade had used much of it but there was enough left for what she would need in the next while.

  Brokentooth took shuddering steps towards Dawn, his body barely his own to command.

  "I'll wring the life from your neck!" Brokentooth’s fingers flexed like claws as his hands closed around Dawn's neck.

  Dawn stood calm and still, waiting for Brokentooth. He had his chance to give up; she refused to feel sad for what was about to happen to him if he continued.

  The second his fingers brushed her skin she released the power she had been holding. In much the same way she had killed the original werewolf leader who had come to their cabin she forced her power into Brokentooth’s mind. His eyes went wide with shock as he felt the power inside his own head. In a split second, his mind was gone. Burned out like a snuffed candle with the power Dawn had placed inside him. His fingers relaxed and his body collapsed to the ground dead.

  Dawn looked down at the werewolf that had saved her life."Shift to human so I can see the damage and you can begin healing."

  Kai shifted back to her human form. Dawn had powers in healing but she knew this would be beyond her. The sword had gone straight through her chest. It looked like it had missed her heart but she was breathing hard and the blood was still running free. Daniel burst through the crowd and rushed to Kai's side.

  "What did you do?"

  Daniel placed his hands carefully on the sword that was still sticking through her chest. With a fluid motion, he pulled the sword free. Kai gasped and her eyes went wild only to flutter closed. Dawn watched carefully to see if the wound would close but it showed no signs. The blood that had flowed so free was already decreasing as Kai's heartbeat slowed.

  Daniel tore his eyes off his friend and looked up to Dawn.

  "Is there nothing else we can do?" His eyes were full as they pleaded with Dawn without sound.

  Dawn looked down at the moonstone in her hand. The light in it was only just visible to her. It had no reserves left to pull from and her own were mostly diminished from her attack on Brokentooth.

  "I will try." Dawn sent to Daniel.

  She leaned down next to Kai and pla
ced her hand just over the wound. The light inside Kai was dimming with her own death immanent. Dawn closed her eyes tight and concentrated on healing the wound under her hand. The light formed and the color leached from the world. Dawn knew it wouldn't be enough. She simply did not have enough to heal something this large.

  She opened her eyes and turned to Daniel to tell him she was sorry when a hand brushed her ankle. As though someone flipped a switch inside her, Dawn was once again full of power. She whipped her head around to see what had happened and saw Shade's hand fall from her leg to the dust. No light was inside him. No light was in his eyes.

  Shade drug himself to her side unnoticed. His body was twisted and broken; he had spent everything he had left to give her the chance to save another. Dawn's hand flew to Kai's side and she didn't need to look to know that the wound fully healed. The life restored to the wolf that had saved her while another lay taken forever.

  Chapter 20

  The General stood at the door, his hands pressed high up inside the frame. Blood pounded in his veins as the words the Oracle had spoken still rang in his head.

  "He's gone."

  She hadn't said anything else since. Her tears had dried up and she lay still on the bed. The General had checked her many times. She was responsive but she didn't say anything else.

  Anger boiled up inside him without a method of release. His hands tightened on the doorframe and the cracking of wood broke the silence. He knew the one responsible lay killed by Dawn. He would have to accept that as enough for now. The fact did nothing to dim his rage.

  "What has happened to this world? How can we be expected to live like this?"

  The unspoken questions had no answers. The wind blew lightly through the trees causing them to creak and groan as they swayed gently back and forth.

  "I lost my son and there's nothing I can do. Even with all this new power and strength I am helpless."

  The General released his grip on the door and went back to his wife's side."What do we do now? Can you still see what is happening?"

  The Oracle was reluctant to talk. Finally, her voice came to her, cracked and broken.

  "We join Dawn with her return and go after the one who started everything, the one that has caused more pain than even we know the one who clouds the future for everyone."

  "Who is he? Where do we find him?" The General surged with life at the chance of some kind of direction to vent his anger. More than anything he wanted to hit something...hit something very hard.

  "Dawn will tell us, soon." The Oracle rolled over and began sobbing quietly again, leaving the General to try to contain the rage inside.


  Dawn sent Daniel to bring out Bonetwister. He still had the collar on and Dawn immediately ordered it removed and destroyed. Daniel filled him in on what had happened and Bonetwister personally carried Shade to the tent to be taken care of.

  He didn't speak to Dawn, but she knew he was sorry. His decision to bring her here had been impetuous and personal. He knew it had been a mistake. His eyes told her he would spend the rest of his life trying to make it up to everyone.

  The funeral was short. An old preacher presided over the burial of Shade, his words out of place in a clan of werewolves. Yet, somehow still, they worked.

  Bonetwister himself lowered Shade's body into the grave. His eyes were wet with tears as he spoke so no one could hear. "I thought I could fix everything myself. I did you a terrible wrong. I will do everything I can to repay your selfless act. I am sorry my friend."

  Every wolf had shown up. Shade's selfless gift to Kai was respected throughout the whole clan. At the end, Dawn addressed the entire clan. For the children and youth she had others whisper what she said. They couldn't hear her until they were of age and she couldn't speak to them all unless she sent it directly to them."The loss of my friend Shade is a blow that many of you will never know the full impact. I thank you all for giving your respects. Unfortunately, his death isn’t the end. We have a larger problem. As you all know the clan has been attacked time and again by the Nightwalkers."

  "We haven't been attacked in a long time though." An unidentified voice broke from the crowd.

  Dawn tried to track down who had spoken to address them directly but no one stepped forward."This is true yes. However, I believe it is because he is mounting a larger attack. He knows the only force large enough to cause him any threat right now is this one. He will not wait long before his attack. We need to prepare to hit him first. Now, before he is ready."

  This time Daniel asked. "How do you know him so well?"

  Dawn looked out over the clan waiting on her words. "He is my twin brother."

  Preparations began for the attack. Dawn knew her brother must have been getting ready himself. It was very important that she get to him first. Any delay now could cost in lives and she didn't want any part of that. The Clan spent enough lives already. The memory of Shade flashed inside her mind. It felt odd not to have him around. Everywhere she turned she thought she saw his face, the sound of his voice.

  Dawn pulled the moonstone from her pocket once again. Its light had returned in full force and she didn't let it out of her sight for a moment. It was all she had left of Shade and she would need it in the days to come. Dawn pushed her feelings aside as Kai walked into the tent. "He really is sorry."

  Dawn knew who "he" was. He was always close by. In fact, since the funeral he had never left her alone. He was her self-appointed bodyguard and he was gathering followers of his own. A whole group of the younger werewolves had joined him in guarding her. Dawn wasn't sure she needed it. Nor was she even sure she wanted it. But, so long as they kept out of her way though she would let them, unless they became a problem, then she would end it then and there. Dawn could feel their life force outside the tent, only a few of them now, sometimes three, usually one or two. When another would come to take a shift, one would leave. They didn't talk to her, or bother her at all, that annoyed her the most. Once again, Dawn wondered why they bothered her so much. "I will talk to him when it is time. It is not time."

  Kai bobbed her head in response. "As you wish."

  "Now you are doing it! That's enough! I am still the same Dawn you saw before. Nothing has changed, but who is responsible if my brother wipes us out."

  Kai just listened; she didn't appear hurt or bothered by Dawn's tone.

  "More has changed then you know. We have an active leader that cares for us. Only since the first leader started this band have we had that. He too was the solitary type. It is different this time though. You don't want the power you have. You don't revile in it and misuse it. Everyone in this village watched as they placed your friend in his grave. Everyone saw the tears you shed for him. Your physical size doesn't matter to anyone. There isn't a night that goes by without a tale of how you killed Brokentooth with a touch. You gain respect daily with the plans you have begun to save our lives and our clan. Everything has changed for us. You are the leader."

  Dawn wiped the tears from her eyes and looked down at herself. She hadn't given much thought to what the others thought of her, or what she looked like. Her hand had healed almost fully, only the scars along her fingers showed a sign of any damage at all. Her clothes lay covered in grime and looked like she would need to throw them away. Even her shoes were barely recognizable. Kai waited as she did her own self-inspection then nodded again to her.

  "I wondered when it would be time. Some of the older women thought you would need these soon." Kai reached under a bed and pulled out a stack of clothing. With a soft smile, she handed them to Dawn. "You might need then altered a bit, but I think you will find them fitting. We don't have much to work within the line of cloth, so I’m sorry if animal skins offend you. I can assure you that everything we make comes from the remains of animals we eat. We don't waste things here."

  Dawn took the cloths and laid them out in front of her, a simple vest with cloth sleeves and a pair of thicker leather pants. The sleeves of the vest had le
ather strips down their length as reinforcements, and the vest had a thick string down the front to hold it together. The pants had buttons down the front and only one pocket in the back. They were made simple but they looked like they would last longer them her old cloths. Kai nodded again without comment and left the tent. Dawn could feel her life force outside as she waited for her to change.

  The cloths fit like a second skin. Dawn wasn't so sure about the strings holding the front of the vest together though. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw that the laces were low enough to pull her chest together in a way she had never seen before. The pants fit tight, but she could still move easily in them. The leather was soft against her skin and flexed with her. The new cloths would be a nice change. She would talk to Kai about wearing exposing clothes like this. It wasn't her taste. With a thought Dawn told Kai she could come back in.

  "You look much more presentable, even more a leader then before." Kai gave a nod of respect that Dawn was beginning to hate.

  "We will have to do something about this neckline though. I don't like being exposed like this."

  Kai let out a little snort."Exposed...Have you looked at the women around this camp? It's a wonder half of them have anything on up top at all. Compared to them you are practically dressed as a nun! It is a very good look for you, and it flatters you very well. Perhaps we need a second opinion. Bonetwister! Come in here a moment."

  Dawn raised her hands in protest, but she had no time to speak. Bonetwister was always close, and at the opportunity, he wasted no time in coming inside the tent. As his eyes passed over Dawn, he stopped in his tracks. His mouth opened in mid breath he simply stood and stared."You, you wanted..."

  "You can go back out now Bonetwister. Thank you. That was all we needed for now." Kai stifled a smile.


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