Ravished By The Wolf (Alpha-Male, Succubus Erotica)

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Ravished By The Wolf (Alpha-Male, Succubus Erotica) Page 3

by Ashlee Alexander

  I pushed against him, putting distance between us. “You better watch yourself. Don’t go getting too attached.”

  Throwing his words at him had been done teasingly, but his look lacked humor. The starkness was puzzling, and he continued to stare at me, while withdrawing his phone. He texted quickly and tossed it in his pocket. In the parking lot, he handed me the helmet.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’ll take you home.”

  Disappointment registered. “Oh, okay.”

  “You’re gonna have to tell me where you live.”


  I got on behind him, while the bike burst to life with loud pop-pop-pop sounds. Heads turned in our direction as we drove to the stop sign; several nurses smiled at Gerard, his lean, rugged body hidden beneath well-worn jeans and a leather jacket. My grip tightened around his midsection. He’s mine, bitches. I glared at a thin blonde, giving her the evil eye. She ignored me entirely.

  My peasant blouse billowed out behind me, the wind taking up my long, dark hair. I’d never been entirely fond of motorcycles, but, with Gerard, it was pure freedom mixed with slightly dangerous undertones. I’d never been a risk-taker before; I’d never been so reckless. I had broken free in the last twenty-four hours, emerging from my isolation, my voluntary quarantine. I hated that he would be taking me home now. I didn’t want this feeling to end, but I knew, once I was inside my trailer, with its veneered cabinets and moldy smelling walls, I’d once again feel the pull of loneliness, and I dreaded that above all else.

  We entered the park, with its rows of trailers; some were singlewides, while others were doubles; the larger abodes accommodated bigger families. Kids played in the street, riding bikes and running around. He stopped before my modest home, leaving the bike on. I slid from the seat, feeling horrible…letdown. I handed him the helmet, refusing to meet his gaze.

  “Get your stuff,” he said gruffly.

  Our eyes met. “What?”

  “Pack your things. Hurry up. I don’t have all day.”

  Excitement, hot and electric, swept through me; the rush sent me sprinting for the door, which I unlocked quickly. I raced to the bedroom, grabbing a backpack from a closet, and tossed items in, flinging underwear, shirts, and shorts together in a jumble. In the bathroom, I grabbed make up and shampoo. I dashed out of the trailer, slamming the door behind me.

  Gerard handed me the helmet. “Get on.”

  I flung a leg over, holding him tight, feeling joyous at the prospect of spending more time with him. We took off, the rumble of the bike shattering the peace of the neighborhood, as the kids watched us ride away. Minutes later, the thickness of a hardwood forest lined each side of the road, stretching out for miles. The cabin he had rented was hidden in the woods, which was the perfect place to stay, if you were a wolf. There were two bikes parked out front; Stuart and Clive were inside. I knew then that they were the ones he had texted.

  He withdrew the key, the noisy engine stilled instantly, as I lifted from the back seat, handing him the helmet. I was going to say something, but the look in his eye killed the words in my throat. Gerry vibrated with energy, as a variety of emotions registered: anger, lust, and something else. The radiance in his eye, a flash of something otherworldly, set me on edge. He was more animal now than man, and it was frightening. He grabbed me, taking me with him, as he burst through the door. Stuart and Clive had been expecting him; the men were dressed in jeans and t-shirts, their look questioning.

  “I gotta run and let off some steam,” growled Gerry, who had begun to undress. “I ain’t in any condition to talk right now.”

  His expression clouded, his eyes rolling into his head, as he kicked his boots free. He fell to the floor, his body contorting unnaturally, the sounds of bones snapping and muscles popping. He was in the process of shifting to his animal form, while tufts of fur appeared along his spine. He groaned in agony. The sight of their leader transforming before them had an immediate effect on Clive and Stuart, who also began to shed clothes, while their bodies twisted and morphed into wolves. I stood by the door, prepared to open it for them when they were ready.

  The growls of beasts resonated in the cabin, the transformations had ceased, and the animals were ready to pounce for freedom. I flung the door wide, letting the white wolf, Clive, out. He stalked towards the door on long, lean legs. Stuart growled at me, exposing sharp, lethal looking teeth. He was the darker of the pack, his coat glossy and spotted with patches of mahogany fur. They sprang suddenly, jumping from the porch, leaving me with Gerry, who was of varying shades of grey. He had patches of white around his mouth and eyes. He rubbed against my leg, a deep, rumbling purr leaving him. Then he too bounded forward, joining his pack in the woods.

  I’d been with them last night while they had hunted, which had been a tremendous experience. My body buzzed, the vibration nearly drowning out my hearing, as my ears tingled. My succubus tendencies strained to burst free, my body tensing pleasurably. I tossed the blouse to the floor, followed by my tank and shorts. I stepped out of my shoes. I ran from the cabin, intent on joining my pack.

  ~ Chapter Five ~

  Being naked in the forest in the middle of the summer was a wildly freeing experience. I would never have done this if I had been on my own, but I knew somewhere out there, in the greenness of the landscape were three wolves, hunting for a meal. The thrill of the chase was like an aphrodisiac, filling me with a sense of vibrancy that sent my limbs into action. My back throbbed, as my wings emerged. They were invisible, although the ripple of their existence appeared in the way the air moved behind me.

  I listened to the howls; their call was like a beacon guiding me in the right direction. They had cornered their quarry; their barks and hisses had intensified. As I flung myself forward, the swiftness of the flight took me by surprise. I felt faster today than last night, the wind sending my hair out like a billowing, dark shawl. I came upon them a moment later, the trio having surrounded a deer; the animal’s eyes were bright with alarm. They had waited for me to appear, and, when I emerged from within the canopy of the trees, they pounced, biting into the long, lean legs of the deer and tearing away at the meaty part of the flank.

  Feeling as if I too were a beast of prey, I joined them, touching the fur, draining every once of vigor from it, until it ceased to move. I ate the bloodied meat, tasting its sharp, gamey quality and drinking the blood; my face and hands were coated in red. The wolves ripped chunks of flesh from its underbelly, feasting on the leanness of the meal. When they had sated themselves, the werewolves sauntered off, leaving the grizzled remains behind. I followed them, dripping in blood, my feet encountering the sharp ends of twigs and pinecones. The wolves had found a stream, and they drank from the water, their facial fur coated in blood. I joined them, washing with the ice-cold water, which felt refreshing on this hot, summer day.

  If I thought we would return to the cabin, I was wrong. Stuart and Clive began to change, their bodies convulsing on the ground, popping and snapping, while their limbs emerged. Gerry joined them, and, moments later, the trio stood, a vision of muscular maleness and abundant testosterone. Their attention was on me, and I felt a ping of fear, but a thick layer of arousal cushioned it. The men were now ready to partake in the joys of the flesh, whilst their appetite for death and blood had been satisfied.

  Instinct took over, and I fled, my wings appearing within seconds, lifting me off the ground and onto a sturdy branch more than twenty feet in the air. I crouched, grasping a higher branch, and stared down at my pack.

  “Are you gonna make me come up there and get you?” Gerard stood with his hands on his hips.

  “What will you do to me, if I come down?”

  “What won’t I?”

  A tiny, delicious shiver ran through me. “You boys are all wound up. I can feel your energy from here.” Stuart and Clive’s interested, lustful gazes worried me. Would they be as gentle as they were last night?

  “Come down, Catherine.”
Gerard grinned. “We’re just horny wolves, that’s all. You want to be our girl, don’t you?”


  He held out his arms. “Then come to me.”

  I felt the wings. As they fluttered, nearly on command, the security of their presence gave me the impetus I needed to leave the branch. “Fine.” Letting go, I drifted downwards, landing before Gerard.

  He grabbed me, clutching me tightly; his nose was in my neck. “You shouldn’t be scared of me, honey. I’ll never hurt you. My boys would never hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “Let’s take this somewhere else.” He lifted me into his arms, while I clung to his neck, feeling the heat of his skin. We walked to a clearing, which revealed a small field of fragrant grasses. “This looks good.” He sat on the ground with me on his lap; his mouth was on my neck. “Kiss me, Cathy,” he purred. “Give me your tongue.”

  Clive and Stuart were near; their hands touched my back, caressing gently. My lips met Gerard’s, and we melded together, a combination of moistness and tongue, which left me breathless and dizzy. The werewolves had enjoyed their hunt; now they would enjoy their woman. Kisses fell everywhere, on my neck, shoulders, and arms. My hands were lifted and kissed, while exploring fingers found sensitive nooks and crannies that made me writhe and shudder, my body responding to the stimulation.

  “Oh, you bad…wolves…”

  Being the object of lust was a singular experience, and I wished it would always be this way. I’d been alone for so long…without anyone to talk to or experience intimacy. Since the night I met Gerard, I knew that I would be forever seeking out werewolves now, because they were immune to my condition, and I would not drain the life out of them. I had another month of this bliss, and I planned to take full advantage of the situation, letting these horny beasts do whatever they wanted to me.

  “Yes,” I hissed through my teeth, as a mouth neared the apex of my thighs, hot breath teasing my flesh. Gerard kissed my tummy, leaving wet spots. “Ooohh…yeah…do it.” I wrapped my hands around a pair of hard cocks, who were on either side of me. “Just look at you dirty boys.” They groaned deep in their throats, sounding as aroused as I felt. “What will I do with these?”

  Gerard settled between my legs, drifting lower and sliding his tongue over my slit, wetting me thoroughly. I licked one cock and then the other, tasting the salty pre-release of the men, and wanting more. The deer had been satisfying, but human blood was even better, and I knew these wolves would let me have a taste.

  “Oh! Omigod!”

  A strong tongue drove into the silken folds of my womanhood, spearing me deeply, wiggling inside of me. I gasped at the sensations this provoked, sucking aggressively on the tip of a fat phallus. I ate one and then the other, bestowing attention to both. Gerard toyed with my nub, running his thumb over the engorged bump and encouraging it to grow even larger. Being ravished by these wolves was heady and base, but entirely what I needed, and I gagged on the length of Stuart’s cock, as he drove deeper into my throat.


  To my amazement, Gerry lowered, administering to my other hole, which was squeezed shut and not used to this kind of attention. He prodded me, forcing his tongue through tight bands, loosening them gradually. I blissfully surrendered to everything he was doing to me, my mind drifting on clouds of pleasure. His thumb worked my clit, while two demanding cocks fought for the attention of my mouth. When I thought I would scream with orgasm, Gerry stopped his seduction, getting to his feet.

  “Come here.” He held out a hand.

  “What are we doing?”

  He pulled me to him, lifting me with my legs around his waist. “This.”

  Clive was behind us, his cock pressed to my little hole; the orifice wasn’t used to being taken, and I worried that it would hurt. Gerry slid inside of my pussy with one thrust, his arms holding me securely. The strength of him wasn’t a surprise, but the feeling this elicited was. I clung to him, my mouth attacking his, while Clive pressed harder, breaching me thoroughly. The sting of pain lessened the pleasure for a long, breathless moment, but as he began to move, it eased slightly, and both men worked me, taking turns thrusting. Stuart held himself, massaging his cock while watching us.

  “Oh, my God…oh, shit. This is crazy.”

  Two eager cocks impaled me, and they had only just begun to gratify themselves in my snug confines. Gerard was going to give me every inch of himself and then some. His strong arms lifted me up and down on his phallus, which filled me to the balls. Another drove deep into a forbidden place. I rubbed against him, as the orgasm threatened. It would be enormous when it hit.


  “Take it, Catherine. Take it,” murmured Gerry. “You’re so close, honey. I can feel that you wanna cum.”

  Clive’s relentless thrusts were my undoing, and, as I crested over the top into oblivion, I sank my teeth into Gerry’s neck, tasting blood. I drank the deliciously salty fluid while I convulsed against him, shivering with release. The muscles in my pussy clenched around the invading shaft, while Clive groaned and stiffened, emptying himself deeply.

  “Oh, man!”

  The three of us clung together, as sweat ran down my face. The humidity was considerable, and a distant rumble indicated that a storm might be on the way. Gerry was hard as a board inside of me, while Clive slid free, the wetness of his semen pouring out of me. I wasn’t bereft for long, as Stuart slid deep with one push.


  “Let’s fuck this little succubus, Stuart. Work her hard. She might cum again.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  It was shocking, but, as they drove and retreated, I could feel myself winding up again, the tension slowly building. The human blood had given me a rush; the effects left me buzzing almost as intensely as the orgasm had. I grasped Gerry, clinging to him while he drove upwards, groaning with the contact. The man in my rear was equally as aggressive, finding my tight bottom to be the perfect fit. The lubrication from Clive’s semen allowed for an easier passage, and I relaxed, enjoying the feeling of fullness, as I pleasured these men at the same time.

  “Oh, yeah,” groaned Stuart.

  “Oh, God, Catherine…” Gerry sounded pained. “I’m…”

  “Cum in me. Do it.”

  “I can’t make you pregnant.”

  “You won’t.”

  “Oh, baby…”

  He thrust, stiffening, jetting fluid deep, as Stuart plunged sharply, pain registering. His hands gripped my hips, while he worked himself into an orgasm that had him shouting to the wind, scaring a bird from a tree. He squirted out his release in measured pulses, the wetness falling to my inner thighs. Gerry lowered to his knees, holding me to him, while Stuart and Clive sat nearby, their hands on me, touching, massaging, and feeling areas that were wet and abused. A firm finger rolled over my nub, while a mouth closed around a nipple, and another finger sank into my pussy. The three of them manipulated me to a shattering orgasm, my body convulsing, while the blueness of the sky filled my vision, although clouds were gathering.

  When it was all said and done, we lay together, arms and limbs entwined, while the wind began to pick up and a distant clap of thunder registered.

  “We’re gonna have to head back,” said Clive.

  Gerry yawned, “Yeah.”

  “You’re bleeding man,” said Stuart.

  He touched his neck. “She’s a hungry she-devil.”

  A slap registered on my butt. “Ouch!”

  “She sure is,” agreed Clive.

  ~ Chapter Six ~

  We took turns in the shower after we got back to the cabin, and then we congregated in the kitchen, as hunger set in again. The refrigerator was stocked with a surprising amount of food. Gerard made a pot of coffee, while Clive and Stuart cracked eggs and cooked omelets. The kitchen was small and rustic with a bar counter and stools. I sat on one with my damp hair hanging down my back. Gerry walked by me, but stopped to kiss my neck.

bsp; “You’re in a better mood,” I said.

  “I am. The run helped blow off steam.” He sat next to me, lifting a coffee mug to his lips. “You look good wet.”


  “Hey, man. Toss those tomatoes in there,” said Clive.

  “That smells really good, guys. I had no idea you could cook. You’re blowing my image of macho men.”

  “We gotta eat, honey,” laughed Gerry. “If I waited for a woman to cook for me, I’d be dead.”

  “So none of you have girlfriends?”

  Stuart rinsed a knife in the sink. “You gotta be careful who you trust. You’re the only person I’ve ever shifted in front of. My ex-wife don’t even know I’m a werewolf.”

  “Yeah, it’s not something you wanna go advertising,” said Clive. “We pretty much keep to our own kind.”

  They had isolated themselves as well. “I do to. I’ve never met another succubus except for my mom and grandma. Grandma’s dead.”

  “It’s a strange, supernatural world,” murmured Gerry.

  “What else is out there?” The men exchanged a look. “You’re not gonna tell me Dracula is real, are you?”

  “I don’t know about that, but there are other things.” Clive retrieved several plates from a cabinet. “I’ve heard of some weird stuff.”

  “Like what?”

  “Witches and fairies and stuff, but I’ve never seen it.”

  “Have you?” I glanced at Gerry.


  “What will you do now?”

  He chewed on a piece of bread. “Looks like I’m stayin’ for a while. I can see you’re all broken up about it.” He grinned.

  “I am.”

  “Are you gonna be able to handle us, honey?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “We’re a pretty horny bunch, and you’re gonna find yourself awfully popular.”


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