How to Seduce a Fireman: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance

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How to Seduce a Fireman: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Page 16

by Vonnie Davis

  Quinn’s note.

  She slid the envelope from beneath the pillow and tugged out the card. Quinn wrote with a slanted hand. Angel…Dr. Dragon never said I couldn’t write you notes or send you little gifts. I miss you already. Please work hard at getting your feet stable under you again. I promise to put twice as much effort into dealing with my issues so I can make you a happier woman. I love you more than I love the next sunset over the Gulf. I need you more than my next breath. You are as soft and sweet as these roses and as strong as the tiger lilies. Q.

  She glanced at the bouquet and chuckled. Poor man didn’t know the difference between calla lilies and tiger lilies. She pressed a kiss to the card. He was perfect. Keeping the card curled within her grasp, she cuddled under the blanket as the medicine Dr. Paxwell had prescribed pulled her under.

  Someone stirring around Cassie’s room woke her. “Jenna? Why aren’t you at work?” She struggled to sit up while Jenna played with the buttons on the bed. First her feet were raised higher than her head. Then her shoulders nearly touched her stomach. “You’re doing this on purpose!”

  After Jenna quit laughing and positioned the bed in a more comfortable situation, she pressed a kiss to Cassie’s forehead. “I’m on lunch break. Where’s Wolf?”

  “He went to the cafeteria.” Her gaze went to the gaily wrapped box Jenna waved back and forth in her hand. “Is that a present? For me?” She wagged her eyebrows.

  “A handsome man showed up at my office this morning and told me what he wanted. He was very specific. I’m not so sure it’s your style, but his face lit up when he saw it. He claimed it was perfect. There’s a card inside you’re to read first.” She plopped the box on Cassie’s lap, pulled over the chair and unwrapped a tuna sandwich.

  “You’re going to watch while I read the card?”

  Jenna grinned. “Yup. Looks like I have to get my romantic fix vicariously through everyone else. Ain’t nothing happenin’ in mine.”

  “You haven’t met the right man yet.” Cassie lifted the wrapped lid to find a pale yellow envelope. The card inside was covered with a field of yellow daisies with one white one standing out in its purity and beauty. Inside, scrawled on the blank card, was more of Quinn’s slanted writing. Angel…You have always been the sunshine in my world of emotional darkness. What happened in Chile scarred my heart and soul. Losing my team made me feel inept as a leader. Having our mission explode in front of us affirmed that someone within our government as well as one of the local team members were cronies with the drug cartel. The fact that I was literally in bed with one of our enemies has been a guilt almost too heavy to bear. Then there was you. The sunshine in the obsidian of my soul. You were like a daisy, bringing purity and incandescence to my black soul where the bitter winds of culpability continually blow. Is it any wonder I adore you? Q.

  She swiped away tears and snatched a tissue from the bedside box. Oh, Quinn. I adore you too. Jenna reached for the card and Cassie snatched it back. “Sorry, sis, this is much too private.” Cassie shoved the card under her pillow. Quinn had poured out his heart to her. It wasn’t her place to share his words with anyone. Even her beloved sister.

  The tissue paper crinkled when Cassie folded it back. Inside was a soft cotton negligee. The yellow robe had white daisies embroidered at the neckline, down the buttoned front and at the sleeve edges, while the yellow gown was covered with white daisies and edged at the neckline and hem with embroidered white lace. Beneath them were yellow bedroom slippers with a white daisy centered across the top.

  “Quinn picked these out?”

  “In a way. He told me what he wanted. ‘A peignoir set with white daisies on it and slippers to match.’ I showed him some sexy things and he turned up his nose. Claimed you didn’t need clothes to make you sexy, that you just were.” Jenna’s eyes narrowed. “I won’t even ask what he meant by that. I thought you were saving yourself for the right man.”

  “He is the right man.” Cassie sat on the edge of the bed. “Help me into this before Wolf gets back. I can’t wait to get it on. Then I want you to do a bit of shopping for me.” A smile spread as an ornery thought grew. “I want you to deliver it to the fire station and make sure he opens it in front of all the guys.”

  Jenna laughed. “Oh, little one, I know that look.”


  To Quinn’s great relief, Noah was content to ignore what he referred to as Quinn’s moment of madness a few days earlier when he’d turned in his resignation. While he was talking to his superior, he told him about the failed operation in Chile, his emails to those he still knew within the State Department and the DEA and, finally, the threatening text regarding Cassie.

  Except for the twitch in Noah’s eye and his continual straightening and re-twisting of a large paperclip, he stared silently during Quinn’s recanting of the whole goddamned mess. He didn’t mention Cassie’s cutting, simply that she’d gotten ill. He told Noah how he’d emailed everyone back, telling them he’d decided to stay in the fire and rescue business, hoping that would help ensure Cassie’s safety.

  Noah stood and rounded his desk. Once he had the door opened, he barked for Jace and Barclay Gray, one of the marine rescue divers, and known to the unit as Ice Man. “I want you two to follow Quinn to his place and help him unpack his U-Haul trailer. Quinn, return that damn trailer to wherever you rented it from. You guys have two hours to complete that job and get back here.”

  Quinn stood and, as he passed his captain, he stopped. “Thanks, sir.”

  “We need to reinforce all appearances that you’re staying. Wait a couple days and then contact all the places you applied. Tell them you were offered a promotion to stay. I’ll put in the necessary paperwork here on my end today in case someone does some deep investigating. I doubt it’ll be approved, but it’ll be in your file for any snooping son of a bitch to see. Keep me in the loop. I take care of my men. Simple as that.”

  By the time Quinn, Jace and Barclay reached his apartment, Ryder and his “assistant” had already swept the entire apartment, except for the kitchen. His right-hand man, aka Milt from downstairs, couldn’t wait to give a full report. Ryder, his jaw tensed and eyes narrowed, appeared ready to snap the man’s scrawny neck.

  “We found two bugs in every room. That’s listening devices for you uneducated folks.” Milt extended a handful of tiny wired objects.

  Ryder rolled his eyes and, behind Milt’s back, mimicked someone jabbing the old coot with a knife.

  Milt, apparently thrilled with his self-important role, kept on with his report. “Man must be a pervert is all I can say. A total, frenzied pervert. Had a camera mounted next to your showerhead, over your bed’s headboard, at your desk so he could watch whatever you did on your laptop and…get this…beside the cat’s litter box. He’s been watching your cat take a crap.” Milt scratched his balls and tweaked a fart. “What kinda demented fool wants to see that?”

  Quinn, Jace and Barclay just stood there, dumbfounded. Furball climbed Quinn’s jean-clad leg until he bent to scoop the cat into his arms and scratch his chin.

  Jace was the first to speak. “I need a beer to wash that image from my mind.”

  Barclay glanced at Quinn. “Got any bleach we can use as eyewash? Damn, what the hell did he expect to see coming out of a cat’s ass?”

  Milt expelled a long string of gas and hiked up his khakis with the insides of his arms. “I’ll lay you odds he probably made videos of everything and sold ʼem on the Internet. Lot of sick perverts out there.”

  The memory of Cassie’s first time having sex being shown online nearly drove Quinn out of his mind. An act that private, that special, was not to be shared. He’d kill the bastard once he found out who he was.

  “Hey, I just found another camera attached to the top of the freezer’s handle.” Ryder carried it in from the kitchen. “While I’ve got you, Quinn, there’s somethin’ I need to tell you.”

  Quinn took the bug and examined it, trying his best to keep it away from the
nosy cat’s paw. Something in the tone of Ryder’s voice alerted him. “What?”

  “A couple days ago, when baby doll was in the café, she mentioned some guy on a black crotch bike nearly runnin’ her down in the parkin’ lot of the mall. Claimed at one point, he stared at her through the dark glass of his helmet.”

  “Son of a bitch! Why didn’t she mention him to me?” Because I was too busy being jealous and then caught up in a flashback. Could the guy have been the same one who sent the warning text? If he was, she was in more danger than any of them suspected. Quinn looked at Ryder and instinctively knew there was more. “What else?”

  “She said he followed her to my place and parked across the street at Gulfside Treasures Gift Shop. I walked out front to see if he was still there and he drove off. Black Kawasaki Ninja. Florida plates. First two numbers were three-seven. That’s all I caught before he zoomed into traffic. Fella even did a wheelie to show off, like he wanted me to know he wasn’t scared. I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention. I just figured it was some guy interested in her, you know?”

  Quinn patted Ryder’s back. “How were you to know? All this has happened so fast.”

  Jace tugged his cell from the scabbard on his belt. “I’m calling Wolf.” He turned and leaned his elbows on the snack bar.

  Ryder asked Milt for all the bugs so he could check them out to see if they were manufactured or homemade. “I’m goin’ to make one more sweep through the apartment, check in the weirdest places I can think of. Milt, why don’t you take a break? Go downstairs and spend some quality time with Killer. Bet he’s been missin’ you something fierce.”

  “You sure you don’t need me? All this excitement, I am getting kind of tired.”

  “Maybe on my next job. Now that you’re experienced and all…”

  Milt’s eyes lit up. “Hey, anytime, Roger.”

  “Ryder.” The irritated man repeated for probably the umpteenth time.

  “Whatever.” Milt reached for a slip of paper and jotted some information. “Here’s my landline and cell phone numbers. You need me, just call.”

  Ryder took the paper Milt extended. “Thanks. Gettin’ good help is hard these days.”

  Quinn glanced at Milt. “I’d appreciate it if you kept an eye out for a black crotch bike. Kawasaki with Florida plates. Call me as soon as you see anything. I’ve got a new phone, but the number’s the same.”

  “You got it, buddy. Me and Killer will keep an eye out. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

  Milt pinched a smidgen of gas and bustled out the door.

  Jace ended his call and slipped his cell into its holder. “Wolf wants to hold a meeting at the station in the meeting room. He’s calling Noah now to arrange it. He’ll also contact his friend at the police department. Ryder, can you come too?”

  “For an ex-SEAL? You bet. Look, there was no camera near the litter box. I just told the old guy that to watch him go off. It got him out of my way for a while as he pranced back and forth, rantin’ and ravin’. I found it in the light above this snack bar. The other cameras were where he told you.”

  “Even so, the son of a bitch saw some intimate shit.” All the special private moments between Cassie and him came to Quinn’s mind.

  Jace held up an open hand. “As Cassie’s brother, I don’t even want to know. Let’s get your U-Haul unloaded while Ryder does his thing in peace. By then, Wolf will have the meeting set up. He was one pissed off person.”

  “Yea, well, I’m not so jolly myself right about now. Someone’s been watching and following my woman. This shit is damned serious. Look, Ryder, when I left a set of keys with Milt to give to you, it never occurred to me he’d stick to you like glue. I’m sorry if he got on your nerves.” Quinn carried Furball into the kitchen and hand-fed him two treats.

  “Yeah, well, that man needs his ass checked. Needs his diet changed or somethin’.” Ryder shook his head and went back to work.

  The guys made it to the fire station ten minutes over the two-hour limit the Captain had allowed them. The remaining members of the squad were situated around the dining table, their eyes glued on Jenna who held a wrapped box.

  Jace kissed her forehead before aiming a scowl at the guys. “What are you lowlifes doing ogling my sister?”

  “Oh, it’s not me that has them wound up, although I wish it was.” She spared them all a wink and they laughed. “I have a gift for Quinn from Cassie.”

  So, she was thinking of him too. “How did she like the neg…” he cleared his throat. “My present?” God, I want to be with her now more than anything. I want to keep her safe.

  “She loved it. She put it on right away and told me to tell you it felt sensual against her skin.”

  The guys hooted and elbowed each other.

  “She sent me on a shopping trip with explicit instructions on what to buy.” Jenna extended a box wrapped in shiny black paper and tied with a bright red ribbon.

  “Looks like something sexy, Quinn.” Noah glanced away, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Might help you up your game a little bit.”

  Quinn stared at the box as if it were a snake. Knowing Cassie’s sense of humor, he wouldn’t be surprised if a python crawled out. “Ain’t a damn thing wrong with my game.” Hadn’t he been nice to her? Hadn’t he laid his emotions on the line? He took the box from Jenna. Once he knew his Cassie was safe, he would paddle that pretty ass of hers and then kiss every inch of it. But for now? He wasn’t in the fucking mood. “Thanks. I’ll open it later. Is Wolf here?”

  “He’s picking up tacos for everyone. Said he’d be here shortly.” Jenna shook her head and held up her cell phone. “Go ahead and open the box. I’m under orders here. Cassie’s exact words were, ‘Pictures, big guy.’”


  With everyone’s eyes trained on Quinn, what choice did he have? He set the box on the table, and they all leaned in as he tore off the ribbon and black paper. He gingerly folded back the black tissue paper and examined the contents. What the hell? He picked up the first item, a black satin male thong with a red-lace stretchy pocket and a damn bell where his pecker should go.

  “The bell’s to help you find that tiny thing you call a cock,” one of the guys chimed in. Oh, I am definitely going to paddle her ass.

  Of course, every person on the squad, including the new female in their unit, Ivy Jo, who Ryder couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off, laughed over his new underwear, especially when he turned it around to examine the strip no wider than dental floss that was to slip between his ass cheeks. Cold day in hell, angel, when I put these sons of bitches on. The second thong nestled in the tissue paper was leopard print. He held it up for one and all to see. Hell, he might as well get this show over with so he could move onto more important things, like finding out who was threatening the woman he loved. The gorgeous female with the heart-shaped face who was going to get her sweet ass smacked. Dear God, were those movable eyes at the end of the cock holder?

  “Wait!” One of the guys, Eduardo, reached for his cell. “Let me take a picture for my wife. She’s always dishing on Quinn’s ass anyhow.” He snapped a couple shots. “She will love these. Look, it’s got eyes on the pecker pocket!” Eduardo pointed.

  “That’s so the little leopard can see to find the pussy.” Barclay’s face mottled red. “Sorry, ladies. Sometimes we guys forget our manners.” He glanced at Ivy Jo. “I meant no offense. We’re still getting used to having women in the unit.”

  “Don’t feel you have to change the way you normally talk on my account. I knew coming into a typically male environment, I’d have some adjustments to make.” She smiled and shifted a shoulder. “Besides, it’s no worse than what I hear around my brothers and cousins.” She turned to Quinn. “Will you be modeling them for us?”

  “Hell, no!” He wasn’t even sure he’d put them on for Cassie.

  Beneath the two pairs of thongs was a book, One Hundred and One Ways to Make Your Woman Beg for More. Quinn’s gaze rose to meet Jen
na’s. “Tell my woman she won’t need to beg. She’ll have more than she can handle.”

  The entire force was in a raucous when Wolf sauntered in carrying an armful of taco boxes. Another man beside him, wearing a suit, carried a carton of soda. “Captain, Jace, Barclay, Ryder and…” with an amused glance at the leopard underwear in Quinn’s hands, the corners of Wolf’s mouth twitched before he added, “thong-man, let’s assemble in the conference room. The top three boxes are for us. The bottom five are for the rest of you worthless bums and our new ‘bummette.’ Jenna, you staying? We’ve got plenty of tacos, if you want to join in.”

  “No, I’m heading back to stay with Cassie and show her the video I just took of thong man and his goodies.

  Ryder reached in one of the pockets of his black cargo pants and extracted a wad of business cards. He started passing them out. “I own a health food café on Sunset Dreams Boulevard. And I’m not too shy to say I make the best smoothies in Clearwater. This card entitles you to one free smoothie. Stop by.” He paused in front of Ivy Jo and pressed several cards in her outstretched hand. “Anytime.”

  Quinn checked the blush spreading across the new recruit’s chubby cheeks. Had Ryder just hit on her? That sly dog, passing out free smoothie cards to the entire squad just so he could give her his name and work address. Quinn needed to learn some flirting techniques too. Ways to make his angel blush and charm her so she was confident in the extent to which he loved her.

  Once the unofficial team was settled around the table in the conference room, ground beef, chicken and steak tacos were slapped on paper plates and cans of soda opened. Wolf introduced Detective Arlo Jacobs, a man he met years back when Wolf had given a couple of courses on boat safety. Arlo Jacobs was one of his first students.

  The detective took off his jacket and loosened his tie. “So, everyone here has had military and/or tactical training?”

  Wolf glanced at his brother. “Everyone except Jace, but he’s got one of those minds that sees things differently. Zeroes in on what ought to be obvious to everyone else but isn’t for some stupid reason. Besides, I need my brother here. End of discussion.”


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