The Army Ranger's Surprise (the Men of At-Ease Ranch)

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The Army Ranger's Surprise (the Men of At-Ease Ranch) Page 12

by Donna Michaels

  He smiled a sexy, badass smile and gathered the skirt of her dress in his hands and lifted it up and over her head. And then her strapless bra was gone, too. “Love these,” he said, hooking his thumbs in her pale blue bikini-cut panties and tugging them off. Glancing down at what he’d revealed, Leo growled. “Finally,” he said roughly, lifting her up to carry her to his bed and set her gently on the mattress. “Been waiting all damn day to get you naked.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  For a moment, she thought he was going to skip the preface and sink right into her body. But he climbed on the bed with her and kissed his way down her throat to a breast, dragging a hoarse moan from her as she arched up into him.

  With a groan, he nuzzled and kissed his way to her other breast, his muscular, decadent body giving off so much heat she felt it through his clothes. Needing to feel skin, nothing but his skin, she tugged at his shirt. “Off. Everything off.”

  He stood, and with his eyes on her, he began to strip, kicking off his shoes and yanking the shirt over his head. The sight of his rippling muscles made her mouth water. He fished a condom from his pocket and tossed it on the bed. Another hit the mattress a second later.

  She arched a brow. “Feeling frisky, are you?”

  “Damn straight,” he muttered, removing his jeans and socks.

  “Finally.” She ran her gaze down, then back up, his magnificent body. “Been waiting all damn day to get you naked,” she said, repeating his words with a grin.

  Chuckling, he bent down to kiss her ankle and used his shoulders to spread her legs as his mouth took the scenic route north. By the time he arrived at her inner thigh she was trembling. He kissed first one. And then the other. And then…in between.

  Kaydee gripped the comforter in her hands as she rocked up into him, and when his tongue flicked over her, she cried out, hoping no one was upstairs because she wasn’t exactly quiet.

  Unconcerned, he slid his deliciously calloused hands beneath her. “Watch,” he said, and brought her to his mouth.

  Biting her lips, she watched his broad shoulders wedge her thighs wider. Watched the sleek muscles in his back ripple and flex with his movements. Watched pleasure deepen the blue of his eyes before they drifted shut, and he moaned at the taste of her.

  And when he sucked her sensitized nub into his mouth, it all became too much. Watching was no longer possible because her eyes rolled back in her head as she came. Hard. And then, because he didn’t let her go, the talented man somehow made her come again.


  Only when she was completely boneless did Leo swipe a condom from the mattress and roll it on. Her breathing was still erratic, and it thrilled the hell out of him that he could wreck her like she wrecked him.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told her, kissing his way up her body. She made him want things. Made him feel things. Normally, that would produce a red flag, and he’d run for the hills.

  But not with Kaydee. Never with Kaydee.

  He brushed her mouth with his, first one corner, then the other, before trailing down to her neck, shocked at the emotions she brought to his surface.

  Earlier that day, when they were driving through Joyful, he realized just how strong those emotions were and almost told her. But he wasn’t ready to say it out loud. He needed to live with it a little. Hell, just admitting to himself that his feelings for Kaydee were strong was a big-ass step.


  “I know,” he said, feeling incredibly naked. Raw. One hundred percent open. But he relaxed, and by doing that right here, right now, with Kaydee, allowing whatever was meant to happen…happen, it felt…freeing.

  So damn freeing.

  His worries began to slide away. His secret fears. Even his demons went silent. “Just let go, Kaydee. Give me everything. Give me you.”

  And then lifting up, he held her gaze as he nudged her legs farther apart with his hips and thrust inside her. All the air left his body, and she was saying his name over and over again. And in spite of himself, his secrets, and his fear of what was going to happen when she found out the truth about him, in spite of it all, he was most definitely falling in love with her.

  “Leo,” she whispered in a low, sultry tone that had heat gripping his spine.

  She pulled him closer, digging her nails into his back as he rocked her through another orgasm. Pulsing, throbbing, she felt so fucking good tightening around him again and again. He dipped down to capture her cries in a kiss he needed to take and taste as he raced to his own release. She met every one of his thrusts with an equally fierce out-of-control passion, and it sent him over the edge.

  Afterward, they lay there, breathing heavy, his body still deep inside hers, and he didn’t move other than to brace himself up enough to let her breathe. He didn’t want to pull out yet. She felt like heaven. Pure heaven. Her hands were still around his back, clutching his shoulder blades, and he could feel her heart pounding against his chest. He was grateful they didn’t need to move, because he didn’t want to let her go.

  But when a few more minutes went by and she still didn’t stir or say anything, he rolled to the side and brushed his mouth across her damp temple. “You okay?” His voice was hoarse but audible.

  She nodded, and her contented sigh filled the air between them. “I can’t believe it’s always going to be like that.”

  “Like what?”

  He knew what it was like for him. Incredible. Spine-melting. World-rocking. But he suddenly needed to know how she felt.

  “Like it’s the very best thing ever. Lottery-winning best thing.” Satisfaction softened her tone, and she yawned. “And I don’t want it to end.”

  Very on board with that analogy and sentiment, he kissed her temple again. Considering she was the “didn’t do permanent” type, that admittance told him she was definitely feeling things as deeply as he. Smiling, he made a quick trip to the bathroom to take care of business, then returned to bed, gathered her close, and yanked the comforter over them. It was great to know he wasn’t in this craziness alone. She snuggled into him and sighed.

  He had never brought a woman to the ranch before. Never had a woman in this bed before. Never wanted a woman here.

  Until Kaydee.

  She was special. Special enough to get him to cut his hair without even asking. It’d been his decision. He had no need for the armor anymore. He wasn’t the man he used to be. It’d been time to cut loose from the past. What better time to do it than to support Kaydee, the woman who saw him as a solid man? The kind he should’ve been. The kind he used to be before shit hit the fan overseas. The kind he wanted to be again.

  A man she could admire.

  A man deserving of her.

  He was working on it. A modicum of confidence and self-respect expanded his chest. He was making progress, too. Was it enough?

  He hoped so. Once he confessed his feelings to her, and if they were reciprocated, there was no way he could keep his past from her.

  His last thought before exhaustion claimed him was that he didn’t want her to leave and hoped he was enough to satisfy her restlessness.


  After work on Tuesday, Kaydee and Fiona went to check out yet another storefront. She’d lost count of how many that made. Too many. All of them a waste of time. Including, unfortunately, tonight’s fiasco.

  “Rats?” Fiona shivered. “Can you believe he showed us a place with rats? Hell to the no!”

  “I was done before we entered,” Kaydee said as she drove them back through town toward Yellow Rose, where Fiona had left her car. “The bars on the windows—”

  “Windows?” Fi cut her off. “There wasn’t any glass. Not unless you count plywood as glass.”

  She snickered. “Nope.”

  “Me, either.” Her friend sighed. “I’m beginning to think there aren’t any places out there for us.”

  “Us?” Kaydee frowned.

  “Yes, us.” Fi held up a hand. “I know you don’t want to be a partner and
make a commitment to staying, but I thought perhaps you’d at least consider working for me. You can just as easily pick up and leave my shop when your dad retires as you can Rose’s.”

  True. She blinked. Once Fi actually opened her shop and left Yellow Rose, Kaydee would miss her friend. Unless Kaydee left, too.

  “Does your silence mean you’re considering it?” Fiona smiled expectantly at her.

  She slowly grinned. “Yeah. I’ll consider it.” Working for Fi was actually a pretty good idea.

  “Super!” Fiona clasped her hands together. “Now, if I could just get fate to climb on board, that’d be great, too.”

  Kaydee silently agreed. It was as if fate conspired against Fi. Didn’t want her friend to strike out on her own. How the hell hard could it be to find something the woman could afford that wasn’t a danger to anyone’s well-being?

  Apparently, really hard.

  “Maybe I should consider going to Joyful,” Fiona said. “I mean, I do like the town. It’s cute. And your boyfriend’s buddies own commercial property.”

  Her boyfriend…

  Just hearing that term in relation to Leo sent those darn butterflies in motion again. They made her a little queasy.

  “Joyful is only an hour from here,” Fi continued. “I mean, it’s not horrible. It’s mostly highway driving.”

  “It would mean a longer commute for you, though.”

  Fiona shrugged. “Maybe for me, but I’m sure you could stay with Mr. Winter Soldier.”

  She laughed. “Don’t let him hear you call him that. I think he’s heard it too much.”

  “Sucks to be him.” Grinning, Fiona waved her hand. “Looking like a handsome movie star. Yeah. That’s a tough cross to bear.”

  Kaydee sobered. The guy had weathered some damn heavy crosses in his life. He didn’t need any more. “I wouldn’t move there. I have to stay with my grandfather until my dad retires.”

  She slowed down as she neared the salon parking lot. It was deserted except for two cars, and the lights were on in the shop, which she and Fiona closed and locked up an hour ago.

  Fiona frowned. “Why is Rose here?”

  Kaydee shut the engine off. “Don’t know. Let’s go find out.”

  “There you two are,” Rose said, standing next to her husband behind the counter, both wearing matching grins.

  “Okay…what’s going on?” Fiona frowned, glancing back and forth. “Are we on Candid Camera? Or something?”

  “No, honey.” Rose shook her head as she came around the counter, smile still curving her lips. “Earl and I have a proposition for you.”

  “Me?” Fiona raised her brows.

  “Yes.” The older man moved to slide an arm around his wife. “We know you want to own your own shop, and I’ve finally convinced Rose to hang up her scissors and see the country with me.”

  Rose snickered. “While we’re still young enough to get around on our own.”

  “So…what exactly are you saying?” Kaydee asked, not daring to believe what her gut was telling her.

  “We want to sell the salon to Fiona.”

  “Punk’d,” Fi said, glancing around again. “We’re on Punk’d, right?”

  Earl laughed. “No.”

  Her friend stilled, and Fiona’s eyes widened. “S-o-o…you’re for real?”

  “Yes.” Rose chuckled.

  Fiona let out a high-pitched whoop and pulled Rose in for a hug. “I’ll take it.”

  Their boss laughed. “Don’t you want to hear our proposition first?”

  “Of course,” Fi said.

  “Great.” Earl motioned with his hand toward the back of the shop. “Let’s go to the office and talk numbers. Trust me. It’s doable.”

  Excitement propelled Kaydee forward. She did trust them, and for the first time since she started to help Fi salon-shop, she had a good feeling about this one. Neither of them was going to have to leave this location. Warmth radiated throughout her body. For someone who embraced and encouraged changes, she was surprisingly happy her work and personal relationships were heading in a more permanent direction.

  Life was good. God, it’d be great if it stayed that way.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ever since that first morning Leo woke up in his bed at the ranch with Kaydee in his arms, he’d felt different. Centered.


  Over the past week and a half, they’d fallen into a very satisfying, comfortable routine. And she seemed different, too. More relaxed. Open. And that was before her friend had signed papers to buy Yellow Rose Salon. Although that definitely put a smile on her face. He loved seeing her so happy. He’d given her another reason to smile when they’d had their own private celebration over the weekend.

  That was three days ago. He hadn’t seen her since, and he admittedly missed her. Something he’d never felt with any other woman. Longing. It was kind of a double-edged sword. Sucked at the time, but when they did see each other their connection was stronger.

  Thankfully, today was Wednesday, which meant his weekly trip north tonight to have dinner with his grandmother, followed by dessert with Kaydee. She was the dessert…and more. So much more. He still hadn’t told her how he felt, though.

  Admitting their feelings would be a step toward commitment. If that happened, he’d have to tell her about his past. He believed the only way a relationship could work was if it was open, and there were no secrets. Trouble was, revealing the secrets from his past could jeopardize his future with Kaydee. But not telling her would definitely doom his chance at a relationship with her.

  The woman was worth the chance.

  Still, it’d been tougher to get the words out than he’d thought…especially when she touched him. Once her hands were on his skin, he lost his ability to think straight.

  But for now, he had work to concentrate on. So after his quick morning briefing with his crew—something he initiated after that disastrous first day—he headed for his truck. As soon as he opened the door, his phone rang.

  Hoping it was Kaydee, he smiled and glanced at the phone, surprised to see “Mom” on the screen. They had their regular weekly Monday check-in two days ago.

  “Hey, Mom,” he greeted, climbing into the cab. “What’s up? Something wrong?”

  “That depends,” she said.

  His spine immediately stiffened. Not exactly a positive answer. “On what?” He shoved his keys in the ignition and clicked his seat belt in place but made no move to start the truck.

  “If you’d mind checking on your grandmother for another few weeks,” she said, her contrite tone filling his truck. “The twins are colicky, and your sister could use my help a little longer.”

  Smiling, he started the truck and headed to work. “That’s fine. I don’t mind.”

  His mother’s sigh rustled through the phone. “Thanks, hun. I hate imposing on you. But at least your trips are…okay. I hear you and Kaydee are getting cozy.”

  Unsure exactly what he was supposed to say to that, he decided to keep it truthful and short. “Yeah.”

  Didn’t get any shorter than that. He bit back a laugh.

  “I’m glad.” Another sigh met his ear. “I like her.”

  He grinned. “So do I.”

  “That’s good to hear. It makes me happy knowing you’re happy. You deserve it, hun,” she said, then let it drop, and the conversation switched to feedings, and spit-up, and damn, was Leo glad he could leave it behind when he hung up.

  His mother was great, though. She was never the type to meddle. Although he knew she felt guilty for not prying when he’d first gotten back from active duty. He’d reassured her many times it wouldn’t have mattered. Not one damn bit. Back then, he’d been a master at shutting everyone out.

  Not now.

  Thanks to therapy. His family. His friends.

  And lately, thanks to Kaydee.

  She managed to reach him more deeply than anyone. He planned to continue to see the amazing woman with or without grandma duty. T
hat was, if she wanted to see him after tonight. Yeah. Tonight was the night. He was finally going to grow a damn pair and fucking tell her how he felt, and about his past.

  It was time. He couldn’t keep doing the things they were doing without being completely honest with her. Somehow, he’d find a way to suffer through her disappointment and hope she didn’t kick him to the curb. The woman was always forthright and deserved the same treatment from him. He had to tell her.

  But right now, he had to push those thoughts aside and once again switch back to work mode. Parking in Blanche’s driveway, he gave his head a mental shake and quickly brought today’s checklist to mind. Install the countertops when they’re delivered this morning.

  He’d lucked out on this assignment. Blanche and her husband were dream customers. Even his workers felt that way. Just yesterday, when he and his crew were installing the floors, they all agreed how great it would be to have more customers like the Parkers. He suspected it had to do with the tasty baked goods the woman left for them on the dining room table each morning before she headed to work. Within ten minutes the plate was always empty.

  A smile tugged Leo’s lips when he entered the house to find the guys chowing down on doughnuts.

  Gluten-free ones.

  He snickered. Even though the men knew Blanche was part owner of V-Spot, he doubted they realized the baked goods came from her café. They should, though. Poor woman’s kitchen was currently nonexistent.

  “Hey, boss, you might want to grab one of these while you can,” Dirk said between bites. “Blanche outdid herself today.”

  “Okay.” He swiped a doughnut off the plate and took a bite. Cinnamon. And as usual, damn good. There were only two left now. If Tucker didn’t get his ass here soon he was shit out of luck. Everyone else was already here and devouring their treat.

  The kid was usually the last one to arrive, preferring his bike to hitching a ride with him or the others. Leo suspected the young veteran still had trouble with confined spaces.

  Hell, one tour would do it, and the kid had been on two.


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