Piper Dreams: Dream it, Seize it, Live it. (Dreams Series Book 1)

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Piper Dreams: Dream it, Seize it, Live it. (Dreams Series Book 1) Page 12

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  “I’m sorry for last night. I don’t want to be any more trouble. I’m leaving. I’ll get a taxi from here,” Piper said.

  “Nonsense. You’re staying and that’s the end of it,” Seren said putting her hands on her hips.

  “Piper can’t leave. She only just got here, and she was going to help me with my website and documenting our bucket list. I was planning to have her ride on the back of my bike to Green Mountain,” Fiona said.

  “I looked in on Seren last night and checked her out again this morning she’s fine. We all will keep a better eye out, but we don’t need to get rid of Piper,” Doc added.

  I squinted. They were acting like she’d been here the whole time instead of a day. Zack and Riley walked up.

  “Well, I think . . .” Riley started.

  “Shut it,” Seren barked. “I told you this morning. I won’t listen to you blaming Piper or anyone else. It’s my body and my choices. Doc gave the all clear, and that should be the end of it.”

  “That wasn’t what I was going to say. And if you’d let me talk I would tell you all that Zack and I have an idea,” she said. “Go on Zack.”

  “We need to keep our buddy system going. Our friend Jay is in New York and can ride with us as far as Kentucky. He can be Piper’s buddy. That’s two group stops,” Zack presented.

  We were all waiting for Piper to say something.

  “If it solves everything and everyone is fine with me staying,” she said. I felt a shot in my chest when our gaze connected. All I could do was nod my approval.

  “Hot Air Ballooning and Sky Diving are next on our lists,” Seren said excitedly.

  Piper’s face lit up, but it went away as fast as running water. But I saw it and wasn’t going to take that experience away from her. Even if I could knock Zack one, for bringing Jay in to buddy her. I didn’t have a good enough reason to go against him coming.

  “Great, I’ll call him now,” Zack took a look my way, and a crooked smile appeared on his lips. The bastard. He was worse than a chick with his thirst for drama and shit.

  We all went about packing up the camp. I went over and checked out the bikes. As I was finishing up, Piper came over to me holding out my leather jacket. She looked beautiful with her hair down. “Do you want this back?” she asked. Her teeth worrying her bottom lip. I wanted to suck it in my mouth.

  “You wear it,” I said, and she slipped it on. I wanted to zip up the front and smooth my hands over her full breasts and watch her shudder, but I didn’t. I shouldn’t, for both our sakes. I took a step back.

  “You really alright with the plan?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I got a lot on my mind, my mom,” she said, not looking at me.

  “Anything to do with her knowing you’re out here with us?” I asked.

  She blushed. “She doesn’t . . . No, that’s not it.”

  I tightened my jaw. “Alright. Let us know if you need to go home and we’ll take you wherever you need to go.”

  I moved to pass her, but she touched my arm and just as quickly dropped her hand away.

  “I’m sorry about last night. I messed things up and would never have forgiven myself if Seren had been hurt. I promise I won’t intrude again,” she said.

  I wanted to tell her she didn’t, but that would leave us both open to the possibility of more. And I’d start thinking about what I couldn’t have and didn’t want anymore. So I muttered, “Thanks.” And left her standing there with a sad expression on her face; hating myself as I got on the caravan and we grouped back onto the road and out of Maine.

  IT TOOK MOST OF the day to get to our camping ground for the night. After a light dinner of sandwiches, we decided to make it an early evening. We had a dawn appointment at Letchworth State Park for the champagne breakfast and hot air balloon ride. The New York North Forest Park where we were staying was warmer than in Maine. It could have been because we were insulated by the surrounding forest and away from the coast. Whatever the reason, it was a nice night to camp out in the tents, which was good for me, Doc, and Fiona, who were set to sleep outside. As I found out from Fiona, the back bed on the caravan rotated in its use. Zack and Riley were scheduled to take their night there since Seren was doing better. Although, she would take one of the single bunk beds, with Brody taking the other, to keep close. And me away from him. Something that was easier said than done, especially when he was working with me setting up a tent for me to use. His nearness made my senses spin. If it wasn’t enough to have to stare at the rugged yumminess of his messy hair sticking up from his exceedingly handsome face, or the way his muscles strained when he worked the pump for the mattress. His magnetism was potent. I found myself breathing and sweating next to him as if I had been on a treadmill.

  “Hey, Piper,” I looked up, and Seren took a picture with my camera. Great.

  “Hey,” I said to her amused face.

  “I’m in that shot,” Brody said.

  I gave into a glance his way and felt a tingle in my stomach. “I’ll delete it if you want,” I said quietly.

  His gaze was soft as his smile. “No. You can keep it.”

  I turned my head to hide my pleasure. “Okay,” I replied not knowing what else to say.

  “You know you could sleep with me in the bottom bunk,” Seren said, holding out a lantern, which I was happy to take and place inside the tent. “Or share the top one with Brody. I can tell he wants you to.”

  “You don’t need to do that. If you do get too cold you can bunk with us,” Riley offered. This surprised me, and I stuck my head out of the tent to see if she was serious, and from her expression, I was happy to find she was. “Thanks for the offer.”

  “Just a warning, I sleep naked, and I’ve got that, what do you call it when you have sex in your sleep?” Zack said with a wide grin. Riley pretended to strangle him.

  Seren giggled. “She’s not fake sleep fucking you. Stop teasing her.”

  “Who’s teasing?” Zack said leering at me in jest. I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled. “Offer still stands, but tomorrow everything will change. You won’t have to sleep alone anymore. Jay will be more than happy to keep you warm.”

  “Leave her alone,” Brody cautioned, stepping over to stand in front of him.

  “Will you all go to bed? We’re trying to sleep,” Fiona called from the other tent.

  “I’m fine out here sleeping alone, thanks,” I said and bid them good night as I crawled inside the tent. I was about to zip it closed when Brody’s face came into view. My pulse increased.

  He was holding a blanket in his hands. “In case you get cold when the fire goes out.”

  I took it and placed it on the end of the mattress. “Thanks.”

  He nodded. “I’ll try to keep the fire going, and check on you. If it’s too cold, I’ll wake you to come inside.” He moved to leave.

  “Brody,” I said.

  He turned back. “Yes?”

  I didn’t know what to say, I just wanted him to stay longer. “Are you okay?”

  He gave me a dimpled grin that had my heartbeat accelerating again. “I’m fine. Thanks. Are you alright?” His gaze dropped from my eyes to my shoulders and to my breasts that were swelling.

  “Yes. Uhm. Thanks. Good night,” I stuttered.

  “Sleep well, beautiful,” he said in a quiet tone.

  My lips quirked up. “You too.”

  Brody left, and I fell back on the air mattress and groaned. I was so wired now thinking about him that I had decided to spend some time catching up on my writing. I also sent Jorge photos from Maine and the ride down to New York State. As I was finishing up, I received a new text message from him.

  We have trees and water in Boston. You look tired and dirty.

  I laughed. Despite Jorge’s moodiness, I missed him and wished he were with me on this trip. I had to admit the photo I sent, the one of me with Brody that Seren took, wasn’t exactly flattering. My hair was a humidity-tangled disaster from my hot head being under the helmet for hours
during the ride on the back of Fiona’s Harley. She was a studious driver, but the ride was breezy with dirt kicking up from the roads through the mountainous terrain. Even so, I was plenty excited about the hot air ballooning at sunrise and expressed as much in my return message to Jorge.

  We are going hot air ballooning across the North Mountains tomorrow!

  He responded.

  Great. Now I’ll be worried about you up in a picnic basket without a parachute. Please end this stuff with these adrenaline junkies ☹

  I sighed and responded.

  This is my best shot at Gilmore’s program.

  He sent back.

  I’m rolling my eyes hard enough to stick. Seriously, are you okay?

  Was I okay?

  I didn’t tell him in my email about what happened with Seren or how close I came to coming home again a couple of days ago. I could stay now and continue my project thanks to Zac’s plan to recruit Jay. I also had the chance to help the group out too, so I wasn’t using them. Or so that was what I kept telling my squelching stomach. To combat these feelings, I took to working on the websites and sending copies of the photos to everyone through the emails. As for being okay, I wasn’t sure. Brody was cold over breakfast and sweet to me a little while ago.

  Was I basing my mood on how he treated me?

  I furrowed my brows. I was! Yuck. I was becoming my mother. Brody made his choice, and he was clear as water he wasn’t interested in anything with me. So I needed to get a hold of myself, and my feelings and be his . . . friend. A weirdness went through my chest, laden with memories of our kisses and touches. Well, too bad. It was a done deal, and I needed to get over it. I would be nice and in the morning I’d meet my new buddy and we would go on with the bucket list across America. On that note, I sent back my reply to Jorge, who I knew was waiting.

  I’m fine. You don’t need to worry. I’m going to bed early so I can look fresh and clean for the photos I send you tomorrow. Good night.

  A few seconds after sending the message, he wrote back.

  Telling me to stop worrying is to tell me to stop caring about you. Never going to happen. Good night.

  I smiled and put everything away, then crawled inside my sleeping bag and slept soundly. I rose early, showered, and dressed in a light blue V-neck and jeans. I spent extra time on my hair putting it in a low ponytail and added a little bit of eye makeup and lip gloss to finish off my look. I collected my things and vowed to do a load of laundry at our next stop. When I arrived back, everyone was already there eating yogurts and fruit for breakfast. I was about to wave my greeting when a low whistle sounded behind me making my legs jitter. This made my entrance entertaining to everyone. They all had a good laugh. All, but Brody.

  I turned around and came face to face with a male, my height, with shoulder-length, blonde hair. He had a beefier, more muscular build than Zack and Brody, and seemed proud of it; if the tight fitted t-shirt and tattoos around his biceps weren’t enough of a clue. His eyes were half-lidded, but I could still see they were brown in his angular face.

  “Sorry for scaring you, sweetheart. You’re sexy as hell for a gate crasher.” A lazy smile spread across his face. He had a twang to his tone.

  I lifted my chin. “I’m alright.”

  “Jay. What’s your name, beautiful?” He held out his hand.

  I didn’t know how to respond, but I was a little less mad now. “I’m Piper.”

  “He already knows your name,” Zack said and chuckled.

  “I just want to keep her talking to me,” Jay said. “Zack, I owe you one.”

  “Enough. Piper, eat something. We have a few hours to ride before we get there. And Jay, you’re her buddy and not here to make her uncomfortable,” Brody said, stepping forward and placed his hand on my back. A tug pulled low on my body where he was touching. He guided me over to the bench at the picnic table. I sat down unaware until I got there of the zombie-like pull he had used on me. I shook my head, but still ate a yogurt.

  Seren let out a dry cackle as she leaned against the bench.

  I spared a glance at Brody, but he was giving Jay a hostile look. Before I could answer, Doc announced, “We need to get moving. We’ll go to a bar tonight.”

  I finished the yogurt in two bites and ate a muffin too.

  “We are going to the log cabins. Where is this bar? I didn’t see anything online,” Fiona said as she cleared the picnic table.

  “Every town has a bar restaurant,” Riley said going over to her bike.

  “The lodge has a bar,” Doc told her.

  “You can ride on the back of my bike, Piper,” Jay offered grinning at me.

  “Nope. She’s on mine today,” Brody interjected, shocking me.

  My eyes were drawn to him as he combed his hair back from his forehead like at hot guy in a photo shoot. His shirt was a little tight today too, and I had a flash of his chest and abs I’d get to touch all the way there. Lord help me, I was heading his way again. Thankfully, Seren saved my pride.

  “No. She’s all mine today. So the both of you can turn off your testosterone. And too bad, Brody, you had your chance.” Brody walked off calmly to his bike, and I settled behind Seren to ride off to Letchworth State Park in Genesee Falls.

  It wasn’t full morning when we arrived at the plush green field where we were taking off for the hot air balloon ride. The air was crisp, and the sun was cresting in the distance. There were numerous balloons in a spectrum of bright colors that were in varying states of inflation. The sight of the scenic imagery more than made up for the cost of the ride, though it turned out to be surprisingly cheaper than I saw on the website. After checking in, we were ushered into white tents where there was a light breakfast of pastries, cheeses, and fruits for us to eat, along with mimosas. Since I wasn’t hungry, I had one drink, then took out my camera and filmed the others, including Riley, who didn’t protest or give any reminders of what I was to do with her pictures today. Before long, we were shown by a crew member to our large, rectangular wicker baskets, for the hour long flight. The balloon had a beautiful rainbow striped pattern to it. I took photos of the inside that I noticed was divided into three sections with the center set for the pilot. I thought we’d divide into four and four.

  “Would you all stand before the basket so I can take some photos?” I asked everyone. They all positioned in front, and I took them in a few sets of poses.

  “You should be in one, too,” Jay said and stepped forward.

  I handed him the camera, and I walked over to stand in front of the basket. Seren and Brody on either side of me. We linked arms. Brody leaned closer to me for the photos. I inhaled his fresh scent and leather. His hand was slow, leaving its place on my back, to caress down my waist, causing an excitement inside to rise from its path. So was his effect on me. Was he aware of it? I pondered as Jay took a few more of me with the women. Afterward, he insisted on me posing for one by myself.

  “That one I want a copy of,” he said once he finished. “Take one with me, Piper,” Jay handed the camera to Zack.

  He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. “This one will be one for our grandkids,” he teased.

  I giggled and broke away from him. My eyes sought out Brody, who was staring at us with a cool reserve. I stepped further away and took the camera, right as a male in a red fleece and khakis stepped forward and got inside the middle basket where the propane tank and burners were. Once situated, he turned to us and said. “Hello, everyone. Welcome to our air balloon sunrise flight. I’m Frank. We’re ready to board. You’ll need to climb inside.”

  The crew held it down while the balloon flew high above us. Jay was about to pick me up, but Brody moved quicker, lifting me up by my hips and placing me down inside one of the sections. He vaulted right on behind me and didn’t miss a beat getting Seren in too, leaving Jay to climb in last. Riley, Zack, Fiona, and Doc got in on the opposing side. And before I knew it the crew members were releasing it, and we were lifting up into the
sky. The take-off was surprisingly smooth. The burners hissed as Frank pulled the hand valve bringing us higher over the green hills.

  Brody had moved over by Seren, and they stood close, looking out together and talking. I sighed and took photos of them and the others. Taking extras in the directions that they pointed. After a short while, I settled the camera round my neck and focused on my hands gripping the basket.

  “Hey, don’t miss it. Here, I’ll take some photos for you,” Jay said, rubbing my shoulders. I plastered on a smile and handed him the camera.

  “So where are you steering us?” Seren asked the pilot.

  “I can only go up and down. The wind chooses where we will go,” Frank responded.

  “Hmm. Thanks, Frank,” I muttered. Jay heard me and chuckled.

  “We’ll be riding over the forest beds and coming up to the Genesee River and the cliffs along the falls,” Frank added. He spoke on the history of the surrounds and nature of the flights, but I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts to focus. But as he said, the ride went from pretty, to phenomenal.

  “Look at that,” Jay exclaimed. I followed the direction he was pointing just as the sun peaked above the slate cliffs Frank mentioned. We flew over to the break in the rock face where a great waterfall cascaded down to the curved path of the flowing river. We were so close that it was as if we were a part of it. I was astounded. This was truly spectacular.

  I enjoyed it though my head felt light. I took a few deep breaths.

  “You alright, Sprite?” Brody asked.

  I peered at him through my lashes. “Yeah, just a little dizzy.”

  He came up behind me and caged me in, gripping the basket on either side of where I stood. I tensed when he placed his head on my shoulder.

  “Relax with me and breathe,” he instructed. My heart raced, but I did as he asked. Hoping he didn’t move away I thought as I looked at Seren, so free and happy, that he’d want to share that with her. Yet he stayed, even when Jay came and stood next to us. The wind carried us from peaks to more waterfalls; to rich hills and thick green forest. I felt as though we floated so close that I lifted my hand out to try to touch them. It was further than I thought. The ride was extraordinary. And I leaned my body back against him, taking in his warmth and relaxing in the strong arms of this extraordinary man. Even though I had the feeling that the second we landed our togetherness wouldn’t last.


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