Silent No More

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Silent No More Page 5

by N. E. Henderson

  I walk out of the bathroom to retrieve my makeup bag from my purse. After a little powder, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick, I’m done. My makeup routine takes less than five minutes. I don’t fuss over myself like a lot of women. Sometimes when I oversleep, I’ll go to work without any makeup on at all. My friends would die if they knew this about me, but I’m not a “girly girl” in that sense. I never have been.

  Walking back out of the bathroom, I take the black lace strapless bra and matching panties out of the bag and think of Nick’s comment. I laugh to myself. Does he have no filter?

  My mind drifts for a brief moment and I wonder what’s underneath his clothes. He is one of the sexiest men I’ve even seen. And not having had sex in a few months, this godly-looking man has me all hot and bothered. I have to stop thinking about him. I need a drink, but just one. I don’t need to end tonight like last night, in a man’s bed.

  I quickly put my bra and panties on and then the black stockings. I step into the black strapless tight fitting dress and pull it up. After zipping it, I put on the new black pumps. I reach for my purse to take out my spare earrings. They are silver hoops with black diamonds. They go prefect with this dress.

  My cell phone beeps, letting me know I have a text message. I pull it out of my purse and slide it open. It’s a number I do not recognize.

  Come down to Mist and have a drink with me, please.

  This is Nicholas, if you are wondering.

  He has my number?

  “How the hell does he have my number?” I say out loud. I stop for a moment, eyeing my phone. I know I didn’t give it to him and I know Jenny would not have either. My personal cell number isn’t printed on any of my business cards, so how did he get it? Should I be worried about this? He doesn’t come off like a weirdo stalker, but it’s not like I have ever had a stalker before. I push the thought away and grab my purse before heading out the door to Mist.

  Mist is a popular bar at The Cove. It usually has a live band every night and there’s a dance floor. Ben and I love to dance, so we have enjoyed a few Friday nights there in the past.

  When I reach the entrance, I quickly scan the room, but I don’t see him. Then again, I didn’t reply back to him saying I was coming down. I walk to the bar and I’m immediately asked what I want. Service at this hotel is like no other.

  “I’ll have a glass of Kendall Jackson’s Riesling, please.” I need to go easy on the alcohol tonight. No need for any repeats.

  The bartender brings my wine to me and I take it from his hands as I feel someone behind me. I know it’s him even before he speaks. I’m beginning to like the warmth that tickles my skin when he is present.

  Nick places a hand at the small of my back and the other on my shoulder. The hand on my lower back stays in place, but he moves his other one slowly down my arm until he reaches my hand. Lacing his with mine he says, “Come with me.”

  He’s not asking, and he doesn’t wait for my response before he’s pulling me by the hand and leading me to a small booth in a back corner. It’s a circular booth, and from here the sound from the band isn’t so loud. We will be able to speak in normal voices instead of having to yell over the music.

  He waits for me to enter the booth and then moves in next to me. Not across from me like a normal person would do, but next to me.

  “Thank you,” he says, settling in the booth. We are thigh-to-thigh to each other.

  I look at up at him, confused. “For what?” I ask as I take a sip of my wine; I really have no idea why he’s thanking me.

  “For not making me come get you.” He takes a sip of his dark drink. We are sitting so close I can smell his breath. I see he is drinking rum and coke, one of my favorites.

  “You would have come up and gotten me from my room? What makes you think I would have come?” I question him and take another sip. The wine is cool and refreshing.

  He’s wearing a smirk on his face. “Oh, I would have convinced you one way or another. I can be very persuasive when I need to be,” he says and sits his drink on the table.

  “Thank you, too; for earlier today at my work. If you hadn’t stepped in, I don’t know what I would have done to him,” I say without making eye contact. I feel him tense, but again, only slightly.

  “Dance with me,” he says as if to change the subject. Once again, he doesn’t wait for a response before he is standing up and reaching for my hand. I don’t say anything, but I get up and follow him to the dance floor.

  I’m not going to say I’m a good dancer, but I’m nowhere near bad. He on the other hand makes me look like an amateur. The second song starts to play and we slow our pace. I put my arms around his neck and he moves his to my waist. He smells divine. Clean, mixed with a little sweat. It’s a heavy cocktail without the wine I’m drinking. I could certainly get drunk on this man.

  His hand moves to the small of my back and the other to my hip. He pulls me closer and bends his head to my neck. He kisses me, above my collarbone and I let him. It sends tingles through my body. Goosebumps prickle my skin and I suck in a deep breath while bowing into him. “You taste sweet, like candy,” he tells me before straightening back into position.

  Wow. That was not expected. Do I want this from this man? Yesterday, I was engaged…to someone else. Today, this delicious man, who I don’t even know, is kissing me and I like it. I’ve never experienced an attraction this fast.

  The song ends all too quickly, and he steers us back to our table where I finish the rest of my half a glass of wine in one gulp. I go to take a seat, but he reaches for my hand halting me. I look up at him.

  “I think we should get you out of here. I know what too much alcohol does to you and I don’t want a repeat of last night,” he says, smiling and leading me out of the bar.

  When we reach the elevator, I notice the clock and it reads 9:46 pm. It isn’t too late on a Thursday night, but I really could use some sleep. I need to make sure I’m well rested for my meeting tomorrow morning.

  As we enter, I press the button for my floor and he presses the code for the penthouse. When it reaches the seventh floor, the doors open and I go to walk out, but he has other plans. He moves forward, grabbing my waist and pins me in the front corner while holding the door open.

  “Come up with me and have one more drink?” He phrases it in a question. “I’ll even feed you,” he states and I look up into his blue gaze. I grab the lapels from his jacket with both hands for something to hold on to as he’s towering over me. If I don’t hold myself back, there is no telling what I could do to this man.

  “I can’t,” I say; although at this every moment, I really want to. Luckily, my brain knows better. “I have an early meeting tomorrow morning and I need as much sleep as possible,” I respond. It’s the truth, but I know if I go up with him, I may not stop things from progressing. It’s been far too long since I’ve been underneath anyone, and I’m finding myself wanting just that.

  Releasing his jacket, I duck from under his arm and walk out of the elevator.

  “Goodnight, Nick,” I say breathily as I’m walking to my room.

  My phone chimes just as I’m opening the door and I check the text. It’s from him and I smile. I think this is the first real smile I have had in over twenty-four hours.

  Good night, Shannon

  Walking in the door, I kick off my pumps and place my purse on the bedside table, but keep my phone in my hand. I walk over to the window and look out. The beautiful, dark sky is scattered with stars and a bright full moon. I take a seat on the window pillow and continue looking out it.

  Sitting with my back to the wall and my side against the window, I reply,

  I could call you Nicky.

  Which do you prefer?

  I smile joyfully and it reaches my eyes. This just might be a fun game and I really don’t want to stop talking to him.

  I prefer Nicholas since it is my name.

  Nikki is my little sister, so you

  can’t call me that or NICK.<
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  I’m laughing when I hit reply again.

  I’ll stick to Nick then.

  I prefer it anyway.

  It’s not five seconds later before my phone chimes once again and I’m smiling even more.

  You’re obviously not going to sleep,

  so come up here. The code is 7480.

  You’re bothering me so stop,

  and I will go to sleep.

  I continue looking out the window for a few minutes. I really do need to go to sleep. Just then, there is a knock on the door. You’ve got to be kidding me. I tell him he’s bothering me and he shows up. I quickly send him a reply as I’m standing up.

  I was kidding…you’re not bothering me.

  You didn’t have to come down to get me.

  When I open the door, I’m still not coming up with you.


  I roll my eyes as I toss my cellphone onto the bed. A few seconds later, it’s ringing. I’m already halfway to the door so whoever it is will have to wait. Even though I’m a little annoyed, okay, so that’s a lie; a wide smile creeps across my face knowing I’m about to see Nick again tonight.

  I open the door without looking through the peephole since I know it’s him. The door opens and I’m shoved backwards hard. My smile leaves in an instant.

  “What the hell!” I shout as I look up. Luke is staggering in, slamming the door behind him. He’s obviously drunk off his ass. Great. Peachy. This is just what I need to end the good night I was having.

  “How did you know where I was?” I ask, but I don’t wait for his response. “You need to get out of here, NOW!” I shout. I’m pissed. I’ve seen him long enough for one day. What does he not get? We are over. I hear my phone from behind me ringing again, but I can’t be bothered with it now. I have to stay and deal with this.

  “I told you this wasn’t over! We! Aren’t! Over!” He grabs both of my shoulders in a vise-like grip while pushing me backwards at the same time. My calves touch the base of the footboard of the bed.

  “Ow! That hurts!” I may be a decent boxer, but Luke’s much stronger than I am. I’m pushed down onto the bed and he is quickly on top of me, straddling me to hold me in place.

  “Get the fuck off me, Lucas!” I shout. I’ve only ever called him Lucas when I’m pissed. Right now, I’m beyond pissed at him. How dare he barge into my room like this?

  “Allison might be the fuckable kind, but you, my love, are the marrying kind. Do you hear me, Shannon?” He’s shouting at me. What the fuck? I’ve never seen him like this. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this drunk. He’s usually the sober one when we go out.

  I hear the door open and it slams hard against the wall behind it. A few seconds later, Luke is ripped off me and thrown against the wall, breaking the glass mirror that is hanging there. I look up and see Nick standing over him. His eyes are full of rage. I swear I see a trace of red beneath the blue flames.

  A moment later, a larger man enters the room. He’s dressed in all black and sports a shaved head. He looks intimidating as hell. I could feel sorry for Luke at this moment if I wasn’t so fucked off with him.

  “Get him the fuck out of my hotel and make sure he doesn’t return!” Nick orders the man. Nick’s eyes are dark and burning with fury. I’m more scared of that look than I was when Luke was on top of me.

  The man picks Luke up as if he weighs no more than a few pounds and tosses him out the door into the hall. He turns, looking at Nick. “Yes sir.” It’s all he says, and then they are both gone. I’m slowly sitting up trying to make sense of what just happened. Nothing is making sense right now. What the hell just happened here?

  I can feel him looking at me. I bring my hands up to cover my face as I start to cry. I’m usually not a crier, but everything over the last two days surfaces all at once, and I can’t stop myself. I’m balling uncontrollably. I haven’t cried like this in a very long time.

  Nick gathers me up into his arms. I put my hands around his shoulders pressing my face against his neck. I still can’t stop crying. He doesn’t say anything as he walks out of the room carrying me. I hear the elevator door open and he steps in. I don’t lift my head, but I know he enters the code to the penthouse and we are riding up.

  When we exit, he doesn’t set me down on the floor to open his door. Once he walks through, he kicks it closed behind him. It’s a loud thud and I jump in his arms.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” His voice is a soothing balm. Entering his kitchen, he sits me down on the granite island countertop in the center of the room. The granite is cold, and the room is dark, since he hasn’t turned the lights on.

  Turning on his heels, he goes to the cabinet and removes a small glass. He fills it with water and brings it back to me. I take the glass he offers me, taking a small sip. It feels cool and refreshing as I swallow. It relaxes and calms me a little. I hand it back to him. He places it in the sink and then returns back in front of me.

  What am I doing here? I don’t know this man, but for the strangest reason, I want to be here. I feel safe.

  Nick positions himself between my thighs. My tight-fitted black dress rides up a few inches. We are eye level and he wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me closer, making my dress ride up another inch or two.

  Enclosing me in a tight embrace, he whispers, “I’m sorry. I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone.” He pulls back, looking me over his eyes more intense than I’ve seen before. He looks like he’s the one in pain. He turns his face looking away from me.

  Why is he sorry?

  “Nick, look at me, please,” I say with concern, and I cup his face. Why am I doing this? It’s too intimate and we don’t know each other. But, shit, my hand instinctively reaches out to him.

  “You couldn’t have known what was going to happen, but I’m glad you came when you did. Thank you.” I’m going to fucking kill Luke if I see him again. Nick looks at my shoulders; both are still red from the grip Luke had on me.

  “I should have. I saw it in his eyes earlier today. I’ve seen that same look too many times before not to know what it means.” He moves a hand to my left shoulder and rubs soothingly. His eyes tell me he is angry. I don’t really understand, and I briefly wonder what he means. He continues before I have a chance to ask him.

  “That’s why I did what I did. That’s the reason I moved you behind me today.” The rage comes back into his eyes the longer he stares at the red marks. He really doesn’t like them, so I do the only thing I can think of to make that look go away.

  I kiss him.

  Grabbing his shoulders, pulling him closer to me, our lips meet for the first time. I must have startled him because he jumps, but the tension he's holding starts to expel from his body as he starts kissing me back. His lips are warm and soft against mine. I let my lips part, his tongue dives into my mouth, intertwining with mine. He bites my lower lip softly. I’m lost in the sensation. I finally understand what people mean when they talk about earth-shattering kisses.

  Wow…I mean, really, WOW! The man could win a talent award for this. It’s like he’s drinking me in through his lips and tongue. He pulls away far too quickly; both of us already breathless, but I want more. I need more of him.

  “You’ve had a long night and need some sleep,” he says, his voice husky.

  Screw that.

  I wrap my legs around his waist as he starts to back up. Using my calves to pull him back to me causes my dress to ride up further, revealing a peek of my black silk panties. He looks down, between us, between my legs. He places his hands on each side of my thighs, touching my bare skin. It feels incredible. It makes me want him even more.

  “Please, don’t stop.” My voice is low and sounds needy. I can feel the hardness in his pants against my now moist center. It’s straining against those pants wanting to be released. He wants this too. He wants me as much as I want him. The anger in his eyes has been replaced with lust.

  “Shannon, we have to st
op now, or I’ll never be able to stop. I don’t have that kind of willpower. I’ve wanted you for far too fucking long.” He rubs his thumbs over my heated skin.

  “Don’t make me beg,” I whisper. I want this more than anything I’ve ever wanted. I can’t explain, and to be honest, I don’t give a shit at this point. I want to be filled and I will beg him if I have to. I need him inside me. There is an ache between my legs that needs the relief only he can provide me.

  He looks at me through dark, hooded eyes. “Oh, baby,” he says as he lifts me onto his waist, pulling me into a deep kiss. While holding me up with one hand under my butt and the other at the small of my back, he walks us out of the kitchen. As he’s walking through the living area, his hand moves up my back, finding my zipper, pulling it down to its end.

  I’m unbuttoning his dress shirt at a rapid pace. Damn buttons. As we reach the door to the bedroom, he doesn’t take his mouth from mine and he doesn’t move his hands. He kicks the door open and takes us through. I think I hear the sound of wood breaking, as the door swings open, hitting the wall behind it.

  When he nears the bed he stops and I unwrap my legs as he slowly stands me up, breaking our kissing session. I’m looking up at him again as I pull the bottom of his shirt out of his pants, sliding it off his shoulders. It falls somewhere on the ground, but he doesn’t care. As I grab for his belt, he reaches for my hand, stopping my progress. I glance up confused.

  “Baby, slow down; I plan on enjoying every moment of this, every fucking inch of you. I’ve waited too long to rush to the finish line now,” he says as he pushes my dress down slowly so it pools on the floor. I step out of it.


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