Silent No More

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Silent No More Page 7

by N. E. Henderson

  “Did you know I was coming here this morning? Nick, why didn’t you tell me who you are?” I demand to know.

  He takes my hand, pulling me to the area with the couch and coffee table, but I catch the eye roll he does as he turns. Not letting my hand go, he places my portfolio on the table and turns back to me. My strength is slipping the longer he holds my hand. He pulls me into an embrace. Wrapping his left hand around my back, he continues to hold my left hand in his right hand.

  Ughhh…since when did I become this weak? So much for not giving in to him so easily.

  “I didn’t tell you who I was because I wasn’t sure you would let things go as far as it did last night, and I couldn’t take that chance.” He has a point there. I probably would not have. His hand glides up my arm. When he reaches the top, he pushes my jacket off my shoulder. Seeing the small bruise causes his eyes to harden for a brief moment.

  “I didn’t know until I got here this morning your meeting would be with me. Teresa’s sister went into labor several weeks early.” He gently kisses the area where the bruise is located. Although I’m still upset he didn’t tell me who he is, I don’t protest. He pushes my jacket completely off and it falls to the ground. I close my eyes. My mind is clouded and I can’t think straight. His lips, his hands, his everything feels so good touching me.

  “What the fuck is this?” I’m brought out of my haze.


  He’s staring at my arm. He’s staring at the fresh red scratch there. “This wasn’t here this morning. Where did it come from?”

  He’s still holding my arm and has me around the waist with his other hand.

  “It’s not important,” I say, turning my back to his front. I’m lying and I know I’m a shitty liar, so I can’t let him see my face. I just don’t want to think about my ex. The sooner I’m done with him completely, the sooner I’ll never have to think about him again. Besides, I saw the way Nick reacted last night. He was so angry at the site of the marks on my body. He looked like he could murder someone.

  “The hell it isn’t,” he says as he is turning me to face him. “You’re withholding something from me. He did this, didn’t he?” He lifts my chin to look at him. He’s mad. I can see it in his eyes.

  “Yes,” I say in a shallow voice. Damn me, and my inability to think fast enough to come up with something better to tell him.

  “God damn it! I can’t leave you alone for two fucking seconds.” He runs both hands through his hair. He’s angry. Is he angry with me?

  “This isn’t my fault!” I shout. Does he think I go around letting men hurt me? God, I am certainly not someone who willingly takes abuse. Well…not that kind. It’s not like Luke is really physically abusive. At least, I don’t think he is. I was with him for five years. He never showed any signs of aggression.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Shannon,” he sighs out as his face relaxes. It doesn’t last long as his eyes darken and his eyebrows knit together. “I’m going to fucking kill that shit-fuck.” He says the last sentence deadly serious. I need to get his mind on something else.

  “Calm down, Sparky,” I say as I’m backing him up to the couch. “You need to relax and we need to get on with this meeting.”

  “Sparky?” he questions. I don’t think he likes that name, but his expression changes.

  “You get worked up and sparks start flying everywhere,” I tell him as he lowers himself down onto the couch. He grabs the back of my thighs pulling me onto his lap. My pumps fall off my feet and on to the floor. My knee length dress rides up just under my sex to accommodate his lap. I can feel the bulge in his pants touching me through our clothes and my sex starts to pulsate.

  He has one hand wrapped around my waist and the other moving from the back of my thigh, up under my dress to cup one of my butt cheeks. He pulls me closer and his face is touching my stomach. The fabric of my dress is between my skin and his mouth. He inhales deeply.

  “You’re perfect,” he says. He moves his hand from my waist to the top of my dress where the zipper is. Slowly, he slides it down. He looks up at me.

  “I have to see all of you. I need to see all of you.” I don’t stop him. I want this too. I shouldn’t, but I do. Last night isn't enough. There has been an empty void since he withdrew from me last night. I should still be mad at him for keeping a secret from me. It's sort of a big secret, but I can’t think about that now. I really need him inside of me. If he had told me who he is, I probably would never have let last night happen and I rather enjoyed it.

  He lifts the dress over my head and I rest my hands on his shoulders. He unhooks my lacy white bra and tosses it to the side. He’s still fully dressed. His face goes between my breasts, kissing me between them. I bend, bringing his face to meet mine and kiss him while loosening his tie.

  I’m sitting on his lap in nude stockings and white lacy panties. He looks down at my sex with hungry eyes.

  “Stand up,” he commands and I do as I’m told. His eyes hold their position. “Take off your panties, but leave the stockings on,” he says.

  Hooking my thumbs into each side of my panties, I slowly slide them to the floor. I step out and he pulls me back onto his lap.

  I go for his belt, unbuckling and pulling it from the loops of his pants. I toss it to my right. I reach for the button on his pants and it pops open. After I pull his zipper down, he lifts so that I can slide his pants and boxer briefs down to the floor. He kicks them off with his feet along with his shoes. His cock is rock hard, and the length is touching the lips of my womanhood.

  She is doing a “hell yeah” dance.

  I push his jacket off his arms and remove it from behind him. He’s watching me and rubbing the sides of both of my thighs. The contact between us is electric. One second his hands are touching the skin above my stockings, and the next second, it’s over my stockings and then back up again.

  I remove his tie and unbutton his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders and down his back. He reaches for his cock, stroking it as I lift myself from his lap. He guides himself to my opening. I ease back down slowly, and he enters me. The emptiness inside me is gone and I’m filled with him, all of him to the hilt.

  “God, you’re fucking hot as hell in there, and so damn tight. I don’t know how much more of you I can take before I explode,” he says and I smile. I love that I’m such a turn on for him, because he is very much a turn on for me.

  I start to move up and down on him. He takes one of my nipples into his mouth, his hands holding on to my back. My head falls backwards as he bites down hard and I let out a scream of pleasure. He quickly covers my mouth and I look at him.

  “You have to be quiet. The room isn’t soundproof,” he says as he tries not to laugh. I still and look to the door wondering if someone’s going to come in. He sees my scared expression.

  “No one can come in without me pressing a button, letting them in.” I turn and look at him confused.

  “The door automatically locks when it’s shut. I have to press a button on my desk to unlock it.”

  “We should stop. This isn’t why I’m here,” I say. As I’m about to get off him, he grabs me and flips me onto my back, all without removing his cock from inside me. His lips are on mine before I can protest, and he starts moving in and out, hard, really hard and fast. I moan into his mouth and I feel myself building inside. I’m going to lose it. I can’t hold it back.

  “I’m going to fucking explode if you don’t come.” He says and I rupture before the sentence is out. While I’m crashing, he reaches his climax and spills himself inside me. It’s warm and my cries are muffled into his mouth.

  We still and are both panting. He places his forehead to mine.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.” It’s not a question, but I don’t think he means it as a command either.

  “I can’t. I’m going out with my friends tonight,” I answer, still breathless. He pulls out of me and I sit up looking for my clothes. “I’ll probably stay at their apartment to
night,” I continue. I’ve already spent the last two nights in his bed; he’s bound to want me out of there by now. He zips his pants up.

  “Will I see you tomorrow?” he asks as he walks over to help me zip up my dress. He plants a soft kiss on the back of my shoulder. It’s warm and sends electric currents through my body. How can he do this to me with just a simple touch?

  “Yes, I need to get my things from your room,” I say and I recognize the look in his eyes as pain. I ignore it and slide into my pumps as he slides my jacket over my arms. He turns and reaches for his jacket, slipping into it. He looks perfect and not like he just had sex in his office.

  He looks strong and in control.

  I can only imagine the way I must look, and now I have to walk back through the front office. Oh God, will they know? Did anyone hear me? Does he do this often? Am I just another client he fucked? Everything is going through my mind at once. It’s too much. I need to get on with our meeting and get out of here.

  “Fine. Call or text me when you need to come by.” He sounds a little upset or mad. I’m not sure which.

  “You didn’t look at my portfolio.” I eye it sitting on the table while he is walking to his desk.

  “I saw enough yesterday. Did you use the photo I suggested?” I nod to him. I’m not sure what to make of this.

  “Good, then everything is complete! I’ll make sure Teresa starts on it Monday morning. I’ll have her set up another meeting with you to talk about logistics in a few weeks.” He is pressing a button on his desk. I assume it’s the unlock button to the door.

  He presses another button; this time on his phone and a second later, I hear Rachel’s voice. “Yes, Mr. Lockhart?”

  “Please show Miss Taylor out,” he tells her. No more than five seconds later, Rachel is at the door to collect me. Reality hits hard. That’s all this is; an office fuck, and now he’s dismissing me.

  Unfucking believable.

  * * * * *

  I don’t go back to work. I need time to think. I can’t believe I let all this happen. What the hell is wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with me I tell myself answering my own question. I’m just frustrated. I’ve gone months without sex. And oh my God, I silently want to squeal; sex with Nick is incredible, both times were beyond amazing, but I know have to end this and not see him again. If I keep this up, I’m going to fall in love with the fuck. I know I can’t handle another heartbreak.

  The strangest thing is, I’m heartbroken over Allison, not Luke. That’s when it hits me and the light bulb goes on; Luke was a convenience. I wasn’t in love with him the way I should have been. If it wasn’t for Allison’s involvement, I may have welcomed the betrayal. It was an eye-opener, but how the hell could she do this?


  Yeah, I’m not close to being over it.

  I find myself parked outside Bella’s. When I’m stressed or having a bad day, I shop. It’s my second favorite shop, and I do need a dress for tonight. My friends and I are going to Club Blue tonight.

  Walking in, I immediately see the dress I’ve been eyeing for two weeks. I know it fits perfectly. I’ve only tried it on five times. It’s white silk underneath with a white lace overlay.

  It’s sleeveless and shows the right amount of cleavage. It comes about four inches above my knee. I grab the size eight from the rack and walk to the back where the lingerie is kept. I grab a white strapless, silky smooth pushup bra and matching panties from the rack, and walk up to the checkout counter.

  “It’s about time you bought this dress,” the lady says. I don’t know her, but she has obviously seen me in here a few times. I smile warmly and hand her my credit card.

  I toss the bags into the passenger seat of my car and slide into my seat. I take a left out of the parking lot and head to The Cove. I have to get my stuff from Nick’s place before he gets home. I can’t see him again. If I do, I’m going to want him again. Who am I kidding? I want him right now, but I can’t keep this up.

  I’m sure he won’t be too upset. I know men like him don’t have trouble finding a woman to fall into their bed.

  Getting into the elevator, I retrieve my cell phone to bring up the text from last night with the code for the penthouse. I quickly type it in and ride up.

  When I enter the living room area, I walk straight to the bedroom and grab all my belongings. On the way out, I notice the doorframe has been fixed. I sigh, realizing I’m going to really miss him. Not just the sex, but him. How can I be so affected by a man I just met two days ago? I’ve never felt this way for another person before and that’s scary.

  I shake my head−like that’s going to help me forget about him−and make my exit. I reach my car and toss everything in my small trunk. When I settle into the driver’s seat, I take my phone out of my purse and see I have a missed call from Katelyn. I quickly call her back.

  “Hey, chickie. Are we still on for tonight?” I can hear the excitement in her voice. Katelyn loves our Friday nights together. She’s not a big drinker like me, but we both love to dance.

  “Absolutely,” I say with the same excitement in my voice. “I need a fun night out and the distraction.” I don’t tell her the distraction I really need is from Nick. I know she is thinking it’s because of Luke and Allison.

  “Shannon, are you really okay? Stacy says you are, but I need to hear you say it,” she says. Her excitement has turned to concern.

  “I am,” I reply, because truthfully I am. I do not miss Luke. Allison is a different story; I’m really hurt and angry by what she did. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive her.

  “So can I come over to get dressed at your place and crash on your couch tonight?”

  “Of course you can. You should know by now you don’t have to ask. Get your ass over here. I need to see you so I can make sure for myself that you’re really okay.” She has worry in her voice. Katelyn, just like Stacy, is a really good friend.

  “In fact, there is no reason you should be staying alone in a hotel. Bring all your stuff and you can stay with us,” she adds.

  You see, this is why I love my friends. I smile against the phone. “Okay, be there in thirty. Later,” I tell her. I don’t address the last part. Staying one night is fine, but I have no intension of staying longer. I end our call and toss my cell phone on the passenger seat of my car, and then leave The Cove’s parking lot, heading to Katelyn and Stacy’s apartment.


  Traffic is heavy this afternoon and it takes me forty minutes to get from The Cove to Katelyn and Stacy’s apartment in Pasadena. Walking up the stairs, I see Ben locking his door. He and Kyle are roommates and best friends who live next door to Katelyn and Stacy, which is how we met them one night. It’s been a blast ever since.

  “Hey, sweetness,” Ben greets me halfway up the steps as he’s jogging down. “Stace told me what happened. I can’t say I’m sorry you aren’t with that dick face anymore, but I never wanted to see you hurt. How are you?”

  I hug him as I’m laughing. “A better question is what’s with the douche-stash, Ben?” I can’t stop laughing. It’s awful. He starts laughing too.

  “ don’t like?” he ask though chuckles as he rubs his mustache with two fingers. He has no sense of style apparently.

  “No, I don’t. It looks really bad. I thought all gay men were born with great fashion sense. What happened to yours?” I ask him, still laughing uncontrollably.

  “Quit with that stereotypical shit. Kyle gets on my fucking nerves enough with comments like that. Besides, I don’t have time for fashion, and I like my douche-stash as you call it. I think it looks fab,” he says in a serious, but playful tone. Ben is gay, but his best friend isn’t and Kyle loves to rag on Ben.

  “I can assure you it does not,” I reply. “Didn’t mustaches go out in the eighties? The only person I can think of that can rock a mustache is Burt Reynolds.” Ben rolls his eyes, which is not unlike him, and then kisses me lightly on the cheek.

  “Look, babe,
I gotta run. I’ll see you in a few hours,” he says and jogs down the rest of the stairs as I walk up the last three steps.

  Before I have time to knock, the door opens and I’m greeted with a big smile from Stacy and a glass of white wine. I take it from her hand and say, “I do love you. You know exactly what I need.” I take a sip and the cool liquid slides down my throat. It’s sweet and fruity; just the way I like my wine.

  “Please tell me you have food in this apartment. I skipped lunch,” I say to Katelyn who is walking out of the kitchen with her own glass of wine as Stacy is closing the door behind me.

  “There are a few slices of my leftover pizza from about an hour go. It’s in the kitchen on the counter. You’re welcome to that,” she offers, gesturing to the kitchen.

  I round the corner and place my glass on the black granite counter. Picking up a piece of cold peperoni pizza, I tear a piece off with my teeth; it’s delicious. I look out into the living room from the kitchen and Stacy is once again giving me a disgusted look.

  “You two are gross,” she says as she starts walking down the hall to her bedroom. I know it’s going to take her a few hours to get ready. It will probably take her an hour just to decide what to wear.

  “No, we just know how to eat unlike you who is skinnier than a rail!” I shout so she can hear me. I mean really, who doesn’t like pizza I ask myself as I walk out of the kitchen. I take a seat on the couch next to Katelyn with my glass of wine and slice of pizza in hand.

  “Do you ever wonder how guys don’t split her in two during sex?” Katelyn asks while changing the channel with the remote.

  I laugh, spitting my wine out. Katelyn has the sense of humor of most men and can speak their language. “Often,” I say and take another bite of pizza.

  “So what’s our plan tonight?” Katelyn asks me while leaning over and taking a bite of my pizza.


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