Grave Hauntings: Where Sexy and Sinful Meets Dark and Chilling

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Grave Hauntings: Where Sexy and Sinful Meets Dark and Chilling Page 4

by Parkerson, Charity

  She slipped into a pair of plain white underpants that matched the cotton knee socks, then threw on the costume. She started to button the white shirt, looked at herself in the mirror a moment, and simply tied the tails in a knot above her belly button. Very hot, with her sternum bared between her breasts. One advantage of being so flat-chested was getting away with dressing like this.

  Her small pink nipples pebbled as she regarded herself, poking against the soft cotton. Like the rest of her, her nips were tiny, but prominent when aroused. Perfect for clamping.

  She felt her knees start to buckle as she imagined Zack’s strong hands and long fingers putting nipple clamps on her. She almost reached for her once again-damp pussy, but restrained herself. A glance at the clock, and she gasped and flew to the bathroom. He’d be there in ten minutes!

  This costume required very little makeup to work—just some concealer, blush, and a little eyeliner to make her green eyes more prominent and innocent-looking. And the crowning touch: her long hair tied into two side ponytails.

  She’d just finished with her hair when she heard three firm knocks on her door, and stifled a shriek. He was there!

  She slipped on her black patent leather heels and raced to the door, skidded to a halt, and opened it. Her pounding heart nearly exploded.

  “Hello, Lucy,” Zack said in his deep voice, looking down at her with those fierce ice-blue eyes, high cheekbones, slender nose, and that dark three-day growth of beard she imagined he took care in cultivating. All crowned by a thick head of raven-black hair that just begged to have her fingers sliding through it.

  And he was wearing a sexy werewolf costume! When she’d told him about the Halloween party, they got to talking about their favorite horror movies, and she had said how much she liked werewolves over vampires. She hadn’t thought he’d heard her, but he had! She felt woozy.

  He was shirtless, the attached fur strips across the top of his shoulders and down the backs of his arms making him look menacing. His pectoral muscles were like twin slabs of dusky marble under his natural chest hair, and his abs looked carved from the same stone. The ragged and torn costume trousers barely reached his knees, and were strategically ripped in spots. And where they were not ripped, right there in the center… Ohh. He was big! And as she stared, unable to pull away her eyes, he grew even more.

  His cock crawled down the inside of his left thigh under her gaze, and she felt his eyes burning into her skin. Licking her lips, she glanced up at him. The intensity of his stare as he inspected her almost made her pass out.

  “You look… good,” she said, barely able to breathe, looking up at his six-feet-plus from her five-feet-nothing.

  Zack stepped inside and closed the door. She fell back as he came towards her, as if they were the same poles of different magnets. But then the poles flipped as he took hold of her, spinning her around and making her gasp, pressing her back against the door, and himself full length against her.

  She stared at his sculpted chest, so close she could lick it, unable to meet his fierce gaze. He put a fingertip under her chin and raised her face to look into his eyes.

  “From the first day I saw you at the coffee shop, I knew,” he said.

  “Knew… what?” she squeaked. Her heart was about to detonate.

  “Everything,” he said, his voice resonating in her core. “That’s why I stayed away for so long.”

  “I don’t… understand,” she said, her head whirling. He was so masculine. His scent… She breathed him in like a drug.

  “I saw you that first day,” he said, stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers. “But I forced myself to ignore you.”

  Her eyes had rolled back in her head, but now snapped open. “Why?”

  “Because I am… intense,” he said, the first time she’d ever heard him pause in his speech.

  “I know.”

  He shook his head. “No, you don’t. I want— I need things from a girl. Powerful things. Sometimes difficult things.”

  She had been right about him! “I want to give you those things,” she whispered.

  He opened his mouth to say more, but clamped it shut and searched her face. “I’ll be damned,” he said. “I actually believe you.”

  Before she could reply, he bent and kissed her. His tongue forced its way between her lips, sought her tongue, and thrust hard against it. She sighed to the soles of her feet and melted against him, standing on her tiptoes while he bent to pull her tight. After a few moments he straightened, pulling her off the floor in his strong arms without breaking their kiss. Her feet dangled, and her left leg curled as his kiss deepened. She felt herself getting lost in him, and rejoiced.

  This was the man!

  Her hands slid up his arms, the coarse costume hair scratching her palms and sending shivers through her. Then she got to his neck, and felt his own rough yet silken hairs under her fingertips. Her hands slipped into his thick hair and fisted, pulling hard.

  He groaned, and his broad, strong hands caressed down her back and under her ass. Squeezing her small ass cheeks hard, he pressed himself into her. She felt his huge cock throbbing into her cotton-clad cunt, and she knew she was responding by soaking those doomed panties.

  His hands slipped under her slutty schoolgirl skirt and into her panties, one big finger gliding between her ass cheeks. She held her breath even as she darted her tongue against his, wondering, Would he?

  His fingertip pressed against her anus, and she almost passed out. Yes! She moaned, maybe louder than she needed to, and locked her ankles behind his back.

  The throbbing of his cock against her grew more rapid, and the pulsing shaft felt like it was branding her, it was so hot. Part of her brain was trying to remember if she had any condoms left in her bedside table, because if this kept going, in a few minutes she knew he would be fucking her in every hole.

  And suddenly he stopped and set her down.

  She whimpered, afraid to open her eyes and look at him. Had she done something wrong? Had she been too forward in letting him know he could have her however he wanted? Had he been testing her to see if she was anything more than a slut? She squeezed her eyes tighter, fearful the tears were about to begin.

  “Open your eyes.”

  His voice was rasping, but so gentle that she obeyed immediately. He still had that fierce look in his cool blue eyes, but she saw kindness there as well. And… something else?

  He cupped her cheek with his right hand. His palm was so warm she felt it through her entire body. Bending down, he kissed her forehead, her nose, and soft as gossamer on her lips. That made her whimper again, but this time with hope.

  “I stopped,” he said, “because if I hadn’t, I never would have.”

  It took her several moments to find her voice, but in just these few minutes together, she felt like she could tell him anything, so she said, “I don’t want you to stop.”

  The perpetual smirk on his lips lifted to an amused smile. “I know,” he said. “But I didn’t want you to think I saw you as a slut.”


  He put a finger to her lips. “Not just as a slut.” He regarded her, and all she wanted to do was crawl in through those wise eyes and shelter inside him. He continued, “I know who you are, and what you crave.”

  He curled his fingers in her ponytails and yanked her head back. The sudden sharp pain and the intensity of his dominance brought her to the edge of orgasm. Now—?

  But he only kissed her lips again, gentle as before, and said, “We have the rest of the night.” Or longer, his eyes said, and she cheered inside. “I want to take you out. Talk. Dance. Get to know you.” He pulled harder on her hair, crushed against her so that she again felt the heat from his still-hard cock, and said, “And then I am going to bring you back here and fuck you like the dripping little whore that you are, until you are nothing more than a feeling puddle of cum.”

  She clamped her thighs together as her orgasm slammed through her cunt and sent every muscle
in her body rigid. He covered her lips with his, pressing so hard against her that he cut her lip on her own teeth. That only made her come harder. Sliding one knee between his legs, the other outside his right thigh, she ground her pussy against his rock-hard quad muscle as she shuddered and moaned.

  Thought left her body as she became part of his, wanting nothing more than to allow the last vestiges of her thinking self to depart, and only her emotions to remain. Just as he had said.

  He pulled his lips away from hers, slid one big hand down her belly and to her crotch. Grinding his palm against her pussy, making her gasp, he slipped a finger inside her wet hole. Now she stopped breathing altogether. He withdrew his finger, licked it, then brought it to her lips.

  “Do I have your consent for the rest of this night?” he said.

  She took his finger, slicked with her own juices, into her mouth and sucked, all the while gazing into his eyes. When he pulled it out, she whispered, “Anything. Anything you want.”

  He chuckled. Looked at her a moment, said, “Leave the panties.”

  She obeyed, her mind calming at his command. He took the sodden panties from her, examined the soaked crotch, grinned, and stuffed them in the pocket of his costume’s trousers.

  “For a gag, later,” he told her.

  She almost swooned, but he caught her. “Let’s get you outside,” he said. “Some fresh air, and some dancing when we get to the party, will make this night last longer.”

  She couldn’t wait till they came back here later.

  Once outside, the cool night air brought her back to herself some, but being in his presence made her feel euphoric and warm. She hoped that feeling would never end.

  “My car is over there,” he said.

  She gripped his hand. “Let’s cut through the woods behind the building,” she said. “It’ll be faster than driving.”

  “Sure,” he smiled, pulling her close.

  They passed a few kids dressed in vampire and princess costumes, carrying their bags of Halloween candy, and their parents trailing behind. One of the moms looked at Lucy’s costume and tsked, but Zack gave the mom that smile, and she blushed and looked away.

  “Maybe she saw my naked pussy,” Lucy whispered, smoothing the very short skirt down as best she could in the gentle breeze that was blowing.

  Zack shrugged. “Jealous, perhaps. She’ll have to get her own monster for the night. Yours is taken.”

  Lucy sighed and snuggled against him as they rounded the rear of the building. She showed him where the small gate in the fence was, and they went through it and onto the dirt trail. Orange lights atop poles spaced every ten yards made eerie pools of illumination amidst the greater darkness. The wind rustled the leaves, and branches danced and swayed. There were no other sounds save their soft footfalls on the pine needle-covered trail. Zack put his arm around her shoulders, and she folded into him as they walked. The silver light of the full moon dappled the ground where it broke through the canopy overhead.

  Reaching a fork in the trail, Lucy pointed to the left branch. “That one.”

  The branch was darker than the main trail, with lights now every thirty yards. Lucy’s scalp prickled. It was so shadowy. Maybe she should have let Zack drive.

  They passed one of the sparse lights and moved into the darker space between. The shadows were creepy here, with the wind blowing harder and making the fallen leaves swirl, and her imagination whirled.

  Ahead, one of the large shadows split, and a hulking figure stepped into the center of the trail. Lucy stopped. Zack saw where she was looking, frowned. He turned them to go back the way they’d come, but another large figure now stepped onto the trail.

  “Zack!” Lucy whispered, fear tightening her throat.

  She heard a growl rise from Zack’s chest as he put his arm around her and drew her along the trail towards the second figure. “If he makes a move,” Zack murmured, “I’ll flatten him. You run for your apartment and call the police.”

  “I’m not leaving you!” she hissed, her heart beating like a kettledrum.

  Zack stopped and took her face in his hands. “A few minutes ago,” he said, “you consented to me. That means you are now under my protection. I will not let anything happen to you. And you will do what I tell you, so that I can protect you.”

  The breath sighed out of her. “Yes, Zack,” she whispered.

  “Let’s go,” he said. “I’m not standing here until these assholes decide what they’re going to do.”

  He took her hand and strode towards the immobile second figure. Lucy risked a glance over her shoulder; the first figure was also standing motionless. Who were they?

  The figure they approached was silhouetted by the orange light, but as they neared Lucy saw he was in costume as well, similar to Zack’s werewolf outfit, except for some extra hair and very large muscles and claws.

  “Let us pass,” Zack said as they drew to within a few feet. The figure didn’t move, so Zack pulled her around the man.

  Suddenly the massive figure was in front of them again. Lucy gasped; she hadn’t even seen him move. And now the man opened his mouth in what may have been a grin, but Lucy’s blood ran cold—his mouth was full of razor-sharp fangs!

  “A costume,” Zack muttered to her. Then louder, “Okay, I get it—Halloween prank. I’ve asked you to step aside nicely. I won’t ask again.”

  A breath of hot air behind them, and Lucy screamed as the first figure appeared off her shoulder. How had he moved so fast?

  As that figure reached towards Lucy, Zack fired a karate kick into the man’s midsection. Even though it had looked like a powerful kick to Lucy, the man barely moved, just opened his mouth and laughed. His fangs were just as sharp and plentiful as the other man’s, and Lucy chilled with dread.

  Zack snarled and punched the man in the face. This had even less effect than the kick, and the man laughed again. With a backhand swipe that looked casual, he knocked Zack into the air twenty feet away!

  Lucy screamed and felt faint. “Zack!” How were these guys so strong? Were they on drugs?

  The man grabbed Lucy’s arm, and his hot breath was fetid, like earth and rotting meat. “You come with us,” he growled, in a voice that sounded nothing like a man’s. More the snarl of a dog.

  “Not a chance!” Zack hurled himself up from the ground. Slamming into the thug, he hooked an arm around the man’s neck and brought his other arm around in a choke hold. The man reached over his shoulder and grabbed Zack by his thick hair. Yanking, he hurled Zack over himself and onto the ground. Zack grunted and leaped to his feet.

  As Lucy watched, their attackers changed before her eyes. Growing larger, thicker, hairier, and—

  Oh no! They really were werewolves!

  “Zack!” she shrieked.

  But it was too late. The man—the werewolf—slashed his claws across Zack’s bare chest, flaying his flesh and slicing him to white bone. The creature howled with laughter and bloodlust, grabbed Zack, and bit his neck almost all the way through with his razor fangs. Blood fountained, and Zack fell to the dirt, his body limp and still.

  “No!” she screamed, jerking against the steel grip the wolf had on her arm. She scratched and kicked, but it was like fighting a concrete wall. He laughed, then growled, and shook her like she was a helpless kitten. He threw back his head and yowled, his cohort joining in.

  The sound turned Lucy’s blood to ice. It was one thing to like the wolves in books and movies, but facing two of them—two werewolves that had just killed Zack—was so frightening she could not think or breathe.

  The wolf fixed her with his eerie green eyes, and his hand slid to her throat. Lifting her off the ground, he regarded her as she began to choke.

  “We want a female for our pack,” he said, the sound like growling mixed with a bark. “You’ll do.”

  “No!” she gasped against his iron grip on her throat.

  He growl-laughed again. “Don’t worry. We’ll turn you into one of us, and then you�
�ll understand. And you will enjoy us.” He set her down and glanced at his partner. “All of us.” They each took one of Lucy’s arms, and turned to go.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Behind them! Lucy dug her heels into the soft earth, and the wolves frowned and turned. Zack was rising from the ground where he had lain, dead—or so she had thought. His wounds healed before her eyes, disappearing as if they had never existed. The look on his face was murderous. And he seemed… bigger?

  The first wolf snorted. “We have turned you,” he said to Zack. “You are one of us now, brother.”

  “I have always been this way,” Zack snarled, advancing. “And I am not your brother.”

  Zack came towards the wolves, and with each step he grew taller, broader, more muscled, more… wolf. His arms lengthened, his legs thickened, his neck widened into steel cables of power. His skin darkened to a rich mocha, and a fine mat of fur sprang forth.

  And his face… Lucy watched—horrified, fascinated—as his nose and mouth lengthened into the muzzle of a wolf, but far more fearsome. His fangs protruded several inches from his snout, and claws grew half a foot from each fingertip.

  “Let her go,” Zack growl-barked, “and I may let you live.”

  “She is ours,” the first wolf said. “We have claimed her.”

  “So be it,” Zack said. He came towards them, growing ever taller, stronger, more frightening. His costume trousers strained at the seams. With a loud rip! they split from his waist and thighs and fell away. The faux fur patches on his arms and shoulders dropped off and were replaced with real fur.

  The first wolf pushed Lucy away and to the ground, and he and his partner began to grow just like Zack was doing. Despite the situation, Lucy’s eyes riveted on Zack, on the pure animal power he radiated. He was naked, looking somewhere between a wolf and a man, but more than each. And his cock… it was as big as her forearm, even at rest!

  It seemed like the two wolves would yet triumph over Zack, matching him inch for inch as they grew. Zack paused ten feet away.


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