Grave Hauntings: Where Sexy and Sinful Meets Dark and Chilling

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Grave Hauntings: Where Sexy and Sinful Meets Dark and Chilling Page 13

by Parkerson, Charity

  “Me too.”

  His body shook again and he groaned, closing his eyes as if in pain. “What can I do?” I pleaded, rubbing his back and arms, savoring the feel of his skin beneath mine as I tried to soothe.

  “Nothing. I need to go, though.”

  “Will I see you again?”

  “I don’t know.” He opened his mouth to say more, but closed it and shook his head.

  “What?” I pushed.

  “I want to see you again, but this life is too hard to bring someone else in. Only seeing you once or twice a month, maybe, that’s not the life you deserve, and I’m not sure I can handle that either.”

  “Don’t you think I should be the one to decide if I deserve it or not?” My voice was brisk, angry. How dare he make a decision like that. If he didn’t want to see me again, fine, but he didn’t have to make it seem like it was for my benefit.

  “Please,” he shushed me. “Let’s end it just like this. With the memory of me loving you fresh in both of our minds. Please, for me?”

  His lips claimed mine for the hundredth, maybe thousandth time that night, but it was so much sweeter than any other kiss we’d shared thus far. I felt him. I felt the emotions, the connection we shared. Though it was only brief, I knew I would carry that connection with me for eternity. The anger evaporated before the kiss had even begun. I couldn’t hold on to it, no matter how hard I tried.

  The kiss ended slowly, neither of us wanting to part. But we eventually did, and I nodded my understanding before we both stood. We faced each other, naked, unashamed, staring into each others eyes for a mere heartbeat before I turned around and faced the wall.

  As soon as he groaned, I closed my eyes, but I couldn’t get away from the pained sounds behind me. There was a wet sucking sound as loud pops echoed throughout the tiny cabin. Tears stained my cheeks as I imagined what I was hearing, only knowing he had to be hurting. Knowing I would never see him again.

  It was mere minutes when all went silent. I swallowed hard, trying to hear something, but all I heard was the pounding of my racing heart. Then I felt him. A brush of something warm and soft, and furry? Caressed against my calf. I should have been scared, confused, but I wasn’t. I knew it was him. And when his tongue took one long lick of the skin behind my knee, I smiled.

  I didn’t care what he’d said, I needed to see him. Only hesitating for a second, I turned around, prepared to see a beautiful dark haired wolf staring at me, but instead I saw nothing. He was gone.

  A gust of cold wind blew my hair and I turned to see the front door cracked open. He was truly gone, and I never felt more alone in this isolated cabin as I did in that moment.

  Walking slowly over, I shut the door and leaned against it, shivering at the cool wood at my back. Never, I thought. I would never forget him. Even if I didn’t know his name. I smiled at myself as I thought about it. He came to me on Halloween night, a night that would forever be etched into my memory.

  “I’ll never forget you, Hal,” I said aloud and smiled when I heard the distinct sound of a wolf howling outside. My heart felt a little lighter, and I knew. This wasn’t the end. We would see each other again. One day.

  About C.E. Black

  C.E. Black has a full time job keeping up with her husband and two children. Between bouts of writing, they keep her more than busy, so she sneaks in reading whenever she can. She loves romance, of all genres, but so far her works have only included Paranormal Romance.

  C.E. Black likes to write stories she wants to read, so her books include steamy scenes, Alpha males, and dangerous circumstances, but also holds the sweet romance that makes you melt. So, If you're looking for a fast paced story, full of action, heat, and plot; one you can't put down until you've turned that last page, then pick up a book by author C.E. Black

  Also by C.E. Black

  If you liked HAL, be sure to check out Shifted Perceptions.

  Find Shifted Perceptions and view C.E. Black’s author page.

  For more from C.E. Black

  Twitter @CEBlackbooks



  True to Her Nature

  by Will LaForge

  Chapter 1

  “Jimmy, watch out,” a voice screeched.

  The warning startled him. “What?”

  In slow motion, Jimmy Olstein looked up from his smart phone and what he saw froze him where he stood. His blood pressure skyrocketed and his sphincter muscles clenched. The text he’d been so engrossed with no longer seemed so important. A car hurtled straight toward him and he had seconds to live or die. Apparently, texting while walking could be just as hazardous to a person’s health as texting and driving. The folly of not paying attention was about to become painfully clear, because he’d just stepped off the curb, against the light, into oncoming traffic.

  How fucking stupid can you be, he screamed in his mind? His unintended game of chicken with the homicidal drivers on the streets of Boston was pedestrian suicide. Terror flooded his veins and rigor mortis seized his entire body. Got to move, got to move he silently screamed. There was just one problem…his suddenly addled brain wasn’t sending signals to his legs.

  Thirty feet – The text had been the best news he’d received all year. He got the promotion he’d coveted and the Chief wanted him to come in early tomorrow to discuss his new duties. He briefly wondered who would get the promotion now. The cabbie stepped on the gas and the grill of the yellow demon seemed to smile at him.

  Twenty feet – His mother would be happy he’d put on clean underwear this morning. He should have told Lois he loved her. The cab’s horn blared a warning that reminded him of a charging bull.

  Ten feet – He could see the maniacal gleam in the cabbie’s eyes. Who would feed his cat? Something warm tricked down his leg. Time to die.

  A strong hand grabbed his arm and snatched him back on the curb a split second before the speeding cab could splatter him all over the street. As the cab streaked by and splashed water all over his slacks, the cabbie gave Jimmy a finger as if pissed he missed hitting him.

  A gush of air exploded from Jimmy’s mouth as he remembered to breathe. He looked wildly at his friend as if he’d just awakened from a bad dream. The reality of what happened…or almost happened slammed into him with the impact of a punch to the gut. His legs trembled and he started to slump to the ground.

  That same vice grip held him up and kept him from falling. “Jimmy, are you okay?”

  Jimmy swallowed a deep breath and gathered his male ego. “No, yes…yeah, I’m fine. What the fuck, now I look like I pissed all over myself,” he screamed. “Damn asshole cab drivers.”

  Clark, his rescuer, started laughing. “Dude, you were almost killed and you’re worried about your pants getting wet. You’re lucky I was paying attention and not playing with my phone. What the hell was so important?”


  Clark’s eyes twinkled with mirth. “Who were you texting? Or were you sexting somebody? Please don’t tell me you were sending Lois a selfie.”

  A myriad of emotions swept over Jimmy, relief, happiness and…embarrassment. “I got the promotion.”

  “Out-fucking-standing,” Clark said. “You’ve been pining over Lois and stressing about that promotion for weeks…maybe months. Well, now you’ll get the desk right behind her and you can stare at the back of her head all day.”

  Jimmy frowned. “I don’t pine.”

  Clark snorted. “Right. Ok, come on. Let’s get out of here before lightning strikes you for lying.”

  “That’s not funny, Clark.”

  The streetlight changed and Clark led his young friend across the street. Jimmy’s eyes darted left and right as he crossed the street, just like his mother had taught him. They reached the other side and continued walking toward the designated employee parking area. Jimmy carpooled with Clark and this was Clark’s week to drive.

  “Bullshit Jimmy, you do pine. You’ve been pinning after Lois from the moment you set eyes
on her and I don’t blame you. She’s smart, ambitious and she’s not a drama queen. Oh, and for bonus points she’s freaking gorgeous. Anyway, today is your lucky day. You got your promotion and I…or Fate, saved your ass from being squished on the windshield of that cab like a bug. We need to celebrate. Let’s go to Bukowski’s for a drink. I’m buying.”

  Jimmy rolled his eyes skyward. “I don’t know why you like that dump Bukowski’s so much. There’s never anyone there but losers and lonely, bored soccer Mothers I’d like to Fuck (MILF). MILF’s with big tits and bigger asses, which I will never get to fuck.” A laser bolt of insight shot up Jimmy’s ass and he slapped his forehead. “Duh, I must be suffering from post-traumatic shock. Of course you like going to that hole-in-a-wall bar. Hell, you should go there every night, those MILF’s love a good-looking ex-jock like you.”

  Clark stopped by his car and ran a hand through his thick, curly blond hair. A dark cloud shadowed his countenance and his whole face changed. Gone was the affable smile, now replaced by a grimace and a look of anger. Suddenly Jimmy wished he hadn’t teased his friend.

  Jimmy’s best friend had never recovered emotionally from the injury that had cost him his professional football career. He found out quickly who his real friends were when the cheers of the crowd died. Those so-called friends stopped calling and his fiancée called off the wedding once she realized he wouldn’t be signing a million dollar plus contract. Now Clark worked a nine-to-five job like everyone else and he no longer felt special. A string of one night stands satisfied his carnal needs, but he clearly needed something more. Jimmy could tell his soul was in despair.

  “Well, do you want to go or not? I’m not begging you to go,” Clark said in a brusque tone that Jimmy was unused to hearing from his friend.

  “Sure, I want to go. Like you said, today is my lucky day. Maybe one of those MILF’s will take pity on a scrawny guy with freckles and take me home, so she can mother me. But first, we need to swing by my apartment so I can change these wet pants.” And my soiled underwear.

  A trace of a wicked smile graced Clark’s face. “Alrighty, I’ve got a feeling this is going to be a night to remember.”

  Chapter Two

  “Oh my f’ing god, would you look at what just walked through the door,” Clark said.

  Jimmy looked up and almost choked on his beer. The two women who had sauntered into Bukowski’s were definitely nobody’s MILF’s. They were tall, shapely and one of them was dressed like a stripper. She had flowing red hair and her full breasts were evident even through the coat she wore. As she walked toward the bar, her coat parted and Jimmy could see flashes of creamy white flesh. Her friend was a gorgeous blonde with piercing blue eyes. There was something about her that made Jimmy think of a slutty Barbie doll. They scanned the bar as if they were predators, sharks searching for a meal.

  Clark’s blue eyes darkened as he watched the new women. “See, I told you Jimmy, today is your lucky day. I’ve got a feeling we’re both going to get laid tonight. The redhead looks hungry. She’s eyeballing me like she wants to swallow me whole. Well, I’ve got plenty of cock to feed her.”

  Jimmy shook his head. “Yeah, I know…I’ve seen you naked in the shower at the gym.”

  Jimmy was embarrassed to admit he’d checked out his friend’s cock. Clark’s manhood was at least seven inches flaccid and probably nine inches or more when he was hard. Jimmy hoped the two sex goddesses believed size didn’t matter and they’d find his six and one-eighth inches adequate. Ok, yes…he measured his cock when he was hard with a tape measure. Hey, that eighth of an inch was important.

  “Damn, all this beer is running right through me. I’ve got to go to the john,” Jimmy said.

  Clark took a sip of his double malt scotch before he said, “You know what happens once you break the seal. You’ll have to piss ever ten minutes.”

  Jimmy pushed his chair back from their table in the corner and stood up. Clark had strategically selected a table in the back of the bar, so he could watch the women who came in and study his potential conquests.

  “Well, I can’t fight biology. I’ve got to go.”

  “Ok, I’ll be here when you get back. If I’m reading the stars right, I’ll probably have company by the time you empty your bladder.”

  Jimmy groaned. “I wouldn’t be surprised. Save the blonde for me. Be right back.”

  The men’s room was dingy as always and Jimmy didn’t linger any longer than necessary. He stood in front of the mirror and stared at his reflection. Maybe he didn’t have Clark’s chiseled looks, but he had a boyish charm a lot of women found appealing despite the freckles. He’d flicked a stray lock of hair out of his eyes. When he’d heard Lois talking about how she liked men with long hair, he’d started letting his grow. Of course, his Mother didn’t like the new look, but he didn’t care...if Lois liked his hair, that’s what mattered.

  Jimmy walked out of the men’s room into a nightmare. A dark fog wrapped around his brain and just like earlier, he froze, unable to move.

  A silky voice dripping with lust whispered in his mind, “Stay right there, I have plans for you.”

  Before his eyes a lurid scene unfolded. All the women in the bar were huddled around the sexy blonde he’d secretly hoped would make him her sex slave, if only for one night. I’m sorry Lois, but I’ve gone six months without being laid and it’s doesn’t look like you’re going to give me some anytime soon. Barbie fondled each woman and they all had a look of rapture on their faces. The scene was surreal and Jimmy sprouted a throbbing erection as he watched the hot as Hell vixen slip her hand down the pants of a pretty brunette. The brunette whimpered as Barbie fingered her to a climax. When Barbie finished, she sat back on her bar stool. All of the women suddenly turned, grabbed their possessions and walked out of the bar. Now there were only half a dozen male customers left along with Clark and Jimmy.

  “Come to me,” the silky voice whispered in his head.

  Jimmy’s legs moved without his help and he found himself walking toward the gorgeous blonde. He fought the pull and managed to steal a look toward the back of the room. Lo and behold, the redhead was straddling Clark’s lap and bouncing up and down on his cock. The room was deathly quiet, so he could hear her pussy squish every time she slammed her hips down.

  He reached the blonde siren, now bare breasted, and the voice in his head directed him to her left breast. His mouth watered as he started at her pencil eraser sized nipple. Yes, this is my lucky day. He bent to suckle on the tasty looking treat, when a scream pierced his fog.

  He turned toward the source and gasped at the sight of the redheaded seductress with fangs protruding from her mouth. Clark had a demonic look on his face and his shirt was covered with blood that dripped from his neck. The redhead looked his way, or rather at her blonde friend…for just an instant.

  “Aline,” the redhead said with her eyes trained on Barbie.

  Just the one name, then she sank her fangs in his friend’s throat. Clark clutched her ass as he bucked and kicked. He slammed her up and down on his cock and howled, “I’m coming you bitch.” The redhead held on and kept her mouth clamped to his throat. Jimmy cringed with horror at the loud slurping sounds the redhead made.

  “Suck my nipple…now,” the voice in Jimmy’s head commanded.

  He turned from the haunting and salacious spectacle as the sound of Clark’s groans grew weaker. A cold dread crept over him, a premonition of bad things to come. Barbie chuckled and images of his wet dreams with Lois swam in his mind. Still, or in spite of his growing fear, a torrid craving unlike anything he’d felt before sang in is veins. His carnal hunger reared up and true to his base nature, he quickly wrapped his lips around the turgid nipple as his cock pulsed in his pants. His eyes drifted up and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the fangs glistening in Barbie’s mouth. Perhaps today wasn’t his lucky day after all.

  Chapter Three

  “Hey Brick, when did your sexy ass get back in town?” A boisterous
voice bellowed.

  I favored Mamma with a weary smile. “I just now got back and I’m dead tired, but I had to stop by to get some of your delicious barbeque ribs. I’m so damn hungry I could eat a couple of racks with double sides.”

  If you wanted real, authentic Chicago style barbeque ribs, grilled over a charcoal fire, you came to Momma’s Rib Shack. Humans, shapeshifters and other non-humans from all over the city came to Momma’s. I made a point to stop by and pick up an order whenever I could. In my line of work, I did a lot of traveling and to me coming home meant good eating.

  I dropped my camo backpack by the counter and eased onto a stool. I quickly scanned the room. There were tables scattered between the door and the counter. A few of the tables were occupied. I scent tasted the air and all I smelled were humans, except for the faint scent of vampire coming from an empty table in the far corner. Momma served barbeque flavored beef and pork blood to vamps who wanted a different dining experience. To my left and out of my line of sight, was a small alcove where Momma had set up a pool table. I could hear the faint clink of pool balls.

  Momma smoothed her hands down her sides and her womanly figure was obvious even under the apron she wore. Her luxurious auburn hair, streaked with grey was pulled back in a bun. Momma’s one concession to age was she refused to dye her hair. When she wasn’t working, she usually let her hair flow down to her shapely ass. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, but her face was free of wrinkles or blemishes. Damn, she was a good looking one hundred and fifty-something year old were-cougar. Momma wasn’t shy about telling people her age.

  She rested her elbows on the other side of the counter, cupped her chin in her hands and gave me a bird’s eye view of her milky white cleavage. A wicked glint twinkled in her large grey eyes.

  I chuckled inwardly, Momma’s real name was Beverly, but everybody called her Momma for reasons that became obvious when you saw her entourage of hedonistic young men. All the help working at Momma’s were cut from the same cloth, young men barely legal and full of ‘stamina’. I had no illusions about Momma wanting me, she just liked to flirt. I was forty-something in human years, which made me much too old for her needs.


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