UNIT 78: RESCUED (CyBRG Files Book 2)

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UNIT 78: RESCUED (CyBRG Files Book 2) Page 6

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Kyrin,” he whispered, easing himself onto the bed next to her. She turned instantly, fitting herself against his side with a sigh of relief. “I’m going to try something to help you, but I’m going to have to—”

  “Please, Rich,” she pulled at his shirt, yanking it loose from his pants and sliding her hands up his suddenly tensed abs. For some reason, the touch of his skin seemed to soothe her, so he reached up between his shoulder blades and simply yanked the shirt off. The seams complained as it came off but he didn’t care. It wasn’t like he needed to cover himself now and he liked her hands on him far more.

  Besides, her father had said he shouldn’t lay a finger on her. He hadn’t said anything about her touching him. Now had he?

  Her hands roved over his chest and carved abs, finding and stroking along the line of all the implants she found there. He shivered at the contact, finding the skin just next to the cybernetics almost unbearably sensitive, the extra stimulation making his cock jerk in his pants. Throbbing as if in demand to be freed.

  “Please…” she begged again. “Touch me like you did before. Put your mouth on me. I hurt so much.”

  “Anything you need, sweetheart. Anytime.”

  He bent his head, swiping his tongue over her nipple and collecting the nectar that dripped from it. The sweetness exploded on his tongue and he felt the aphrodisiac in it try to grab hold of him. Ignoring it, he sent a silent command through his processor for his kidneys, both implants, to scrub it all from his blood as fast as they could.

  She groaned, the sound a mixture of pleasure and relief. He applied himself to his task, using long swipes of his tongue to clean her skin. The taste was saccharine and artificial, but he could tolerate it if it made her more comfortable. He cleaned up her breasts, swiping his tongue over each of her nipples before carefully placing a clean washcloth under each of them.

  She moaned and tried to move them but he stopped her with big hands over hers. “Shh, they’ll keep you clean, sweetheart. Leave them, please?”

  At his voice she quieted down and he moved lower down her body, following the nectar trail over her soft stomach and then dipping his tongue into the cleft at the apex of her thighs.

  “Please… put your mouth on me there,” she moaned, driving her hands into his hair. He growled deep in his throat, the sound instinctive. There was only so much temptation a man could take. With large hands, he pushed her legs further apart, opening her wide for him so he could get his broad shoulders between them. She was so tiny he was worried about dislocating her hips or something, but she merely moaned again and opened for him.

  The sight of her pussy made the breath he had in his lungs punch free. She was perfect. Delicate lips partly pulled back from the little pearl that was her clit, already wet with nectar and the juices of her arousal. But, as much as he could appreciate the sight, he could also see she was swollen and red.

  “Oh sweetheart, you’re really suffering. Aren’t you?”

  He leaned in and swept his tongue from slit to clit. Her fingers tightened in his hair and she cried out, her hips bucking against his face. She needed more so he gave her more. Sliding his metal hand onto her stomach, he held her down as he ravaged her clit, teasing the small bud with lashes of his tongue as she rocked against him.

  The nectar all gone, he lapped at the sweetness of her arousal, growling as he plunged his tongue deep into her pussy… determined to catch every last drop of it. He drove her ruthlessly up to the edge, holding no quarter but for some reason, she wouldn’t go over it. Each time he thought he’d gotten her there, her body shied away at the last minute, like a nervous filly that wouldn’t jump a fence.

  Growling in frustration, he pulled out all the stops. Suckling her swollen clit into his mouth, he slid two fingers deep within her pussy, stroking her inside with long, lazy movements that brushed her g-spot each and every time.

  It did the trick, sending her up and over the edge with a scream that could shatter glass. She came hard, flooding his fingers with the wet heat of her release as her body clamped down hard around his invasion. Lifting his head, he eased her through it with long slow strokes of his fingers until she lay pliant under his touch.

  Pulling free, he eased himself into place next to her, noting her flushed face and the way she avoided his gaze. Her flush was nothing to do with her climax, he realized, but because she was embarrassed. Her next words bore that out.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, trying to cross her legs but obviously finding it uncomfortable. “I’m sorry you’re having to do this for me. I don’t know what they’ve given me but it hurts so much. The only time I can think is when… you know.”

  When she’d just come, he mentally finished as he put the clues together. Which meant whatever they’d given her worked in cycles. He filed that information away for later. It could come in handy for Doc Chambers when she analyzed whatever they’d done to Kyrin. Then he got his thoughts into check. He wasn’t taking Kyrin back to the base, but back to her father.

  “It’s the drugs they have you on. How do you feel now?” he asked, putting his metal hand on her temple. It was far more sensitive than the other one, feeding information directly into his processing unit. “Your temperature is down a bit now.”

  “Hot. Sensitive to the touch,” she admitted. “Unless it’s you touching me, I can’t bear anything against my skin.”

  He nodded, remembering how she’d screamed at the washcloth. Flicking a glance down, he noted the flow from her breasts had slowed. They’d need to change the washcloths again before too long but they should stop her getting all sticky again.


  He almost didn’t catch the whispered word, but he yanked his head up, his gaze colliding with hers.

  “What the hell do you have to be embarrassed about?”

  She wriggled uncomfortably, but he noted she didn’t stop touching him, her fingertips drawing lines down his rib implants.

  “Having to beg you to make me come. Needing it so much I lose my mind. Not being able to control my own body.”

  “Hey, hey!” He hooked a finger under her chin to make her look up at him when she would have looked away. “None of this is your fault. I know what it’s like to not have control over your own body. When they did this to me…” He nodded down at himself, indicating the metal components. “I was locked inside myself, screaming for months, not able to control what I said or did. It was hell.”

  “And just for the record,” he added with a quirk of his lips. “You wouldn’t have to beg me to make you come. Any other time or place, I’d be down on my knees begging for the honor of touching you.”

  Her lips paused in a soft “oh” he instantly wanted to kiss off her face.

  Something pinged in the back of his mind and he smiled, opening the notification his processor had sent him. Thousands of tetra-gigs of information sped by his mind’s eye. The worm he’d uploaded simply by passing by one of the Breeding compound’s data-ports on his little tour earlier had done its work. Even now all the information on the Tr’Low database was being downloaded by his shuttle and forwarded on to both his home base and the Space Corps. That way, even if they didn’t make it out of here, Pierce and his cronies had more than enough on the fanatical assholes to level this place. Because one thing was for sure, if they didn’t, when his team mates got here, the Tr’Low would face cyborg retribution unlike anything the galaxy had ever seen.

  But it wouldn’t come to that because they were getting the fuck out of here.

  “Can you walk?” He leaned in to whisper in her ear, making sure his lips couldn’t be seen from anyone outside the room. He’d used his internal array to ensure no one could listen in on them, but he wouldn’t put it past the assholes to have someone that could lip-read as well. Sure, Sister Yancy had cleared the leering breeding males from the corridors around the open-walled room, but there were still nuns watching them. No doubt waiting for whatever sign their dumb-fuck god had told them mean
t their “queen” was ready to be bred.


  “Yeah,” she nodded, her voice as low as his. She’d turned toward him as she spoke, perhaps picking up on his tension, even though he’d deliberately kept his body lax and his movements unhurried, like they were two lovers engaging in idle chitchat. “I think so. Why?”

  “We’re getting the hell out of here. That’s why.”

  He levered himself off the bed with a burst of movement, pulling her with him. In one quick motion, he scooped up his discarded shirt and dropped it over her head. As tiny as she was, it swamped her, the hem nearly coming to her knees. She hissed at the contact with her skin but shook her head when he looked at her in concern.

  “I’m fine. Just get us the hell out of here.”

  So he did, using the frequency he’d lifted from the compound’s still downloading database to drop the security shield around the room. To cause a distraction, he went one step further, infiltrating their systems to drop all the security shields across the entire compound. A bellow of triumph told him the breeding males had figured out their prey was now unprotected.

  “There,” he muttered, urging her along the corridor and taking a left turn. “That should keep them busy for a while.”

  “How do you know where we’re going?” she asked, having to run to keep up as he increased the pace. He had to keep them moving. Her scent was beginning to swell once more, and he knew when that happened, he’d have to bring her to climax again. He wanted to be in the safety of his shuttle with them hurtling off planet when he did.

  “I downloaded the compound schematics.” He tapped his temple. “We need to take a left up here, then a right, and we’ll be somewhere near my shuttle.”

  She breathed a small sigh of relief and he didn’t blame her. The end of her ordeal was in sight.


  Chapter Seven

  Kyrin could hardly believe it. She was actually getting out of here! Someone had come for her after all. And not just any someone. Rich seemed like a wonderful guy.

  He hadn’t judged her for the needs the breeding drugs had caused in her—hadn’t made her feel guilty or wrong and shameful. He’d simply done what had to be done. He’d given Kyrin what she needed.

  Even when what you needed was to have your nipples sucked and your pussy licked, whispered a hot little voice in her head.

  Kyrin tried to push it away but it wouldn’t go. In her mind’s eye she kept seeing Rich on his knees between her spread thighs, bending his head to lap between her thighs while two thick fingers pushed into her, filling her to the limit while she came so hard against his tongue. He might be a cyborg and half made of metal, but he had tasted her like he liked it—like the human side of him couldn’t get enough of her.

  She supposed some women might find him frightening. He was huge and the metal implants made him incredibly intimidating. But with her, he had been nothing but gentle, kind, and patient.

  And hot, whispered the little voice in her head. Don’t forget that.

  Kyrin wished she could forget it. Every time she remembered the way Rich had sucked and licked and tasted her, it made her nipples tighten and her pussy throb. She could practically feel her temperature rising and with it, the need caused by the breeding drugs. But there was a new sensation too—one that worried her a lot.

  Empty, she thought as they raced down the corridors. I feel so empty inside—like I need to be filled. Why do I feel like that?

  She couldn’t worry about it now. She would deal with it later, Kyrin decided. Straight ahead of them were the large, dirty white double doors, which led to the exit of the Breeding Compound. Once, not so long ago, she had believed she would never see the other side of those doors. She’d thought she would die here after being bred again and again until her body finally broke down and couldn’t bear any more children.

  But that was before Rich had come for her. Before he had saved her. Before—

  “And just where do you think you’re going, metal man?”

  Father Tr’Ayer stepped out from behind a corner just as they were about to reach the doors, a blaster in his hand.

  “No!” Kyrin gasped, hanging back instinctively.

  “Get behind me.” Rich pushed her behind his broad back and kept advancing. “Your puny weapon doesn’t scare me,” he growled at Father Tr’Ayer. “Move out of the way or I’ll move you myself. And if I move you, you won’t be getting up again.”

  Father Tr’Ayer’s bony face went pale but he held his ground. Suddenly a mass of eunuch guards surrounded him, also waving weapons. Then, as though to make the party complete, Sister Yancy appeared as well.

  Kyrin felt her heart sink. Trapped! They were trapped here all over again, and they had been so close to getting free! The scuffed white double doors were just three feet away! So close she could have almost reached out a hand and touched them. Freedom was within their grasp…but it was being torn away.

  Not fair, whispered a little voice in her head. We were so close. It’s not fair!

  “Well, well, Father Tr’Ayer, I see you were right after all,” Sister Yancy remarked. She frowned up at Rich. “Can you tell me the meaning of this, metal man?”

  “The meaning is that we’re leaving,” Rich growled. “So get the fuck out of our way or suffer the consequences.”

  “Consequences, is it?” Sister Yancy raised an eyebrow. “And what about the consequences you’ll be calling down on yourself by trying to steal the breeding queen that Tr’Low sent us?”

  “Your god didn’t send you anything,” Rich snarled. “She was lured here by that sick bastard there.” He pointed at Father Tr’Ayer. “Because he wanted her for himself. But he’s not going to have her. None of you are. Kyrin is coming with me.”

  “Oh, I think not,” Sister Yancy said coolly. “Our breeding queen is not going anywhere. She is ripe and must be bred.”

  “By me!” Father Tr’Ayer announced triumphantly. “The metal man is a liar and a fraud! Which means that I must breed the queen.”

  “By no means.” Sister Yancy frowned at him. “Our original plan holds. The metal man will breed our queen at the Breeding Ceremony tonight.”

  “What?” Father Tr’Ayer shook his head in obvious disbelief. “What are you talking about? The cyborg cannot breed her. He’s not a true believer!”

  “That doesn’t matter,” Sister Yancy said primly. “He is still half man and half metal, just as the prophecy predicted. Therefore, he will breed the queen as planned. And of course, when we know for certain she is heavy with his child—the holy child—we will have no more need of him and can dispose of him.”

  “Nobody’s disposing of anybody, and nobody is going to ‘breed’ Kyrin,” Rich growled. “I’m taking her away from here to where she can get medical help for all the fucking drugs you sick bastards pumped into her.”

  “Speaking of the breeding drugs, did you ever consider the last drug we gave her?” Sister Yancy’s small, piggy eyes gleamed unpleasantly. “Did you even think about the Lust Serum she swallowed before we let you take her to the preparation chamber?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Rich demanded harshly. “What about it?”

  “What about it is that it’s completely lethal…unless Kyrin gets the antidote. An antidote only we have.” The Tr’Low nun grinned triumphantly. “You wouldn’t even get her out of orbit before she died on you, metal man. Do you understand?”

  “All right.” A hatch opened in Rich’s metal arm and the muzzle of a deadly plasma gun was suddenly pointed in Sister Yancy’s face. “Then give it to me and we’ll be on our way.”

  She didn’t even flinch.

  “I don’t think so.” A nasty smile spread across her face. “You see, it isn’t Novice Kyrin who needs to drink the antidote—it’s you, metal man.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Rich demanded. “You’re all crazy here. You’re not making any goddamned sense.”

  “The antidote to the Lus
t Serum can only be administered through your seed,” Sister Yancy explained. “Your body must metabolize it and only when you breed her will you be able to pass it on to her.”

  “You’re lying.” But Rich didn’t sound too certain.

  Kyrin wasn’t at all certain herself. As her would-be rescuer had been verbally sparring with her captors, her need had been rising, and the feeling of emptiness had been growing between her legs. Suddenly, it increased so sharply it felt as though someone had stabbed a knife into her lower belly.

  “Ah!” She fell to her knees behind Rich, clutching between her thighs. Goddess, it hurt—the emptiness hurt so badly!

  “Kyrin?” Rich turned his head to look at her, still trying to keep the plasma gun pointed on Sister Yancy and Father Tr’Ayer. When he saw her crouching on the ground, gripping her lower abdomen in pain, his voice got rough and worried. “Kyrin, what’s wrong, sweetheart? What’s going on. Talk to me!”

  “She cannot talk. The breeding fever is coming on her.” Sister Yancy’s strident voice was high and triumphant. “Behold the will of Tr’Low us coming to pass before our very eyes! Truly, we are blessed!”

  “Give me the antidote!” Rich fired a shot, which dropped the eunuch guard standing directly behind the nun like a stone. His threat was unmistakable.

  The rest of the guards raised their weapons but Sister Yancy held up a hand.

  “Stand down! We need him for the prophecy.”

  “I’m not fulfilling your crazy fucking prophecy,” Rich growled. “Give me the antidote, now!”

  “Oh, we will, metal man from the stars.” Sister Yancy smiled complacently. “But we keep it only in one place—the Breeding Chamber.”

  “Get it and bring it here,” the big cyborg insisted.

  “I’m afraid that’s impossible,” Sister Yancy purred sweetly. “You see, the Breeding Chamber is an airtight room filled with a specially formulated gaseous compound. This mixture of gasses activates the antidote in your system and converts it to an antidote for the female you are breeding. Without the gas in the Breeding Chamber, the antidote itself is inert—ineffective. Thus the only place it will work is…”


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