The Accidental Archmage: Book Two - Gifts of the Greeks (Accidental Archmage Series 2)

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The Accidental Archmage: Book Two - Gifts of the Greeks (Accidental Archmage Series 2) Page 19

by Edmund A. M. Batara

  "Please do so, X. I can't monitor everything. Your assistance will be most welcome. Thanks."

  The screen he was now accustomed to appeared in his mind’s eye. He activated the research tab and checked the rest of the Elder research on the file. The second dealt with the effect of the influx of new beings and humans on the energy matrix of Adar. He ignored it. The language was obtuse with a lot of technical jargon he didn’t understand. The third was more interesting.

  It was an assessment report on the current status of the imprisonment of a group of Elder deviants. Corrupted mages. Referred to sometimes as the Lost Ones. But no locations were listed. From what he could determine, they were imprisoned due to two things. One was the difficulty of killing them and second was the aversion of the Elders to killing their own kind. The text did mention that there were other smaller groups but neglected to mention them except for one, The Temple of Tsathoggua. It just described their threat level as negligible as almost all such smaller assemblies have been destroyed. It did speculate that a few devotees may have escaped.

  Huh? What about those not of their own kind? And negligible? Corrupted Elder mages? mused Tyler. He continued reading.

  There were three distinct groups, each headed by a powerful Elder Archmage. The names of their assemblies were listed though it appeared that the three also worked at cross-purposes against each other. The first was called the Circle of Cthulhu, the second was referred to as The Throne of Azathoth, and the third, The Devotees of Hastur.

  Why do those names sound familiar? he pondered. Then the realization hit him. Aw, freak this. Those are the horrible monsters of Lovecraft! Did they exist? That’s why they’re called the Dark Elder Gods? Are the dark and psychotic deities of this world not enough? Have I to worry about them too? I didn't know about this! Those tentacled, bug-eyed, slimy, gruesome, repulsive...

  “Elder, your heart rate is increasing rapidly. And your breathing rate is becoming abnormal. I recommend you calm down,” came Hal’s observation.

  Tyler stopped his inward rant. "Thanks, Hal. It’s just something I read. X, do you have anything on the last research subject."

  "Those were the entities worshipped by the lost ones, Elder. No data mentioned that they indeed manifested on both planes of reality. Though records did show that the lost ones exhibited surprising new abilities during the war between them and the rest of the Elder race."

  "That’s a relief. Do you think any dark Elder mage is on Adar?"

  "No information on the subject, Elder. But if I may speculate, they did have the capability to transfer to this world. And if any did move to Adar, they have efficiently and effectively hidden themselves. Elder reports on this world did not uncover any such presence."

  "What you’re saying is there’s a possibility that they may be lurking around. Are they immortal like the rest of the Elder race?"

  "Yes, Elder. They also have transcended ordinary human forms and frailties. Adar is as big as the First World. It would be impossible to uncover every nook and cranny on the planet. Unless, of course, powers greater than what the Elders wield are being used."

  "A possibility is merely a fact waiting to emerge, X. The thought of such an eventuality is not reassuring."

  "Indeed, Elder. But so far, no evidence exists of them being on this planet."

  “Just be on your guard, guys. Assume that they may be around. Keep watch for any unusual occurrence or fact. Better to run scared than be ambushed fatally and terrifyingly. It’s your asses too.”

  “We understand, Elder. We will include that possibility in our precautions and data gathering.”

  Dark Elder Gods! Shit. I used to watch the movies about them on late night horror shows. And here, they may be real? Those horrifyingly mind-blowing excuses for beings? With deviant Elders as their worshippers? Color me scared! No. Terrified beyond belief! What a duck shit of a revelation!

  While Tyler was scaring himself silly, Dionysus suddenly appeared. Tyler got up in fright, his face pale.

  “What’s gotten into you?” asked the deity, puzzled at the young mage’s reaction.

  “Uh, nothing. Was just surprised by your sudden appearance,” Tyler lied.

  “I am not that scary, boy. Your face looks pale. Anyway, we have a request to visit the goddess herself. Request! Hah!”


  “Yes. And be on your best behavior. Remember what we discussed. It’s also my head now.”

  In a flicker, the two were gone. As usual, Tyler closed his eyes before transporting. When he opened them, he was in the middle of a temple. A huge one, by the looks of it, the mage thought as he took in the extremely high ceiling and the massive Ionic columns supporting the roof. He looked around and through the columns, saw clouds passing by the temple.

  Dionysus walked forward. As he followed, he noted the temple was made of pure white marble, and they were walking towards two figures in the distance. One was seated, and the other one was standing. A giant statue was at the back of the two waiting individuals. Quite the distance, he observed.

  After a few steps, Tyler was startled to find himself and Dionysus right in front of the two. He stumbled a bit before he was able to stop himself. Dionysus turned and looked at him with an impish grin. Well, he got me good with that trick, not telling me what was going to happen. The deity turned back his attention to their waiting hosts.

  “My Lord Zeus,” Dionysus acknowledged the sitting god with a slight bow. Then, he turned to the woman. “My Lady Athena.”

  Tyler looked at the deities. At their back was the giant statue. It was of Zeus holding thunderbolts in both hands. Surprisingly, the two were wearing full armor, though without the helmets. Athena was in her ekdromos armor which Tyler last saw back in the woods bordering Fossegrim Forest. A sword was clipped to her belt. Zeus was in a golden heavy hoplite cuirass. His right leg was cut off at the knee. A carved ivory staff, adorned with several thick golden rings, was in his right hand. He did look like the depictions back on Earth. Muscled, thick white mane of hair and a white beard, piercing blue eyes. The very picture of a stern and strict aged father. If Tyler didn’t know better, he would have thought him a moral and just august figure. But the deity did look the part.

  Athena, on the other hand, had her long black hair in a ponytail. The black leather and metal armor combination didn’t hide her voluptuous figure. Kinky, the involuntary observation crossed Tyler's mind. He immediately shut down that train of thought. No telling if his thoughts could be read or it will appear in his expression.

  Her tanned long and perfectly proportioned legs, with engraved metal greaves, complemented her upper body. This close, Tyler could now see her features. She was exquisitely beautiful but in an entirely different manner and aura compared to Eira. Athena had this bossy and intellectually arrogant demeanor. Angular facial curves smoothed at the right places. An exquisite nose, red lips, and deep gray eyes. But Tyler felt some unease at the stare of those eyes. They appeared to be cold and calculating. In the form she adopted, she looked to be in her late twenties.

  “My Lord and Lady, may I present Havard the mage,” continued Dionysus. At the mention of his name, Tyler gave a short bow. He wished he was in his armor, that piece of protective clothing had become part of him. But the armor and his staff were left behind in Dionysus’ room. He did look presentable in his clothes which appeared on him the moment they arrived. A blue Ionian chiton, which had sleeves and longer than the usual one, complete with a white chlamys bordered with some design motif. Leather sandals completed his attire.

  “Welcome, Havard. Or should we dispense with the pretense and call you Tyler,” said Athena with a smile.

  Score one for the goddess, thought Tyler. Then realizing what passed through his mind, he again earnestly hoped the two were not mind readers. As he could discern no reaction from the two, he guessed they couldn't read his mind. But deep inside, he resolved to give his theory another test.

  “Havard would be preferable, my Lady,”
answered Tyler. “This is a new world after all.”

  “Indeed, it is,” replied Athena as she waved her hand and two chairs appeared behind Tyler and Dionysus. “Please sit down.”

  All throughout the exchange, Zeus was silent, though he was staring at Tyler. The young mage was starting to be more uncomfortable than he already was.

  “Food? Drinks? Any preference?” asked Athena. “I would be a poor hostess if I didn’t ask.”

  “No, thank you, my Lady,” said Tyler. Dionysus looked at him. Apparently, the god of wine wanted some, most probably drink.

  “Ah, even so, let’s just put everything here,” said the goddess, as a low and narrow long table appeared between them, filled with various kinds of food and drink. “Just take anything when you feel like eating or drinking.”

  Even before the goddess finished talking, Dionysus already had a cup in his hands. Tyler was going to be shocked at the manners of the deity but then realized the two were family to Dionysus. He resolved not to eat or drink anything. Tyler distinctly remembered a movie where the main characters lost track of time upon partaking of food offered by a Greek deity. He doubted if that was the case here, but he resolved to be the ungracious visitor rather than be sorry later on.

  “Don’t be worried about our request, Havard,” Athena said, apparently noticing his unease. “We just wanted to clear up some information, disturbing as they are, which the god of wine brought to us.”

  “Any way I can help,” replied Tyler. He couldn’t lessen the level of anxiety of his guarded feelings.

  “Our thanks, young mage. Can we proceed now?” asked the goddess.

  “No problem, please ask away.”

  “What did that death god say about his relation to Echidna?”

  “It was about a promise he made to keep the Empusas safe. He called them his allies.”

  Tyler saw the eyebrows of the goddess rise. A bit.

  “Allies. That would be strange indeed. Nothing else?”

  “Except for his shouting that I killed his allies and I shamed him before Echidna.”

  “About the other deities he mentioned. Did any name escape his lips?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Only that I made him look like a fool when I escaped from their clutches back in Skaney. Perhaps the Empusa thing added to it.”

  “This is a matter of great concern, no doubt. An Incan death god, who should be back home helping against the Aztecha invasion, in Hellas and consorting with dreadful Greek creatures. Then a mention of other deities working with him. Fortuitously, at a time when that buffoon started to execute his plan of conquest. A plan which should be beyond the capacity of his tiny but divine brain. A curious set of circumstances. But we have to thank you, High Mage. Without you, we all would have been unaware that a storm is coming. Rumors we have heard but nothing so concrete as the news you brought.”

  “Glad to be of help but I think the High Mage title is too much,” commented Tyler.

  “Oh? I know of no mage who even approaches your abilities. Though your search for knowledge does bring you to the strangest places. Even a place where deities fear to tread.”

  “It was my intention to seek out the place, but the death god’s appearance cut everything short. The cave appeared to be the safest haven around. I was fortunate the barrier let me in. But I had to dispose of the guardians first and unblock the entrance. Then the attacks started. I had no time to look around. The energy within that cave was awakened, and rocks were falling down on me. I had to find a safe place inside the cave quickly,” lied Tyler. Then added as a thought. Then Supay farted fire! No reaction. Good. They can’t read minds. But he noticed Zeus was still intently looking at him.

  “The loss of knowledge is a pity. Nor can we start digging up the rubble as whatever killed the death god may still be active. At least Adar is better for the loss of one evil death god.”

  “My Lady, what about the invasion prompted by Ares?” he ventured.

  “What will happen, will happen. I can’t interfere for reasons greater than my desire to teach that ape another lesson.”

  “So, no help at all?”

  “Not directly, High Mage. An offer of assistance may come from an unexpected quarter. But you are there. I heard you have offered to help King Silenus with the problem.”

  “After I was dumped in Hellas with nowhere else to go. You know, we have an expression back home. Clearly applicable to me in this situation. Up shit creek without a paddle.”

  At that, Zeus laughed. He laughed so hard he nearly fell off his chair. Athena gave an amused smile.

  “Oh, I think you can handle it, High Mage. Ymir was a more formidable foe.”

  “I was lucky. And Ymir wasn’t mobilizing 80,000 men.”

  “So why wait for the 80,000 men to gather?” answered Athena with a twinkle in her eyes. “But I guess that finishes your part. We just needed to clear up some matters regarding the incident.”

  Athena turned to Zeus and gave a bow.


  “Thank you, daughter,” said Zeus. “The problem appears bigger and more complex than we thought. That needs time for proper consideration. And some discussions with the heads of the pantheons we can confide with. But for now, this concerns the request of Dionysus regarding his adopted son, Eleos.”

  Dionysus stopped drinking and sat up straight.

  “The pantheon doesn’t have a god of assassins. Well, people may think of Ares. But he really doesn’t represent the intelligence and the stealth an assassin needs. Hermes is sometimes considered as the god of thieves. I don’t know why and don’t want to know why. But an assassin is not a thief. So we are left with none. Times are changing. Threats are rising. Storm clouds are gathering. An assassin is a weapon. And I would like to have all possible weapons at our disposal. Your request is granted, son of mine. But your adopted son is still untested. Let him first be a demigod. A demigod of assassins. Let him build his circle and train his followers. In this, his service will be at Athena’s feet. Machairi the demigod will serve to protect Hellas and its gods.”

  “Your wisdom always amazes me, Father, and my thanks,” replied Dionysus.

  “When I am thinking straight, wisdom comes naturally. Though wisdom is just disguised common sense,” Zeus looked at Tyler and winked.

  Another winker! Must be genetic, thought Tyler. Then Tyler sensed that time suddenly slowed. Athena and Dionysus were stuck in their poses, though he could move. He looked at Zeus. The god was looking at him. Zeus’ voice sounded in his head.

  “You are hiding something, High Mage.”

  “I am?”

  Chapter Lore and Notes:

  Eleusinian mysteries – Greek. One of the major secret religious rites of Ancient Greece. Held by the worshippers of Demeter and Persephone, it celebrates life as represented by the abduction, the search for, and finally the ascent of Persephone from the underworld.

  The Cthulhu Mythos - Public Domain. Some phrases and creations have been tradmarked for use in game products by Chaosium. H.P. Lovecraft himself was extremely generous with his own works and actively encouraged others to borrow ideas from his stories, particularly with regard to his Cthulhu mythos. By "wide citation" he hoped to give his works an "air of verisimilitude" and actively encouraged other writers to reference his creations.


  Chapter XII

  A Complication Named Astrid

  “Oh, please don’t treat me like a doddering old man. It insults me. But here’s what I want and what I will do for you in return. Heal me. Bring back my leg. No amount of healing could fix it. Even a magically created leg won’t attach itself. No, I don’t want one of Hephaestus' contraptions. I want a proper leg. There’s a storm coming, and I don’t want to be like this when it arrives.”

  “That’s the only reason?” Tyler found himself having the temerity to ask.

  “It’s is what they say, yo
u are perceptive. Of course, that’s not the only reason. It cuts down on my… social life too. But that’s now secondary. For the first time in ages, I fear a coming storm. If I am going to go down fighting it, then I want to do so on my own TWO legs!”

  “I will try, my Lord Zeus. Though the ability is beyond me for now.”

  “I know that. I also know a fledgling High Mage when I see one. But I sense that’s not your limit, isn’t it? But no matter, give back my leg. Then you will see how grateful the head of the Greek pantheon can be. For now, I will hold on to my silence and ask no more questions. Keep your secrets. Do we have an agreement?”

  “We have, my Lord. I will do my best to return you to full health.”

  “Thank you, High Mage,” said Zeus and then snapped his fingers. Everything returned to normal.

  But Tyler found the two other deities looking at them. They clearly felt something but were too careful to ask anything. Dionysus spoke.

  “If that’s all, we beg permission to return. There’s a lot of work waiting for us.”

  “I know,” sighed Zeus. “That son of mine. Even Hera couldn’t stand the sight of him.”

  Athena waved away the table and its contents. Tyler and Dionysus stood up. Athena walked to where he was standing. Tyler’s guts tightened again.

  “Goodbye, High Mage. Do your work. Fulfill your task. It’s unfortunate that somebody got to you first. But she is in Skaney, and you are now in Hellas. Call me if you need help, somebody to unburden your mind, I do love an intelligent discussion,” said the goddess. She then touched and caressed Tyler’s cheek. “Within the limits I have already said, that goes without saying. But for other assistance, we’ll see.”

  Tyler blushed and closed his eyes.

  “Thank you, my Lady.”

  “Oh, you look so cute when you turn red like that. A man but a boy at heart! That’s a rare vintage!”


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