Lessons for Lexi

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Lessons for Lexi Page 5

by Charlene McSuede

  “Alex, stop stalling.” His voice sounded deeper than usual.

  Her eyes filled with tears and she hugged herself tighter. “I’m not fucking stalling,” she spewed out bitterly. “I’m scared.”

  She heard him walk towards her, but still couldn’t look up. She closed her eyes and one of her tears spilled over. When he was within arms distance of her, she expected him to start wrestling her out of her undies. She flinched when he raised a hand. Instead of grabbing her, he used a thumb to wipe the tear off her cheek. His voice was low when he spoke again.

  “First, there’s no reason for you to be so scared.” JT told her firmly. “Nothing that is going to happen tonight is going to cause any permanent damage. Yes, it will hurt, and it will be embarrassing, but I’m not going to seriously injure you.” He dropped his hand from her face and Lexi sucked in a breath as he moved it to the clasp of her bra instead. “Also, this is the last warning I’m going to give you about using four letter words.” He popped open the back clasp of her bra and Lexi hugged herself tightly to keep it from falling off.

  “’Fucking’ isn’t a four letter word,” she spat at him sarcastically, “it’s seven.”

  “You’re going to regret clarifying that later.” JT crouched down, looping his thumbs through the waistband of her panties. Lexi gave a startled squeak as he yanked them down to her ankles. “Step out.” With her hands still clenched over her stomach and breasts, she stepped out of the panties he’d pulled down. His eyes fixed on her arms as he straightened. “Move your hands.”

  Lexi’s eyes were glassy and she let out a sob before shaking her head. She was shivering, but she wasn’t cold. She couldn’t make her arms move. She gasped when JT grabbed her wrists with a frustrated huff and yanked them away from her body. Her bra traveled down to her elbows and JT hurriedly ripped it off and tossed it on the floor. He held her wrists apart and his gaze traveled down her body. Lexi couldn’t hold back anymore and she started to sob.

  “Calm down,” his voice was soothing, but his eyes weren’t on her face. Instead, they were traveling across a maze of scars crossing her abdomen. They were faded, but still slightly raised. He released her wrist and she let her arm drop down to her side, not trying to cover herself anymore. There was no point. He’d seen everything. Her crying calmed to slight whimpers as he trailed a finger across one of the scars. “What happened?”

  Her voice was thick and it was hard to speak. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  His hand moved to her chin and he tilted it up so she’d look at him. “Alex,” his voice was cajoling.

  She pushed his hand away. “Let’s just get this over with.” She shoved past him and with as much dignity as she could muster, moved to stand next to the chair he’d placed in the center of the room.

  JT shook his head and followed her, getting himself comfortably seated before he looked at her expectantly. Lexi let out a groan before she bent down and arranged herself across his lap, feeling ridiculous. Her fingers were just brushing the rug and she was glad her hair was hiding her face. Most of all, she was relieved that her scars were hidden against his thighs. She stiffened when he put a hand on her bottom, but he was only giving it a caress.

  “I was planning on using a paddle on you, but this is only your second spanking and you mark up pretty easily.” His finger trailed down the center of her right butt cheek. “You also have my aunt’s planning party tomorrow. So it looks like I’m going to have to get creative.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Lexi muttered. She jumped as JT’s hand cracked against her backside.

  “Language,” he reminded her firmly. “Trust me, after tonight, you’ll make sure there isn’t a pot plant within 20 miles of my home.” JT raised his hand and brought it down hard on her right cheek. She let out a squeal that she quickly cut off by clenching her teeth. She was determined that she was not going to beg or cry. She winced as a second slap landed on her left cheek, but managed to keep quiet. Another smack followed and another, and another. JT was alternating sides, working his way down her bottom and across her upper thighs. With each strike, she squeezed her eyes shut and tensed her body.

  “Stop clenching your muscles,” JT told her as he laid a hard slap across the center of her bottom. “You’ll bruise.”

  “Like you fucking care,” she spat out thickly.

  He hit her again, in the same spot, but harder. This time she couldn’t hold back her yelp.

  “You’re already getting punished for swearing later. Don’t compound it.” JT applied another hard smack and her whole body rocked forward.

  Lexi didn’t care. The fury that had been missing from her last spanking had returned in full force during this one. “What are you going to do? Fucking double spank me? Asshole,” she hissed, still staring at the same spot on the rug. Suddenly, the blows stopped.

  “Get up.”

  Lexi went still. She doubted she was getting up because her spanking was over. She pushed herself to a nervous stand and watched JT warily. He stood as well and started to take off his belt. She watched helplessly as it whipped through the loops of his pants. He folded it in half and in the blink of an eye, had yanked her back down across his lap. She was just opening her mouth to protest when the first lash of the belt landed.

  She screamed instead and frantically began tried to jerk away. JT grunted as he struggled to hold her still and the belt landed again. The pain from his hand was horrible. The pain from the belt was excruciating. It was like being hit with a whip of fire. The belt landed across her backside a total of five times, and she screamed each time it connected. She burst into tears on the last one, sobbing so hard her chest was heaving. When her breathing slowed down, JT started to speak again.

  “I’m going to let you calm down for a minute. But when we get started again, let me make a few things clear. First, you are allowed to cry and beg when I’m punishing you. I know you can’t help that. You are not allowed to swear or talk back. Do you understand?”

  Lexi nodded meekly.

  “Second,” he leaned down to look at her tear stained face, “the punishment can always get worse.” With that, he started spanking her with his hand again, the belt now tossed aside. Lexi started crying again as soon as her punishment started. He concentrated his efforts on her sit spot, making sure she would have an incredibly uncomfortable day at the planning party. Finally, it stopped and Lexi was a limp, whimpering heap with a cherry red bottom.

  JT’s voice was oddly husky. “You can get up now, but absolutely no rubbing.”

  She stood, her crying calmed. After a while, she had run out of tears and she her throat was too sore to beg. She’d stayed quiet and simply taken the punishment. She took another deep breath.

  “Now it’s time to work on that swearing problem.”

  Lexi froze, realizing that her punishment wasn’t over. She tried to pull away as he grabbed her wrist, expecting to get pulled over his knee again. Instead, he started dragging her down a short hallway into a large silver and black bathroom. She stood there confused, trying to resist the urge to rub her throbbing bottom as JT bent down and opened the cabinets under the sink. She watched as he reached in the back and smiled as he pulled out a small, square package.

  “You’re lucky that I always take guest hotel soaps, otherwise we’d be doing this with liquid soap.” Her eyes went wide as he stood while opening the small bar of soap. “Open your mouth.”

  She clamped it shut instead.

  “Do I need to use my belt again?”

  Lexi’s eyes narrowed in fury, but she reluctantly parted her lips, not wishing to go another round with JT’s belt. JT chuckled as he shoved the bar into her mouth. Half of it was still hanging out when he turned her around and pushed her back to the hallway. Lexi gagged as it touched her tongue. It was bitter and the bar was quickly getting damp. Soon, bubbles began to form and she let out a helpless groan as her tongue became coated in the slimy bitter film. JT laughed as he pushed her into a corne
r near the chair he’d spanked her in.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting. I can pretty much promise you after a couple of times of getting your mouth washed out with soap, you will be much more careful about the words you use.” He settled himself into a comfortable easy chair and turned to watch her. “Now get that nose right up against the corner and get comfortable. You’re going to be there a while.”


  Twenty minutes, JT decided. She’d spend minutes in the corner before he’d let her rinse and go to bed. His eyes ran over her slender, but perfectly proportioned form. He let his eyes drop to the heart shaped, and now Valentine colored backside he’d just beaten mercilessly and he smiled. It was his fantasy, standing right in front of him. Of course, it wasn’t his entire fantasy. When he finally let her out of the corner, he was just sending her to bed. He wasn’t making her show him how sorry she was with her sexy little mouth or that soft little slit between her legs. He shifted in his chair, his cock getting increasingly annoying. He’d had a hard-on since he’d called her on the phone and told her to meet him in the garage. Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t have the second part of the fantasy. He could only have the spanking part. He decided it would have to be enough.

  JT had decided that disciplining Alex, while arousing, didn’t technically qualify as cheating because he was managing his affairs. He would admit that it was a little untraditional, but the situation was an unusual one. Of course, he kept telling himself that. The truth was, since the first time he’d spanked Alex, it was all he could think about doing. He’d told himself if the situation called for it, he’d allow himself to give her one more, but after that, he would just have to send her packing. He was sure that one more would get her out of his system.

  But after the paddling he’d just given her, there was no way he was letting her go anywhere.

  His eyes stayed focused on her bottom. She shifted in the corner and sniffed, her derrière wiggling enticingly. He wanted to spank her again already. Instead, he just watched her. For the most part, she stayed quiet. Occasionally, she’d wriggle uncomfortably, or let out a whimper. Once she’d looked back at him, lips clamped around the bar of soap, eyes beseeching, and he’d gestured for her to turn back around. She did so with an unhappy moan. When her time was almost up, he started to speak to her again.

  “When I take the soap out, I expect an apology. Following that, I want you to go rinse and go to bed. You can turn around.” Alex turned around and JT had to resist the urge to laugh at her tear stained, red, pouty face clamped around a bar of soap. He pulled on the edge and she released it immediately.

  “I’m sorry about the pot plants. I’ll make sure they’re gone,” her voice was hoarse. “And also about the swearing.” She kept her gaze focused on the floor as he led her to the bathroom. The defiant, swearing Alex from earlier was gone. The red bottomed, red faced Alex that had appeared after a very thorough punishment was as docile as a kitten.

  He watched as she rinsed her mouth several times in the sink before washing her face. His eyes wandered over her body, and again he found himself wondering about the scars on her stomach. They made him feel oddly protective. Then, after rinsing her mouth for the millionth time, she turned towards him and he was confronted with the full view of her nudity. She didn’t completely shave her pussy. She shaved her inner folds. He’d noticed when he was punishing her. But she also left a little strip down the front. His cock throbbed painfully as he blatantly focused on the cleft between her legs. Without hair, she looked bare and vulnerable. The predator in him growled to life, ready to pounce.

  She shifted on her feet, looking uncomfortable with how he was staring at her. “May I have something to wear?”

  JT’s eyes raked over her again, taking in her soft lips and her full, perky breasts. She was a little on the thin side. He could see a vague outline of her ribcage, but she was beautiful and he was going to enjoy it. His eyes dropped to the cleft between her legs again. All of it. Right then, staring at her naked, defenseless body JT knew he wasn’t stopping at half the fantasy. Tonight, they would play out the whole thing. “No.”

  Alex froze. She crossed her arms over herself and her eyes got glassy. “JT, please, you’ve humiliated me enough. I get it. I learned my lesson. I’m sorry ok?”

  “No,” JT said again. Alex’s eyes widened as he stepped into the room. She flinched back, but his hand whipped out lightening fast, catching her wrist before she could flee and yanking her against him. Alex gasped as he wrapped his arms around her naked curves. He pressed her sore bottom into the vanity behind her, causing a shriek of pain. That shriek of pain turned to a moan as he mashed the bulge in his pants against her bare vagina, the material of his slacks the only thing keeping him from slamming the hot, swollen length of him into her. His twisted his hand in her surprisingly silky hair and forced her face to his. “Now you’re going to show me how sorry you are.”

  He mashed his mouth down onto hers, sucking in her cry of alarm and pushed his tongue past her surprised, parted lips. He continued to gyrate his hardened cock against her clit and Alex let out little half moans of desire and protest as his assault on her mouth continued. JT managed to rip his mouth away for a second and his thrusting against her stopped. They were both gasping and Alex’s eyes were wide and surprised. JT reached down and slid his index finger down her labia. Alex gasped as he slipped it past her lower lips and began rubbing her clit.

  “You’re already wet,” he whispered against her ear as he started to rub the sensitive nub. He continued to expertly stoke it, making her tremble. “If fact too wet for it to be recent.” Alex shuddered as he ran his tongue over her ear and sped up his finger. “Alex, did your pussy get wet while I was paddling you?”

  Alex’s face immediately flooded bright red, “N-n-no,” she stammered out. His finger was drawing little circles around her clit. She squirmed against his hand, desperate for release.

  “Lies will get your mouth washed out as easily as swears,” he whispered as he started to rub her with his whole hand. “I think you liked it.”

  Alex shook her head vehemently, her breath coming in gasps as JT continued to rub her to orgasm. “Nooo,” she moaned as she bucked against his hand.

  He eased a finger inside her, grinning at the walls of her vagina clung to him. His Alex was tiny everywhere. He was going to have to get her sopping wet if he was going to fit comfortably inside her. He looked forward to the challenge. He was also thrilled with the development of her getting a little wet while she was getting punished. “I think you did. I don’t think you like the pain or the embarrassment. I think you like a man taking you in hand.” She let out a cry of pleasure as he slid another finger inside her. “I think you even know why you like it.” He started to move his fingers.

  Alex shook her head negatively, denying his accusation.

  JT slowed the fingering down. “I’m not going to let you cum until you tell the truth Alex.” He withdrew his fingers and she surged against his hand. “Why do you like it when I beat your naughty ass?”

  Alex clenched her thighs, her desperation coming out in little sighs. She was inches away from orgasm, but JT refused to take her over the edge. “Because I need it.” She finally ground out urgently as she gyrated against his hand.

  “That’s right, because you need it.” He started fingering her again, his index and middle fingers sliding back inside of her. He pushed them in and jerked them back out. “And I’m going to give it to you.” He was fucking her with his fingers and she rubbed against his palm, the first moans of her orgasm starting. “As often, and for as long as I want.” With a final, almost animal cry, Alex arched her back and exploded around his fingers. Her muscles spasmed, gripping him tight, making him marvel about how good she felt, how impossibly tight. How perfect she would feel clenched around his cock. As she came down, she was gasping, her eyes dazed.

  “Let’s take this to my bedroom.” Alex watched as he slid his hand from between her legs an
d started to catch her wrist to lead her out of the room. Her eyes dropped to the budge of his cock and she tensed. Clearly, getting fingered was one thing. Having him inside her was completely different.

  She shook her head.

  “You should have said no before the orgasm.” He walked towards the door, dragging her with him. “Now it’s time to pay the piper.” Alex let out a gasp as JT yanked her into his arms again. Only this time, instead of kissing her, he lifted her and Alex began to struggle as he tossed her over his shoulder. A couple of hard smacks to her reddened backside were enough to still any fight she might have attempted as JT carried her down the hallway and into his bedroom.


  Lexi let out a cry of alarm as JT tossed her in the middle of his king-size bed, clearly intent on enjoying her more intimate charms, despite her protests. She winced as she rolled off her freshly disciplined bottom and onto her side, watching JT warily. He was standing by the side of the bed, starting to undress. Her eyes were glued to his hands as he worked his way down the buttons of his shirt.

  “Relax, there’s no reason to look so terrified,” he said as he dropped his shirt on the floor. “You’ll be begging me to put my cock into you in a few minutes.”

  Her eyes traveled over his sculpted chest, the perfect six pack of his abdominal muscles. He was hairy enough to be masculine, with golden blond hair sprinkled across his hard chest, and in a line leading down to the waistband of his pants. He unbuttoned his pants and her chest tightened. “JT, I don’t think...”


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