Lessons for Lexi

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Lessons for Lexi Page 11

by Charlene McSuede

  JT gave her a once over. “I agree.”

  “Like, the fishing piers in Maine business district, or the red clay in South Carolina,” Lexi gave a drug addled smile, “the lights in Jacksonville.”

  “You’ve traveled a lot.”

  “All fifty states and three continents.” She gave him a lazy smile. “Benefit of running is you get to see a lot of the world.”

  “We need to talk about that when we get back.” JT’s face turned stern. “Among other things.”

  Lexi was lost. “What other things?”

  “You need to know what I expect from you.” His grip tightened on the wheel. “You’re getting a free pass for lying to me, but if I see that behavior again, it won’t go well for you.”

  Lexi crossed her arms over her chest and informed JT of what she’d been thinking about at the hospital. She wasn’t letting him spank her anymore. “You’re not doing that to me anymore.” Her face went red at the memory of being yanked over his lap the last time. “I’m not a child.”

  “No, you’re all woman. A fact that I can more than testify to,” he laughed as Lexi’s blush deepened. “But yes, I will be doing that to you when the situation calls for it.”

  “You have no right…,” Lexi started.

  “I have every right,” he cut her off. “You knew exactly how sick you were, but you kept up that dangerous lifestyle anyway.” Lexi huffed but didn’t respond. “Now that you have a second chance to recover the right way, I’m not going to let you screw that up with drinking and partying. That part of your life is over.”

  “I’m only here until I recover.” Lexi shifted in her seat and looked out the window. It was the only response she had. She wasn’t physically strong enough to stop him from spanking her and there was no way she was telling anyone about the disciplining. There was nothing, except for her recent surgery, that would keep him from paddling her backside raw. Lexi made a mental note to have her bags packed the second her doctor gave her the all clear. At least JT wouldn’t be able to spank her while she was on bed rest. She stayed quiet until they pulled up in the drive and JT came around to her side to lift her out.

  She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her up the stairs. She stiffened in his arms when he turned away from the second floor staircase and instead, carried her to the back of the house.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I set up an office in the back so I can work from home.” He tightened his grip on her before his next sentence. “I’m taking you there to give you a spanking.” Lexi tried to lunge out of his arms, but his grip was too hard.

  “JT, no…” Lexi began wriggling in his arms as his office door got closer. Apparently, she’d been wrong. He had no problem punishing her in her injured state. “I just had surgery, remember?”

  He pushed open the door, “I know. I’m not planning on doing any damage. You’re only getting 10 whacks on the rear to show you I’m serious about your discipline.” He set her down on her feet in front of the desk. “Pull down your pants.”

  Lexi stood in front of the desk, her face going stubborn as she watched JT open his top drawer. “No,” she glared at him. “I am not a child and I’m not letting you treat me like one again.” Her whole body went tense as he pulled a paddle out of the drawer. He casually walked around the desk, slapping his hand with it. Lexi watched him, almost hypnotized.

  He focused on the paddle in his hand. “I got this for you after the first time I spanked you. I was starting to think I was never going to get to use it.” He stood next to her, paddle at his side. “If you cooperate, we’ll use it. If I have to make you cooperate, you’re getting my belt instead.” He nodded at her bottom. “Now pull down your pants and bend over the desk.”

  Lexi felt the blood rush to her face again, knowing she was trapped. Her eyes were burning as she shoved her sweatpants down to her knees. “I hate you,” she lied childishly as she bent over his desk, resting her head on the mahogany wood.

  “Up on your elbows, so you don’t rip your stitches.”

  Lexi’s eyes filled with hot tears. “Isn’t that thoughtful of you?” She pushed her upper body up off the desk and stood tensely, waiting for the first slap. It didn’t come.

  “Did I ever let you wear panties when I spanked you before?”

  Lexi shook her head, unable to speak over the lump in her throat.

  “Then why are you wearing them now?”

  One of the tears broke free and rolled down her cheek as she caught his meaning. “JT, please,” she begged helplessly. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” she tried to reason.

  “And this paddling is for instructional purposes only.” JT was unmoved. “Now lose the panties.”

  Lexi let out a dry sob as she reached back and pushed her panties to her knees. She couldn’t believe that JT was doing this to her again. She jumped a little as he put his hand on her bare bottom. Another tear broke free and she hurriedly wiped it away before putting her elbow back on the desk. She closed her eyes as JT gave her backside a quick rub with his hand before the first smack of the paddle landed.

  She let out an involuntary gasp, her breath momentarily taken away. The paddle easily hurt ten times worse than his hand. She squeezed her eyes shut, her whole body rocking forward as the second slap landed. She clenched her teeth to keep from shouting, each swat making her body jerk harder. Luckily for Lexi, JT stayed true to his word and stopped after only ten swats.

  “You can stand up now.” Lexi stood and pulled up her pants, glaring at JT as she rubbed her backside. JT walked around the desk to put the paddle away. “You’re lucky you’re still recovering,” he informed her easily. Then, he sat in the chair in front of her and pulled her into his lap.

  “What are you doing?” She tried to push away as his arms closed around her.

  “Cuddling,” he responded, his grip getting tighter.

  She continued to squirm, feeling uncomfortable. “I’m not in the mood.” She glared. “You promised you wouldn’t spank me for no reason.”

  “I had a reason. This is the second time you’ve argued with me about your discipline and you need to understand why I do it. I’m not doing this to hurt you.”

  Lexi gave him a mocking look. “Could have fooled me.”

  JT laughed. “I’m serious.” He arranged her more comfortably on his lap, looping his arms around her waist. “This is happening Lexi. You need someone to set boundaries for you and make sure that there are actual consequences for crossing those boundaries.” He tilted her chin so she’d look at him. “You can tell me not to all you want. If I think you need it, it’s happening. If that makes you leave me when you’re better, I understand. But I’m hoping you’ll come to accept it as part of your life, because I think it could help you.”

  Lexi pressed her head into his neck, thinking about what he’d said. He’d never come out and said it like that before. She’d always told herself if was just some kind of kinky role playing, but she’d always known it hadn’t been. But it appeared to be all or nothing with him. She either had to accept him and the domestic discipline lifestyle, or she could have nothing. She sighed and closed her eyes, deciding to give herself the month of recovery time to make the decision. JT was stroking her hair and for the first time in a long time, she was starting to feel safe again. She wasn’t ready to ruin it by running quite yet.

  Chapter 12

  For the next month, a nurse cared for Lexi during the day while JT worked. When he got done, he would take over her care with surprising efficiency, checking her stitches, keeping her entertained and helping her in and out of the shower.

  He also had Raj and Althea come over regularly to visit and keep Lexi’s spirits up. Now that Lexi’s show was over and her secret was out, Raj had decided to stay in Austin and find work. He had an apartment in the city, but still spent plenty of time with Althea and went to visit her at the senior living center she’d chosen.

  “I wish you’d stay here Althea,” Lexi said h
onestly. “I miss you.”

  Althea huffed. “I need to be around people my own age,” she responded. “And it’s time JT took over the family home and settled down with someone nice. I’m very glad he chose you.”

  “I…we’re…” Lexi froze. They’d been so careful. “You knew?”

  “Of course I knew.” Althea was indignant. “That was exactly what I wanted to happen. It’s why I chose you in the first place.” Althea laughed. “Faith was too sedate for my nephew. He needed a little spitfire like Lexi Logan.” Althea reached out a hand and clumsily patted her knee. “I’ve always been such a fan of your show, and the second I heard your voice in that outdoor café, I knew you two would make the perfect match.”

  “You knew I was Lexi Logan the whole time?”

  “I’m blind, not deaf.” Althea tilted her head. “Plus, you and Raj chose horrible aliases. Alex and Radford? What were you supposed to be, a boy and his faithful butler?”

  Lexi slapped Raj on the knee. “That’s what I said!”

  Raj frowned. “It was the best I could think of on short notice.”

  JT returned, carrying a tray of coffees, along with a juice for Lexi. He was incredibly strict about her diet. Not only was alcohol forbidden, all forms of caffeine were prohibited too. “What are we talking about?” He asked as he sat down.

  Lexi pouted. “How you won’t be here to celebrate with me when I get released to regular activity on Friday.” JT was going on a business trip on Friday and wouldn’t be back until Sunday night.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “I’m sorry sweetheart. It’s only two days. I’ll be back on Sunday and we can celebrate then.” He looked at Raj. “Maybe Raj could stay and keep you company.”

  Raj smiled. “That sounds good. There’s actually this concert on Saturday at a bar downtown. The station I’m working for got me free tickets. If Lexi is up to it, maybe she can come with me.”

  “That sounds awesome!” Lexi perked up immediately. “I am so tired of being cooped up in this house. A concert is just…”

  “Absolutely not,” JT was firm. “The last place you need to be is in a smoky bar filled with booze and musicians.”

  “But JT…” Lexi turned to him, “I won’t drink or anything. I can just go and listen to the band.”

  “No, you can’t handle that type of temptation yet.” JT crossed his arms, making it clear that he would not change his mind.

  Lexi glared at him. She hated it when he treated her like a child, and especially hated that he was doing it in front of Raj, who was struggling not to laugh. She was 28 years old and she should be able to go to a concert if she wanted to. She chose not to say so though. She didn’t trust JT to not paddle her bottom right there in from of Raj and Althea if she argued with him. “Fine, I won’t go.”

  “Good,” mollified, he leaned over and took her hand. “I’m not saying you can’t leave the house. I’m just saying that you can’t go to places like that yet. Give it a little bit more time, ok?”

  Lexi nodded, but his words went in one ear and out the other. She had every intention of going to that concert.


  As expected, Lexi was released to regular activities at her doctor’s appointment that Friday. Raj stayed with her overnight and on Saturday, they got ready together.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Raj asked as he slid into a form fitting t-shirt. “JT is going to be pissed if he finds out.”

  Lexi shrugged and painted her lips with bright red lipstick. She’d gone back to her natural black hair color and was pleased with the overall effect. She didn’t look as untouchable as she did when she was Lexi Logan, but she didn’t look as dopey as she had as Alex. . “He’s not going to find out. He’s not back until tomorrow night.”

  Raj shrugged and checked his reflection in the mirror. “True, and even if he did, what’s the worst that could happen?”

  Lexi didn’t answer, but her thoughts immediately went to the paddle JT kept in the nightstand. She felt a bit of apprehension that she shook off. He would never have to know.

  Two hours later, all her apprehension was gone. She was having a great time at the concert, though she had given into temptation and had a few drinks. Well, more than a few, she was a least moderately buzzed.

  Her cell phone rang and she raced out the door of the bar when she saw the JT’s name on the display. He called every night just to say good night. She got to a quiet area and answered.

  “Hey JT.”

  “Hey sweetheart,” just the sound of his voice gave her butterflies. “What are you up to?”

  “Just a quiet night at home with Raj,” she answered lightly.

  “Home huh?” His voice was warm. “I’m glad you think of it that way.”

  Lexi immediately felt guilty for lying to him. In truth, he had been right to forbid the concert. She had learned that her willpower wasn’t that strong where alcohol was concerned. She asked about the business trip, made a bit more chit chat and then hung up the phone, still feeling a pang of guilt.

  She went back in the bar and found Raj. “I think I’m going to go home,” she told him, unable to shake the guilty feeling.

  “Ok, you need me to drive you?”

  “No, I’ll get a cab.” She left the club and hailed a cab after saying her goodbyes, anxious to get home and wait for JT.

  It turned out she didn’t need to wait. She bounded up the stairs, into the master bedroom she and JT shared, intent on taking a long hot bath and forgetting about her lies.

  Instead, she found JT sitting on the bed, waiting for her.

  She froze.

  “I decided to come home a bit early because I missed you.” His voice was clipped and angry. “Instead, I find the house empty and learn that you disobeyed my direct command. You went to that concert, didn’t you?”

  Lexi nodded, unable to make herself speak. She didn’t bother to lie, knowing that she’d get caught and only compound what was going to be a terrible punishment.

  “Did you drink?”

  Her eyes filled with tears and she hesitated, then forced herself to nod again.

  “Get undressed and get ready for bed while I think about the appropriate way to punish you for this.” He stood and glared at her, “Because it is going to be severe.”


  Lexi stretched her arm muscles and stifled a sob. She pressed forehead against the wall and pushed herself up on her tiptoes, trying to relieve the burning throb in her rear. It didn’t help. She wanted to rub it, but she wasn’t allowed to. It was why JT was making her stand with her hands on her head. Her whole body went cold as she heard the unmistakable click of the egg timer as the last few seconds clicked away. It let out a short ring and she jumped.

  “That time again already?” JT’s voice was almost jovial as he looked up from his computer screen. “I’m assuming you know what to do by now.”

  Lexi blinked back tears and dropped her arms. She knew. So far, they’d repeated the whole process four times. It had started at 8 in the morning.

  JT had spanked her the night before, when she’d arrived home and found him waiting for her. At first, she thought she was getting off lightly. He’d used his hand and he’d only spanked her for a few minutes. Then he’d set the alarm and she realized he had only been warming her up for the main event.

  As soon as the alarm had gone off, Lexi had been yanked from the bed, still in the nude, and shoved into a robe. JT had given her five minutes to brush her teeth and meet him in his office. When she’d arrived, her eyes had been glued to the objects on his desk. The paddle he’d used on her on her first day home, and his belt. An egg timer had also been on the desk. She hadn’t understood why but she soon learned.

  JT had planned an all day punishment in response to her rebellion. Since 8 am, Lexi had been alternating between corner time and spanking time. She’d bend over the desk, JT would give her twenty whacks with either the paddle or the belt. He’d set the alarm and she’d go back to the corner. The ala
rm would ding and she would go back to the desk to receive another 20.

  She let out a groan as she bent over the desk for the 5th time that day. She watched JT’s hands, praying for the paddle instead of the belt. The paddle hurt, but the belt was torture. He picked up the belt and Lexi closed her eyes.

  “I’m betting you’re starting to regret the concert.” JT’s voice was coming from behind her and Lexi whimpered. “Don’t forget to count nice and loud.” JT flicked his wrist and the belt whipped against her sit spot.

  “One,” Lexi tried to choke the word out, but it came out garbled and he made her do it over. “One,” her voice was much stronger the second time. JT got into a rhythm and soon Lexi was sobbing out the numbers as the belt connected. After what felt like hours, she screeched out 20 and collapsed on his desk, sobbing hysterically. Her backside was no longer burning. Instead, it felt like it had been flayed. The heat from her fresh welts had burned so hot, they’d actually turned the corner and become cold.

  JT left her lying on the desk and walked back around it to his chair. He picked up the egg timer. “You can have five minutes to pull yourself together. After that, back to the corner.” He turned his attention back to the computer as though Lexi wasn’t sobbing on his desk.

  “How long are you going to do this to me?” Lexi asked as she managed to calm down and stand again. She started to reach for her sore cheeks, but then remembered the penalty for rubbing and dropped her hands. Any rubbing or misbehaving resulted in an immediate 5 smacks with the belt. Lexi had learned that the hard way after her first few times over the desk.

  “Until it’s done.” The egg timer dinged and he pointed to the corner. “While you’re in there this time, I want you to think of ten reasons why you’re glad I’m spanking you.” He laughed at her incredulous look. “No smart ass answers. That will get penalty whacks added.”

  Lexi glared at the floor as she trudged back to the corner. She wanted to tell him to fuck off, but knew she wouldn’t. Instead, she knew that she would do exactly what he said, and she would recite those reasons obediently when he told her to. The redder her bottom got, the more contrite and meek Lexi became. It was a fact JT had laughingly pointed out.


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