See You at the Show

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See You at the Show Page 7

by Michelle Betham

  She could feel him against her thigh. He was hard and ready and she could feel herself wearing down, wanting him, aching for him, despite the fact she could quite happily lay him out. The anger never went away.

  “I hate you,” she whispered, still looking right into his deep, dark eyes. He smelt of beer and cigarette smoke and yet he was still as sexy as hell. A sexy, hot, pain in the arse and she wanted him like nothing else. She’d still hate him in the morning, they’d still be fighting all the way down to London but inbetween it all, just as it always was, they’d be having sex somewhere. Fucking and fighting. It was what they did. And everyone knew that.

  “Hate me all you like, baby, but I know you don’t hate this.”

  And with one hard, almost violent thrust he was in her, pressing her up against the wall as he pushed into her. It hurt, it always did when they were in this mood, it was their way of getting the frustration out. She’d claw his back and shoulders, bite his neck, and he’d make sure he pushed as deep as he possibly could, as hard as he could, and tonight was no different. It was wild, almost animal sex. Just the way they both liked it.

  “Still hate me?” he asked, letting go of his grip on her as it all came to its usual crashing finale.

  “Always, Cassidy,” she breathed, staring at him.

  He smiled, kissing her deep and long, his tongue touching hers as their bodies slowed down, everything returning to normal.

  “You’re such a bastard.”

  He smiled again, running his fingers along her collarbone, down to her breasts.

  “You gonna let me stay tonight then?”

  “You broke a promise, Mark. You said you’d come back to me. No fans, no groupies…you broke a promise.”

  He was concentrating on her breasts, his fingers touching them, stroking them, and she could feel her skin breaking out in goosebumps with every movement he made.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Really, I’m sorry.”

  But she knew that sorry meant nothing in Mark Cassidy’s world. It was an overused and never meant word in his vocabulary. She was flogging a dead horse. He’d said it, she’d take it, and so the cycle would begin all over again. But Mark Cassidy was a part of her life she couldn’t put aside. It would take something – or someone – very special to make her give up what she had here. And she just wasn’t sure that person existed.


  It wasn’t a place Daniel usually hung out, birthday parties of teenage girls. But Audra Marshall was his Goddaughter, the child of his very close friend. So it went without saying that he should be at her eighteenth birthday party. Even if it was becoming obvious that the noise levels were going to become almost excruciating once this band arrived.

  The party wasn’t due to kick off until much later that evening but things had already started happening. A truck containing speakers, amps, and assorted other equipment needed for tonight’s concert had turned up and people were now running about setting up the stage for the band’s performance. The place was a hive of activity as t-shirt clad technicians ran backwards and forwards, testing microphones and guitars and checking sound levels. It was quite fascinating to watch. And Daniel was watching it all from the window of the Country Club.

  He’d arrived early to help George with some financial advice. It was an emergency, something George would have preferred to have dealt with on a day other than this in a place more suited to a business meeting but sometimes business stopped for no-one. Today was one of those days.

  Daniel checked his watch. Samantha was with George’s wife Annabelle and Audra having their hair done, and whatever else women needed doing before a big party, so he was in no rush to get home really. It had been a strangely calm and quiet day for Daniel. The leadership campaign was now up and running and, like Andrew Mitchell had hoped, it looked certain to be a quick process, sorted out within the next couple of months. In a few days time the closing date for candidates would be here and then he’d know exactly who he was up against, although he already had a fair idea who his opponents were going to be. He wasn’t worried.

  “Are you still here?” George smiled, standing next to Daniel, following his gaze.

  “I got drawn into what’s happening out there. It’s quite mesmerizing. It’s not something I’ve ever witnessed before.”

  “No, well, I never really had you down as the rock and roll type, Daniel.”

  Daniel couldn’t help but smile. George was right. This was so far out of his comfort zone it wasn’t true. It wasn’t that he didn’t like music, he did, he’d just never spent a lot of time watching it live. And rock music was an absolute mystery to him. He was more of an easy listening, classical kind of guy, although he did have a soft spot for Michael Buble.

  “I’ve just had Audra on the ‘phone,” George went on, continuing to look out of the window. “She wants me to see if I can arrange a meeting with this bloody band’s lead singer now. As if this party and a private concert weren’t enough for her she wants dinner with some tattooed rock star too.”

  Daniel looked at his friend and smiled. “Dinner?”

  George laughed. “Well, that’s what she’s imagining in that teenage head of hers. What she’s more likely to get is an autograph and a snorted hello. I’ve seen these types, and this one looks no different.”

  Daniel looked back out of the window, still smiling. “Have you been doing some research then, George?”

  “I wanted to know who I was letting near my more-than-easily-led daughter. The lot of them look like they haven’t washed in a decade, tattoos all over the place...” George sighed. “Where did I go wrong, old chap?”

  Daniel laughed. “The joys of fatherhood.”

  “See what you and Samantha have missed?” George looked at his watch. “Right. I’d better get out there. I’m supposed to be meeting their manager to discuss payment and if I don’t sort that out nobody will be playing anywhere tonight. Not that that would bother me but I’m not sure I’d survive the onslaught of Audra and her clan. I’ll see you tonight, Daniel.”

  “Yes. I’ll see you later, George.”

  Daniel checked the time himself. He should really be making a move. He’d just be getting in the way if he hung around here any longer.

  He walked outside, the warm afternoon sunshine hitting his face. They certainly had a lovely day for this party. It just seemed a pity that a beautiful evening was going to be punctuated by the sounds of heavy rock music, but it was Audra’s party after all. It was her night. Daniel was just looking forward to some decent wine, wonderful food and the chance to catch up with some old friends.

  “Jesus Christ! Can you watch where you’re going?”

  Daniel had been lost in his thoughts, staring up at the bright blue sky so he hadn’t seen someone coming towards him carrying a pile of leads and cables that were now strewn all over the ground.

  “Oh, God, look, I’m sorry. I was miles away.”


  It was a female voice, which surprised Daniel slightly.

  “I’ll help you pick them up. Here...”

  He crouched down to start helping her but she’d gathered them all up before he’d had a chance.

  “Don’t bother. It’s fine. I can manage.”

  She started winding the cables up around her shoulder and elbow with the speed of someone who obviously did this every day of her life, standing up as she did so. Daniel stood up too, taking a look at her properly for the first time.

  In front of him was a young woman, probably in her late twenties, early thirties he guessed, someone who could only be described as striking. He assumed she had short hair because he couldn’t see much sticking out from underneath the black scarf tied round her head, but what he could see was white blonde in colour. She was wearing denim shorts, what looked like biker boots, and a black vest with the words ‘Black Rock Diamond’ emblazoned across her chest. He assumed that was the name of the band playing tonight. Was she part of this set-up team?

  But w
hat struck him the most were her incredible blue eyes that seemed to look right through you. And her tattoos. All of her left arm, from shoulder to wrist, was covered in the most elaborate design, almost like a sleeve of tattoos, and he couldn’t take his eyes off it. He’d never seen anyone like her before in his life.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked. “You never seen a woman with tattoos before?”

  He hadn’t, actually. And that accent. Where was she from? Her English was perfect but that slight accent didn’t hail from this country.

  “I’m...sorry, I’m sorry. I just...your accent...?”

  “Swedish. I’m Swedish.”

  “Oh, of course. Yes. I should have known. I’ve visited Stockholm many times.”

  She looked at him. “I’m very happy for you. Now, if you don’t mind...”

  “Of course. I...I’d better get going myself.”

  She pushed past him and he watched as she shouted over to a group of men standing by the now fully assembled stage, running over to them and jumping up onto the platform with almost athletic ease. Daniel couldn’t stop watching her. She was obviously part of the team setting things up for tonight, he could see that now. He really couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so different to any woman he’d ever seen before, certainly different to any of the women he worked or mixed with. She was so far removed from his own world but, as he watched her on that stage, laying cables across it, knowing exactly where everything went, laughing with the men around her, Daniel could see that she was very comfortable in hers.

  The sound of his mobile ‘phone ringing made him look away from the stage and he pulled it out of his pocket, looking at the screen to see who it was. Samantha. He really should be heading home. He still had a few calls to make before he even thought about getting ready for tonight.

  “Samantha. I’m on my way home now.”

  “Can you stop off at Alan Walker’s on your way, darling? He’s got a few bottles of the most fabulous Spanish Rioja for us to pick up to take with us this evening.”

  He started to walk towards his car, but something made him stop and turn around, curious to catch just one more glimpse of the young woman he’d bumped into.

  “Daniel...are you alright? You seem a little distracted.”

  Samantha’s voice cut into his thoughts.

  “No, no. I’m fine.”

  She was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the stage now, playing around with an electric guitar.

  “I’ll be home in about half an hour. Is that ok?”

  “Of course that’s ok, darling. How are things going over there? Audra’s so excited about this band, she can hardly contain herself. Are they there yet?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  Daniel watched as a tall, tattooed, bearded man approached the young woman and she smiled up at him as he sat down next to her.

  “They’re busy setting up the stage,” Daniel went on.

  “Oh! How exciting!” Samantha squealed. “I’m almost looking forward to it myself. They’re apparently extremely famous you know.”

  “Who are?”

  “This band playing tonight. Are you sure you’re ok, Daniel?”

  He was trying not to stare as the woman on stage stretched her long, tanned legs out in front of her, handing the guitar to the man beside her.

  “I’m fine. Really.”

  “Don’t forget the wine. Alan’s expecting you.”

  “I’m on my way. I’ll see you soon, Samantha.”

  He put the ‘phone back in his jacket pocket, taking one last look over at the stage. And it was then that those piercing blue eyes of hers met his for a brief second. A second so brief it wasn’t even worth mentioning. But it was a second that was to change Daniel Madison’s life. Forever.


  “Who’s that?” Johnny asked, noticing Stevie taking a quick look at a very well dressed man in a dark suit. He also noticed that this man’s gaze stayed on Stevie a lot longer than hers did on him.

  “Just some posh guy. I’m assuming he’s something to do with this party tonight. Everyone around here’s bloody posh.” She stood up and jumped off the stage. “Where’s Mark?”

  Johnny followed her. “Still at the hotel. And don’t worry, he’s alone.”

  She looked at him. “Do I look worried?”

  “You two seem to be going through one of your calmer periods. Am I right?”

  She ran up the ramp of one of the trucks parked round the back of the stage.

  “Yeah. You’re right. And if you want to hang around here you can give me a hand ‘cos I haven’t got time to stand around chatting.”

  He jumped up into the back of the truck with her. “Sit down for a second, Stevie.”

  “Did you not hear what I said?”

  “Just sit down will you?”

  “No, Johnny. You’ve been acting weird ever since we got back from Ibiza, what’s the matter with you?”

  “You. You’re the matter with me.”

  “Me?” she laughed. “What the hell have I done?”

  Johnny pushed a hand through his messed-up black hair and sighed. “It doesn’t matter. Forget it.”

  “Forget it? Johnny...”

  “I’ve gotta go.” He jumped out of the back of the truck, leaving Stevie totally confused. “See you later, Stevie.”

  “Johnny? Jesus, what is wrong with everyone today?”

  She sat down on one of the huge metal boxes of equipment, taking out her ‘phone and pressing the speed dial number for Mark. Something was up with Johnny; she had no doubt about that. Ever since the festival in Ibiza there’d been times when he’d acted really strange, sometimes around her but especially around Mark. She’d find some time to talk to him, and hopefully soon, but right now she just wanted her man. She wanted Mark.

  She crossed her legs up underneath her and smiled as his deep, Californian voice came down the line.

  “Hey, baby. How you doing?” He sounded tired, like he’d just woken up.

  “Did I wake you?” she asked, fiddling with the frayed leg of her shorts.

  “No. No, you’re ok, honey. How’s it going over there?”

  “I reckon we’re almost done.”

  “Get your gorgeous ass back here then, because I’m bored.”

  “I’m nothing but a plaything to you, am I?”

  But she was smiling as she said that. Playing with Mark Cassidy was always a pleasure. It was never just one way traffic. He made sure she had her fair share of fun - most of the time.

  “Just get back here, Stevie. ASAP, baby.”

  “Are you in bed?” she asked, looking outside, trying to gauge what there was left to do and how long she was going to be.

  “Totally naked and waiting for you.”

  She closed her eyes for a second, imagining his perfect, hard, toned body. It was a picture imprinted firmly in her mind. Hers and Christ knows how many others.

  “Well, I’m gonna be about an hour or so yet, Mark, so, you’re gonna have to play by yourself for a little while.”

  “An hour? Jesus, Stevie.”

  “I’m working, Mark. An hour, ok? And you’re more than capable of amusing yourself until I get back. Just save some for me, alright?”

  She ended the call and shoved her ‘phone down the back pocket of her shorts, jumping off the box she was sitting on and giving it a nudge down the ramp with her foot. The quicker she got this finished the quicker she could get to Mark, because Johnny was right. They were going through one of their calmer periods. Ever since they’d arrived back down south there’d been no fights, no shouting. No groupies. But Stevie also knew that was only because they had a few days off before the Wembley gigs. A few days before Mark Cassidy turned back into that ego-centric rock star he loved to portray and the games would begin all over again. She only hoped he was going to behave himself tonight. These kids were too young and vulnerable to be given the Mark Cassidy treatment. She could take it. She’d learnt to not let it ge
t to her, to not let it affect her. Or she thought she had. But the one thing that was starting to worry her, starting to hammer away at the back of her mind, was the one thing she’d never really wanted to happen. It had never happened before and it was confusing. Mark Cassidy was a player, she’d known that all along, so why now? Why was it happening now? Why, all of a sudden, was it starting to hurt?


  The noise coming from Audra and her friends was almost excruciating. A sea of loud and impatient teenagers, mostly girls, stretched out across the make-shift outdoor concert arena and Daniel and Samantha stood on the terrace of the Country Club watching the over-excited crowd wait for the band to appear. They were constantly shouting and screaming but the only thing happening on the stage at the minute was the odd technician or crew member running out to check something. Daniel wondered if she was still here, the woman he’d bumped into this afternoon. She was one of the crew; he knew that now, so surely she was still here?

  “Daniel? Did you hear what I said?”

  “Hmm? Oh, sorry, darling. The noise – it’s a little distracting.”

  “That’s why I’m going inside. I can hardly hear myself think out here. Heaven knows what it’s going to be like when the band comes out, although I’m mildly curious to have a look at this lead singer of theirs. Audra tells me he’s a bit of a dish.”

  Daniel looked at his wife, so perfect and beautiful in a stunning blue cocktail dress, her blonde hair piled up on top of her head without a stray strand in sight. She looked amazing. But for some reason he had this urge, this unexplainable urge to see the mystery Swedish woman again, with her denim cut-offs and tattoos, attitude oozing from every pore. He wanted to see her again. He just didn’t know why.

  “Sorry, what did you say, darling?”

  Samantha smiled, kissing her husband quickly. “The lead singer. He’s supposed to be quite a good-looking young man. Are you coming inside?”

  “No. No, I’m going to stay out here a little longer.”

  “Are you sure?” Samantha said, still smiling as she squeezed his hand. He’d been a little quiet ever since he’d got home that afternoon but she just assumed he had a lot on his mind.


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