See You at the Show

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See You at the Show Page 12

by Michelle Betham

  “I’ve never done this kind of thing before, Stevie.”

  “What kind of thing? There’s absolutely nothing going on as far as I can see...unless…”

  He looked up quickly.

  “Do you want something to happen here, Daniel?”

  Did he? He couldn’t answer the question, he couldn’t say anything, he just looked at her as she started to walk over to him. That’s all he could do because he’d lost control of this now, he didn’t know what was happening anymore. He just knew he wanted to be here. With her. That’s all he wanted. For a usually rational man his thinking was way off the mark tonight because none of this was rational, none of this was safe yet he was here. And he wanted her. Like he’d never wanted anything before.

  She was standing right in front of him now, looking right into his eyes. “Daniel? Do you want something to happen? Is that why I’m here? Tell me the truth. Is that why I’m here? Because you want something to happen?”

  He still couldn’t answer her. The words were still refusing to come out of his mouth. And she was so close now, so very close. Shouldn’t he be pushing her away? Telling her to leave? Shouldn’t he be calling his wife and telling her how much he loved her? It should be business as usual in Daniel Madison’s life but it wasn’t. Far from it.

  “That’s it, isn’t it?” she smiled, reaching out to loosen his tie. “You want to sleep with me.”

  “No...Stevie, I...I mean, Jesus, I don’t know. I don’t...”

  “You do. You do know, Daniel. You’re just scared to admit it.”

  She was right, of course she was. She was right because he was scared, he was terrified. She was right because he did want to sleep with her. Maybe he hadn’t wanted that in the beginning but he did now. Jesus, did he.

  She loosened his tie, slipping it slowly away from his neck. Then she started to unfasten his shirt, her eyes never leaving his as her fingers touched his skin and he felt his heart start to race, his head start to spin. He felt as though he’d drank twenty cups of coffee one after another. How could one person make another feel this way? It was crazy!

  “Are you gonna kiss me then, or what?”

  “Kiss you?”

  “Jesus, you’re hard work.” She was still staring at him, her incredible blue eyes boring into him as she pushed him back against the wall, and then, before he’d had time to catch his breath, her mouth was on his and she was kissing him. She was kissing him like he’d never been kissed before and she tasted beautiful, her lips soft as they moved on his, her tongue running along the roof of his mouth, the back of his teeth. It was a kiss that was sending jolts of electricity right through him as her body moved closer to his, pressing against him, and with an almost instinctive reaction he put his arm around her waist, holding her as the kiss got harder and deeper, her fingers stroking the back of his neck. Then she pulled away slightly, smiling at the almost startled look on his face.

  “That was a kiss, Daniel. In case you hadn’t realised.”

  He still didn’t know what to say, he still couldn’t find the words. He felt as though this was all happening to someone else and he was just watching from the sidelines.

  “You don’t say much, do you? For someone who wanted to talk.”

  He looked at her. She was so far away from the woman Samantha was and yet he found her utterly breathtaking. She scared the life out of him, this scared the life out of him, but he couldn’t back off. Not now. Maybe before that kiss he might still have been able to find the strength from somewhere, but not now. She’d opened the floodgates and everything he’d never dreamed of doing before was probably now going to happen. Whether he wanted it to or not.

  “Ok. So you don’t feel like talking anymore...where’s the bedroom?”

  “Sorry?” He really couldn’t think straight. All rationality had just disappeared.

  “Your bedroom. Where is it? If we’re not gonna talk then we’re sure as hell gonna do something.”


  “Oh, for Christ’s sake, I’ll find it myself.”

  She didn’t know what was with this guy but right now he was making Mark look uncomplicated. But she wanted to stay. She wanted to stay and push him as far as she could and see just where he was willing to go. She was so in the mood tonight.

  Daniel watched her walk away, out into the hallway that led to the bedrooms. What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he stop this before it went too far? Because it already had, that’s why.

  He closed his eyes for a second or two, trying to get his head together, his heart racing so fast and hard it hurt. He was almost finding it difficult to breathe.

  His ‘phone ringing suddenly made him jump and he reached for it from the sideboard beside him. It was Samantha. He couldn’t answer it. If he answered it it would end whatever was happening here and although that’s what he should be doing, he couldn’t. In his bedroom, the bedroom he’d shared so many times with his beautiful wife, was an incredible woman he just wasn’t able to push away. So he couldn’t talk to his wife. He had to ignore her call. For the rest of this night he had to forget she even existed and he was going to hate himself in the morning, he knew that. But that’s what he was going to have to do or he wasn’t going to be able to get through this. And he wanted to get through this. No matter how much of a bastard he was going to feel tomorrow.

  He switched his ‘phone off and threw it into the top drawer, slamming it shut, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes again. Maybe if he just pretended this was all a dream and in the morning everything would go back to normal, if he did that would it make him feel any less guilty? He opened his eyes and looked down at his unfastened shirt, his discarded tie on the floor, her motorbike helmet lying on the sofa. He couldn’t go back now. He’d already stepped over the line, what was the point?

  So, taking a deep breath he started to walk towards the bedroom, trying to push all thoughts of Samantha to the back of his mind. He could hear the shower running from behind the closed door and he stopped for a second, resting his forehead against the cool surface, taking one more deep breath before he pushed it open, a sudden wave of panic washing over him as the noise of the water stopped. Part of him wanted to turn around and run, but before he had a chance to think about it she’d walked out of the bathroom, covered only by a small white towel.

  “You’re here then. I thought I was gonna have to do this on my own.”

  “On your own? I...”

  “Ok. I’m gonna shut you up now because for someone so educated you’re having real trouble stringing a coherent sentence together.”

  Daniel watched as she ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, shaking it out, and as she pulled the towel away from her body and threw it onto the floor he once again felt his heart start to race because he was out of his depth now. Way out of his depth.

  “If you want it, Mr. Madison, it’s all yours.”

  He looked at her as she stood there in front of him, naked and damp and the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She had the body of a centrefold – not that he’d seen many centrefolds but he assumed they’d have perfect bodies, wouldn’t they? Christ, what was wrong with him? He was starting a bloody debate in his head when he had a fully fledged fantasy standing right there in front of him. But Daniel had never really gone in for fantasies. Until now. Until Stevie Stone had walked into his life. Or had he walked into hers? He didn’t know, he couldn’t care. All he knew was that he wanted her. She was perfect. To him she looked perfect, even with the tattoos and the piercings – he’d noticed she had her naval pierced, how could he not? Her skin was smooth and tanned, she wasn’t particularly tall but her legs were long and slim, her stomach flat and toned, and she had the most amazing rounded breasts. He’d never used that word to describe breasts before. Amazing. Not even Samantha’s were amazing. No, he couldn’t think about his wife, he had to stop thinking about her.

  “You can come closer,” Stevie said, watc
hing him as his eyes scanned every inch of her body. He was still nervous, she could tell that, it was obvious. But she had him now. He wasn’t going anywhere. “So, you coming closer then?”

  And for the first time that night she realised that she actually wanted him too. He kissed great, for a posh guy. She couldn’t help but wonder what sex would be like.

  Daniel moved closer, each step he took taking him one step nearer to a situation he’d never been in before. A situation he wasn’t sure he could handle.

  “Come on. Don’t be shy.”

  She reached out and took his hand, gently placing it between her breasts, laughing at the slight look of shock that passed over his face as he touched her naked skin.

  “You’re warm,” he whispered, looking at his hand as it rested between those amazing breasts. He could feel her heart beating, he could feel it; not as fast as his own, which was still racing so hard it was making him dizzy, but he could feel it.

  “So, are we gonna do this then?”

  He looked at her, right into those piercing blue eyes, every ounce of any resistance he might have had left now disappearing. It was gone. To fight this anymore would be pointless.

  He moved his hand down slowly to her hip, his fingers brushing over her smooth, soft skin as he pulled her closer, a sudden wave of confidence washing over him as he continued to stare into her incredible eyes.

  “Well, we’ve come this far, Ms. Stone. We might as well finish the job.”

  She smiled at him. Those nerves of his seemed to be deserting him.

  She put a hand to the side of his face, stroking his cheek, closing her eyes as he kissed her. This time he was kissing her and she liked it. More than she’d thought she would. He was different, he felt different, he was new, and she kind of needed that. Something new.

  “Come on then, Mr. Politician. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  She let go of him and he watched as she lay down on his bed, taking another long look at her incredible body as she closed her eyes, stretching her arms up above her head, her legs slightly drawn up. Samantha would never lie there like that. Never. She always liked to get undressed in their en-suite then get straight under the covers. She would never get into bed naked. They’d never even made love with her naked, not since the early days of their marriage. She always liked to wear one of her elegant silk and lace nightdresses and Daniel had never really thought anything of it before because it was just what they’d always done. But this – this was a whole new experience for him.

  Stevie rolled over onto her side and watched him as he undressed. Underneath the suit and the tie and the austere politician’s exterior he had a body that wasn’t bad at all. He wasn’t Mark, that was for sure, but it was obvious he kept himself in great shape. He was a good-looking guy, and she felt more than a little turned on as he lay down beside her. Whatever was happening here it was exciting, dangerous, and she liked that. Exciting was good. Dangerous was even better.

  “I’ve never done this kind of thing before, Stevie.”

  “Yeah. I get that, Daniel.”

  “But I need to know what this feels like. I need to know what you feel like.”

  “Well, let’s quit with the talking then.” She pushed him onto his back, sitting astride him, leaning over to kiss him slowly. “And let’s just do it.”


  “Where’s Stevie?” Mark asked.

  Johnny was still half asleep as he opened the front door of his flat to find his friend standing there. “How the hell should I know? I’m not her fucking mother.”

  Mark pushed past him and went inside.

  “Yeah. Good morning to you too.” Johnny closed the door, following Mark into the living room. “Have you seen the fucking time, man?”

  “I couldn’t sleep.” Mark sat down, clasping his hands between his open knees.

  “What? So I have to suffer too?” Johnny went over to the open-plan kitchen and switched on the coffee machine. “You look like shit by the way. What time did you leave the bar last night?”

  “I dunno. Once Stevie left I kept on drinking. Then I went over to her place but she wasn’t home. I thought she might be here.”

  “And why would she be here?”

  “Because she runs to you when she’s fucked off with me.”

  “And is she fucked off with you?”

  “Don’t piss me off, Johnny. I’m not in the mood.” Mark got up, starting to pace the floor, his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his jeans.

  Johnny poured himself a coffee. “Well, she isn’t here. She never was.”

  “Then where the hell is she?”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Mark? When did you start caring where she was 24/7? This is Stevie we’re talking about, she could be anywhere. She’ll be fine.”

  Mark was agitated. He didn’t like what was going on in his head right now. Things were changing and he was finding it really hard to get a handle on that.

  Johnny watched as he paced the floor. He’d never seen Mark like this before, not over a woman, and it unnerved him slightly. He felt a lot for Stevie too, probably more than he should but when it came down to it he was always going to come second to Mark. But that didn’t stop him from hoping that could change. Maybe Billy was right, maybe he should just tell her how he really felt, but Stevie wasn’t just any girl. She’d never shown any desire to settle down or make a commitment of any kind, he wasn’t even sure she’d ever been in love. She’d certainly never talked to him about any past relationships. So for him to wade on in there and announce he might be falling in love with her, well - he couldn’t be sure how that would go down.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  Johnny looked up as Mark’s voice pierced his thoughts. “Sorry. What?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m outta here. If you hear from Stevie, let me know. I need to talk to her.”

  “Need to talk to her? When have you ever needed to talk to anyone let alone Stevie?”

  “Just let me know, ok? There’s stuff I need to tell her.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m in love with her, the moody Swedish bitch that she is. I fucking think I’ve fallen in love with her.”


  Daniel couldn’t concentrate. He had a meeting to go to in a couple of hours and he needed to focus, but he’d just had a night the like of which he’d never experienced before, and ever since he’d woken up all he’d done was replay every heart-stopping, mind-blowing minute of it.

  He’d never had sex like it. He’d never even known sex could be like that. He’d done things he’d never heard of before, seen things he didn’t think he’d ever see, and gone to places he hadn’t even known had existed before last night. Until this extraordinary woman had crashed into his life. She’d opened his eyes to a brand new world and he was fascinated by her.

  “Ok, politician guy, I’m outta here.”

  He swung round as he heard her voice, saw her picking up her jacket.

  “Stevie, wait, hold on.”

  She looked at him. There was something different about him this morning. He seemed more energised, he was certainly less shy but then, after what they’d done last night there was no point in being shy anymore. She’d wanted to push him as far as she could and she’d certainly done that, and he’d gone farther than she’d ever thought he would go. A hell of a lot farther. She couldn’t help but smile at the memories.

  “What are you smiling at?” Daniel asked.

  She leaned back against the sofa, folding her arms. “If anyone knew what we’d done just a few hours ago, and you, the next possible party leader. Maybe even the future Prime Minister.”

  “You wouldn’t...?”

  She couldn’t help laughing. “Relax, Daniel. This stays our little secret. I’ve got enough complications in my life without adding to them. And I really don’t feel much like breaking up a marriage.”

  “You wouldn’t be,” he said, trying to push all thoughts of Samantha
to the back of his mind. Again.

  “No. I know I wouldn’t, because I’m going now.”

  Daniel looked at her. She was beautiful, just stunning, and even though it was wrong and dangerous and everything a man in his position shouldn’t be doing, he couldn’t let her go. He couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing her again, of never feeling again what he’d felt last night. Once hadn’t been enough. He’d thought it would be, he’d thought that’s all it would take to get her out of his system but it wasn’t enough. It was nowhere near enough. He wanted more of her; he wanted her now for Christ’s sake! A few days ago he’d been a happily married man with a perfect life and absolutely no inclination to change that but now – now all of that had been turned upside down and he couldn’t go back. He didn’t want to.

  “ can’t go, Stevie.”

  She looked at him. “Yes. I can. You got what you wanted, didn’t you?”

  “Jesus, don’t make it sound like that, please.”

  “What else was it, Daniel? We had great sex – really great sex - but that was it.”

  “Was it?” What was he doing? What was he about to get into here? She was giving him the perfect opportunity to take away a perfect night of incredible memories and walk away from this before anything else had a chance to happen so why couldn’t he just do that?

  She leaned back against the wall and folded her arms. “You want to do this again?”

  He was still getting used to the way she came straight out with things. He’d never come across a woman like her before. “Yes. I want to do this again.”

  “You’re married, Daniel. Doesn’t that bother you?”


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