Los Angeles (International Guy Book 12)

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Los Angeles (International Guy Book 12) Page 2

by Audrey Carlan

  “Damn straight.” He half groans while adjusting his wide shoulders. The guy played college football back in the day and hasn’t lost any of that bulk even at thirty. He’s big. He’s black. He’s badass. Until now, he didn’t take any shit from anyone. Then again, not everyone is a tall African American beauty with light-hazel eyes, long dark hair, and naturally full hips on a body that won’t quit.

  No matter what she’d like to think, Kendra’s the one who got away, and if that kiss was anything to go by, even followed by that smack, she’s moved right back into Roy’s heart with a vengeance. Seems like he’s got a major challenge on his hands. She doesn’t act as though she wants to go the distance, no matter the fireworks we all just witnessed.

  We reach the bar, and I order up three fingers of whiskey neat for us both, taking a tumbler for myself and passing the other to Royce. Skyler and I can crawl home since our house is just a few acres down the road from the Pritchard McMansion.

  Royce lifts his glass to his lips and takes a healthy swig, knocking a full finger back in one gulp.

  Skyler gets a glass of wine and leans next to my side, her arm wrapped around my back, her other hand holding her glass in front of her, where she sips silently.

  “You wanna tell me what all of that was about?” I gesture with an index finger to the area we just left where Royce and Kendra had their blowup.

  “Not particularly.” He takes another big swallow and sucks in a harsh breath after.

  “Brother . . .” I let that word hang out to dry, an invitation and an admonishment at the same time.

  “Fuckin’ woman won’t listen to reason,” Roy snaps.

  I cock a brow and wait it out. He obviously needs to vent, and since I don’t know what the hell is going on between the two of them, I need him to lead this charge.

  He shakes his head and looks out over the small reception of people milling about. I’ve been told most are people from Wendy and Mick’s private lifestyle. I don’t know if that means they’re all kinky or just friends we’ve never met before, or both. Either way, Skyler and I have enjoyed meeting some of their friends outside of our little world. They mostly seem to be closer to Mick, as though they are his side of the wedding party and the IG people and my family as well as Royce’s mom and sisters are Wendy’s side.

  “I messed up, brother.” Roy rubs his hand over the back of his neck and squeezes. He uses his free hand to chug more whiskey until there’s nothing more. He turns around and slams the tumbler to the bar. “Another.”

  Guess someone else will be crawling back to our house with us tonight.

  “How did you screw up?” I ask softly, not wanting to make it too much of a big deal that we’re talking about him and Kendra, even when it is. In the past, she was his everything. Then it all went to hell; one day she was there, they were planning their future together, and the next, gone. Poof. Disappeared.

  Of course, I was dealing with my own shit with Kayla cheating on me, our ex-best friend, Greg, being the douchecanoe that did her. We lost both friends, so I wasn’t really up to snuff on the comings and goings of Royce and Kendra. At the time, Royce only told me that she said she was ending things and leaving. Then before I came out of my Kayla-induced pity party for one, Kendra was gone, having moved to Washington, DC, leaving Roy and the life they were building in the dust.

  “We hooked up, man. Several times. Each time better than the last.” He looks down at his feet. “Being with her is like soaking in a natural hot spring. Everything just feels right, warm; your senses and mind are finally at peace for once in your life. Except, the second you lift out into the open air, you get nuthin’ but ice-cold chills all over your body.” His dark gaze lifts to Sky then back to me. “You ever feel that? A cold you can’t escape?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, man, I just wrap myself up in my very own Skyler blanket and keep my ass warm.”

  He huffs and points a finger. “Attaboy. That’s the way it should be. And you, baby girl, you ever feel cold?” He turns a steely-hard gaze Sky’s way.

  Skyler frowns. “Not when I’m with Parker. He’d do anything to keep me warm. Always.” She bites into her bottom lip, clearly knowing where this conversation is going.

  “Exactly. When we’re together, we burn so hot it feels like no storm could break us. But each and every time . . . it ends. And that end is harder to accept than the last, because every fuckin’ time, I fall in love with that woman a little bit more. One taste of her and I’m gone. Can’t get that taste out of my mouth, and I don’t fuckin’ want to. What I want is that sweetness that is all her, on my tongue, forever.”

  “Jesus, Roy.” I lift my drink and swallow down half of what’s in my glass, letting that shit burn a hole through my gut to distract from the pain of knowing what my brother is living through: not having the woman he needs by his side. I couldn’t take it. Even that brief time between the San Francisco and Montreal jobs that I didn’t have Sky officially in my life shredded me. I don’t think I could live with it if I lost Sky now that I know the beauty of all that is her.

  Roy grabs the glass the bartender has refilled. Thank God it’s an open bar, because the shit Mick and Wendy are pouring is the tippy-top shelf that’s usually fifty dollars a shot at my father’s bar, and this guy tending bar is generous. I suck back the last of mine and lift my chin to the server. He takes the hint and fills my drink another three fingers.

  Roy takes a smaller sip this time. “It’s all right, man, I’ll be fine. Just need to get my shit together and figure out my next step.”

  “Are you going to let her go?” I ask, and Skyler stiffens at my side.

  “Fuck no! I’m going to lick my wounds and regroup. She’s it. My endgame. I just have to find a way to convince her I’m hers.”

  I grin and lift my glass between us. “To creating the future we are meant to have, with the women we’re meant to have it with.”

  Skyler leans her head against my shoulder and nuzzles closer as I clink glasses with my best friend. He’ll find a way.

  Love always wins.

  After Momma Sterling intruded into our male brooding, I left Roy in her very capable hands. The last thing I heard was, “And that Kendra is running her brand of damage on my boy all over again. Stupid witch.” At that point, I steered Skyler and myself out of the conversation and toward the dance floor.

  “Will you dance with me?” I twirl my girl around and bring her back into my arms.

  “Anytime, every time.” She smiles wide, placing one arm around my back and her free hand securely into mine.

  The music swirls and dips around us, and before long, I see Bo with a buxom brunette I recognize very well in his arms.

  “Geneva! I had no idea you were here.” I maneuver Sky and myself over to where Bo is dancing with our old friend. She’s been in Boston for the past month, meeting with the movie people, running lines with Sky and Rick before shooting starts in another three weeks. When she heard about what happened to us, she met with her people and pushed the entire movie schedule back three months. Skyler was in no position to act the part in a very beloved romance, and Geneva would have no one else but Sky since the character was practically crafted in her likeness.

  Geneva smiles and runs a hand down to Bo’s ass, where she cops a feel right on the dance floor. “Couldn’t attend the ceremony, but I wouldn’t miss the reception. I’m here as this wild one’s date in the hopes of getting a little bit more than a twirl around the dance floor. What do you say, cowboy?” she coos in her lovely British accent, though her innuendo is anything but lovely. It’s downright naughty.

  “I say giddyap, ma’am.” He swings her out and brings her back, dipping his hips and rubbing his body all over the wanton author.

  “My goodness . . . you two need to get a room!” Sky giggles, her cheeks firing red for the second time this evening.

  I love how my woman still blushes. She’s so beautiful when her face takes on that rosy hue.

  “Why, that’s an e
xcellent idea. Wha’ d’ya say, cowgirl? You want to take a ride?” He rolls his hips in a blatantly sexual manner.

  “I just got here!” She chuckles and swats his ass. “Behave.”

  Behind them, I see Baylee pacing in the background, her thumbnail resting between her teeth, her eyes flickering to Bo and then back to the room at large as if she’s debating interrupting his dance. The woman is new to our fold, doesn’t actually come around much, but I know since she started working at Lucky’s a couple of months ago, Wendy and Sky have spent some time with her. From what I understand, we don’t know a lot about her, just that she needed the job and started work immediately. The holidays had hit right around the time the shit went down with Tracey, and with Pops being laid up, Bo hired a couple of people, Baylee being one of them.

  Seeing her pace the floor in a royal-blue dress that reaches about four inches above her knees and a pair of nude platform pumps is a side to her we haven’t seen. Hell, I knew the woman had a nice shape and a gorgeous face. In all honesty, Bo wouldn’t have hired her if she weren’t easy on the eyes. It’s just not in his makeup. Still, I don’t think any of us knew the bombshell she was hiding behind those shapeless T-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. Looking at her now, the woman is a freakin’ knockout. Long legs that seem to go on for days. Tanned skin. Long, wavy sandy-brown hair, and a fuckuva lot of it too. Normally she’s got that mane in a ponytail or pinned in a messy bun on her head. Hanging down and styled, not only is it eye-catching, it looks shiny and soft, something that makes a man want to run his fingers through it . . . after he fucks the shit out of her. Her dress is rockin’, showcasing her large breasts, and it glides along her flared hips. The woman is the epitome of an hourglass figure. Yep, definite knockout.

  “You can stop licking your lips now, honey.” Skyler dips her face in front of mine so all I can see is her and not Baylee.

  “Peaches, I would never—”

  She places two fingers over my lips. “Relax.” She smirks. “I was just joshing you! Though I did catch you eyeballing the new girl.”

  “Sky, baby, I can’t help it. I’ve never seen her look like . . .” I scan her sexy-as-fuck body and blink a few times, making the image go away before my woman clocks me the way Kendra clocked Roy earlier.

  “Like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model?”

  I blink dumbly and focus on my golden girl. “Yeah. Pretty much.”

  She snickers. “Honey, she’s wearing my dress.”

  I can feel my eyes trying to bug out of my head as I maneuver her around so I can get a better look. Shit, yep. It’s one I’ve drooled over Sky wearing.

  “Though I will say, her female attributes have been highlighted to their fullest possible extent.” She smiles, taking in the woman.

  “I didn’t say anything,” I blurt defensively.

  Skyler grins. “I know you love me and only me, but you’re not dead. You’re allowed to look and appreciate a beautiful woman.” She leans into my space again, bringing her lips to hover just over mine. Her peaches-and-cream scent fills my nostrils, and I’m drunk on her all over again. “You’re just not allowed to touch.” She kisses me softly, touching just the tip of her tongue to mine before easing back and smiling.

  “You do not play fair, woman.” I pull a move like Geneva’s and get handsy with my girl’s ass.

  “Hey! Pretty boy. Hands off,” she admonishes, and after a playful squeeze of the tightest, most perfect ass I’ve ever seen, felt, or bitten into, I move my hand to the center of her spine, where I can trace the velvet surface of her skin at my leisure.

  “What do you think she wants?” I watch her focus completely on Bo and decisively nod, her hands rounding into fists at her sides.

  She’s about to approach Bo, her finger reaching out to tap him on the back, when Bo growls and crushes Geneva’s lips to his in a searing kiss that rivals the one Royce gave Kendra earlier. Not quite as heated as theirs, but definitely holding promise of something more carnal at a later hour in the evening.

  Baylee sees the kiss, backs up several steps, bumps into someone, and steps on a man’s foot with the spiked heel of her stiletto.

  “Ooowee! That fucking hurt!” the man roars, spinning around and grabbing Baylee by both biceps and shaking her. “Watch where you’re fucking going, you idiot!”

  Oh hell no. I move to approach, but at this point, Bo’s already turned around and jumped into the fray before I can even situate Skyler behind me and back up my buddy.

  “Watch how you talk to a lady, asshole!” Bo spits with a growl, and yanks Baylee out of the man’s hold. “Are you okay, Lee?” He slides his hands soothingly up and down her arms, which I can already see have red blotches marring where the fuckface grabbed her.

  She looks at him, then at the furious man who’s shaking his sore foot, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. “I’m sorry . . . so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Her face is a mask of remorse and apology. “And, Bo, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Um, I didn’t know . . . uh . . . that you had a girlfriend. I’m . . . I’m . . . It doesn’t matter what I am. I need to go.” A tear slips down one high cheekbone before she dashes it away with her hand, steps back out of his hold, turns on her tall heels, and takes a runner.

  What is it with women and running off?

  “Christ! Baylee! Come back, sweetheart!” he calls out, and then, without another word, jets off after her.

  Geneva crosses her arms and pouts. “Well, bloody hell. Looks like I’m going to have to find another bloke to warm my bed this evening. Pity,” she mumbles.

  Mick approaches with a stern face and his wife holding his hand and trailing just a step behind him. Her fluffy dress is bouncing all over the place as he moves at a fast clip.

  “What is the meaning of this debacle?” Mick’s voice is hard and cold. “Are you starting trouble again, Uncle Neil?”

  The older man, who carries a remarkable resemblance to Mick, blusters and straightens his coat as if he’s been in a full tussle. “Out of nowhere this bumbling woman crashed into me and speared her stiletto into the top of my foot! She may have broken a bone! I’m going to have to see a doctor,” he tuts, as if Baylee planned to run into him.

  Mick’s mouth quirks for a moment before he gets control of himself.

  I wrap my arm around Sky’s shoulders as she adds, “That may have happened, but you didn’t need to manhandle and yell at the young woman who accidentally bumped into you and stepped on your foot. I saw the entire thing.”

  “I see the drunken, bumbling twit has friends,” the man barks.

  That makes my hackles rise. No man treats a woman like that, especially a sweet girl like Baylee.

  “Jesus. She didn’t do anything to you. Man up,” I bark back, standing up straighter while taking a step closer.

  “Well, I’ve never been treated such a way in my entire life.” He raises his chin haughtily.

  Mick’s nostrils flare, and he narrows his eyes. Unfortunately he’s too late, because Wendy takes the torch, pushing herself in front of her husband. “Sounds to me like you’re overreacting—”

  “Cherry, quiet,” Mick growls, but lovingly wraps an arm around her chest from behind.

  “Are you going to let your new wife talk to me like that, son?” the man asks, seemingly affronted.

  “I am not your son, and I’ll let my wife speak however she wants to the guests at her wedding in her backyard. Do remember who controls this family. You do not want to get on my bad side, or the family business we actually do together, Uncle Neil, will dry up. Keep that in mind. Now if you’ll accompany your date to the receiving room, I’ll have the doctor on call here evaluate your injury.”

  “Good,” he sneers, and grabs the arm of the woman he’s standing with and storms off. I assume she’s his wife, although she’s at least half his age.

  “If his foot were broken, he wouldn’t be able to walk.” Wendy watches his retreating form.

  Mick chuckles softly against Wendy’s neck
and kisses her there right at the sparkling collar.

  “Just sayin’.” She snickers.

  Mick turns his wife around and brings her into his arms against his chest. “And I am saying that my wife is the most beautiful woman here, and I shall request the honor of our first dance together as husband and wife.”

  “I shall accept your request and return that my man is a stone-cold fox, and I’ll dance circles around you all night just to see you smile like that at me.” She bats her eyelashes and shimmies her hips and chest in a sultry display that gets all of Mick’s attention.

  He grins wide, his eyes sparkling blue and his smile only for Wendy as he captures her against his chest and sways to the music.

  I watch as Geneva moves off the dance floor, likely to find a new guy to keep her entertained since Bo disappeared after Baylee.

  Following Mick’s lead, I curl my hand around Skyler’s and bring her back into my arms. “Wow. A lot just happened,” I murmur in her ear.

  “Totally weird. First, we’ve got Royce and Kendra in a kiss-off ending in a fight. Then we’ve got Baylee acting strange about approaching Bo and then running away in tears. And Mick nearly duking it out with his uncle Neil, which I didn’t even know he had! Then to hear the way that Mick feels about his uncle . . . yikes. There is some family drama all over that. I’ll have to find out the goods from Wendy.”

  “Sky, don’t get involved in their drama,” I warn.

  She frowns. “Why the heck not? Wendy has half her body stuck in everyone else’s lives. Why can’t we poke around a little? Hmmm?”

  I chuckle. “It’s none of our business, and we’ve had enough of our own drama to last a lifetime; we don’t need anyone else’s.”

  Her smile falls. “This is true. I hate it when you’re right.”

  I rub my cheek along hers. “It’s not that I’m right; I’m just protecting what we have. We’ve been through a lot, and I don’t want to get involved in anything else that’s going to shake our lives up again. I want just you, me, our home, our dogs, and living the good life. Can we just do that for a while?”


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