by Cee Smith
“I Follow Rivers” by Lykke Li
“Good For You” by Selena Gomez
“You Decide” by 7th Standard
Check out the inspiration for Everett here:
a note from the author
While visiting New York for the first time—in the back of an Uber crossing the Brooklyn bridge—Indigo spoke to me. Actually, she wrote to Everett what would be the first entry in her diary to him.
This book has literally been the hardest thing I’ve ever written. I struggled with this book for a year. A YEAR! The more days passed, the more I doubted whether the book should actually see the light of day. Even as I write this there’s a part of me that still questions the decision. But, I feel like something that has stolen so many of my days should have a chance to breathe, fly free.
I’m sure there will be those that criticize Indigo’s pursuit of Everett. This book isn’t for them. This is a book for the chasers, the pursuers, those that innocently stalk from behind monitors and across office halls. Those that dare to take a peek beneath the facade of a potential love interest. This is for those who aren’t afraid to make the first move.
Let me start by saying this — for me, the acknowledgments page is probably the hardest thing I ever write because in part I feel inadequate because I think I don’t have enough individual people to shout out (pity party for one please). Mostly though, it’s hard because it never feels like enough. I can never thank these people enough for what they do or what they mean to me. They seem more deserving than any words I could conjure.
To E, I may have never found Indigo and Everett if it weren’t for you. I may have never found the courage to publish if it weren’t for you. Thank you for continuously pushing me to the edge of my comfort zone. Your creativity inspires me. Your love encourages me. Most of all, thank you for believing in me.
To my mom and sister who are so proud of work they’ve never read. I swear something is in the works for you!
This book wouldn’t be the same without these ladies: Erica – thank you for putting up with my neuroses. You should start billing me for “therapy emails” with each edit. Najla – as always, you spin ideas into art. I would never tell my husband this, but you’re easier to work with ;) Stacey – I couldn’t do what you do and still keep my sanity, so thank you for doing the “heavy lifting”.
Jennifer, as always, our daily texts mean more to me than I can say.
Amanda, thank you for holding things down when I needed a break from it all.
Authors know that being a writer is one of the most solitary professions there are. I’ve always enjoyed my solitude, but it wasn’t until I published that I realized how much I would come to appreciate the community of authors I’m now a part of.
To the bloggers — I could write a whole book of acknowledgments just for you! Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking a chance on me! Your posts, shares, recommendations, messages, emails – they literally make my day.
To my readers, thank you for taking the time to read this book. I’ll I’ve ever wanted to do was write, and every time you read something of mine you are actually contributing to me fulfilling my dreams. There are really no words for that. None. All I can say is, thank you so much. I hope you’ve enjoyed the story of Vett and Indy!
Cee Smith is a lover of the written word. Since first learning how to string a sentence together, she’s been putting pen to paper and hasn’t looked back. Though she’s no longer obsessed with blood and gore, the dark side still calls to her, often finding refuge in her current writings. Her addiction to reading is what finally inspired her to take a chance at publishing.
A California native, currently residing in North Carolina with her husband. She loves salacious stories, true love and forbidden romances—the more angst the better. Other than reading and writing, some of her other obsessions are peanut butter (don’t get her started), Michael Fassbender, and watching TV.
She loves talking about the creative process and what books she’s reading, so feel free to shoot her a line. Or if you just want to say hi that’s fine too. She swears she’ll respond.
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