A Lady's Seduction [Highland Menage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Lady's Seduction [Highland Menage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Reece Butler

  Alana twitched when Cormac ran a finger down the crack of her arse. His low chuckle suggested that was the response he’d expected, and wanted.

  “Do ye wish this, lass? When the three of us join, we will be one.”

  She’d enjoyed their fingers in there, though that was nothing like this would be. She was apprehensive, but she did want to be with both of them at once.


  Cormac’s hand caressed her back and then the curves of her arse. He placed a series of kisses from one hip to the other.

  “That’s my lassie. Tell us if ‘tis too much. I’ll go slow, but all ye need to do is speak, and I’ll stop.”

  He started out with an oiled finger. It was an intrusion, though a welcome one. It felt so different from her pussy. The tight rings provided so much sensation! James ran his hands over her back to her bottom, playing with the edges of her breasts. She lay her cheek on his chest and relaxed, listening to James’s breathing, and to his heart.

  Cormac twisted his fingers, making her clench. James reacted as well, his cock jumping inside her.

  “We are going to touch every part of ye, inside and out,” said Cormac. “Yer wee clit will sit up and beg when ye hear our voices. Yer pussy will swell and yer nipples will harden.”

  She smiled, though they wouldn’t see as her head faced away. “They already do.”

  “We will sit in yer father’s hall,” continued Cormac. “I’ll give ye a look, and ye’ll think of this, and what I’ll do as soon as I can lift yer gown.”

  He added another finger, stretching her more. She could no longer stay still. She wriggled on James’s cock, wanting sensation. She tried to grind her clit against him, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Whoa!” James clamped his hands on her hips, keeping her still. “If ye move like that I’ll not last.”

  “But I need to!”

  “Yer husbands will say what ye need,” replied Cormac. He added more oil, and another finger.

  “Please let me move!”

  Cormac must’ve nodded because James released her. She sat up and reached for her clit.

  “Nay, ‘tis my job.”

  James pushed her hand away and took over, but his finger rubbed around and around her clit, not over it. She was ready to push his hand away and take over when he put his finger there. He pressed hard, wiggling it. She quivered, leaning forward at an angle to keep his hand in place.

  Cormac pulled out his fingers, spread her cheeks, and set his cock.

  “Push me out,” he whispered. “‘Twill open ye for me.”

  Eager to take him, she did as he said. His cock breached her the same time as James pinched a nipple and her clit. Somehow the sharp pain in all three places canceled out. Cormac thrust forward and fully seated himself past her rings. All three of them panted.

  “Och, lassie, ye are so tight and hot,” murmured Cormac. “‘Tis wondrous!”

  James guided her to rise on her knees, sliding nearly out of her pussy so Cormac could fit. He groaned as he pressed into her. She joined him, moaning at the way the two cocks moved inside her. Cormac’s cock finally banged against her pussy. She sank, ever so slowly, onto James.

  She had both cocks halfway inside, both men sliding in and out in a cadence designed to drive her wild. She took over, moving herself onto them as she chose. James deep while Cormac almost slipped out, and then the reverse.

  She was full of her men, and nothing had ever felt so good.

  No longer unsure, Alana rode her husbands. She thrust her hips forward onto James and then her arse back onto Cormac. Front and back, front and back, each time a little deeper. Cormac came closer, allowing her to move faster. He took over her clit while James worked her nipples. They murmured encouragingly, words of praise that she heard but forgot a moment later, all her awareness on pleasure.

  She thrust her hips forward and back, faster and faster, as the tension coiled higher than she’d thought possible.

  She heard a whimper, and realized it came from her chest. The edge was there, but she could not reach it. She needed it, now!

  Cormac’s thumb worked her clit, fast and hard. James suddenly grabbed her hips and thrust madly into her.

  “Come for me, Alana!” ordered Cormac. He pinched her clit.

  Stars burst behind her eyes, and the world disappeared.



  “When do we tell ‘em William has sold his soul to the devil?”

  Laird Kenneth MacKenzie kept his eyes on the MacDougal brothers wrestling below. The men had quite an audience. No wonder, as what they were doing was unusual. James, while pinned on the ground, managed to make Cormac crash beside him. Unusual and effective. Having them here for a few months would do his men good. He turned to Colin.

  “It would help if we kenned which devil,” replied MacKenzie. “Sinclair has so many enemies ‘tis hard to ken which is the puppet master.”

  “William threw his soul away years ago,” said Colin. “He was always twisted. But to do that to lassies...”

  Colin’s face showed the disgust MacKenzie felt deep in his gut. It was one thing to put your wife over your lap for a bit of fun. Some enjoyed rough sex, and if they chose to do so, he had no comment. What William did to get aroused sickened him. His spies said the sorry excuse for a man thrived on a lass’s terror, that he was only able to mate when his hands were covered in blood from pummeling her.

  One of the messages he’d received said William was allied with a clan promising to supply him with whatever he needed for his depravity. In return they’d have power if Sinclair died before his grandson, George. As the earl’s only child, whoever married Alana would rule until the boy came of age. William’s future depended on being the one with rights to her bed. He’d have to keep her alive. A steady supply of poor, innocent lasses to abuse wouldn’t keep his hands off Alana, however.

  “William doesna care about his clan!” continued Colin, fuming. “He’ll let those broken men destroy Caithness.”

  MacKenzie tugged on his beard. Having the MacDougal brothers arrive at Castle Leod had not been in his plans. However they were men of honor and strength, from a well-respected clan. They would do far better for Caithness than the present earl, or anyone else in line. It would be best if the earl took a tumble off his high cliffs into the North Sea. Unfortunately the MacKenzie’s arm didn’t stretch quite that far.

  “They won’t touch Caithness if Lady Alana’s belly is swellin’ with a MacDougal bairn, with them wed by our priest”

  Colin reluctantly nodded. “William’s puppet masters will nay be pleased. They may act to put themselves back in power through him. If we kenned who was behind this—” Colin stopped himself. He ran his hands through his hair, grimacing. “‘Twould be easier to ken what would make Kiera happy.”

  “Aye, ‘tis easier. For I ken well what Kiera needs.”

  His widowed daughter was a cross he’d borne too long. She’d eloped against his orders at seventeen, marrying a fool she could wrap around her finger. Weeks after the wedding the groom fell off his horse and snapped his neck. A few days later Kiera had been dumped, leaving her to be found by the Frasers. His widowed daughter was a thorn in his side. A complaining, shrill, unhappy thorn.

  “There’s not enough gold in Scotland to make Kiera happy,” scoffed Colin.

  “She doesna want gold. She wishes for a husband and home of her own. I’m thinkin’ ‘tis time she remarried and took over her lands.”

  Colin tilted his head, eyes narrowed for a moment. “You did say you’d not have her spend another winter at Castle Leod. And Cromarty is far from here.”

  He grinned at his eldest son. “Remember that, do ye?”

  “I wouldna wish her on a friend. She thinks she’s too much for any man, so willna marry again.”

  “I’m thinkin’ ‘twill take a pair of MacDougals to tame my wee shrew.”


  “Aye. There’s nothing the matter with Kier
a that canna be solved by a big, loud, strong-willed man tossin’ her over his lap and showing her with the flat of his hand that she is worth protecting.”

  Colin burst into a laugh. “Is that what you call a spanking, a showing of respect to your wife? I’ll remember that for when I marry Barbara. From what James and Colin say, Somerled could keep her in line by hisself.”

  “Nay, lad, ‘twould mean she’d live in Duncladach. I want a pair of strong brothers keeping Kinrowan Castle in MacKenzie hands. Ye spent years with the lads. Which brothers would be best for yer wee sister?”

  “Could they be bastards? They’re all good men.”

  MacKenzie took another look out the window. Cormac had James in a headlock. He grinned like a berserker, tightening his thighs around his brother’s neck. James did something, Cormac howled, and their positions were reversed.

  “Best not,” said MacKenzie. “‘Tis important to Kiera to have respect. The Earl of Moray and Ross of Balnagowan would thumb their noses if her lairds were natural sons. They may not allow her heirs to stand.”

  “Then make it Duff and Malcolm. James says they’re identical, and like strangers to think there’s just one of them. That way if one’s in the hall with the laird the other can stay in the shadows and listen.”

  MacKenzie thought for a moment, then chuckled. “‘Tis best if Kiera doesna ken there’s two until she’s wed, and ‘tis too late.”

  Colin shifted his feet. “Is that right? To have her married to them both afore she kens the truth?”

  The laird reached for his sgian dhub and piece of wood. He whittled a lot, especially while he thought. “Kiera is unhappy and makes all around her feel the same. She needs a strong hand.”

  “She enjoyed her marriage bed well enough. Mayhaps she gets so fashed as she is missing her wee tussles.”

  A widowed laird could easily find a wife to share his bed. It was far different for a widowed daughter. She would not bring a lover to her room and shame her father. But if she was at her summer sheiling all alone she could indulge as she liked and none would be the wiser unless her belly began to swell. That would give him a reason to marry her off. And since the MacDougals were known for their virility there was a good chance his daughter would soon be married.

  “I wish my lass to have a home of her own and bairns to make her life full. If she beds one of the lads and has a few wee chats with the other she’ll see ‘tis best to accept both. And if they put a babe in her she’ll have to kneel afore the priest.”

  Colin gave his father a half grin. “Your counting on the MacDougal’s lack of coin to sway them to accept a harridan.”

  “I’m nay gettin’ younger. I want my children settled. All of them.” He gave Colin a look to warn that he was on the list as well. “I want ye and Kiera married afore winter. Ye’ll be havin’ Barbara Grant in yer bed afore the snow flies. And if Laird MacDougal agrees I’ll send one of the brothers to seduce Kiera. If she takes him to her bed, that’s proof she wants him.”

  “Barbara’s the dark-haired one with the sweet temper?”

  MacKenzie nodded. Barbara wasn’t sweet at all. She was a feisty thing and would keep Colin from getting bored. He wouldn’t realize that until after the marriage contract was signed, and then it would be too late.

  “Aye, dark hair and a big arse to hold onto, with tits to match.” That got Colin’s attention. His future wife’s body would keep the lad thinking with his cock until after the ceremony.

  “Kiera won’t ken what you’re up to until ‘tis too late, aye?”

  “Och, laddie, some day ye’ll be a fine laird.”

  A feminine shriek entered through the open window. They both looked out. Cormac had Alana over his shoulder, palm on her arse. He had a wide grin as he strode toward the forest. She fought to get loose. He swatted her arse, making her screech again.

  “They’re at it again, those MacDougals.” It made his blood rise, knowing what would come next. Though Alana struggled she wasn’t against the idea of being ravished by her man in the woods. “Aye, a pair of husbands like these will be good for my wee lassie.”

  Colin turned away. “They’re no good to me if they’re off tusslin’ with their wife. I want them training the men.”

  MacKenzie chuckled. “If they’re at all like their da the lass will be with child soon. And if Alana’s anything like yer mother for the first few months she won’t go far from her chamber pot. Then ye’ll keep their attention long enough to start on yer trainin’.” He gave Colin a knowing nod. “Ye’ll be doin’ the same with Barbara.”

  “I pray she’s as lusty,” said Colin morosely.

  “‘Tisna prayer what makes a woman lusty, laddie. ‘Tis what her husband does for her. Mayhaps ye might have a wee word with the MacDougal lads as to what might make her melt against ye.” The laird glanced again at the courtyard, now quiet. He’d been married to his second wife for a few months now. “Methinks my lady wife needs a break from pokin’ her needle into her tapestry.” He winked. “‘Tis my turn to do some pokin’.”

  Colin groaned. “Not you too!”

  MacKenzie slapped him on the back. “When the sap of a mon my age rises, and his staff as well, he’d best use it. Go wrestle with James.”




  Early jobs cleaning cages for a veterinarian, scrubbing floors in a hospital, and working as a waitress helped Reece Butler realize she was more of a thinker than a doer. An office keyboard kept her occupied for many years while her family grew. Once she discovered the romance genre it was a short step to reading erotic romance. And, since she has an active imagination and is fascinated with people, she began writing …

  She now spends most of her time writing, reading, researching, editing, plotting, creating characters…and eating dark chocolate.

  For all titles by Reece Butler, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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