Spirits of the Wildflowers

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Spirits of the Wildflowers Page 8

by Parris Match

  Bahcoo’ah, keeping his disappointment and distress hidden from his closer brothers, instinctively realized that he must hurry home, for he feared for his family’s safety; his inevitable final decision was made, Bahcoo’ah had much to prepare.

  After arriving home Bahcoo’ah took Oceh aside, and explained in specific detail what they must do. Through the lingering remains of the summer heat and just sensing the beginning of the fall, Bahcoo’ahs’ kinfolk meticulously harvested and stored a vast amount of food, carefully keeping the full extent of their provisions, secret from the unblooded neighboring families. Oceh and his immediate brothers constructed rafts of woven thatch and additional traverses and hid them from public sight. Bahcoo’ahs’ family circle was instructed to live each day in a seemingly normal pattern of appearance, and to speak cautiously, and to warily observe their neighbors and their visitors, to pay heed to any slighted nuance. Messengers and traders would periodically show up unannounced on the plain; Bahcoo’ah received them with open-hands, but was careful not to reveal anything out of the ordinary, daily life must appear habitual and customary. To tell the curious traveler nothing of your affairs.

  To arise with the midnight harvest moon, to address misfortunes chilled entrance to the fall, by the first taken leave of the changing colorful trees; a spent yet radiant yellow leaf briefly drifted on the fateful eddying current of the dividing stream. Oceh and his closest fallen brothers started to ferry the accumulated provisions of their kindred clan across the sleeping sluggish river; cloaked in, late to early, blackest onyx to silver, floating ghostly shadows observed; a quiet night of cold wet unbiased darkness. The unconcerned full-moons straight reflected beam arrested across the indolent but gurgling terminal boundary, guiding the limited conversion of the chosen peoples, bountiful verdant green to singed burnt-orange, on their forced contrary route to their only salvation.

  Remaining on the other side of the river during the following days light, the wetted brothers again and again stealthily transported their packaged provisions and goods, including the lattice frame sleds, up the massive, eroded and tumbled, steep rocky slope; through a concealed adjacent ravine; and cached the collected stock in a natural sandstone enclosure, within a surrounded clutch of rocks, on the high upper plateau. Seven heavily loaded rafts, for five nights, returned and timely crossed over again the passing decisive river, with their extraordinary cargos.

  Finally it was the vital point in time for Bahcoo’ah’s extended family to magically disappear; to vanish in the briefest flash, like the quickly scorched mist, of the morning’s risen first flame. Bahcoo’ah and his family took every whispered precaution to erase their escape, to brush away any clue of the secreted route to the river, and splash rinse to efface their scuffing presence on that muddy riverbank. If inconstant fate was in their favor, they would not be missed for a few days; the benevolent Spirit of the Sun, and the varied guardians of the wind, would rid the land of any remaining evidence of their real footprints or their trace.

  The muttering agile brothers submersing, guided the filled rafts from within the deep unfathomed cold water; the forecaster Bahcooah, the more aged, the sisters, and the children riding on top. Three trips served determinations purpose, trepidation and low murmurings skimmed the partial black mood; slight bubbly to rippling, thin surface of the shifting and adverse currents, of the almost silent river’s un-betrayal. Completing the transfer to the other shore, the brothers ripped the bound rafts apart, finally pushing the thatched reed remains into deeper water, and sending them downriver, to be devoured by the ravenous gullet of the vast grand gorge.

  Bacoo’ah’s family, not waiting for the mornings indistinct light, very carefully climbed the huge boulder strewn hill, arriving at the rim of the upper plateau at the revealing bright peak of dawn. As the dejected brothers and sisters stood on the crumbling edge of their decisive precipice, the constant faithful Sun-Spirit awakened over the beautiful waving hues of emerald and gold and amber, across the gleaming silver ribbon, last beckoning flash, of the river below. Looking down on their bountiful homeland for this final time, the suffering ache in the people’s hearts was with certainty, most unbearable. They hesitantly turned away, walked to their only stored estate, and started to load the many traverse. The provisions and other belongings filled fifteen traverse; not a single member of the family, neither brothers, sisters, or… children, would not carry the full burden of their continued enduring survival. Bahcoo’ah and his family once more looked down over their jaded homeland, tears streaming down their cheeks, then turned abruptly away and wearily trudged, towing their laden sledges to the west, into the unknown barren wilderness. Bahcoo’ah, responsible Story Teller to his people, dutifully carried, within the chambers of his heart and the archives of his head, their history, their knowledge, and their beliefs; and safely tucked within his enfolded full waistband, some small sacks of resilient productive seeds for their new beginning.

  Bahcoo’ah and his family wandered aimless and forsaken in the unfathomed desolate wilderness, searching for a new sunlit homeland. Much time passed without them finding an adequate field of growth, to claim as their own, and start a new nurturing and natural garden, a tolerant community of life.

  It would never be clearly revealed to Bahcoo’ah, in his unsettled reality or in his disturbed fitful dreams; what had come to pass, or what would befall, as to the destiny of his arrogant brother Iicoo’ah and The blinded People of the Sun. The lamenting unintelligible chorale of the contrary midnight wind, doubtful voices entered the tilted mind, exhausted bleary eyes longingly searched within the dark or fleeting shadows, lonesome beseeching calls to lost familiar friends; “Who’s There?”, “Who’s There?”.

  The infamous shameful story of the presuming, self-righteous and clever, evil brother, the immoral prideful greedy manipulative Iicoo’ah; and also the description of the illusive golden lost place, of The People of the Sun; sorely missed but for their corrupted way of life. This beginning of a chronicle, would be frequently revisited, through the lowing temporal inquiring voice and held tears of dejected melancholy; by the saddened despairing Bahcoo’ah, the prophetic Story Teller, to his dispirited nomadic tribe; and to succeeding generations, by their advising and warning Story Tellers; for all time, or time remembered.

  A whispered rumor reached Iicoo’ah, Bahcoo’ah had not been seen; was Bahcoo’ah away on a visit to his neighbors? Was Bahcoo’ah ill? Or was Bahcoo’ah dead?… Extreme apprehension overcame Iicoo’ah; he quickly dispatched a messenger to Coiedeh’ah. It took many fretful days before Coiedeh’ah and Hodaie’ah and a muscular gang of fifty-four select brothers to reach the Golden City. Iicoo’ah was beside himself, waiting for them to come, but remained calm when they arrived; Iicoo’ah, Coiedeh’ah, and Hodaie’ah sat in secreted conference, weighing the options of what they be obliged to do. They had previously discussed their determination with regards to Bahcoo’ah, during the summer solstice, but the timetable obviously was being slightly changed. Iicoo’ah had slyly instigated the plan, Coiedeh’ah and Hodaie’ah agreeing to concur with Iicoo’ah’s scheme; with puffed intent to retain their imagined cocky stance, of powerful big-brother guardians, to the lesser people of the nation.

  “Bahcoo’ah has not been heard or seen”, Iicoo’ah stated.

  “It is of no great concern to me”, Coiedeh’ah answered disdainfully.

  “Bahcoo’ah must be dealt with, ‘Now’!” Iicoo’ah stated unequivocally.

  Coiedeh’ah looked at Iicoo’ah, his jaw set tight, and spit out his venomous reply, “I…, Coiedeh’ah, will see to the great fat black crow, Bahcoo’ah”, “The loud caw-caw-caw of his boasting days are numbered”.

  The recognized commanders’ minion, Hodaie’ah, slavishly bobbled his head in fickle agreement.

  Throughout the prior celebration of the summer solstice: the three conspiring Story Tellers; Iicoo’ah, Coiedeh’ah, and Hodaie’ah, had conferred and agreed that the cunning political schemer, Bahcoo’ah, must be overtly ce
nsured and eliminated. Bahcoo’ahs’ actuating influence was on the rise within The People of the Sun, and they could not permit his affectionate fraternal command over the people, to continue to spread; the authoritative will of the word must stay with all of the respected Story Tellers. The artful thin-smiling instigator Iicoo’ah, had convinced his fellow conspirators, that he, Iicoo’ah, in his position as the overseer of their stately Golden City and chief keeper of their history and traditions, would be undermined, if the changes Bahcoo’ah alluded to earlier, the unconstrained decision of free choice, were allowed to take place. If this confident heresy were to become rooted in the people, that disruption and chaos would expand across the nation.

  Iicoo’ah had concluded, long before the summer solstice, that Bahcoo’ah must be eradicated. Iicoo’ah fully understood the likely fate of his deficient, faded and withered people, and the demise of the dignity of the Golden City, and how it would affect his earned status; Iicoo’ah, the wisest of all Story Tellers!.

  Iicoo’ah with pompous pretense declared; “The people of the Nation of the Sun deserve the most wise Story Tellers in the land”.

  “Aie”, replied Coiedeh’ah and Hodaie’ah in unison.

  Coiedeh’ah had previously requested, nine strong robust brothers, from Iicoo’ah, to bolster his private militia, saying offhandedly; “I could do this alone, but we should all participate in this necessary purge”.

  It had been originally planned, during the summer solstice, that Coiedeh’ah and Hodaie’ah and their finely selected brothers would travel early towards the Golden City, with ample time before the winter solstice, to perform their secret duty. To join forces with Iicoo’ah’s assigned clandestine contingency and branch off from the main trail and to continue to Bahcoo’ah’s homeland, and upon arriving, on the even surprised plain, going straight to the heretic’s field and dwelling. They would execute, by their private sanction, the menacing adverse outsider, Bahcoo’ah, and capture his entire family; his kindred relations to be the featured special offering to the Sun-Spirit, for this upcoming celebration of the winter solstice.

  Iicoo’ah, not being personally involved with the performance of the deed, would explain; “The Treacherous False Bahcoo’ah, an enemy to the Spirits’ demands, was attempting to flatter, delude and deceive, the people; into holding him in singular adulation, above all others”. With the planned redoubtable loud vocal support of the bully pulpit, standing accompanied by the imperious Coiedeh’ah, and his convincing agent Hodai’ah, the anxious overly thirsty people would be swayed. The expected result; Iicoo’ah would graciously assume the benevolent governing of the rivers prolific green meadowland, the flourishing verdant plain.

  Forgetting his calm composure, Iicoo’ah spoke fretfully; “Bahcoo’ah, Must be Purged!”

  “I will bash his head-in”, Coiedeh’ah offhandedly replied.

  “He must not be allowed to repeat the tale”, Iicoo’ah nervously whined.

  Coiedeh’ah looked at the neutered spineless flaccid Iicoo’ah and spit-out; “I…!; Coiedeh’ah…!, will bash his head-In!!”.

  The two chummy Story Tellers, Coiedeh’ah and Hodaie’ah, accompanied by sixty-three of the most formidable well-armed brothers, left the Golden City at the break of dawn. The days light was shorter now, they would have to push-on with concerted effort to get to Bahcoo’ah’s homeland quickly. Traveling the well-worn westward curving pathway; the pompous conspirators, those overpowering two-faced manipulators of the word; crushed, pulverized, and kicked aside the scarce withered remains of the scattered insignificant yellow flowers, whom never would return! Passing through the tiny villages, tucked in the dusty dry canyons, the daunting warriors would consume and take their undue portion of the limited provisions available, leaving the trembling raped inhabitants standing bewildered in the pathway as they departed. Coiedeh’ah drove the brothers relentlessly, the recruits did not oppose him in any way; the new vitality the novices were feeling, the close comradeship, the intoxicating smell of power, was their sporting reward. Coiedeh’ah, indoctrinated the soldier brothers in the athletic skills and pleasure of bloodletting, with invariable second coaching and parroting from the leeching Hodaie’ah; repeatedly reminding the brothers that they were on an honorable quest to eradicate the first fraudulent, wicked, and treacherous weasel, Bahcoo’ah, a conniving subversive enemy of the people.

  Upon reaching the rounded ridge that overlooked the beautiful fertile alluvial basin, they could see the frontiers outer boundary of the river, glimmering in the far distance. Coiedeh’ah turned north, taking the higher path along the side of the hill, straight to Bahcoo’ah’s home. He had never been here before, but one of the younger brothers who had been a prior messenger, guided them to Bahcoo’ah’s village. Nearing the tree covered complex of buildings located in the little hollow, Coiedeh’ah boldly dispersed his warriors into the surrounding brush and field, and they swiftly advanced onto the group of adobe structures, rapidly invading their seclusion and orderly searching them all. Finding vain failure in their anticipation, the disappointed brothers stood in the open yard in front of the vacant dwellings, and questioningly looked to Coiedeh’ah: the proud conqueror, standing alone, on an elevated mound, in the partially harvested garden. Coiedeh’ah was livid with rage, the silence mocked his right to command; he would stay within the half empty corn field, the humiliated buggered fool.

  Somewhat regaining his brutish composure, jaw hard-set to his potent perverted motive; Coiedeh’ah, and the wanton brothers quickly marched to the nearest neighbor of Bahcoo’ah; on entering their village compound the brothers roust out the startled family from their homes.

  “Who heads this family?” Coiedeh’ah gruffly summoned.

  A man stepped forward, “I am the elder father”.

  “Where is Baahcoo’aah?”, Coiedeh’ah gutturally demanded.

  The father answered, “I do not know”

  Coiedeh’ah with measured purpose repeated; “Where… Is… Bahcoo’ah…?”

  “Bahcoo’ah is gone”, the father anxiously replied.

  Coiedeh’ah slapped the man hard against the side of his head. The father reeled in shock and then slowly raised himself back up.

  “Where is Bahcoo’ah?”; Coiedeh’ah demanded again, softly .

  The father fell to his knees, his eyes glazed from fright, his voice quavering, plaintively answered in obeisance; “Bahcoo’ah disappeared”, and then added with disbelief; “Bahcoo’ah vanished”.

  Coiedeh’ah unfastened the club that was secured on the strap around his waist, slowly raised it in the air and said deliberately to the smaller crouching man in front of him; “What do you mean… disappeared; disappeared where?”.

  The father replied weeping suppliantly; “I do not know”.

  Coiedeh’ah brought the massive club smashing into the side of the cowered man’s head, cracking his skull with his determined blow; a squish and mush from this plump melon, one blank eye popping from its socket; the gentle innocent father fell to the ground. Coiedeh’ah put his foot on the man’s body, ferociously clubbing his head over and over and over again, pulverizing his skull, until the blameless pulpy-liquid contents within, leaked upon, and soaked into the blameless earth.

  A moment of absolute silence followed Coiedeh’ah’s vicious climactic act, the squashed unidentifiable father’s corpse there lay. The shocked family and the surprised warriors, open-mouthed, stood stunned by the maniacal explosion of this violence; after gasping for air in a panting release, Coiedeh’ah calmly said through his clenched teeth; “Kill them all”, then he deafeningly growled out, “ Kill these traitors to our Nation”; “Kill Them ALL”.

  Coiedeh’ah’s and Hodaie’ah’s warriors systematically reacted with practiced brutality, showing the other brothers their merciless expertise, slaughtering all twenty-seven of the men, women, and children of the village, easily clubbing and spearing them to death. The brothers danced and stomped, tamping their feet wildly, screaming to the sky; “Aie…; Aie…; A
ie…” There was nothing more invigorating than filling your lungs with the heady scent of the bloodlust. The amateurish brothers of the Golden City learned their skillfulness by example, the sham realization of forced power was intoxicating to the mad woolly beasts. Who, blood spattered, danced over the mangled worthless carcasses of the lesser little people.

  Leaving the bodies littered on the ground in this small village, the brothers continued on to the next village. Coiedeh’ah made the same demand, “Where is Bahcoo’ah?” getting the same response, “Bahcoo’ah disappeared”, Coiedeh’ah again ordered the quick annihilation of the people. Now, all of the brothers willingly joined in the killing. Going from village to village, for two full days, Coiedeh’ah and the brothers made a wide swath across the plain and massacred the people in, bloodtinted, blinded abandonment. Tiring of the blood-letting monotony of the incessant slaughter, Coiedeh’ah directed the brothers to capture and cull, as best specimens, a number of physically handsome, yet tamed compliant traitors; because they would need this useless yellow chaff, for the celebration of the winter solstice. Coiedeh’ah released one of the captives, with a message to the rest of the people on the plain that they would return before long, to finish what they had started.


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