Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales Page 10

by Clarissa Black

  Everyone saw the movie adaptation of Asch heroic dashing, especially when the experts proclaimed to proceed with the evacuation, when all hope had been lost. It was a rather dramatic movie. I liked the book version better. Countless books were released about him. He was considered a celebrity. A hero. But he never gave interviews, and he refused to collect the royalties from the sales. He had that much integrity.

  The flickering scene of the silent TV caught my eye, with yet another picture of Asch. I put the magazine down and increased the volume of the TV. A reporter was doing a piece on the city’s force budgetary problems.

  “Thank you Tina! Good day citizens. Asch, the squad hero, seen here with the commissioner, had been reported to pledge the proceeds of a new book to the city department. After initial confirmations, we talked to the commissioner. -- ‘well, the department has inadequate funding, and we need this funding to continue improving and expanding our efforts.’ -- efforts to reach Asch for comments had largely been unsuccessful – back to you Tina.”

  The city department was broke? That’s news? Everyone knows that. But Asch is not just a hero, he’s a saint for donating that amount of money for the betterment of all. Oddly enough, there was a rumor that the military is also interested in Asch. If the rumor is true, then the military wants Asch to work for them, eventually. But the city still won’t let them go yet. He’s basically desired by everyone. What hope do I have?


  I’d arrived a little too early in the hotel lobby where the restaurant was located. This night, I’ve chosen one of my subtly provocative attire. My black dress, low-neck mesh top was crowned by a bustier that squeezed my curves into a slow rolling perfection. A fiery-red lipstick glossed over my full lips and was sure to drive attention. I’ve always wanted to wear something like this before, but Sam never gave me any reason to.

  The hotel was only a short walk from my city apartment, but far from Sam’s suburban house. Eyes flickered at me as my high-heels drew attention like I thought it would. My heavy breasts spilled into the mesh and my bustier was able to contain me, giving me a womanly full-bosomed look.

  Sam was not there yet when I arrived. How typical. Instead of waiting in the lobby like a desperate dateless girl, I opted to wait at the classy sofa bar lounge. Venturing, I sat at the bar and ordered a martini. Sam is taking especially long I thought. To distract myself I people watched.

  Sipping on my martini, I looked at how the snapping light of cameras focused on one table. Other guests seemed to gaze at what appeared to be a familiar looking face. It took me a moment, before realizing that the handsome face belonged to none-other than Asch. The city hero, who saved us from a bomb blast.

  But I saw in him an expression that hinted that he wanted to get away. I mean he has claustrophobia right? Maybe it was due to the people he was with. Besides him was a commissioner and a model looking woman sitting impossibly close to him. The model female was everything I was not: a petite blonde woman with a narrow waist. She held on to his arm, while the commissioner held on to his other arm. They both cheekily smiled at the snapping lights, unlike Asch, whose glance was directed at the exit door way.

  I also wanted to leave, or get started eating. I imagined a nice juicy steak to help me prepare for my breakup. Then suddenly, my vibrating phone popped with a message from Sam. “I forgot about tonight. lol. Won’t make it. Mom won’t drive me.”

  Disgusting little child. I let the words finally come out of my lips. Snapping back the phone, my thumb pressed furiously. Stopping mid-sentence I asked myself if this is really what I wanted to do. After analyzing it, I decided it was. “Don’t bother. We are officially done. I’m sorry it has to be this way. Good bye.”

  Finally over as I downed the rest of my martini. My phone started ringing after a few moments. It rang non-stop for over five minutes, then a barrage of texts came in.

  “What do you mean over?” “Why? You don’t love me anymore? ” “What did I do? Please respond. Please respond.” “I’m sorry baby! Please pick up your phone!” “I love you so much! Please baby!”

  The barrages made me feel bad about it, but the magazine tip said to keep it sweet, short, and most importantly to keep it firm. It had to be done. I cannot go out with a beta guy who can’t take care of himself. Sam was nice, but he was too nice.

  My wallowing guilt turned to a glance where Asch was sitting. There were more people crowding them now. I could barely see his beautiful, masculine face. Now he was the type of guy that I could go steady with. Courageous, brave, and ravishingly handsome. But would he even go out with a full-figured woman like me that is the question. I sighed a loud sigh as I finished my second martini.

  Maybe I should go talk to him. I felt a new found freedom when I lifted my weight from the stool. I wanted to thank him, maybe then I could touch a hero’s hand. Stepping away from the lounge to walk towards Asch, I felt some moisture form on the insides of my legs. A real hero. I wanted to touch him.

  Nearly everyone knew of the riveting account of how Asch with his dog single-handedly charged in the building. There was no time for radioactive suits he said in his story. He needed to go in and find the bomb. A real alpha like Asch wastes no time in taking action for a good cause. The amount of radioactivity later turned out to belong to pulsar bomb, whose properties have yet to be fully uncovered.

  According to accounts, Asch’s dog seemed to have evaporated when a spark from an initial trigger released a deadly pulsar wave. Asch would have been evaporated but his dog, a specialized German wolf-mix, dashed to protect his master. Asch would later account how the pulsar wave crossed over into him. He said he was able to work to the top of his abilities after. For whatever reason, as speculated by psychiatrists, seeing his beloved dog made Asch more primal. A normal person would have collapsed with all the radiation there. But he succeeded the feat with only seconds to spare until detonation.

  Asch, my hero. My alpha male.

  An abrupt hand blocked my way to thank my hero. My eyes trailed the length of the arm to the neck and into the face of a man. He had a one-eyed patch and dressed in an all-black suit. Maybe he was FBI. “You have to turn around missy. Area off limits.” He said almost in a contemptuous manner.

  “But I just want to thank him.”

  “No can do missy. He’s off limits. You can write him a letter.”

  “But I want to thank him personally. Please you got to let me see my hero.”

  “Your hero? Honey, I’ve seen the likes of you.” He stared sounding a little brasher.

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “Oh honey please, with that bustier of yours. I know you’re just going to try your luck. And what luck you will have! Them curves got you thinking loopy.” He let out a mocking laugh as he looked firmly at the spillage of my mounds from my bustier.

  This rude bodyguard looking henchmen immediately got on my nerves. Bad enough I already felt insecure with staying in this lounge alone, I just had a break up. “You don’t have to be so rude!” I exclaimed.

  “But you know” He started again. “Maybe when I get off my shift. I can get us a little RnR. I know what a place with a fantastic diner. What say you missy?”

  I wanted to throw a slap in his face there and then, but I didn’t. A feeling of insecurity quickly came a hold off at me. A quick surge of awareness of my body washed over me. Maybe he’s right. I could never get someone like Asch.

  Looking over the shoulder of this man, I saw the model folding her skinny legs to Asch’s thighs. She seemed get closer to him as more photos snapped. She nudged his arm close to her breast, ever closer pulling him to her petite torso. How can I even compete with that? This is a fool’s journey – it’s just fantasy.

  But from there on I could feel that Asch wasn’t open to her advances. His eyes darted to the exit, then finally to me. I swore he looked at me with his dark eyes with a particular tint of yellow. Experts suggested that his eye color was due to the pulsar radiation. Whatever. They were nice and ro
und, and ultimately seductive. Those yellow eyes held on to me firmly.

  My romantic inclinations flew, and I felt that we shared a space together. But this space with my ideal man was cut short by the breaking of our eye contact by the insistent nudging of this hyper-active, attention-seeking model who already had it all but wanted my alpha man for herself. With her slim arms she playfully nudged him away from my view, replaced by the black suit shoulders of the bouncer guarding the exit.

  “What do you say missy? Diners real good you know.” The patch-eyed man said as if putting salt on a wound. I spun around him with almost a tear running down my cheek. Maybe it was karma, my karma for breaking up with Sam.


  The crisp air of the evening welcomed me as I walked outside the hotel. I wanted to reward myself for finally breaking up with Sam. There was juicy burger and ice cream shop in the city, which was my favorite go to place for takeout’s on nights like this. I’d reward myself with another “animal” style burger with all the added toppings of juiciness. Then for dessert I’ll get the “double curves” banana split topped with freshly made whipped cream twirled in chocolate goodness. I’ll take the taxi and eat all of the emptiness in my apartment. At least with that, I’ll satisfy my craving, my desire and probably zone out watching the reruns of my favorite TV romance shows.

  Mixed feelings shot through me about my current situation. A single, heavy woman in the modern dating world. Sure I had a cute face, and the carousel was fun, but I didn’t want the feelings of rejection. Those heavy pangs of rejection made me more conscious of the luscious curves I carried. I’ve learned that not all men desired my buxom, curving frame. And some men are cruel, like that patch-eyed man in the hotel. They think just because I’m on the heavy side that I’d give-in easily. I have standards, well, my standard is for someone like Asch, but he won’t probably give me a chance.

  The restaurant was on the other side of the central park that was in front of the hotel. It was a sleepy night and not many people were out. A few couples holding hands, looking each other in a warm embrace sprinkled the night. I didn’t want to see them, I didn’t want to be reminded. Besides, I was wearing a beautiful dress and full make-up – and I was dateless. Maybe I’ll just wallow in my grief and take a walk through the central park. I inhaled the fresh air of bittersweet freedom as a smile formed in my lips. “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

  A full moon washed through the park illuminating the trees and shrubs. Walking through the path with my mind going ablaze, I decided I needed to reconnect with my friends -- maybe they’ll have someone they can introduce to me. Now I admit, I haven’t exactly been social these last months when I was going out with Sam. I’ve neglected to keep up with the bonds with my friends. At least one of my friends knew my situation. She knew how it would end, but I didn’t listen. Rubina. She said I needed someone more dominant and Sam was not it. Her warnings of how I should get used to leading the relationship fell on deaf ears.

  I reached my phone to text Rubina, but I was struck with the beauty of the full moon. Here in this dark park, away from the city lights, the moon casted an eerie glow. It was magnificent to look at. But it felt lonely. Lonely just like me. I heaved through the darkness of the park with almost a tear in my eye. Then suddenly, something white dashed not far from me through in the distance and under the cover of trees.

  I rubbed my eyes to clarify what I saw. It seemed a shape of large wolf hurtled towards the bush and crashed there just a few meters from me. I didn’t know what to do or what to think of it. I could hear its soft pants from the trail. It seemed like it was heaving chock full of air. Clearly it was in some sort of pain.

  My eyes peered through the dim light and saw its outline. It was a huge white wolf. It had to be a wolf, I mean it was larger than an average German-wolf mix, and that’s the biggest wolf bloodline as far as I know. Lying on the ground, it had its paws on ground, as if it was trying to do a push-up, heaving his chest up then slowly crashing back down. I understood it. It was trying to get-up. But with each successive tries it crashed desperately to the ground.

  I grabbed my Taser gun just in case anything would happen. Should I start calling animal control? I don’t think it was supposed to be here anyways. I clutched my bag about to make a phone call. But wait, maybe it was nice dog. We all need a little love sometimes. I approached the bush slowly, leaving the park trail. I uncovered the tree but from my approach I saw a wolf that growled ferociously at me.

  Its eyes of glowing yellow stared at me for an infinite moment. It didn’t seem to be waiting to attack, instead it gave a gentle glow of familiarity. Indeed there was something curious about those yellow eyes. Its shade gave a look of restrained knowingness. It felt like I’ve seen those eyes before.

  After regaining my faculty, I backed-off, clearly this was a primal animal best left for the experts at animal control. But I didn’t follow my logic. I followed my female emotion of compassion. I treaded slowly towards this animal surprised that it didn’t growl at me anymore. Instead it laid on the ground, looking upwards to me. I could see the lids of its eyes were closing in and out. Was he dying?

  I rushed to the wolf, but then parts of his shape suddenly moved. Different parts of his body moved and crackled, as if it was turning into a different form. His chest expanded, his arms elongated, his snout shortened and his luscious white fur retracted to give the brilliant shine of human skin. The transformation took only seconds, and frankly, I was mesmerized in seeing something so magical occur right in front of me. I neither moved, nor blinked.

  It was a man!

  More precisely, it was a naked muscular man whose sweat covered skin shone brilliantly on the touch of the full moon. Lying flat, I peered at the angular panels of his back, which smoothly curved to the twin, strong mounds of his buttocks. What a specimen I thought to myself. Grabbing my Taser, I approached to see if I could at least see his face before calling the ambulance.

  Peering closely to the face on the dirt, what I saw, needless to say shocked me. I know this man. It was Asch, the bomb defusing hero. What the heck was he doing here? And more importantly, what in heaven’s name was that wolf? I knelt to the ground right by his head to make sure it was him. It was. His eyes flickered shut as if attempting to reopen.

  Suddenly, a heavy presence hung behind my back. An outline of the shadow of a man loomed beyond me.

  “Get away from him,” said the man standing behind me.

  My head snapped back, looking towards the man face. I couldn’t recognize him for a second as he was standing against the moonlight, but his eye-patch was remarkably unique.

  “You!” we both said to each other.

  Crouching up, I raised my heavy body to this rude one-eyed bouncer. Looking at his face, I already felt a great contempt for him. He was here again between me and Asch. His comments earlier had made a hurtful impression on me.

  “Bad enough I got to shield harlots from this hero boy, I got to contend me with large harlots too!” he snapped back at me.

  I wanted to slap him, but I didn’t again. I restrained myself. There was Asch who was lying on the ground needing medical help.

  “We need to call the ambulance,” I said as I grabbed my phone from my bag. He just looked at me, standing there waiting.

  I tapped on the three digit helpline about to call, but when I raised the phone to my ear, the one-eyed man swiftly caught my forearms with his large hand. His movement was swift and his grip was strong. The pulling of my arm was met by a greater grip on my forearms, effectively caging me better than Sam ver could when playing rough house Rosie. I tried to thrash out, but his grip was so strong that my phone landed on the ground.

  “No need for ambulances,” said the one-eyed man. “I got this under-control. And I’ll be dealing with you next.”

  “Oh yeah? You can deal with a large woman? I’d like to see you try jerk!” I snapped back at him.

  The muffled sounds of Asch brought our attention back at
him. I glanced behind and saw the familiar push-up motion, Asch was trying to get up. “Let her go” were the drowsy words that came out of Asch.

  “Let her go.”

  “Trying to be a hero again huh?” the man said while still clutching my forearms.

  The pull-out of his gun was quick and he pointed it straight to Asch. I don’t know what came to me, but I quickly nudged against him, pushing my weight on him to block his aim of Asch. He stumbled a bit, reeling from the off balance brought by my ample weight.

  “Why you..! I’ll teach you a lesson on manners ya large.. !”


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