Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales Page 14

by Clarissa Black

  “Yes, it was plausible. He’s an animal, so why wouldn’t he?” said Rila.

  Suddenly Mila had a flash of inspiration and understood how to rescue her alpha from his predicament. She knew that wolves all followed rules. Rules of the pack. If you don’t follow rules, then you’re no better than an animal.

  “As a female of this clan and breed mother you also have the responsibility to prevent this from happening!!” Cynthia started.

  “But I’m just a female here” said Rila as her eyes darted to the horizon, “I won’t be able to birth any werepups.”

  Aha! Cynthia had read about this in the wolf psychology books. She realized that Rila had the condition of ‘lone wolf syndrome’ that is that she has questions of her femininity, stemming from her inability to breed.

  “Rila! You are a mother of the pack! You may not birth any of your own werepups, but you are still the mother of all the werewolves.”

  “Mother of the pack?” asked Rila as she climbed on another rock.

  “Yes, don’t you see? You have the responsibility to be a mother of the pack. All the other packs are gone, so you will now be responsible as a mother of all werewolves!”

  “Do you want someone like Thane to be the alpha of a new litter of werepups? Do you think swaying in to the ruthlessness of what he’s done is the future of the werewolves? No. You do not. What you want to be is the protector of my werepups, birthed through my union, solidified with love and respect. I love Asch. And I want you to be the one to help me raise our new clan.”

  She meant all those words. Cynthia had already analytically formulated a plan in her head. She was certain appealing to Rila’s desire to be motherly would yield results.

  “So what would it be? Help me free Asch!”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry.” Rila said as she jumped from another rock.

  Chapter 6

  A sad moon accompanied the husky growl of a bulky werewolf. His eyes grew with hatred as his opponent slashed at his shoulder, releasing blood that oozed on the panels of the chest. Twin fangs of two wolves locked in battle drew blood as Thane watched excitedly in the distance.

  Snarling at his hulky opponent, Asch almost tore flesh with wild snapping of his jaws. But his dashing fangs missed its mark. With Asch missed snap, his opponent rapidly clamped his massive jaws on Asch’s back. Asch tried to get away thrashing wildly shaking and tossing, but the opponent kept his bite. Judging from the muscles lining his opponent’s solid jaws, this bite could not easily be unclamped. Asch tried jumping wildly in the air, but the jaws clamped and inched closer to the veins of his neck.

  Cynthia turned away momentarily, covering her mouth. Her gasping increased in frequencies causing her to feel light headed. She felt hopeless. Unable to watch the demise of her alpha, she started to walk away as a single tear rolled down her plum cheeks.

  Then suddenly another fight had broken loose calling back Cynthia’s attention. Cynthia had strained to see what was going on. From the left, it seemed that Rila had attacked one of the alpha’s mate. In the center, Thane looked bewildered. On the right, other werewolves crowded to watch the fight. Chaos erupted from all directions.

  From near the mouth of the cave, she saw Rila and Mila were bouncing off each other in a wild trashy fight. Something doesn’t look right, she thought to herself. If Rila really wanted to rip apart Mila, she could have done it with one stroke. It must be a diversion!

  She quickly used the opportunity to the free Asch. The problem was, there was a bulky werewolf with its jaws clamped on the back of her lover. The jaws served as a means to drain the energy of the opponent, no amount of maneuvering would let it loosen its death grip. Cynthia had even read about crow bars breaking from trying to dislodge the bite. Nothing worked.

  There has to be something.

  Cynthia walked to the two cautiously. Her heart sank to see that Asch had almost gone limp, drained from trying to free himself from the death grip. She had to save him.

  She started unbuttoning her shirt. Her top fell exposing her pink-tipped breast shimmering under the moonlight. The attacker, sensing a highly fertile body, grew confused. Cynthia brazenly moved closer to the two. The attacker fidgeted, his attention solely on the heavy breast bouncing excitedly walking towards him. She thrust her chest out to display her magnificent plump breast.

  It was too much for the attacker as it loosened its bite by an infinitesimal inch. But the loosened clamp proved enough for Asch to seize the opportunity. Asch quickly rotated his body, freeing himself he landed a lethal bite in his attacker’s neck. Blood sprayed from the attacker’s ruptured vein. Knees landed on ground with a heavy thud, followed by the crashing of large chest as the outline of a motionless body fell on the ground.

  Asch’s eyes full of hatred fixated on Cynthia. She thought he would not remember. But his eyes turned to compassion, shifting slowly to its familiar blue color. His energy sapped body drew heavy, and he collapsed on the ground, completely shifting back to his human form.

  She rushed to him and picked his body. Thanks to her rigorous exercise routine, she was able to hoist his body. The commotion brought by Rila’s distraction allowed Cynthia to haul Asch to the edge of the encampment. They laid under the cover of darkness, at the edge of the forest, below the mountain. The commotion of the camp can still be heard. It seemed that the diversion worked and Mila was putting quite a show with her antics.

  They need to make it across the mountain, she thought to herself.

  She propped Asch chest with her knee, facing his face. He seemed to be recovering consciousness.

  “Thanks.” Asch as he wrapped his arm around her, locking her to his sweet embrace.

  Chapter 7

  The climb up the mountain would have been brutal if it weren’t for the fact that Asch had already told her of a shortcut. She knew, from her topological research, that the shortcut, was nothing more than a cleft in the mountain. It would lead straight to Asch territory. The cleft of the mountain will open to the forest, and from there the lagoon was just a short hop away. She would use the observation outpost where she first met Asch. They won’t find them there, once they hit the lagoon. They just needed to make it.

  Asch grabbed her hand. She felt his strength returning from seeing the bulging panels of his back muscles. His muscular arms gripped her, much to her enjoyment, and propelled her on towards safety. She felt safe in the competence of how he navigated their way in the darkness. Even at his weakened state, he needed to act on his innate leadership. He had to lead her to safety. He would not stop at anything to save the last of his clan. This she understood as she let herself be led by her alpha.

  Asch suddenly stops.

  Sniffing the air, he said, “They’re coming…”

  “I’ve got to shift,” he said in his deep masculine voice.

  “No, wait,” she said with a concerned tone. “You don’t have enough strength, the shift could kill you.”

  “I have to find the strength,” Asch solemnly said. “I have to find the strength for both of us.”

  Cynthia could feel a wide grin forming on her face but covered her mouth with her palms. Flustered, she watched as Asch morphed into werewolf form. She felt a gentle warmth radiating to her body from seeing him back in this form.

  “Get on,” he said in a husky voice.

  Cynthia climbed on, stepping on Asch’s thighs to reach his upper-body. She swung her arms around his wide torso, and buried her head in the hard planks of his chest. She finally allowed herself that wide grin. She embraced him firmly, nudging her cheeks deep in his chest. For a second she let herself forget their situations, focusing only on the warmth of his sturdy chest pressed on her glowing face.

  They took off ferociously. Asch was a master hunter and he knew these parts well. She could hear a few werewolves in the distances with their growls advancing towards them. But Asch’s speed in the mountain pass met no rivals. He zoomed past clearings, darting over craters and pockets of stone; he zoomed past narrow
openings between gnarled trees, dashed across foliage, and leaped enormous distance without even flinching. Cynthia clung to her lover’s torso, seeing the cascading of stones and gravel finally turn into solid ground. It only took a few intense minutes to find themselves in a forest on the other side of the mountain.

  Upon arriving to his territory, Asch dropped to his knee to let Cynthia off. Getting up, he stumbled down the hard ground. He tried pulling himself up, but his hands went limp and he fell back to the ground. The dash in the mountain had utterly drained him, and he started morphing back to his human form.

  Cynthia pulled him towards her shoulder.

  “I’ll carry you,” she said.

  Asch waved at her to dismiss the notion.

  Cynthia gave a slight smile. She knew that carrying an alpha to safety was to them considered a large defeat. An alpha werewolf like Asch would not allow himself to be led. He was used to doing the saving, and not being saved. This was the way of alpha: they were natural leaders and had an innate need to bring those that they loved under their wing of protection.

  “If we’re going to make it to the lagoon, where our scent would be masked, we need to get out of here now!”

  Asch tried to get up again, but again, crashed down to his side.

  “Listen. I know you’re a leader and you don’t want to be helped,” the years of research had distilled in her the perfect understanding of an alpha male, “but you’ve got to let me help you.”

  Asch propped his knees and hunched his shoulders. He made it to his feet but fell into the arms of Cynthia..

  “We’ll do this together..” Asch said as he hung on with a smile.


  The bond between them had always been strong. Relieved, she knew they were going to make it. She wrapped her arms on his broad shoulders and rested her hand at the corrugated leanness of his abs. Heaving him by her side, she nudged him along step by step into safety. She was happy that he was so understanding, and willing to work together. He’d make an excellent father.

  Chapter 8

  He knew that she came to save him. Although he had lost his clan, he still had her. Grabbing on to his fated mate, he heaved his feet, putting one after the other. His head hung down resting on her shoulder, using her as a means to balance himself. For once he had found himself completely dependent on another. He didn’t like the idea. But he didn’t have a choice.

  Her flesh, so supple. Her scent, so intoxicating. Just being with her relieved him of his pains: his current pain of losing his clan and the pain that he had suffered from Thane. There will be vengeance. There will be retribution. But he needed rest, and she would be there to comfort him. His queen, his she-wolf, his everything.

  Asch felt the strength of his flesh return to him. Sniffing the air and feeling the sensitive rumble on the ground, he knew that his pursuers had been lost. This was his home, not theirs. He knew his way around his territory. Allowing the humans had been his blessing. Now she would bring him to the lagoon. There they could rebuild.

  The plants, oh the plants, he loved them too. A small sigma plant blossomed in the lagoon, hiding the smell of its inhabitants. His clan never ventured out to the lagoon. Their nose were their guide. They didn’t feel comfortable in a place where the sigma dulled their primary sense. In this lagoon, he would have to use his sight and his touch and his feelings.

  When they made it to the observation deck, he remembered the first time he had met her. A female woman. He remembered how she stammered when she talked to him. He marveled at her eyes that sparkled and gleamed. He wondered why she would bounce from foot to foot after seeing him. Sometimes, out of nowhere, she would start singing, humming, and chanting. One day, sitting in the cliff with their legs touching, she grabbed his arm, smiling. These were strange human behaviors he thought.

  He found himself visiting her more often. They would talk non-stop. She asked a lot of questions: about himself, his pack, what it was like to be a werewolf. He liked that about her. He liked that she was interested in his world. Slowly he found himself having the same interest in her. He didn’t tell her, but he felt a racing pulse whenever he smelled her scent. He felt a fluttering on his stomach. His mind turned a soft gaze in her presence. He liked it. He liked humans. He liked her.

  And now she had saved him.

  His heavy body crashed down the bed in the observation deck, a small cabin that rested near the cliff. They finally reached it, unharmed and unscathed. Every muscle in his body ached. The softness of the human cotton bed comforted him as he stretched himself to rest. He wanted to grab her, hug her, maybe spoon with her. But the shuttering panels of his tired mind closed into sleep.

  A full 24 hours has passed before he once again opened the lids of his eyes. Where is she?

  His torso quickly folded up. Immediately, he felt his new found strength. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately turned to werewolf. Just in case, he thought. He stood with barely an inch between his head and the ceiling. His mass almost took over the entire living space. Where is she? If anything happened to her..

  Stepping outside and smelling the cool crisp air of the lagoon, Asch stood proudly looking over his territory. Sniffing around, he found nothing. Those damned plants. With strong posture, he took wide steps outwards. Shoulders back and chest forward he walked out the cabin. The solid wall of his muscle that was his chest throbbed in the cool crisp air. Asch was a superb male animal in prime condition. The moonlight shone on the rippling, smooth muscles of his back. His powerful muscular frame hinted at his fighting state. He unsheathed his claws, curling the rock-hard muscles of his biceps.

  He sensed something out there.

  “Who’s out there?”

  She admired the strength and tensile beauty of his animal musculature.

  “It’s me… my love”

  She said my love. She felt ultra-awake, rejuvenated by adrenaline – her body’s response to seeing an alpha werewolf prepared for battle. The relationship needed to move forward, she thought. She needed to have him inside of her. It was the only logical step. Repopulation. Through him, she would be the mother of a new clan of werewolves. When they had gathered strength they would rescue Mila and Rila.

  Asch stepped forward. Tilting his head, he gave her a morbid stare. She approached him steadily. Tip-toed she reached up to touch his cheek. His face instantly relaxed. He widened his stance then abruptly carried her off.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The cliff”

  The cliff was just a few meters from the cabin. It thrust out and extended to the sea. The full moonlight shone across the sea while a gentle breeze whispered a sweet tune to the air. Asch laid her down on the grassy patch of the cliff.

  “The cliff indeed.” She said remembering the time they spent here.

  Looking up the full moon Asch wanted to howl. He would release all his pain, the pain of losing his pack. But he muzzled down and shifted back to his human form.

  Chapter Nine

  The misty air of the sea sprinkled droplets carried away by the soft wind. The two lovers looked at each other’s eyes dazing deep into their souls. Fated mates they were called. She had loyalty for him. For her alpha she would do anything. He was strong and dominant but within him was a kind heart, a heart she could die for. She wanted him, her alpha. All the cells in her body, all her muscles, all her cartilages and bone, craved for him.

  They would start a new family, a new clan, away from the nightmare that was of Thane. Together they would start fresh, protected by the lagoon, cocooned by the mountains.

  In return, he would do anything for her, his prize, and his only treasure. He knows she had become the key to his kingdom. Their union and their love for one another was not the end of an adventure – it was just the beginning. From her womb would rise a new him, a new clan, and his new family.

  Cynthia unrobed. Her knees hit the ground as she bent forward to display her fullness towards Asch. Seeing Cynthia’s willingly ar
ched back delighted Asch. He would have preferred to bend her by himself; but nevertheless, he enjoyed the submission of a willing mate. Crouching down, his warm palms touched the arc of her pristine back.

  “take me.. now,” she said with a soft panting on her lips. She felt an unstoppable warmth radiating throughout her body. Her skin grew sensitive to his warm touch. Her heartbeat raced as she felt a paced drumming of her chest.

  Asch’s hand slowly caressed her back, slowly making it to her navel. He slid his other hand at her neck, resting his palms on her nape.

  “I see your body had changed.” He noticed that she had transformed the sensuality of her body.

  “I like it,” he grabs a handful of her hair and pulled it back gently. She had pictured this a thousand times. Her plan was succeeding. Growing her hair was to make sure her alpha had enough to grab on to. He released his hold and his two hands started to wander her body.


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