Resurrection of Artemis

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Resurrection of Artemis Page 4

by Izzy Szyn

  Her pussy was soaking before they even left the coffee shop. She didn’t even have to touch the front of Noah’s pants to know he was hard as well. She held onto the hook he had on the wall as he fucked her harder and faster. His hands digging into her hips, it didn’t take long for both of them to come.

  “Our little hacker is going to get the fucking of her life,” Noah said when he could talk. “I think its way past time to get her in our bed. Playtime is over.”

  “Finally,” Vanessa replied. “I don’t think one night is going to be enough.”

  “A year is not going to be enough,” agreed Noah. “She’s ours in every way but one.”

  “One thing we know for sure now, is that Amy won’t tell. She had all last night and even this morning to tell what she knows. Instead she just flirted back,” Vanessa said. “She wants us as badly as we want her.”

  “As much as I love this discussion,” replied Noah, “we have to get to work.”

  “Slave driver,” complained Vanessa before going to her desk.


  Walking into her apartment, Amy did what she thought was becoming a habit. She walked straight to the shower. She’d spent the entire day at work suffering from sexual earworm. Vanessa and Noah’s voices echoing in her ear saying what they wanted to do with her and to her. She was close to going to their office and demanding they put up or shut up.

  Standing in the shower, she thought about everything that had been happening the last couple of days. Between all the flirting with Noah and Vanessa, and the “system glitches” that had been happening recently. She got the feeling that whoever was behind it was calling her out. But why?

  It was becoming clearer and clearer that whoever it was had something more sinister in mind. Something that he may not have the brains or tech-know-how to put the plan into place. But why blame her? Most criminals liked to brag about what they’ve done.

  Amy sighed as the water poured over her body. Grabbing the shower gel, she kept hearing Noah’s words in her ear, “I want you in our bed.” Kept echoing in her head. The look in his eyes and Vanessa’s showed they meant what they said.

  At least she didn’t feel bad anymore for wanting Dark Master and Calypso. It made sense, since she was attracted to Vanessa and Noah. But what was holding them back? Getting out of the shower she turned out off the water, hearing her phone ringing in the bedroom.

  Wrapping a towel around her, she walked into the bedroom, glancing at the caller-id she saw unknown caller. She didn’t answer those calls, declining the call, she sent it to voicemail.

  Seeing the voicemail notification come up on her phone, Amy pushed play, then got chills. “Hello, Artemis.” Was the only message, before silence. Noah and Vanessa were right, someone other than them knew who she was.

  Knowing that whoever it was just may call her back, so slipping on a robe, she went to her closet and opened the panel. Going to her computer she powered it on. Plugging her phone into the USB port, she waited.

  Luckily she didn’t have to wait long before the phone started to ring again. Glancing at the caller-id to make sure it wasn’t her mother. “Hello?” she pressed the record button before pressing the speaker.

  “Artemis, it’s good to hear your voice,” said the robotic sounding voice.

  “I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number,” Amy shivered and not from the coolness of the room.

  “I don’t believe I do. Did you enjoy the little show yesterday? Or the ones before?” he asked.

  “Amateurish and reckless. I was doing most of that stuff when I was a teenager,” Amy replied. “Why did you do it?”

  “I’ve called to offer you a proposition that you’d be foolish to refuse,” the voice said.

  “What kind of proposition?” although Amy had a good idea what.

  “Join me,” the voice said simply.

  “I don’t do that anymore,” Amy declined. “But thanks for the invitation.”

  “Tomorrow there will be a car waiting for you at nine in the morning. You’re to get in the car, where my colleague Carlos will drive you to my location. I will go over my plans,” the voice ordered.

  Did he seriously expect her to get into a strange car? To an unknown destination? This was not a bad slasher movie. “No, I’m not getting into any car,” Amy replied. “You must think I’m stupid.”

  “If you don’t do as I say, I’ll unleash something on the city that will have the police show up at your door. You’ll be thrown in a cell so fast your head will spin. Or even worse, Dark Master and Calypso will show up at your door. We’ve all heard the rumors of their inquisition tactics.”

  “I didn’t appreciate Dark Master and Calypso showing up at my door last night,” Amy told him. “Look, it’s obvious that you’re not only a wimp, but you’re also crazy. Why not turn yourself in and get the help that you obviously need?”

  “You bitch,” said the robotic voice. “How dare you insult me? I’m not crazy.”

  “I’m sure your mother had you tested,” replied Amy. “I’m almost sure there aren’t enough specialists for your special type of crazy. I’ve got a good idea of what you want me to do and there’s no way in hell that I’d ever do that. Artemis never deliberately physically hurt anyone. What you’ve got planned could result in massive casualties. Now, if that’s all you called me for.”

  “Don’t you dare hang up on me,” ordered the voice, its voice raising an octave.

  “Look, you don’t scare me,” Amy answered. “You’re not even man enough to speak to me normally.”

  “Now listen bitch,” the voice raised even higher. “I urge you to rethink your decision. You won’t like the results if you don’t do as instructed. It also goes without saying that you better not breathe one word to the cops. Like they would believe you anyway.”

  “Listen, nutcase,” Amy replied. “I’m not going into any strange car. So do what you have to.” Got you, you son of a bitch, she thought.

  “The name is Hinderer,” Hinderer corrected her. “You better think long and hard before saying no,” He said one last time before hanging up.

  Hinderer? What kind of stupid name was that? Amy stood up and started to pace. Hinderer was right about one thing, if she went to the cops they’d think that she was lying. He didn’t say anything about Calypso or Dark Master, though.

  But how could she contact them? There wasn’t a number to call them that she knew of. There was one thing she could do. It was risky, but it sure as hell beat whatever Hinderer has planned for her.

  She also knew without a doubt that if they were the ones that came to her door, she’d end up in their bed tonight. She was more nervous about that than her plan. She wanted them more than she wanted chocolate covered marshmallows.

  . She smiled at the computer equipment that was stored there. Amy somehow always knew that Artemis wouldn’t stay retired forever. Amy knew that whoever she spoke with on the phone was prepared to do whatever he had planned, whether she got in the car or not.

  Silently praying that Calypso and Dark Master would be the ones to show up at her door, rather than a government law enforcement agency, she keyed in what she wanted to do. She had to admit, at least to herself, that she missed wreaking havoc. But only to the ones that deserved it.

  Once completed, she left the room, and went to the kitchen to grab a Pepsi, a bag of chips, and French onion chip dip, then turned on the television and waited. Technically she was doing what the voice said, he said she couldn’t contact the authorities, he or she didn’t say they couldn’t contact her.


  “Want some wine?” Noah asked Vanessa.

  “Sure,” Vanessa replied, stirring the spaghetti sauce on the stove. It had been a quiet, normal day in Quail City. Nothing happened that the regular police department couldn’t handle. “Can you hand me the garlic bread that’s in the freezer?”

  “Sure,” Noah handed her both items, kissing her bare shoulder. “What do you want for your bir

  “You know what I want,” Vanessa turned the stove on low, turning she placed her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I want Amy.”

  “Sir? Miss?”

  “Hi Al, wants some spaghetti?” asked Vanessa.

  “As lovely as it sounds, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass, and so will you,” Al declined.

  “What’s happened?” Noah stepped away from Vanessa.

  “You’ve got to see for yourself,” Al turned on the television in the kitchen. “This was originally going to be the press conference from Williams, the guy who owns the bank where the ATM incident happened. But we have this instead.”

  Vanessa looked at Noah, “She’s a better actress than we thought she was.”

  Instead of Williams on the screen, a television show from the early sixties was on. It was actually one of Vanessa’s favorite shows from that era. She started laughing. “I’ve got to say that this is an even better improvement than Williams on the air.”

  “You always did love to watch Petticoat Junction,” Noah teased. “Someone is about to get a paddling so hard, she won’t be able to sit for a week. Vanessa, it appears you just may be getting your birthday present after all.”


  “Amy what did you do?” Her mother asked when Amy answered the phone.

  “I can’t explain why yet, but I was given no choice.”

  “There’s always a choice, do you want to end up in jail? Your father is going to be furious,” Ruby warned her.

  “My father can kiss my lily-white ass.” Amy looked at the clock on her wall. Hopefully they’d be here any minute.

  “I have to admit it was funny,” Ruby laughed. “You always did love to watch that show, and Green Acres, too.”

  “I still do,” admitted Amy, jumping when there was a loud knock on her door. Finally, she thought. “Mom I’ve got to go, someone’s at my door.”

  “Probably the cops taking your lily-white ass to jail,” Ruby guessed. “I guess I’ll have to visit you in prison. Find yourself a nice girl to hook up with.”

  “You’re so funny mom,” Amy laughed. The pounding started getting louder.

  “Amy Wilson open the door before we bust it down.”

  Amy’s pulse leapt and her pussy started to get wet. They’re here. “Mom, talk to you later.” She said before hanging up.

  Brushing any stray potato chip crumbs off her shirt, hoping her breath didn’t smell too much like onion dip, Amy opened the door. “Dark Master, Calypso, what a nice surprise.”

  Dark Master immediately pushed her against the wall, fastening her wrists behind her back. “You were doing so well. Why?” His hands were touching her everywhere, stopping to pinch her nipples before moving lower. “No bra?”

  It was all Amy could do not to moan. Damn, his hands felt good. That’s it, touch me there, she silently begged when he slid his hand inside her panties and brushed her clit. She pressed her head against the wall to try to stop it from spinning. The only thing missing was Vanessa’s hands. Maybe she could fix that? “Is this kind of search legal?”

  “Probably not,” Dark Master said in her ear. His length was pressing against her backside. She wondered how he was able to put the suit on that he wore without damaging the impressive package against her back. Then he stepped back.

  “Sure you didn’t miss anything?” She challenged him. Amy knew without a doubt she’d end up naked between them tonight. Finally.

  “She could be right,” Calypso said stepping behind her. Her hands now searching Amy. Sliding her hand inside Amy’s panties, which by this time were pointless, Calypso’s fingers teased her lower lips, before dipping inside. “You’re wet. Did what you do tonight turn you on, or is it us?”

  Dark Master turned her around so that she was facing him. Damn, his eyes were gorgeous. Dark silvery eyes underneath the mask he wore. His lips begging to be kissed. “Why?”

  “I needed to contact you and your number isn’t exactly listed,” answered Amy. Explanations first, sex second, she told herself.

  “Why did you need to contact us?” Calypso asked.

  “I was contacted by the person claiming responsibility for everything that’s been happening here in Quail City. He calls himself The Hinderer,” Amy struggled not to moan. Dark Master's hand strayed up her stomach, his hands cupping her breast, squeezing. The more he squeezed, the wetter she got. Calypso’s hand was cupping the other breast. They were playing her body like an instrument.

  “Why did he contact you?” Dark Master asked, his thumb brushing her nipple.

  “He or she wants me to join forces with him,” Amy answered. It took everything inside of her not to protest when he removed his hands.

  “Join them?” Dark Master turned her around to stare into her eyes.

  Amy stared into his sexy eyes and fell. There was not another way to describe it. She’d had feelings for him and Vanessa from the beginning. “Yeah, he, well I'm guessing it was a he, because he had a mechanical sounding voice, called me. Said that he had a proposition for me. If I refuse than he would unleash something on Quail City.”

  “What did he propose?” Calypso asked.

  “He wouldn’t say exactly how or what he wanted me to do, said that I would find out tomorrow. That a car would be waiting at nine tomorrow morning. Said if I didn’t do as he says by nine fifteen, he would do something,” Amy answered. “And he called me Artemis.”

  “How did he get your number?” Dark Master asked.

  “He's a hacker,” shrugged Amy. “I'm guessing he wants my help in pulling off whatever he has planned.” Amy tried to push against him. He responded by pinching her nipple, sending tingles down her spine.

  “I recorded his call,” She told them.

  “Let me hear the recording,” Noah ordered. Amy sensed that he wanted to kiss her. As much as she wanted it, she couldn’t take the chance that whoever called her was watching everything unfold.

  “Follow me,” she replied. Going into her computer room, she still had everything where she’d left it. “I plugged my phone into the USB port, with this program I was able to get a general idea of where he’s located.” She brought a map up of the dock area. “My guess is that he’s in one of the abandoned warehouses.”

  “Play the recording,” ordered Noah.

  Nodding her head, she pressed the play button. She tried to see if there was something in the voice that would help her recognize it. She also saw that the longer they listened, the angrier Noah got. At her? At Hinderer? When the recording stopped she waited for him to speak.

  “I’m going to spank your ass,” Noah said. “You deliberately goaded him. What if he’d shown up at your door before we came? Or this Carlos whoever?”

  “I’m not the simpering, whimpering heroine of movies,” Amy defended herself. “What did you expect me to do? Say, oh please, Hinderer, your big and bad, please don’t hurt me?”

  “She does have a point,” Vanessa told him. “But the spanking still might be fun. We have a spanking bench that we’ve not used in a long, long time.”

  “You, our sexy little hacker, more than likely played into his hands,” Noah said to her. “But that doesn’t absolve you from what you did tonight. We both know why you did it, but others might not buy it. Williams is demanding your arrest tonight.”

  “Not surprised,” Amy replied.

  “Why is there so much animosity between the two of you?” Vanessa asked.

  “He's my father,” Amy admitted.

  “Wait, he has four sons, I don’t remember hearing anything about a daughter,” Vanessa said.

  “Interesting,” Noah said. “Now our question is, what are we going to do with you?”

  “What are you going to do with me Noah? Vanessa? Amy asked.

  “So you did recognize us,” Vanessa answered. “How?”

  “Your eyes,” Amy told them simply. “I knew as soon as I looked into your eyes. You didn’t answer the question though, what are
you going to do?”

  “Something that you had to know would happen. You’re coming home with us.” Noah replied.

  This was really going to happen. Yes, she’d already accepted that this was going to happen, but some part of her thought that maybe it wouldn’t. Her pussy started to get even wetter. “I’m home.”

  “Not yet, but you will be,” Noah replied. “You knew exactly what would happen tonight. You knew that after this there would be no reason we couldn’t have what we wanted. What we’ve all wanted. Didn’t you?”

  “Did the verbal foreplay drive you as crazy as it did us?” Vanessa asked her.

  “Probably worse, you at least had Noah. I had vibrators,” answered Amy.

  “Hold out your hands,” ordered Noah, taking out a pair of handcuffs.

  “You’re going to handcuff me?” mentally Amy gulped.

  “Yes, and much, much more,” Vanessa said into her ear, biting it. “Do you have any idea how much we’ve wanted you?”

  “Me?” squeaked Amy. Her body was tingling just from that one bite. “Noah is one of the richest men in the country, if not the world. He can have anyone he wants. He has you, you’re not exactly dog chow.”

  “Before meeting you, we were perfectly happy just being the two of us,” Vanessa licked a wet path down Amy’s neck. “But one look at you and we realized that there was something, or rather someone, missing. You.”

  “Did you know who I was the first time in the coffee shop?” Amy tilted her neck back, letting Vanessa kiss her wherever she wanted.

  “We did,” admitted Noah. “We keep a record of all past criminals. We know where most live and work. When we got word that you had a job next door to Adams Tech, it was too much of a coincidence. We wanted to make sure that none of our employees were feeding you information.”

  “But now sweet Amy, you know who we are. What we are,” Noah snapped the handcuffs around her wrists. “There isn’t a reason to deny ourselves any longer.”


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