Into the Fray: Volume 1 of The Sorcerers of Jhanvia Series

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Into the Fray: Volume 1 of The Sorcerers of Jhanvia Series Page 10

by Aderyn Lonigan

A moment of silence, then Tyral replied in her thoughts at the same time Kidreyli said out loud, “No, it won’t.”

  The Valtyr laughed, gave herself a moment to ponder, and then said, “You’re a wise old girl, aren’t you?”

  “Well, I don’t know about ‘old’.”

  “You are correct. I need to stop pushing and just let the situation carry me where it needs to go.”

  “Now that’s the Valtyr I have come to love.”

  Kaitra needed something to act as a vessel for the spell. As she neared a hut in the center of the village, Jeseti stepped out into the light. She was a bit taller than average and she had a thin build. Her arms and shoulders were quite muscular, and her face was framed gracefully by her bright, long red hair that was braided and laid over her shoulder so that it stopped at her waist. She wore black leather pants and a red cloth shirt, and her belt sported a beautiful knife, along with markings where a sword had been carried.

  “Will this do?” she asked without being prompted, holding a small black leather pouch in her palm, her luminescent spirit shining forth from behind her deep green eyes.

  Kaitra was surprised, as the pouch was just as she had envisioned, “How did you know…?”

  “Jeseti smiled and cut her off mid-sentence, “Cliona told me you might need something like this.”

  The young woman looked it over. It was well crafted with a fold-over flap as a cover. “I think this will be perfect.”

  “Do you need me to put some loops on the back of it so it will slide on your belt?”

  “Thanks, no. I have a different plan for this.”

  “Let me know if you need anything else,” Jeseti offered as she turned and went back into her hut.

  From that point, the creation of the spell became quite fun for Kaitra. She cut a small lock of her own hair and tied it together with Kidreyli’s. She did the same with locks of hair from Cliona and Eirran. As had been suggested, she gathered several items; a tiny piece of the root of a great oak at the edge of the forest, a tiny red feather which had fallen from a cardinal she had seen flitting about earlier, a small piece of white quartz containing a tiny filament of red color that was lying by the central fire pit and a small amount of moss from the stream. She took a two-pronged green pine needle and interwove it with all the items she had collected. She placed the entire concoction in the small pouch, sprinkled in some rosemary and rue and closed the flap. She knelt on the ground, laid her belt across a flat rock and put the pouch on the belt where she intended to affix it permanently.

  She took out her knife and punched a small hole in a vein in her forearm. This was an inadvertent act of magic of which she failed to take notice. Since the first blood drawn by the blade was hers, the life energy within it joined with her spirit and they became as one—a bit of magic always found in weapons crafted from a Clannya forge. She allowed her blood to drip onto the leather pouch, especially around the opening and the edges. She also directed some of her blood to land on her belt next to the pouch. Then, she placed both hands on the pouch and belt and took in a deep breath, drawing up energy from the earth below. Within her mind, she saw the opening on the pouch and its edges fuse together and the pouch itself become one with the belt. The energy she raised caused an alternating red and yellow glow to come up through her fingers as the spell was set. Once she felt the spell complete, she fell back and sat on her heels for a few moments to let the outside energies she had raised return to their source. She picked up the belt and saw that the desired result had been achieved. The pouch and the belt were now as one and all the edges and openings had been closed as if they had never existed. She put the belt back on as instructed by Cliona, pouch secured firmly over her belly button. She cleaned the point of her blade with the corner of her shirt and placed it back in its sheath. She sat for several minutes, fondling her pendant while her mind pondered on the next things to be done.

  She had few belongings to prepare for what lay ahead. Most pressing was the need to quickly become proficient with the bow. She went to the hut, retrieved the weapon and a quiver of arrows and spent the next hour or so honing her skills. Hitting the target seemed to come so easily. It occurred to her later that her innocent heart would soon be tested when this weapon would be needed against another person. Her confidence fluttered a bit. Could she kill another with this weapon for which she possessed such skill? That was the question in her mind that needed a quick and decisive answer.

  Kaitra saw Kidreyli talking and laughing with Donnlu at the central fire pit. She needed to be with her friends now. She put the bow and arrows in the hut and quickly made her way over to the table of food. She was rather peckish, having not eaten in a several hours. She walked up and put her hand on her friend’s shoulder.

  Kidreyli looked up at her and said, “I was wondering where you were.”

  “Good evening, Donnlu. I’m going to get some food. Do either of you want anything?”

  “Bread and a drink would be great,” the Valtyr answered, then quickly appended her request, “No mead, please.”

  Kaitra laughed under her breath as she went off to gather a meal for them. She loaded up a bowl with some bread and a few fruits, along with some of the fresh vegetables that had been left from earlier in the day.

  Cliona came over to her and asked, “Did you prepare your talisman?”

  “As instructed.” She turned so she could see it on her belt.

  The elder put her hand over it, without touching and said, “Very good. That should be effective.”

  “Would you join us?”

  “No, thanks. I need to tend to Nemainn. You both have a good night.”

  The young woman brought the bowl over to the table along with a container of water they could share. Donnlu and Kidreyli were chatting up and occasionally laughing over their adventures. She dug into the food straight away.

  Kidreyli explained, “Donnlu was telling me the story of when he tried to steal a Katrion from a Valtyr in Jhardu.”

  Donnlu smiled, “Well, you know I was a bit drunk.”

  “A bit?” Kidreyli laughed.

  “I was young and brash. Thought I was invincible, you know? Well, she came at me, claws ready to tear me apart.”

  “What did you do?” Kaitra asked through her food.

  “At first, I tried to run.”

  “How did that work for you,” asked Kidreyli.

  “You know it didn’t. Your people run faster than any I have seen. Quickly she was upon me. There was nothing to do but fall to her feet and beg mercy.”

  “So what happened?” asked Kaitra.

  “He’s still here to tell the tale,” Kidreyli laughingly noted.

  “I think she took one look into my cowering face and realized I was just a drunk kid out looking for a little harmless adventure. She just laughed at me and walked away.”

  “You’re really fortunate she didn’t kill you in very painful ways,” the Valtyr noted.

  “I almost wish she had. The others I was with that night had to explain to everyone they could find how much of a coward and fool I was. They teased and taunted me about that for over a year. I think she reveled in the way she scarred me for life.”

  “We found a long time ago that sometimes it’s more fun to play with our food,” Kidreyli laughed.

  Donnlu was only left the option of laughing with her.

  Kaitra perked up. “It’s late. I think I’m going to bed.”

  “Bed, now? It’s very early…,” Kidreyli could not get out her sentence before her friend motioned with her head toward the hut. She got the message.

  “Yes… right…I’m tired too,” Kidreyli stated. “Donnlu, it was good talking with you,” she said as she ran to catch up.

  Donnlu just laughed at their manner and took a drink of ale.

  Kidreyli followed her through the door.

  Kaitra turned and kissed her, and then whispered, “I want you to take me in the most passionate way you can imagine.”

  “So we’ll
do this my way?”

  “However you like.”

  Kidreyli smiled and reached to unfasten the girl’s waist belt. Kaitra started to speak, but she placed two fingers over her lips, ensuring silence from her lover, and whispered, “Relax. You trust me. Just give in to the moment.” She let the belt drop to the ground. She loosened the ties on her lover’s vest and pulled it along with her shirt over her head in one motion. She traced around her apple-size breasts softly with her finger and then followed that same motion with her tongue. She moved up, breathed a hot breath on her ears and gently bit on her neck while at the same time loosening the leather ties on Kaitra’s pants. She pushed lightly and they fell off her hips to her ankles. She worked her way back down, caressing her lover’s hardened nipples with her fingers at the same moment she arrived between her legs.

  Kaitra wrapped her hands around the back of Kidreyli’s head, her breathing deep and euphoric. She had never felt anything like the sexual prowess of the Valtyr. A thousand years of practice, and they had ways that could literally spin your head. And spinning she was, vocalizing every bit of the ecstasy she felt as she shuddered to climax.

  Kidreyli came up for air and motioned for Kaitra to lie back on the bed. She stepped out of her pants and boots and lay on her back as requested. The warrior removed her pants and boots and knelt over her while taking off her shirt.

  “That was wonderful,” Kaitra was still breathing heavily.

  The Valtyr whispered, “Too many words. We haven’t even started.” Kidreyli gently lay on top of Kaitra, holding a long impassioned kiss before moving on to satisfy her lover once again.

  The young woman never realized the true strength and stamina of her lover until now. Or even when three hours had so quickly passed. She had made her best effort to satisfy her lover and had succeeded more than twice, but Kidreyli’s passion was overwhelming and her physical size and sexual desire fueled her dominance. There came a time when Kaitra’s voice was failing and her body was shaking from an overabundance of pleasure.

  “Drey, please stop.”

  Kidreyli continued unrelenting.

  Kaitra pushed her back and tersely stated, “Please, I can’t take any more.”

  They both collapsed from exhaustion. Kaitra settled on her left side. Kidreyli sidled up next to her back and wrapped her arm around her waist. It was only a few moments before they were both asleep.

  It was several hours later, in the deepest depths of night’s wanderings.

  Kidreyli sensed a presence. She lifted her head, peeking over Kaitra’s shoulder, and saw a glowing form in front of her. It was ethereal, like fog, and it looked very much like Cliona. She appeared to have her hands on Kaitra’s chest, a blue glow emanating from them caused her form to be visible. The form that resembled Cliona noticed that the warrior had seen her. She crossed her lips with a finger, requesting

  Kidreyli to remain still. A few moments later, her work complete, she smiled and quickly faded into the darkness. Kidreyli laid her head back down on her arm and fell back into sleep.

  Morning had come to the village. Distant conversation carried on a faint breath of cool, crisp air caused Kidreyli’s eyes to open. She carefully sat up, looking at her sleeping lover’s face. She knew within her heart that from the first moment their eyes met, destiny had sealed them together, but she could make no sense of it. Kaitra was so different from her, from culture, to background, to life experience. Their paths had been utterly divergent until that one moment when they were thrown together in a flurry of death and destruction, standing side-by-side, both of them alone in the world. Maybe the self-imposed isolation from their respective cultures is what tied them together. Or maybe it was the internal forces within each of them striving to define their own individuality. Or maybe they simply had a need to be different than everyone else. It was far too deep a subject this early in the morning.

  The Valtyr stroked the girl’s soft black hair, taking in her beauty. She preferred to lie here all day, but events were upon them. She lightly ran her finger along her lover’s nose, causing her eyes to jump open.

  “Good morning,” Kidreyli said softly.

  “Good morning.” Kaitra shifted to roll onto her back, and her lover let her slip under. She pushed Kidreyli’s hair back over her ears and said lovingly, “That was simply amazing.”

  A rather impassioned kiss followed. It went on for a long time.

  Kaitra heard villagers talking outside and asked “What time is it?”

  Kidreyli looked over to the sunlight pouring though the warrior-size opening in the wall and reckoned, “Looks to be early morning.”

  “Don’t you think we should get on with the day?”

  “I’m content staying right here.”

  Kaitra giddiness fueled her laugh as she said, “You are a slave to your carnal desires.”

  “Absolutely I am.”

  Kaitra kissed her again and said, “Come, we need to go.”

  Kidreyli reluctantly conceded and let her up.

  The young sorceress hurriedly put on her clothes, noting, “It’s cold this morning.”

  “It’s warm in the bed.”

  “You’re relentless.”

  “It’s one of the things you like about me,” Kidreyli remarked as she began dressing.

  Kaitra laughed a little at her own predicament as her diminished eastern brogue rose up, “I can barely walk. And you expect me to ride a horse today?”

  “Your welcome.”

  Kaitra fluffed out her hair and walked up to her. “Listen. I have something of you in my pouch here. I want you to have something of me.” She took off her pendant, reached up and slipped it over her lover’s head.

  Kidreyli pulled her long blond hair out from underneath the pendant’s leather strap and flipped it back. The young woman reached up and held the pendant against her chest, and she placed her hand over Kaitra’s.

  “I love you with all my heart,” Kidreyli emotionally blurted out.

  “I love you.” Kaitra was resolute.

  A lengthy impassioned kiss was followed by a firm embrace. The strength of Kidreyli’s spirit fell over her shoulders like warm water, washing its energy over her back and shoulders, sending a chill up her neck and confirming that she had found the love for which she had so patiently waited.

  “We should get some food and say goodbye to our friends,” Kidreyli suggested.

  Kaitra nodded her approval and they walked hand-in-hand to the center of the village.

  Eirran was sitting at a table eating a fruit when he saw them approaching. A knowing smile came to his face. “Good morning, my friends. I trust you slept well?”

  “Yes, thank you,” responded Kidreyli.

  Destri walked up with an air of having been put upon around his neck and grabbed a small loaf of bread from the table. “Next time, you girls need to get a Mutral.”

  Eirran could not hold back his laugh, spewing out a bit of food.

  “We were that loud?” asked Kaitra. “I really apologize.”

  “Some are disturbed by it,” Eirran noted, “but others of us enjoy the sounds of love echoing through the forest. Shall I say, it brings a zest for living back to some of us older folks.”

  “And it points out some of the things we missed in this life,” Cliona stated as she approached the table.

  “Oh that’s unfair,” Eirran answered the intended humor. “Just because I’m not a woman doesn’t mean I don’t know what you like.”

  “I don’t know, after the ruckus last night, I feel I’ve been missing something.” She smiled to herself when she took notice that Kidreyli was wearing Kaitra’s pendant.

  Kaitra was embarrassed. Kidreyli just laughed.

  “It’s time we ventured forth,” the young warrior announced. “I’ll go and get the horses ready.”

  Kaitra felt her heart sink a little, realizing the time had come. As her love walked off, she looked at the villagers with fainted eyes. “It’s going to be very hard to leave here.�

  Eirran came over and gave her a firm, passionate hug. “Know that you are always welcome here. Shall we go get you ready?”

  Kaitra nodded and they walked together, his arm around her shoulder and hers around his waist.

  Vatal had brought around Sestru, already prepared for travel. Kidreyli had called Tyral over and was loading her up. Once finished, she helped Kaitra secure her supplies. Not much to it really, they were traveling light.

  Cliona brought a leather pouch over and handed it to the young sorceress. “We have packed some extra food for you.”

  Kaitra handed it to her lover and then hugged Cliona firmly for a very long time. Then she repeated that same hug with Eirran. She said softly, “I’m going to miss you.”

  “We’ll miss you too,” Eirran replied.

  Kaitra mounted Sestru without assistance, but sat in the saddle rather gingerly.

  Kidreyli smiled at her lover’s manner. She finished tying the last of the supplies onto Tyral’s saddle and turned to Eirran.

  “My friend,” he smiled and hugged her firmly. He whispered in her ear, “Protect her at all costs. Her light will renew the land.”

  Kidreyli pledged softly into his ear, “I shall.”

  “Be well, my friends, and good journey,” Eirran willed.

  “May the ancient ones protect you and guide your feet,” Cliona invoked.

  Kidreyli hugged Cliona firmly. “We will be back. I promise.” The warrior climbed up on Tyral and patted her neck. “Let’s go, my friend.”

  As their rides carried them at a walking pace across the open field, Kaitra looked back and waved. As they disappeared into the far tree line, Eirran waved one last time.

  “I sincerely hope we see them again,” he said as he put his arm around Cliona.

  “They will return one day,” she concluded.

  In the late afternoon, they paused at a path that offered a choice of two directions.

  “So, where are we going now?” asked Kaitra.

  Kidreyli smiled, took in a deep breath and replied, “As my grandmother used to say—with great courage, we are plunging fearlessly into the fray.”


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