Lone Star Holiday

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Lone Star Holiday Page 7

by Jolene Navarro

  The corner of his mouth pulled to one side, giving her a lopsided grin.

  From inside the fellowship hall, Aunt Maggie tapped on the kitchen window. Sliding it open, she called to them. “Lorrie Ann! Pastor John! What is taking you two so long? Come on in. Everyone is waiting.”

  Leaning in close, he looked her directly in the eyes. “Are you sure you’re ready?” He held his arm out to her.

  She smiled at John’s gallant gesture. She had asked God for a sign, and now she walked back into a church on the arm of its pastor. Maybe now she should start trusting God. She had already waited twelve years. Nodding, she placed her hand on John’s arm and walked through the blue door by his side.

  Chapter Eight

  Like dominoes falling, silence moved from person to person as each became aware of Lorrie Ann’s entrance with John. Memories connected to the smell of lemon beeswax and coffee filled her head.

  Aunt Maggie stood at the counter making fresh coffee, a broad smile on her face. “Lorrie Ann, come over here.”

  Avoiding eye contact with everyone, she headed straight to the safe harbor. Maybe if Aunt Maggie had been there twelve years ago it would have ended differently.

  She had Lorrie Ann unwrap the homemade desserts and arrange them next to the coffee. People started milling around, pouring coffee and filling small plates with cookies, cake and pies. Many even greeted her, welcoming her back. Tension eased. Everyone had a smile for her.

  Lorrie Ann made a quick glance around the small crowd, looking for Yolanda. She spotted her at a table on the far side of the room, next to Vickie. Great! Her warm-and-fuzzy feeling might have been a bit premature.

  Vickie glared at Lorrie Ann with her arms crossed over her chest.

  Please stay over there, please, please. Vickie moved toward her. Lorrie Ann’s spine deflated for a moment.

  With bold strides, Vickie headed straight to the dessert bar. Lorrie Ann fought back the somersaults that started low in her belly. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she took a slow sip of her coffee, never taking her eyes off Vickie’s sour face.

  “What are you doing here?” The sugar-sweet tone of Vickie’s voice didn’t hide the malice puckering her mouth.

  Lorrie Ann allowed the silence to linger. Her gaze traveled around the room until it landed back on Yolanda, still sitting at the far end of the room. Her cousin twisted a strand of dark hair around her fingers as she chewed on her bottom lip. The whole time Yolanda’s crossed leg jerked up and down.

  Vickie started squirming, stretching her neck. “So?”

  Keeping a bored look on her face, Lorrie Ann shrugged and took a bite of a snicker-doodle Celeste and she had made earlier. “Aunt Maggie thought my expertise could help, and Pastor John offered me a ride.” Taking another bite of the cookie and a sip of her heavily creamed coffee, she paused before asking her own question. “What are you doing here?”

  Vickie leaned in and whispered, “I belong here.”

  John stood at the head of a group of tables pushed together and called for the meeting to start. After commanding everyone’s attention, he called Lorrie Ann over to him.

  She smiled at Vickie. “Excuse me. Pastor John needs me.”

  Her smile fell a bit when she noticed all eyes on her. Nevertheless, she moved to the front and sat down in the empty chair next to John. She squirmed a bit in the metal chair, feeling guilty for the pettiness of her last thought about Vickie. She really needed to grow up.

  “First, I want to thank each of you for being here. The giving of your time and talents makes this annual event a special testimony to God’s love.” He turned to Lorrie Ann and smiled.

  The bottom of her stomach fell out, but she made sure her own smile hid any discomfort and anxiety. Fake it, girl.

  “Many of you know Lorrie Ann Ortega as Billy and Maggie’s niece. She also happens to have experience managing and organizing large musical events. Fortunately for us, she’s visiting for the holidays, and Maggie, Katy and I are working on her to lend a hand in the absence of Martha. She’s come tonight to see what we have and what we need. So, please share any information you have that might convince her to assist us.”

  Applause filled the old fellowship hall. Lorrie Ann relaxed.

  Maggie started handing out packets. The rest of the meeting ran smoothly, and, keeping an eye on the clock, Lorrie Ann jumped up to get the girls. Her goal: reach the back door without talking to anyone.

  She stopped breathing as Jake Torres made his way toward her. Being a state trooper fit him. In high school, he had walked across campus with purpose and power. All the girls loved him, and she had counted him as a friend. When he’d remained silent in the face of the horrible rumors, it was clear who was more important to him. Vickie was part of his crowd, and they reminded her she would always be the outsider. Of course, Lorrie Ann had heard Vickie had ended up married to Tommy, so he had been on the losing end also.

  She remained stiff as Jake pulled her into a quick bear hug. “Let me officially welcome you back.”

  Even with her heels on, she only reached his upper chest. In her silence he continued. They were all adults now; she really needed to get over the old hurts.

  “I wanted to thank you. Not everyone can keep calm at an accident site. You helped the girls and John. I imagine it wasn’t easy for him.”

  Lorrie Ann smiled and nodded as she waited for something ugly to enter the conversation. How could he talk to her as if he didn’t know his silence had destroyed her life in Clear Water? It was twelve years ago; maybe he forgot.

  He just smiled and kept talking as if they were long-lost friends. She knew if she wanted to grow in her faith, she’d have to let go of some of this bitterness. But really? Not even one small sorry?

  “You should help out with the pageant. I’m the construction chair this year. There’s about twelve of us on the committee, and basically we can build anything you throw at us.”

  John joined them. The men greeted each other before he turned his attention to her. “I have a financial-committee meeting, and it’ll probably go late.” He glanced back to Jake with a wary grin. “JoAnn and the ladies want to buy a new vacuum cleaner, and George and his boys think it’s a waste of money.”

  Jake laughed, patting John on the back. “It’s good seeing you, Lorrie Ann. I’m outta here before someone needs a peace officer.”

  She managed to nod. Once alone, John tilted his head slightly to the right. “Are you good?” He spoke softly.

  “The church is still standing. I’d call it a victory.” She grinned and tucked her hair behind her ear. “But I’m still not sure I want to take on the pageant.”

  “Maggie’ll have all the information you’ll need.” He handed her the keys. “Ready to take the girls home?”

  She smiled as relief flooded her body. “That’s the plan. I’ll go get them.” She paused. “Thank you, John.”

  She slipped out of the door, heading to the children’s building. Her steps were light, feeling as if she had conquered some childhood fear, but her celebration might have come a little too early.

  Vickie ambushed her halfway down the curved sidewalk.

  “Hey, don’t walk away from me.” Vickie grabbed Lorrie Ann’s arm and spun her around.

  Too tired to put up with the attitude, Lorrie Ann pulled her arm free and kept walking.

  “The way you throw yourself at Pastor John is wrong,” Vickie hissed at her back, following her. “You’re pathetic in your cheap boots and L.A. ways. You stay away from those little girls. They need a real mother.”

  Lorrie Ann froze then slowly turned and faced her high-school nemesis. Silence filled the air between them, the minutes stretching out. Lorrie Ann prayed for the right words, to harness her anger. Her pulse raced as her breathing grew heavy.

  The past twelve ye
ars disappeared. Inside, Lorrie Ann felt like the seventeen-year-old girl that never stood up for herself. She put her fisted hands on her hips and opened her mouth to give it all to her. “Vickie, you need to...” Lorrie Ann paused.

  Anger and bitterness radiated off Vickie, her chest raising up and down in quick motion. Vickie stood alone. Lorrie Ann thought about her living in a trailer on her parents’ property and working at the local grocery store, the one-time prom queen divorced by her perfect quarterback sweetheart, Tommy Miller.

  Immediately Lorrie Ann pulled back her words. They came from her anger, not God. She turned her back and went to collect the girls.

  Vickie, Jake and Tommy still seemed to have some left-over issues. She refused to be pulled into high-school drama again. She had her own problems to deal with in order to figure out her own future.

  * * *

  Lorrie Ann rested her hand on the light switch in John’s bedroom. He’d thought with Rachel’s hurt leg they should sleep downstairs, and he would sleep on the sofa. Growing up with her mom, Lorrie Ann’s only bed had been the sofa in whatever apartment they’d stayed in. No adult had ever given up their bed for her.

  She had tucked the sheets around his daughters, and now they looked so little in his big bed. “Good night, girls. Lights out. I’ll be in the living room until your dad gets here. Okay?”

  Celeste popped up. “No, we’re not done!”

  Lorrie Ann paused to think what she might have missed. Nothing came to mind. “Well, let’s go over the list.” She touched one finger. “Bath?”

  “Check.” Celeste bobbed her head.

  Lorrie Ann smiled and added a second finger. “Pajamas on.”


  “Teeth brushed.”


  “Backpack ready for school?”


  “I can’t think of anything else.”

  “You forgot something.” Celeste giggled and sat with her legs folded under her.

  “Um...a drink?”


  “Uh...let’s see.” She racked her brain trying to figure out what she had missed. “A good-night kiss?”

  “Nope.” She bounced her legs. “Silly, Daddy does that.”

  “We got the pillow and blankets out for your dad.” Lorrie Ann looked from Celeste to her older sister. “Rachel, can you give me some help here?” A slight shrug was the only response. The silent treatment had pretty much held up all night.

  “Let me think.” Pinching her nose, she closed her eyes and a new thought occurred. “Oh, I have it.” She snapped her fingers. “Your prayers.”

  “You’re closer.” The six-year-old stretched out the two words. “We do those after the next thing.”

  Lorrie Ann drew her brows down in confusion. “After what, Celeste? Please just tell me.”

  Celeste crossed her arms over her small chest and pouted. “You have to guess.”

  “Celeste, your father told me you would drag out bedtime, so I can just turn off the lights and go to the living room.”

  With a heavy sigh, Rachel flopped to her back. “Celeste, give it up.” She looked back to Lorrie Ann. “She wants a story. Daddy and Amy always read us a story before we turn out the lights. You don’t have to.” Twisting her back to them again, she pulled the covers over her head.

  “Oh. Sorry, your dad didn’t say anything about a story, and I’m kind of new to this bedtime-ritual thing.” Lorrie Ann realized this was the sort of stuff she had missed growing up. What a surprise that these two girls could teach her so much.

  Celeste looked confused. “Your mom didn’t read you stories at bedtime when you were little?”

  “Well, she was busy, so I just went to bed.” She didn’t think it was appropriate to tell them her mom was either passed out drunk or partying with her latest boyfriend.

  She patted Celeste’s leg under the quilt. “I would love to read you a story.” Glancing around the room, she didn’t see any children’s books. “I could make up a story. I did that a lot growing up. I didn’t have any books, so I would make up my own stories.”

  Celeste clapped and bounced in the bed.

  Lorrie Ann laid her hands on Celeste’s shoulder. “Careful of Rachel’s leg.”

  “Oh, sorry. Can you make up a story about a princess?”

  Lorrie Ann tapped her finger on her lips. “I do happen to know about one princess, but she didn’t know she came from a royal family. A jealous duke wanted revenge on his brother, the king. So, he stole the king’s most precious treasure. Do you know what he took?” Lorrie Ann noticed Rachel had turned back to them.

  “His golden crown?” Celeste whispered.

  “Good guess.” Lorrie Ann smoothed Celeste’s hair from her face. “But it wasn’t gold or jewels. His newborn daughter slept in a basinet laced with colorful ribbons. The duke hired a villain to steal the infant and kill her. But when he went to strike her, he stopped. Her innocent face looked up at him, and his black heart melted. So, instead he took her to the woods where coyotes roamed and left her nestled in the roots of a giant oak tree.”

  Celeste wiggled under the covers and pulled her stuffed animal closer.

  “Hearing the soft whimpers, the mother coyote came to investigate the strange noise in her forest. She curled her body around the babe, giving her warmth through the night. Close by, an isolated cabin stood. Rumors about the old lady who lived there swirled in town.”

  “Did she find the baby?” Celeste yawned.

  “Maybe.” Lorrie Ann stopped the story when Celeste’s lids fluttered down. She ran her hand over the child’s wayward curls.

  “More story.” The two words came out slurred as her eyes fluttered shut again.

  “Next time, rug rat.” She smoothed Celeste’s hair away from her face. Looking across the big bed, she found Rachel watching her. “Night, Rachel.”

  “Good night, Miss Lorrie Ann.” The soft reply gave Lorrie Ann a strange and unexpected sense of peace.

  Stepping out into the living room, she checked the time. Eight forty-five. John said he’d be home before ten. She plugged her laptop in and opened her emails.

  She touched base with Melissa, who told her Brent had gone into rehab and reassured her that after the holidays they would talk. It didn’t matter how much Brent apologized or if he got sober, she was not going to have that drama in her life. Lorrie Ann refused to become her mother.

  She sent and replied to a long list of emails then followed up with some texts. Glancing at the time, she finally shut her laptop down. It was almost ten.

  Anticipation fluttered across her nerves. Lorrie Ann looked at the front door, imagining John walking through it. Standing, she moved to the glass doors at the back of the cabin.

  Her mind drifted back to the conversation she and John had been having before going into the fellowship hall.

  The room became too small. She stepped out onto the deck and left the door open so she could hear the girls.

  * * *

  John walked into his quiet house. Lorrie Ann’s presence lingered in the air. The idea of her waiting for him to return home felt good. He immediately pushed that thought out. Carol, his wife, should be the one he wanted here. With her death he had made a conscious decision to stay out of any romantic relationship. Lorrie Ann was someone new and just making him aware of his loneliness. The girls needed all of his focus; he would remain strong in this choice to remain single.

  After checking on the girls, he made his way to the back of the living room toward the sliding glass door. He noticed a pillow and extra blankets folded neatly on the sofa. He had told Lorrie Ann to put the girls in his room. He smiled. It was nice of her to set those out for him.

  He stepped through the open door to the back deck. Somewhere a bonfire burn
ed. The breeze carried the smoldering scent of mesquite and cedar through the air. At the edge of the deck, Lorrie Ann stood with her fingers wrapped around the worn-smooth wood railing.

  “Lorrie Ann?” He spoke softly, not wanting to disturb the mood of the night.

  Lorrie Ann sighed, her fingers relaxed. She kept her eyes closed.

  He walked across the deck but made sure to keep his distance from her. “How did the girls do? Celeste give you any problems?”

  “No, they were great, and I actually got a good bit of work done after they went to sleep.”

  She would not make eye contact with him. He studied her profile. He could see Sonia, her mother, in her bone structure. Had she made some of the same mistakes as her mother while living in L.A.? Well, she was here now and seemed to be looking for answers. He would treat her like any member of his congregation in need of help.

  “Good. Thank you for helping. I’m sure this has been a rough week for you.” He moved to stand next to her. He turned to the side, his left hip resting against the railing as he crossed his arms.

  After a few moments of silence he continued. “I know your aunt means well, but she can have the tenacity of a pit bull when she gets an idea in her head.” He tucked his hands into his front pockets. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to help. Guilt can be a strong motivation, but it’s not the right one.” Turning parallel to her, he braced both arms on the cedar railing. “Your aunt is so excited about you being home she might miss the point of you being here.”

  He loved Maggie’s passion, but he also knew she could steamroller people into what she thought was the right thing for them whether they agreed or not.

  His fear now was that she had decided to play matchmaker. He rubbed his eyes. That was all he needed. Forcing a smile on his face, he looked back to Lorrie Ann.

  * * *

  John gave Lorrie Ann a half grin that made her want to melt against him and tuck her head over his heartbeat. She had to wonder, how did the women of his congregation concentrate on his sermons? She shook her head and looked back at the landscape. Maybe it would be better if Yolanda had brought the girls home.


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