ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2)

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ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2) Page 9

by Julia Mills

  “Great job. Destroying your home is sure to help Cynthia.” Still clapping, she walked toward him.

  “Katarina…” Viktor gave a warning growl.

  “Oh, please, Roman’s not going to hurt me. Are you?” She challenged.

  “No,” he grumbled. “Just leave.” He pointed at the door.

  Stopping a few feet in front of him, Katarina finally stopped clapping and smiled. “I’ll do you one better. I’ll go see your Cynthia.” He began shaking his head, to which she nodded and held up her index finger for him to be quiet. “I’ve met her a few times. She and I had a fun conversation about men at one of those crazy cocktail parties you insisted I accompany Viktor to.”

  She paused and leveled her gaze at him. “Besides, I’ve been where she is. Well…not quite where she is, but sort of. You get the jest.” She winked. “Bjorn was crazy. Valentina and Laurent have also obviously lost their minds. We were both kidnapped just for knowing you guys.” She shrugged. “Seems like we have a couple of things to talk about. Worst case scenario, she throws me out on my derrière, but I’m betting she’ll want to hear what I have to say.”

  He was just about to list all the reasons why Katarina talking to Cynthia was a bad idea when the door to his study burst open and in walked Lee with a huge smile on his face. Striding across the room, he patted Roman on the shoulder and gushed, “Have I got a surprise for you, o aderfós mou.” Then over his shoulder, “Bring ‘em in, boys.”

  A loud crash and Bain’s hurried, “Oh shit, sorry, Greg. I’ll clean that up in a minute,” was all he heard a second before an unconscious Laurent came flying into the room and landed with a thud on the floor just to the right of the sofa. Closely followed by a smiling Sal with a bound and gagged Valentina slung over his shoulder.

  “I know it’s not your birthday, but we brought presents,” the youngest of their group announced as he unceremoniously dumped Roman’s feeder on the couch and took a bow along with Lee and Bain.

  Looking to Katarina, he nodded. “I would be most appreciative if you would speak with Cynthia. It appears,” he glared at Valentina and Laurent, “that I have more pressing matters.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Go away!” She yelled, rolling over on the couch and covering her head with her pillow.

  Another knock, more persistent than the last, and a woman’s voice called, “Cynthia? Cynthia St. James?” A pause and then, “It’s Katarina Katsaros, from KI-Roma Tech? Viktor’s wife…”

  “And what the hell do you want?” Cyn groaned under her breath as she threw off her afghan, stood up, and shuffled towards the noise.

  Opening the door, she held onto the knob, leaned against the frame, and asked, “And what can I do for you, Mrs. Katsaros? I somehow doubt this is a social call.” Cyn knew her voice was dripping with sarcasm but really couldn’t work up the energy to care.

  Katarina smiled the same brilliant smile Cyn had seen on the several occasions they’d met and snickered, “Well, I’m here to check on you. I understand what you’ve been through and thought maybe you’d like to talk.”

  Leaning forward and rolling her eyes, Cyn sighed. “While I appreciate your attempt at female bonding and all that good stuff, how could you possibly understand what I’ve been through?”

  Looking at the door then back to Cyn, Katarina shook her head and replied, “Well, I was held captive by a three-thousand-year-old madman with designs on using me to kill my husband. Now, if you’ll stop being a petulant baby and let me in, I think I can help.” She raised an eyebrow before adding, “Or I can leave you to wallow in a puddle of your own self-pity. The choice is yours.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Katarina batted her eyes and Cyn could tell she wasn’t going anywhere without at least an answer.

  It took her a minute to recover from the verbal lashing she’d just received, but then Cyn pushed the door open and with a wave said, “Well, damn, you sure know how to make an intro. Come on in.”

  Kicking the door shut as soon as Katarina was inside and shuffling back to her spot on the couch, Cyn pointed to the two other seats in her living room and said, “Make yourself at home. And the kitchen’s back there,” she hooked her thumb over her shoulder. “I think there’s iced tea and diet coke in the fridge and coffee pods next to the Keurig.”

  Flopping back on the couch, she waited until Katarina was seated and asked, “So you were really kidnapped? What is it with these blood suckers? They piss everybody off everywhere they go?”

  Katarina’s loud burst of laughter shocked Cyn, but it was her response that had her sitting upright on the edge of the couch. “Blood suckers. That’s a good one. I somehow knew you would think we were vampires; monsters like you see in the movies. It’s what I thought too, but you couldn’t be more wrong.” Still chuckling, she took a breath. “And yes, I was held hostage and actually died at the hands of Viktor’s enemy…. well, for a second or two.”

  “You…died? Wait! You said we? Like you and them…” She quickly shook her head. “You’re a…whatever the hell they are too? You drink blood?”

  Cyn jumped up and took a step back as Katarina stood and stepped toward her. Shaking her head, Katarina said, “So, now you’re scared? After you invited me in?” Again, she burst out laughing. “Don’t you know you never invite the big bad monster into your house.” Stepping back, she returned to her seat. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. It’s not fair to tease you. I was just as lost and just as confused as you.” She pointed to the couch. “Have a seat. I promise I won’t make any sudden moves.” Katarina winked, scooted back in her seat, and crossed her legs, obviously very comfortable discussing topics that made Cyn’s head spin.

  Slowly walking back to the couch, she sat on the farthest corner, putting her balled up afghan and pillow beside her as a shield. Looking Katarina in the eye, she asked, “You said ‘we’. Does that mean you are one of whatever they are too? Are you like a thousand years old or something?”

  Smiling and shaking her head, Katarina replied, “Yes, I am now immortal, just like Viktor and Roman and their comrades. But no, I am only thirty-five. I became immortal after realizing the truth about both Viktor and myself. The truth you must realize about not only Roman, but yourself.” She paused as Cyn pinched her own arm to make sure she was awake.

  Yep, that hurt like hell. I’m awake. Well, damn…

  Deciding it was easier to remain sarcastic than give into the screaming raging lunatic she’d been for the last five days, Cyn rolled her eyes and asked, “And what truth is that?”

  “That you and Roman are destined to be together. That he has waited for you for nearly three-thousand years and most importantly, that he is in no way a vampire.”

  “But I saw a video. He had fangs and they most definitely bit into Valentina’s neck. It was right in front of me, in living color.” She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs, blowing out a long breath to keep from hyperventilating, and fought back the tears that had been threatening to fall since she walked out of that blasted factory.

  Nodding, Katarina took a deep breath. “So it’s true, it was Valentina?” She paused and pushed some of her long curly hair behind her ear before also asking, “And Laurent?”

  Nodding while biting her bottom lip, Cyn relented, “Yeah, he was there, too. I nicknamed them Morticia and Lurch.” She attempted a grin but knew it was sad just by the feel of it.

  Katarina, however, once again burst out laughing. “That is perfect. Both of them have always given me the creeps.” She gave an exaggerated shiver while working to get her laughter under control.

  Needing to get some answers, Cyn cut to the chase. Leaning forward, she demanded more than asked, “Okay, enough with the nicey-nicey, Mrs. Katsaros. What the hell is really going on? Am I losing my mind? Are vampires real?” She swallowed, then with less conviction asked, “Am I in love with a vampire?”

  Uncrossing her legs and leaning forward, Katarina responded with such a caring tone, the tears Cyn had
been holding back began to fall. “First of all, call me Kat. Everybody does. Second of all, vampires as popular fiction portrays them are most definitely not real, but there are things, that until I met Viktor, I was sure were only in books and movies.” She smiled. “As far as are you in love with a vampire…no, Cynthia St. James, you are in love with a King of the Blood. Now, go take a shower because frankly my friend, you reek.” She chuckled and pretended to hold her nose. “I’m gonna see what I can scrounge up to feed you as I can see you’ve not eaten in days and then we will talk. I will answer all your questions the best that I can and then you will at least have all the facts to decide what to do next.” Standing, Kat held out her hand and winked, “Deal?”

  Cyn just stared until Kat teased, “You’re supposed to take my hand and say ‘deal’.”

  Slowly raising her hand, Cyn tried to grin as she wiped away the tears with her free hand and said, “Okay, but if you try to eat me while I’m in the shower, I’m gonna be pissed.”

  As she let go of Cyn’s hand and walked towards the kitchen, Kat snorted, “I’ll remember that. Now, go get yourself cleaned up and I’ll see what culinary masterpiece I can whip up.”

  While in the shower, Cyn found herself relaxing for the first time in five days. It was hard to see Kat as a threat when she’d done nothing but be nice, even when Cyn had been a complete and total pain in the ass. It was true she wanted answers and as things stood, it would be easier to ask Kat than Roman. God knew just being near him flustered her so much her brain nearly turned to mush.

  Grabbing the towel bar as a wave of nausea hit her with such force she saw stars, Cyn took several long deep breaths and sat on the edge of the tub for almost a full minute before she could once again stand. Rinsing her hair and shutting off the water, she dried off and dressed as quickly as she could then went back to her place on the couch, surprised to see fresh blankets folded on the end and a clean pillowcase on her pillow.

  “Wow, you’ve been busy. Thank you,” she called out while curling up in the corner and covering up with her favorite quilt.

  “You’re welcome. I always feel better with clean linens after a shower.” There was a slight pause and then, “Hope you like tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. It was the only thing I could find that wasn’t moldy or unidentifiable, and it’s what my mom used to always make me when I wasn’t feeling good.”

  Coming into the room with a tray full of food, Kat stopped and furrowed her brow. “You look really pale. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired and not sleeping so well.” Cyn let her feet touch the floor as Kat placed the food on the coffee table and pulled the chair she’d previously been sitting in closer to their lunch.

  Nodding, Kat suggested, “Even so, maybe you should see a doctor. You were in an abandoned building. You never know what kinda germs you picked up.”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine. Just need some food and some sleep and I’ll be right as rain.”

  Shrugging, Kat handed her a mug and a napkin before moving her own onto the table, blowing off a spoonful of the wonderful smelling soup and having a taste. Following suit, Cyn had a few spoonfuls before putting her mug on the table and asking, “Will you really answer all my questions?”

  “Yes, ma’am, to the best of my abilities. Remember, I’m still pretty new to all of this, but if you ask something I don’t know the answer to, I can get it with one call.” Kat smiled and took a bite of her sandwich. “But one condition…for every question you ask, you have to eat while I’m answering. Deal?”

  “You really are into making deals, aren’t you?” Cyn chuckled.

  Winking, Kat teased, “Whatever gets the job done. And…that was a question, so eat up.” She took another bite of her grilled cheese while grinning from ear-to-ear.

  After having some soup and a small bite of her sandwich, Cyn asked, “You said they were immortal. So, I guess that explains this.” She opened the drawer in the table at her side and pulled out the small painting she’d taken from the album and handed it to Kat.

  Looking at the portrait for several long minutes, Kat looked up and nodded, “Sure does. I remember Viktor telling me about this. It was painted by a deaf painter he and Roman met outside of Pompeii not long after your man became a King.”

  Taking the picture back as Kat handed it to her, Cyn asked, “Pompeii, like the legendary Pompeii that was destroyed by a volcano millions of years ago?”

  Kat snickered, “It was actually thousands of years ago and yeah, that’s the one. I told you they were immortal, at least to a certain extent.”

  “Explain the certain extent part, please,” Cyn asked.

  “Eat up and I’ll just tell you the story as it was told to me. Work for you?” Nodding, Cyn took a bite of her sandwich and sat back to listen.

  Taking a drink of her iced tea, Kat began, “Now, there is such a thing as dream or memory sharing between a King and his mate, so some of what I’m about to tell you, I actually saw in Viktor’s mind, but most of it is what he told me before we completed the mating ceremony.”

  She set her drink on the table, clasped her hands, and said, “Viktor was a Supreme Commander in the ancient Grecian army and Roman was his General. They were highly decorated and basically unbeatable which, as you can imagine, made others jealous. During a really bloody battle, Viktor was betrayed by a guy named Bjorn. Who, by the way, was the dumbass who kidnapped me, but I’ll get to that.”

  Leaning back in her chair, she crossed her legs and went on, “Anyway, Viktor ended up being accused of treason and going through a sham of a trial where his guilt and execution was a foregone conclusion. While waiting for the guards to come and get him for his punishment, and this is the part that will blow your mind…or at least it did mine...Zeus spoke to Viktor and told him he had a plan for him.”

  Cyn ran her fingers through her still wet hair and took the opportunity while Kat was taking another drink of tea to ask, “Are you really telling me that the mythical King of the Gods spoke to your husband, whom I’ve met, thousands of years ago.”

  Chuckling as she nodded, “Yep. That’s exactly what I’m telling you and that painting right there in your hand is proof.” She pointed while leaning forward and narrowing her eyes. “You have a better explanation?”

  Biting the inside of her cheek, Cyn looked at the painting then took the other three photos out of the drawer and looked at them. Shaking her head, she mumbled, “No, no I don’t, but damn.”

  “Yeah, I know, but let me tell you the rest of the story before you throw me out or call the men in the white coats.” Kat barked out a laugh. “I thought I was losing my mind also, but I promise it will all make sense. Now, eat up.” Shifting in her seat, she picked up the tale where she’d left off. “The plan was that Viktor would have to go through with the execution and actually die. Suffice it to say, without all the gory details, it was a horrible execution. He suffered more than I can ever imagine, died, and was buried. Then just as Zeus had said, Viktor rose on the thirty-first day, alive and ready to fight whatever evil the big guy told him to. He was able to make others like him, but they had to be loyal and valiant and really good men who’d also died before their time in some horrible way.”

  Kat paused, took a drink of tea, and went on, “Anyway, there were some ‘restrictions’.” She made air quotes. “I guess you’d call them. They would have to have blood once a month.” Pointing at Cyn’s wrinkled nose and curled lip, Kat chuckled, “Yep, I thought the same thing, but it’s absolutely nothing like the blood letting you see in movies. They only take a little bit and only from willing donors. That’s what led Viktor and Roman to create the position of tréfon, or feeder, within their weird little fraternity. They chose people loyal to them, told them their secret, and made them swear an oath and sign a contract, then they became the people the Kings fed from. That is what Valentina is, well was, to Roman. His feeder, nothing more, and had she not gone off the reservation the stupid cow would’ve been s
et for life had you decided to accept your role as his fýlaskas tis kardías mou or the keeper of his heart. She would’ve had…”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa there, princess. The keeper of his heart as in…?” Cyn interrupted and let her unfinished question hang in the air.

  Snickering for about the hundredth time, Kat held up her hands in surrender, “You crack me up. I remember thinking the same thing, but what it means is that you are his mate, the figurative keeper of his heart.” She immediately became serious and her tone very direct. “But here’s the deal. You were literally designed to be the other half of Roman’s soul. You are the only one that can save him.” She held up her hand to stop Cyn from interrupting. “Yes, they are immortal, but remember I said there was a catch? Well, here it is. If you two are not mated in the way Zeus has set forth by the time Roman turns three-thousand-years-old, he will just cease to exist.”

  “So that means I have to become like him? Like you? And drink blood?”

  “Yes, in a way, you will go through the conversion, but you will only feed from Roman just as he will only feed from you. That’s why Valentina was about to receive the severance of a lifetime with a career, a house, and all the spending money a girl could want.” She stopped and tapped her chin. “But I can’t figure out what Laurent had to do with it all?” She shrugged, “Guess the guys will find that out soon enough.”

  Cyn had heard enough. Her head was spinning and the butterflies in her stomach felt like they were going to burst through her skin. She had to be alone to think, to figure out if anything she’d just heard was the truth or if she had officially drunk the same Kool-Aid as Kat.

  Standing, she looked at the tall beautiful redhead who’d shown up on her doorstep, made her lunch and at least, for all she knew, was trying to help her and sighed, “Can we take a break? I seriously need to think.”

  “Sure, hun, go rest. I’ll clean up this mess.” She motioned to the table. “Take your drink. You need to stay hydrated. I’ll be here when you wake up.”


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