Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

by Dakota Dawn

  The doctor caught her attention as he introduced himself as Dr. Daniels. She tried to brush him off, but he insisted on checking her vital signs. When those came out fine, he recommended she rest and have a thorough checkup with her doctor as soon as possible.

  Needing to gain her composure, she excused herself, saying she just needed a little time alone. Walking past Trent, she couldn’t look at him. It was just too painful. Branda and Sienna wouldn’t let her go to her room alone. They fussed over her the whole trip up to her room. Their voices were just background noise. Tears threatened. Her mind whirled.

  Once they were in the room, Rain turned to Branda. “Are you sure your Trent isn’t married?”

  “Very sure.”

  He’d lied to her to get rid of her. Rain knew she wasn’t doing a good job hiding her pain from her friends. It just hurt too damn bad.

  “Don’t tell me your Trent is my Trent,” Branda pleaded.

  “Okay, I won’t.” The stricken look on Branda’s face made Rain feel worse.

  “Your Trent is the hot guy Rain was seeing.” Sienna was putting it all together.

  Branda took a few cleansing breaths. “Wait. This can’t be right. Tell me what happened that made you think he was married.”

  “I walked out of the bathroom when I heard him talking. Come to find out he was talking in his sleep. Calling out for someone named Joelle. He woke a moment after he quit calling out to her. When he saw me, I asked him who Joelle was, and his exact words were ‘My wife.’”

  Sienna grimaced.

  Branda looked sad. “Oh, Rain, I’m sorry that happened to you. Joelle was his fiancée and best friend. She died in the wreck that put that scar on his cheek. He’s never gotten over not dying with her.” Branda hugged Rain tightly. “He’s really a good guy. You just caught him at vulnerable time. Just waking up from a nightmare and seeing a woman he now felt guilty about having a good time with. He was hurting when he told you he was married. Try to forgive him. He’s been through a lot. In his heart his true love is dead, but she’s not. The blessing on their family would never let her die. Please forgive him.”

  Warmth surrounded Rain. Her mind pulled up the memory of the voice that tried to tell her Trent wasn’t married. “Not his wife.” The voiced echoed in her head. “He’s the one,” was whispered close to her ear. She turned, but no one was there. Branda and Sienna were on her other side.

  A knock sounded at the door, and they all three jumped. The intensity of the situation had all their nervous systems on alert.

  Branda went to the door and looked out the peephole. Opening it, she held the door wide. “Come on, Sienna, Rain has company. See you two in a little bit.”

  Sienna’s lips formed a perfect O when she saw Trent. Hurrying after Branda, she left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Rain turned her back on him, pissed at her body for the waves of peace that washed over her heart when he walked in. “You can leave. We have nothing to talk about. I believe our time was over anyway. Besides, I never date men that have dated my friends or who are kin to my friends’ lovers. Like I said, you can leave now.”

  “I see you are feeling better. I’m glad. Rain is a unique name. If I’d known it, I could have found you yesterday. I asked at the desk if we had an Elian booked here and was disappointed to be told no. Then I asked if anyone had seen a small strawberry blonde with blue eyes. Karen, the reservations manager, looked at me like I’d gone crazy. Then she reminded of the Blondes Aren’t Dumb Convention that was going on. Everyone working at the hotel has been looking at almost nothing but blondes for the last few days.” Moving up behind her, he touched her shoulder. “I’m sorry I couldn’t find you to apologize.” He took a shaky breath. “I’m not married, but sometimes I feel like am. Joelle was my fiancée and best friend. Can you forgive me?”

  His words were like balm to her tattered soul, until she remembered his two-day fling rule. That thought made her chest ache. Her stupid abuse me side wanted to jump him and beg him to fuck her again. It was official. She was pathetic.

  Realizing he was waiting for an answer, she came out of her musing. “Yes, no problem. I knew you wouldn’t want to see me again after our two days together.”

  “Yeah, we shouldn’t see each other again.” His words didn’t match his husky I want to get you naked tone.

  Rain turned around and looked up at him then licked her dry lips. “Tha-that’s a good idea. I never date men that are kin to my friends.” But damn it, she wanted to do more than date him. She wanted to keep him.

  “There is something about you.” Lowering his head, he kissed her tenderly.

  Unable to stop herself, she melted into him. The kiss deepened, and she lost focus on everything except the taste and smell of him. Tugging up his shirt, she slid her hands under it and pressed her palms against his chest. Heaven.

  A ringing sound broke through the haze of her mind. Trent kept kissing her as he dug his phone out of his pocket. Once it was free, he clicked a button to stop the annoying ringing. Still kissing her, he seemed to forget about the phone.

  The haze was taking her over again, as well. His lips nibbled and teased hers while his free hand slid down to her butt and pulled her in closer.

  “Damn, you taste good, babe.” Groaning, he slanted his mouth over hers and deepened the kiss.

  “Trent—Trent. I can hear you kissing her. Stop it and get your ass down here and bring Rain with you. Don’t make me come up there.”

  Trent groaned then hung up the phone, not even answering his brother.

  “We better go before Troy comes up here. Don’t think this is over. We still need to figure out what’s going on between us. We may be done with each other, but the spark is unfortunately still there.” Expression softening, he asked, “Are you feeling well enough to go back to the rehearsal? If not, you don’t have to. I’ll stay here with you.”

  “I’m fine now. My blood pressure probably just dropped or something. Too much excitement for Branda, Troy, and Trey. I’ll be fine.” No way would she confess that the sight of him had made her drop away into a dead faint.

  Large hands cupped her head, and his lips descended upon hers in a quick, possessive kiss. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Let me know immediately if you start feeling bad again. Let’s go, fiery angel.”

  Dumbfounded by his kiss and possessive tone, Rain let him lead her from the room. Part of her wanted to tell him to go to hell with his caveman ways, but another part of her wanted him to throw her over his wide shoulder and take her straight to his house. Could she get any more messed up?

  Chapter Six

  Rain fumbled her way through the wedding rehearsal. Shock, heartache, and lust circled her mind and body. Trying to look cheerful, she smiled and listened to everyone around her. As the evening wore on, her head started to ache. All she wanted to do was escape to her room.

  They had already gone through the rehearsal, and now she found herself sitting at a table in the hotel trying to choke her food down. Trent sat across from her, openly staring at her. He had done the same thing during the rehearsal. Sienna was his partner to walk down the aisle with, and Trey was hers, so at least that gave her a little breathing space away from him as she tried to figure out what she should do about him.

  Absently rubbing her aching temple, she smiled at Branda then took a bite of food. Good grief, one little fainting spell and everyone was watching her like a hawk searching for food. A firm touch on her shoulder had her looking up into Trent’s worried eyes.

  “You look like you need these.”

  Rain looked at his hand as he uncurled his fingers and revealed three pain relievers. She wanted to cry. He was thoughtful, handsome, messed up, and out of reach. “Thanks.” Reaching for the pills, her fingers grazed his hand and sparks flew. Her nipples hardened and stood out as if looking for the source of the sparks that had brought them to life.

  After taking the pills, she looked to see Trent frowning down at her. “What? I
said thanks.”

  “You didn’t question the pills I gave you. Being naïve is a bad thing. What if I had just given you a deadly drug or a date rape drug?”

  Feeling lightning race up her spine, she spit out, “Who is being naïve now? Number one, the name of the pain reliever company was on the pills. Number two, you have already had me. And more than that, you have had me the maximum amount of times you allow yourself to have a woman.”

  His eyes flickered. “Just be more careful. The pills could have been dipped in something to knock you out. I might be done with you, but there are other men out there just waiting to trick and jump an unsuspecting woman.”

  He was done with her. No. She was done with him. “For someone who is so done with me, you sure do stare at me a lot. Do you stalk all the lovers you are done with?”

  Anger flushed his cheeks. “If I was stalking you, you would know it. The only reason I was watching you was to make sure you didn’t faint again.” Leaning in close to her ear, he whispered, “The question now is, why were you watching me?”

  Before she could think of a sharp comeback, he strolled away from her and joined his friends by the minibar.

  His question had her wondering the same thing. Why was she watching him so closely? Why did the sight of him do crazy things to her libido and her heart? Trying to get through the evening as fast as possible, she got a piece of pie and ate it as she talked to her friends.

  As soon as her pie was gone, she pleaded a headache and went to her room. Thanks to Trent, her headache was better, but her mood was lousy. Maybe some sleep would fix her up.

  * * * *

  Trent scanned the many people at the wedding. His gaze landed on Branda’s dad. Two hours ago he had shown up while they were all having a light snack and drink before the wedding. He smiled as he remembered Branda’s excited face. She had dragged him to their table then immediately shifted gears from happiness to concern. Her words still rang in his ears. “Maybe you shouldn’t have come. Mom is going to be livid with you. Since she disowned me for loving Troy and Trey, she is not going to like you spending money to come see us heathens, as she calls us, get married.”

  Letting his eyes drift about the room, he remembered her father’s response. “I love your mother, but she was wrong to disown you. I might give in to her most of the time, but never on this. I love you, Branda. Troy and Trey seem like fine men. I may not understand your relationship with them, but I know you love them, and that’s all I need to know. I wouldn’t have missed your wedding for all the gold in the world. I love you, honey.”

  Yep, Branda’s dad had moved up a few notches on the respect ladder, as far as he was concerned. The music started playing again, and his eyes moved to his brother and Rain as they walked down the aisle. Trent watched Rain walk closer and closer to him. His heart started flipping and flopping as violently as a fish out of water. An insane need to see her walk down the aisle in a wedding dress toward him slammed into his brain and chest at the same time. Gulping in a jagged breath of air, he reminded himself that his bride was dead. He wouldn’t be able to make anyone as happy as he could have made her.

  Needing to look at someone else, he turned his gaze to Trey, who was walking Rain toward them. His brother seemed a little too dominant and not nearly playful enough. As he separated from Rain and took his place to Trent’s right, Trent knew without a doubt that his twin brothers had switched places. Very few people would know them apart. Keeping a grin from his face was difficult as he watched Trey walk down the aisle and stand in as the groom. What were they up to?

  Branda came out next, being led by her father. Trent’s eyes cut back to the now-empty chair he’d seen her dad in a short time ago. His heart lightened. Her dad showing up was perfect. He knew it meant a lot to Branda to have him here giving her away. Branda looked beautiful as she stepped up next to Trey. Her white, lacy dress complimented her body beautifully. His brothers were lucky men.

  Trent watched as her eyes widened slightly then cut over to Troy. The bouquet trembled lightly in her hand. She didn’t say a thing, and the wedding went off without a hitch.

  After each said “I do” and a lengthy kiss had been given by the groom to the bride, they all followed the bride and groom to the large room next door. When the family was all present, the preacher called the newly married couple over to sign the marriage license. Watching the twins closely, Trent noted that Troy was the one who signed the papers with Branda.

  Now he knew why the twins had dressed in identical tuxes. Branda had been afraid Trey would feel left out of their circle of love if he didn’t get to marry her. His brothers had assured her all was well. The sneaky smart-asses had figured out how both of them could marry her. From her expression when she had realized she was physically marrying Trey, he knew she hadn’t had a clue what they were up to. Her eyes sparkled as Troy signed on the dotted line. Trent was not surprised when the signing was done and Troy pulled Branda into his arms and kissed his new wife with the same passion Trey had just done moments before. The three were now whole.

  Swallowing hard, he tried not to think of his bleak future, a future without the one meant for him. “Rain.” The name whispered through his head. He shook it and decided someone in the wedding party must have said her name. He needed to get a grip and get over her, the sooner, the better. Right then and there he decided not to touch her again.

  * * * *

  Three hours later Trent was in his room stripping Rain’s clothes off her delicious body.

  Feeding his hand through her hair, he cupped her head and slanted his lips across hers in a fierce kiss. A moan escaped her throat, turning him on even more. All through the reception he’d had trouble thinking of anything other than getting Rain to his room and stripping her down.

  The power she had over him frustrated him. Maybe if he had her one more time, he’d be able to walk away from her. As he drank in her taste, he slowly backed her up to the bed. “Climb on, babe.”

  As she eased to the center of the bed, he quickly flung his clothes off. “You are the hottest woman I’ve ever had.”

  “Well, you are the hottest man I’ve ever had, so come over here and let me enjoy you one more time.”

  Her sexy laugher floated over him as he climbed on the bed and took her foot in his hand. She squealed in surprise when he kissed the ball of her foot then moaned when he kissed her from arch to ankle.

  “You know we shouldn’t be doing this. You are kin to my best friend.”

  Trent put her foot down and kissed his way up her body. Once he was face-to-face with her, he took her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. He didn’t pull back until she ran her hands down his back. Oh, how he loved her touch.

  He rested his cock in the niche between her splayed legs. “I know we shouldn’t because I’ve already given you your allotted time. You should be happy.” He knew that would rile her up.

  She slapped his ass. “I should be happy? You should be happy. I never have sex with friends’ kin.”

  With a forward thrust, his cock bumped her clit. She moaned and squirmed beneath him. Damn, that was hot. Something inside him couldn’t seem to let her go. “I should probably find another room.” He pumped his hips and groaned into her ear at the pure pleasure of pressing his dick into her wet slit.

  A shudder shook her body, and she wrapped her legs around him. “I think that would be a good idea.” She grabbed his hair and pulled his mouth to hers.

  Goose bumps dotted his skin when she nipped his lip then licked the sting away. To his surprise, she unwrapped her legs from around his waist and pushed him away. He let his body fall back on the bed and smiled when she straddled his hips. So, she wanted to play. He was game.

  “I don’t think we should have sex, but that doesn’t mean we can’t play with each other.” Her eyes had darkened seductively.

  “You can play with me anytime you like.” The sight of her was making his balls ache to release his cum deep in her sweet little body.

eyes darted to the headboard, and a smile crossed her lovely face. “Grab the headboard and don’t let go no matter what I do.”

  Groaning, he moved his hands up and grabbed the cool metal. Damn, he loved it when she turned into a playful nymph.

  He moaned when she leaned forward and suckled his nipple. “Oh yeah, that’s it babe.” Rain’s small teeth nipped his nipple, and he tried to think of anything but how good her weight felt pressing into his cock.

  Nectar from her heavenly pussy dripped onto his dick. She suddenly sat up and removed one of her earrings. What was she up to? At the shifting of her hips, he didn’t care as long he got to bury his cock in her real soon.

  “Clip-on earrings can be loads of fun.” Her eyes cut toward his pebbled nipple.

  He shook his head. “I don’t know about that.” She ground her cunt into his dick and smiled when he moaned.

  “Playing means trying new things. I think you are going to like it.” She moved the earring closer to his tight nipple. “Don’t move and don’t let go of the bed.”

  Was he nuts or what? All he wanted to do was make her happy. If she wanted to play, he’d let her play. The earring probably wouldn’t do anything for him. She leaned closer and clamped the earring to his nipple. Fire shot straight to his balls. Holy shit! His cock jerked in need.

  In a quick move he released the headboard and grabbed her hips. The tip of his dick zoned in on her entrance, and he pulled her down as his hips came up. Pure heaven.

  “You cheated,” she accused, then flicked the earring.

  More fire shot to his balls. “Do that again.”

  She laughed and did it again.

  With a thrust of his hips, he had her moaning. Sliding his hands up her body, he stopped at her breasts. When he pinched her nipples, she threw her head back and rode him hard. Sweat popped out on his forehead as he bucked beneath her. Needing more, he rolled her under him and pounded into her sweet little cunt.


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