Junkyard Queen (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 12)

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Junkyard Queen (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 12) Page 21

by Trina M. Lee

  I cleared my throat and glanced away. “You don’t need to tell me that. I’m very much aware of how little Falon deserves anything from me other than utter revulsion and ridicule.”

  “Such a strange connection you’ve formed with him. You loathe him, and yet his pain reaches deep into you. Such is the grueling truth of being a Light Flame I suppose.” Salem seemed far too curious and baffled by what had developed between Falon and me.

  “Willow,” I said firmly, refusing to speak again on the subject of my favorite fallen addiction. “I need to know more about the process to make him human. Details. Please.”

  Understanding that I’d not discuss the topic further, Salem got back to business. Holding out a hand, he produced a glass vial and a small dagger. “Because I believe in you and this endeavor, I will give to you my blood for the ritual.”

  His offer shocked me.

  As I looked on he used the dagger to slice his palm. The moment blood surfaced from the cut, the atmosphere tightened, as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. A ringing in my ears preceded the dizzy spell that hit me.

  But that scent though. The aroma of pure white light. Divine power in its purest form. There were no words for such a scent. It caused my bloodlust to come screaming to the surface.

  I didn’t realize I’d lunged at Salem until I was on my ass on the floor beside him. Confused I blinked several times, trying to come back to myself.

  His cut had healed, and he’d sealed the vial, trapping that ethereal force inside. “Don’t open this until you absolutely have to,” Salem advised. “It would be wise to have your keystone present. Whatever you do, you must not taste my blood. I understand the temptation is there, but I assure you that you would not survive it.”

  Embarrassed, I got up, finding myself unbalanced. “But Falon’s blood…”

  “Is tainted by his fall. It’s not pure. And even still you can handle only a taste before it becomes too much.” He handed me the vial, expression grim. “Angel blood is not to be disrespected. It will destroy you.”

  I nodded, uneasy with having it in my possession. “Understood. Thank you. I know you don’t have to help me. Your support means a lot.”

  “It means a great deal to me as well. I want to help you and Arys succeed where Lilah and I have failed.”

  I had nothing to say to that.

  Salem went on to explain how to strip Willow’s essence and replace it with a human one. As a natural manipulator of energy in its many forms, I had the skill to do it. But did I have the strength? Time would tell.

  As Salem prepared to leave, I thanked him profusely. “If there’s ever anything I can do, remember that I owe you a favor.”

  That rare smile returned to his face. “I will certainly remember.”

  “This is totally wrong of me to ask, but I just need to know,” I began, afraid he’d leave before I could muster the question that had been nagging at me during this conversation. “Falon, before his fall, how powerful was he?”

  A finely shaped brow arched, as Salem considered this. “You mean, if he ever completes his descent and becomes a demon, how powerful will he be?”

  “Yeah.” My shoulders slumped. I hated that I needed to know, but if Falon were this dangerous traitor everyone spoke of, I needed to be prepared for the worst.

  After a moment of quiet contemplation, Salem said, “Before their fall Falon and Shya were of the same hierarchy. One level below Willow. In darkness it is the same.”

  Huh. Well, that was something. Same level of power as Shya. And he was no fucking lightweight.

  “Good to know,” I muttered, more to myself than to Salem.

  The angel gave a slight bow as he prepared to leave. “I wish you the best in your journey ahead, Alexa.”

  Then he was gone, leaving me there with a vial of angel blood and a brand new set of worries. Putting Willow in a human form wouldn’t come easily. Not only would I have to strip him to the breaking point, I had to get my hands on his blood first.

  Any way possible.

  Come hell or high water, that demon would become human. I’d do anything I had to in order to make that happen.


  Jez and Smudge were parked at the bar, harassing poor Josh the bartender. The guy was so easily annoyed and constantly busy. He made an easy target for the playful leopard.

  As I approached he plunked a fresh drink in front of her and said something with a sneer that got her laughing. Dressed to kill in ass hugging blue jeans and a long dressy sweater, she exuded carefree joy.

  Until her green gaze landed on me. Her smile vanished, replaced by an uncertain frown. We didn’t fight often. It was rare that we got more than a little temperamental with each other.

  “Jezzy, I’m sorry.” I slung an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. Pressing my cheek to hers, I said, “I know you meant well by telling Kale. And I know you’d never have told him if you knew what his reaction would be.”

  “I really wouldn’t have. I’m sorry too. I wish I could go back and just not tell him.” She kissed my cheek and squeezed me back. “I don’t want him to do it.”

  “Neither do I.” I turned to Smudge with a nod. “Hey, Smudge. What are you two up to tonight?”

  The watchdog vampire wore black leather, her spiky black hair falling just so into one eye. Petite but badass, I had to admit, she and Jez looked good together. Like they fit. Smudge’s smoky eyes lit up when she glanced at Jez. The chemistry between them palpable, it hummed with the heat of a new attraction.

  I hoped Smudge didn’t do anything to hurt Jez. I liked her. I didn’t want that to change.

  “Heading out on a watch. Doing some training with this one.” Smudge nodded toward Jez. “I trust that you’re ok with me stealing her. Once she’s ready to go it alone, she’ll be all yours again.”

  “Of course I don’t mind.” I grinned. “Jez will make a great watchdog, and I’m sure you could use the help in a city like this.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Jez plucked the little umbrella from her pink cocktail and tossed it on the bar. “We’re just waiting for Kale. He’s coming along. I’m going to grill him about his insane intentions. Not that I want you to stay cursed with Shya, just, you know, I don’t know.”

  “I get it,” I said, nervous now that I knew Kale would be here any minute. “Trust me. I totally get it.”

  Knowing Jez and I were all good helped relieve some of the stress I carried. In hushed tones I told both her and Smudge that I had a plan to handle Willow. Knowing a demon could lurk unseen, I didn’t go into detail. Salem would have known if Willow lurked, but that wasn’t something I could know. Better safe than thwarted.

  “Well, whatever it is,” Smudge said, “I’ve got to give you credit for stepping up on this one. I know how hard it is when it’s personal.” Something flashed behind her eyes, a split second of tragedy. We all had our stories, and now I wondered about hers.

  “That’s why I had to. He needs me to do this.” With a sigh, I glanced toward the door. Knowing Kale would walk through it at any time unleashed my anxiety. “I just hope, if I pull it off, that Willow can forgive me.”

  Jez sipped her drink and spun side to side on the bar stool. “The curiosity is eating me alive. I’m calling after sunrise so you can spill the details.”

  The three of us chatted, shooting the shit while they waited. Every passing second killed me. So much so that I began to brainstorm excuses to leave before Kale showed up.

  I’d almost decided on heading to Doghead as a way of escaping when I felt it. Not honey sweet but a cool storm. Arys.

  “Oh, fuck me,” I muttered when he walked in with Jenner.

  Jez followed my gaze and nodded. “Yeah, this ain’t good. Kale should be here any minute now. I guess it had to happen sometime. Might as well get it over with.”

  I scoffed. “You make a potential fight sound like such a breeze.”

  “It’s cool, Lex,” she a
ssured me. “You can kick both their asses.”

  I pasted a smile on my face when Arys approached. He’d detect my nerves in a heartbeat, but I didn’t have to acknowledge them.

  “You would not believe how many of the remaining wolves are happy to see the end of Dayne.” Arys paused to nod hello to Jez and Smudge. “I didn’t expect such relief. They weren’t too thrilled about us being there, so we took off. Shaz has things under control.”

  Seeing as Dayne hadn’t been the protector they needed in the end, it didn’t surprise me that perhaps not everyone in his pack had been completely enamored with their leader, particularly since the remaining wolves either didn’t hang out at the clubhouse or survived the FPA labs. Dayne had let being Alpha go to his head, and by the end he no longer considered their needs.

  “How about Owen and Izzy?” I asked, fighting to keep from staring at the entryway.

  “Totally on board with their new Alpha. A bit moody on Owen’s part but accepting.” Arys shrugged. “Too bad the pack had to be stripped down so badly before this takeover happened.”

  The rest of the pack would adapt. Change happened and leaders were replaced. That was the way things were. Shaz could handle Doghead from here on out. He’d already proven himself by kicking Dayne’s ass.

  Even if I’d gotten that started for him.

  Introductions were made as Jez introduced Jenner to Smudge. I only half paid attention as they talked. Because I knew Kale was near. I could feel it.

  When the sugary sweet vibe of him hit me, I expected it. But that didn’t make me ready for it. Knowing Arys would sense him at any moment, I gave his arm a light squeeze. A silent plea.

  Kale walked in, and all over again my heart plummeted to my feet. My face warmed as my body broke out in the addictive longing of a junkie with eyes on the prize. My hunger for him burned as bright as his for me. I didn’t want to believe that the only way to free us both was to give him what he wanted and finally let him go. Yet the gnawing ache in my gut proved him right.

  Wary as he headed our way, Kale took his sweet time. One of his regulars, I assumed, blocked his path, and he paused to grace her with a sexy grin.

  “Ah, the sacrificial lamb has arrived.” Arys watched him like a cat with a mouse in its sights. He vibrated with a deep-rooted loathing that left a bad taste in my mouth.

  “Arys.” A warning in that one word, I didn’t have to say more.

  “No worries, my love. I’ll be on my best behavior.” To emphasize this claim Arys grabbed my ass in a gentle but firm caress.

  I slapped his hand away. “Don’t make this harder than it already is. I’m not allowing either you or Shaz to turn this into a pissing contest. Unless either of you would like to break my curse.”

  Arys recoiled like I’d smacked him. Jaw twitching with sudden irritation, he said for my ears only, “You don’t give me nearly enough credit. I’d have killed him long ago if I didn’t love you so damn much.”

  Across the room Kale flirted up a storm. Leaving his wannabe plaything behind, he continued on to where we were all gathered at the bar. Brown and blue eyes landed on me, and I couldn’t breathe. He kept his distance, standing only as close as he had to. Did he want to touch me as bad as I wanted to touch him?

  “Oh good, you’re here.” Jez checked the time on her phone. “And only ten minutes late.”

  Because it had to happen, Kale and Arys locked eyes. The resulting tension made the rest of us uncomfortable.

  “You know why I’m here,” Kale stated rather than asked.

  Cool and calm, Arys nodded. “Yes.”

  Ok, so we weren’t off to a bad start. Jenner shifted ever so slightly closer to me. I had a feeling he was ready to grab Arys if things got out of hand.

  “Then you know I’ll be dead by the next full moon.” Absolutely fearless Kale spoke without emotion, refusing to let Arys see the anguish he held within. “For Alexa’s sake, I hope we can keep the peace. This is hard enough on her without us coming to blows.”

  So stiff I could feel him straining, Arys regarded Kale with thinly veiled contempt. “Agreed. Keep your distance, and it shouldn’t have to come to that.”

  Ok, so that didn’t take long. So much for peace. My temper flared, and I readied to tell Arys off.

  Kale crossed his arms, inviting whatever Arys might throw his way. “Pretty sure Alexa can make that call. I’m running short on time, so I’ll do as I damn well please in the brief time I have left.”

  Arys made as if to take a step forward, and both Jenner and I moved to block his path.

  “Simmer down, brother.” Jenner clapped a hand on Arys’s shoulder. “No need to turn something as genuine as a sacrifice into something ugly. Your lady needs your support on this one.”

  I flashed a grateful expression to Jenner, the unexpected voice of reason. To Kale and Arys, I said, “I won’t be tolerating any male bullshit from either of you.” My voice wavered ever so slightly as my temper rose. “You can’t possibly know how hard this is for me. If either of you care about me as much as you claim, then you’ll respect that.”

  Kale held up both hands. “I have no ill will toward anyone. The last thing I want is to make this harder for you. I know it’s not what you want.”

  “No, it isn’t. And for the record, I haven’t agreed to it.” I hit both Kale and Arys with a piercing glare. “I will make my own decisions in my own time, and neither of you will be making any for me. Clear?”

  “Crystal,” Kale replied.

  Arys refused to respond, standing there glowering in silence, emanating barely restrained rage. I understood where his anger came from. However, he had to understand my side of this as well. The conflict that sought to divide us worked extra hard when Shaz was away, though I couldn’t imagine his presence now would help. He too hated my forbidden lover.

  Kale turned to Jez. “Are you ladies ready? We should probably be going.”

  Jez hopped up, slugged back the last of her drink, and grabbed her purse. “Let’s get the hell out of here. All the testosterone is giving me a headache. I don’t know how straight women deal with it.”

  I managed a smirk. “Trust me, it’s not easy.”

  “Guess you really gotta love the dick to put up with all this ego-driven drama.” With a wink Jez gave me a brief hug. She motioned for Smudge and bounded for the door, dragging Kale behind her.

  When the three of them had left, I let out the exasperated sigh I’d been holding. A hand on my forehead, I rubbed between my eyes, seeking to ease my tension.

  “Speaking of loving the dick,” Jenner began.

  “Jenner, shut it.” Arys snarled before storming away.

  “What?” Jenner spread his arms wide, feigning confusion. “Can’t blame me for trying. I’m fucking dying here, bro.”

  Arys didn’t reply or so much as glance back. He headed right for the woman who’d thrown herself at Kale. Oh geez, here we go.

  Jenner and I watched as he dazzled her with a grin and a few choice words. In no time she was all but falling at his feet. She tossed her hair, chewed her lip seductively, and ran a hand over his hard chest.

  “For crying out loud,” I muttered.

  “He just needs to let off a little steam.” Jenner playfully nudged me. “How about you and I do the same?”

  I rolled my eyes so hard it was almost painful. “I’m not screwing you, Jenner. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve got more than enough male egos to stroke without adding yours to the mix.”

  “No worries. My ego doesn’t need any stroking. I’m highly confident in my prowess, and I’m ridiculously good looking.” Spoken like a vampire who’d clearly become his own biggest fan. “What’s a little bodily fluids exchanged between friends? No emotions involved, no drama.”

  Any vampire created by Harley Kayson had a massive ego and enough power to back it. Just standing beside Jenner, I could feel that alluring promise of a dizzying high that would leave us both walking among the stars. Such was the double-edged sw
ord of our bloodline. We were so powerful and so damn power hungry that we ended up craving each other.

  I watched Arys work his magic. Moving fast he drew her under with a look. Tipping her chin up, he leaned in to whisper something in her ear. Her immediate blush indicated it had been explicit. As much as I wanted to be both annoyed and disgusted at his blatant display of ego and arrogance, I couldn’t help but enjoy the show.

  “Have you talked to him?” I asked.

  “Yeah. He wants to be there. Of course. Otherwise, he seemed cool with it.” The weight of Jenner’s gaze as he ogled me taunted my hunger. It had been months since I’d had a taste of him. And from what I remembered, he tasted damn good.

  “Of course he wants to be there. He loves to watch.” Slowly I dragged my tongue over my bottom lip, knowing I had Jenner’s full attention.

  “And so do you. Watching him is turning you on.” No hiding lust from an incubus.

  Arys had moved from dirty whispers to lips on her neck. She let him back her into a corner, away from the crowd. Knowing his goal was to mark her merely for Kale’s benefit, I still wanted to see it. She slung her arms around his neck, holding on as her legs threatened to give way. So easily he’d taken her from coherent and sober to drunk on his thrall and willing to do anything.

  “Is it turning you on?” I asked, flashing a fangy smile.

  Jenner was rife with growing desire. Although I suspected it had more to do with the unholy craving I’d instilled in him than Arys’s showing off.

  “Your reaction to it is killing me,” he admitted, knowing he could hide nothing and not bothering to try. “So in a roundabout way, I suppose it is.”

  His evasive admittance reminded me of an exchange between Arys and Jenner back in Las Vegas. Arys had taken a shot at Jenner, something about it not being the first time Jenner had gotten off to him. When I’d pushed for more info Arys had promptly dropped it.

  My stomach clenched when Arys bit his dark-haired victim. Her eyes closed, mouth open in pleasure and pain. Things tightened low in my groin.

  “Son of a bitch. He’s still got the strongest touch of any of us. Except for you.” Jenner rubbed a hand over the faint trace of stubble lining his jaw. Had he been human he’d have been a sweaty, panting mess.


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