Taken In The Night: Bred in Darkness Episode One

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Taken In The Night: Bred in Darkness Episode One Page 2

by Knight, Victoria

  "Get the fuck off my hood you fat bitch" Vera screamed and slammed the car in reverse, blasting out of the out of the parking space. The waitress-thing lost her balance for a moment and Vera but stayed on the hood, lodged up to her elbow in the windshield. Vera slammed the breaks, popped the car into drive, and jerked the car to the right. No luck, the woman stayed. Vera drove faster and cranked the wheel back and forth. The only effect was to pull the woman’s body up so she completely covered the windshield.

  The force of the impact tore the waitress and the front windshield from the car sending them flying across the lot. Vera's head slammed into the airbag which instantly exploded from the steering wheel. Vera groggily raised her head and saw through a red haze that she’d slammed into a cement light pole. Vera looked to where the redhead lay broken on the ground in a pile of glass. Red and black was closing in at the corner of her eyes. She looked and saw that the wounds in her neck were still bleeding. She considered leaving the car to check on the woman, but as she glanced at her, the woman stood and shook her body the way Vera might shake off a hard hit at a soccer game.

  Vera stared, almost dream-like, at the nightmare ahead of her as the redhead walking towards her, mouth open, fangs exposed. She crawled back onto the hood of the car mouth moving up and down, tongue licking her bloody lips. She made choked hungry noises. Vera felt darkness closing in on her.

  "You." It was the man’s voice. "Over here." Vera looked up and saw the woman do the same. Then, the waitress’ head exploded with a deafening boom. Vera felt sticky warmth over her body and looked in horror at blood, bone, brains, and strands of red hair. She raised her hand to scream and saw the man she had just been fucking lower the giant silver pistol. He was still naked. He walked toward Vera’s door, muscles rippling, and Vera realized with a shock that she desperately wanted to feel him inside of her again. By the time he reached her door, her wounds finally overcame her, and Vera slipped into darkness.


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