Loving Her Curves

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Loving Her Curves Page 2

by Caitlin Ricci

  “No hugs until I put this cake away!” she said, pushing his hand away with her hip.

  “Cake?” Logan entered their large kitchen, his dark skin an easy match for the rich ganache covering the cake she slid into the fridge. Shutting the door of the fridge behind her and leaning against the shiny steel surface, she let her gaze roam over her men.

  “Seems Aria brought us a surprise,” Josh said, advancing on her. His gaze was hungry and he licked his lips as he brought his hands to her hips and pulled her close.

  “Besides her sexy self?” Logan asked as he came closer.

  Josh moved his lips to her neck and Aria lifted her mouth to meet Logan’s. He was the gentler of the two, softer with his love where Josh was demanding. A taste for each of her needs and together they were amazing.

  “You weren’t wearing this when you left,” Josh whispered, dropping his tongue to lick along the wide path of her exposed cleavage, sending chills racing over her skin. Logan curled his fingers in hers and held her hands above her head, pinning her to the cool stainless steel of the fridge.

  “Gift from the designer for getting the cover,” she moaned.

  “Congrats, babe,” Logan said.

  “Knew you could do it.” Josh squeezed her breasts, pushing them up and out of the lacy bra peeking out from the white top. Logan slipped his tongue between her lips and brought one of his hands down from her wrists to cup the back of her head, tilting her face up to meet his.

  Josh carefully unbuttoned her blouse. He knew the value of the clothes she wore and wasn’t likely to forget the last time she’d been upset at him for tearing one of her favourite pieces. Logan helped him slip her shirt off then Josh got to work on her skirt. It went too and she stepped out of it, leaving her standing in their kitchen in nothing more than a white bra, matching lacy panties and black high heels.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Josh whispered reverently as he brought his mouth to her left nipple, teasing her through her bra.

  Logan released her wrists and went to his knees in front of her. His calloused fingertips hooked into the sides of her panties as she brought her hands to each of their heads. He freed her from her panties and Josh unhooked her bra. Both were tossed aside and she went to her knees between them, moaning as their hands covered her.

  The combination of their love was a heady, intoxicating experience. She closed her eyes and pressed her face against the soft fluff of Logan’s chest as hands cupped her breasts and played with her nipples. She didn’t know who did what and it really didn’t matter anyway. After three years together, the past two spent living in this townhouse together, they’d become a mix that served each other well. She wrapped one arm around each of their shoulders and held them close, pulling them both against her, her nails scraping against thick muscle as a mouth covered her nipple and began to roughly suck on the hard nub. She gasped and curled her fingers as another mouth joined the first, pulling on her breasts. She looked down to see a mouth latched to each of her nipples and big hands covering and massaging her breasts.

  “Touch me,” she whispered, pleading for them to give her tightening body some release. “Oh, please.”

  At her gentle demand, a pair of hands slipped down her stomach, over her thighs then landed on her silken folds. Sighing, Aria leaned her head back and gave into the soft waves of pleasure the combined feeling of their mouths and hands sent through her. They didn’t enter her, not yet, but they did play with her folds and her clit, taking turns rubbing the tiny point between their fingers.

  “You’re so wet,” Josh said, lifting his mouth from her swollen nipple and bringing it to her throat. “Do you have to work again this week?”

  She shook her head and a moment later felt him latch onto her neck, sucking roughly at her tender skin. His lips would leave a mark, nothing that a bit of makeup couldn’t cover but still, she was glad that he’d asked.

  Aria gasped and bucked against their hands, the shock of pain sending her pleasure even higher. A hand grabbed at her inner thigh, pulling at her sensitive skin and she trembled in Logan and Josh’s hold.

  “I want to fuck her,” Logan said, sounding impatient.

  Giggling, Aria looked down at him. “I want you to too,” she said, dragging her fingers over his short, black hair. Shining chocolate eyes and a bright smile were her reward as he took her mouth in a searing kiss. When he let her go so she could breathe, Josh took over. He was demanding and rougher, the heat of his kiss making her tremble as he slid her down to the floor.

  Once she was laid out on the sun-warmed tile, they moved away, quickly shedding what little clothes they had on. Josh piled his into a ball and placed them under the back of her head and Logan put his clothes under her butt, supporting her off the hard tile. She opened herself for Logan, welcoming him into her body with spread thighs and outstretched arms.

  But he teased her—instead of entering her immediately he lay between her legs and licked at her inner thighs. Pouting, she looked up at Josh. “You’ll fuck me though, won’t you?” she asked him, placing one hand on Logan’s head and the other on Josh’s muscular thigh.

  “Of course. I love seeing your big tits bounce as I slam into that tight pussy of yours.” His southern drawl made the dirty words even more delicious to her ears and her body nearly hummed for him. “Now open that pretty mouth and take me in.”

  She tilted her head back as Josh moved his fingers to her jaw and opened her mouth. He pushed his thick cock deep into her mouth, causing her to moan around him. She slid her arm around him, grabbing onto his ass and tugging him close as he cupped her breasts, lifting them up towards him as he pulled out of her mouth.

  Logan moved his tongue to her folds, licking her pussy in long, broad strokes as Josh pushed himself back into her mouth. Logan sucked her clit between his teeth and she cried out, bucking against his lips as he brought his hands to her waist, holding her close.

  “Ready for me, Aria?” Logan asked, moving his lips away from her. She couldn’t see him, and his thighs brushed against hers as he ran his hands over her belly and hips.

  “Mmm-hmmm,” she moaned around Josh’s cock as he slid against her tongue.

  “She’s so beautiful,” Josh said, pulling on her breasts.

  “Absolutely,” Logan replied. The tip of his cock nudged the swollen folds of her pussy and she squirmed against him, begging for him to slip inside her as she dropped her hands to his hips, tugging him close.

  A moment later he entered her, stretching her in one quick motion just as she liked them to do. She cried out, lifting her hips off the floor as he pushed his thick cock into her slick entrance. He felt even better than he had last night. She could feel his length and prominent veins moving inside her, making her tremble against him.

  She moaned loudly as he moved one of his hands to her clit and the other to her hip as he surged, finding a rhythm that worked for him. Josh leant forward, moving his hips against her lips and pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. He squeezed her breasts, teasing her. At this rate she wouldn’t last long. But then again, she hardly ever did when she was with them both. It was like having both of them with her, their bodies moving against hers, made her pleasure burn far brighter than when she was with either of them alone. Thankfully they were more often together than apart, though sometimes a date night with one or the other was a nice treat.

  Her orgasm took her by surprise, her pussy tightening around Logan’s cock as she moaned against Josh’s. Chuckling, Logan let her ride her climax out, rubbing her clit as he slowly moved, extending her orgasm for as long as he could. Moments later, she was blissfully aware of each of them reaching climax within her.

  Smiling, sated and happy, she swallowed Josh’s cum and licked her lips as he slid out of her. Logan moved away as well, but neither left completely.

  “I’ll go start the bath,” Josh said, though his voice sounded distant to her sex-addled brain.

  Strong arms lifted her from the kitchen floor and carried her. S
he opened her eyes and looked up at Logan’s sweat-streaked face. “You didn’t have to carry me.”

  He smiled down at her. “No, I didn’t have to. But I wanted to. I bet you were on your feet in those sexy-ass heels all day at the shoot. They’re probably pretty sore.”

  Aria giggled and curled her toes. “They could use a bit of a massage.”

  Winking, he gave her a nod. “Yeah, I bet they could. How about the rest of you? Sore too?”

  She grinned and nodded. “Very. Though the sex did help.”

  “I’m sure it did,” Josh said, holding open the bathroom door for them. He ran his fingers through her long brown hair as she passed.

  Logan slowly lowered her into the huge tub that was the centrepiece of their large bathroom. There had actually been a small breakfast nook in the house when they’d bought it, and the downstairs bathroom had been small. That had quickly been demolished and this beauty of shiny grey tile and green glass was created in its place.

  Aria soaked up to her neck, the hot jets creating bubbles around her shoulders and hips as she sighed. Logan joined on her left and Josh moved in to take his place on her right. They took her hands and she smiled softly, closed her eyes, and let the heat and peace of their love carry her into relaxation.

  “You were up early,” Logan said, brushing her hair back from her face.

  “Even before me,” Josh confirmed.

  Logan laughed. “That’s not hard. As an artist you make your own hours.”

  Josh didn’t deny it. Aria remembered him being up late into the previous night working on a painting. “How’d the landscape turn out? Do you think the client will be happy?”

  “Really well actually. It’s drying upstairs right now in my studio. I think she’ll be thrilled. Her childhood home brought to life and all that. The columns turned out beautifully, as did the Spanish moss draped over the drive. The pictures were great, but I think I brought beauty back into the plantation home.” Josh sounded proud of his work, as he should. He had a gallery not two blocks from their townhouse and had been praised in multiple magazines for his ability to bring life into his paintings.

  “No ego on you at all, is there?” Logan teased him.

  Josh laughed and leaned against the back of the tub. His feet tangled with hers and Logan added his as well.

  “How was your day?” Aria asked Logan, opening her eyes and turning towards him. “Do anything special?”

  He shrugged and placed a gentle kiss on her temple. “I’ve got a catering event this weekend.”

  She frowned. “Isn’t that really short notice? Don’t you usually require at least a few weeks to prepare everything and meet with the client?”

  He nodded. “Usually, yes. But she’s willing to pay a drastic upcharge to make sure it gets done in time for her father’s birthday party. Seems their previous caterer crapped out on them at the last minute and she had to scramble to find someone. The menu is all planned out and she already sent over the deposit.”

  She whistled low, knowing Logan’s services didn’t come cheap—this woman must really be in a bind. Her man was worth it, though. It was hard to find someone of Logan’s calibre even open most weekends. “She got lucky that you weren’t booked already.”

  Logan squeezed her hand. “Yeah, she did. I told her so too. She’s pretty grateful that I even took the job. I’m meeting with her tomorrow for a tasting. It’s all pretty standard fare, though I’ll have to get a few things from the store later.”

  “I’ll come with. I ran out of chamomile tea last night,” Josh chimed in. “And peanut butter.”

  Aria made a face. “Tell me you didn’t just eat it from the jar while you were working last night.” When he didn’t deny it, she made a gagging sound in her throat. “At least use bread. That’s so gross.”

  He grinned at her. “What can I say? My muse likes peanut butter.”

  Laughing, Logan shook his head. “Your muse likes anything sweet too. All the chocolate chip cookies are gone.”

  “At least I got cake then,” Aria said, remembering the surprise she’d brought home for them. She’d meant to tell them that she’d landed the cover model spot over big slices of that fabulous dessert. But her guys had surprised her with other plans. She licked her lips and smiled. Sometimes other plans were pretty fantastic.

  Logan stood up in the bath and she reached for him, her hand landing on the curve of his ass before he turned towards her. “Ready for some more?” she asked him, her gaze trailing over the length of his softening cock. His hand went to her hair and she smiled up at him.

  “I am if he’s not,” Josh said, getting to his feet as well.

  Thankful they’d invested in such a large tub, Aria knelt between them and kissed Logan’s thigh as Josh pushed his hand into her wet hair. She brought her hands to Josh’s sac then caressed his cock, trailing kisses over his skin wherever her fingers touched him.

  “Yeah, baby, just like that,” he whispered as she played with his hardening cock. Circling her fingers, she slid them over his shaft and rubbed the swollen tip. Not liking to be ignored, Logan pushed his cock against her cheek, instantly getting her attention.

  “So demanding,” she teased him, keeping one hand on Josh’s shaft as she reached for Logan’s cock.

  He winked down at her and tightened his hand in her hair. “You know you like it.”

  Aria leant forward and swiped her tongue over his length. “This is also true.”

  She stroked each of them, taking her time with Josh the way he liked with long, slow strokes while adding a twist to her movements with Logan as he started to jerk against her. Aria loved both of her men and tried to be as equal as possible with her mouth.

  Keeping her hand going on Josh’s cock, she licked Logan’s head, swirling her tongue over the wet slit as he moaned and pulled on her hair. She opened her mouth, taking him in as much as she could and sighed as he slid along her tongue. She looked up at him, the heat of his gaze warming her to her very core as he smiled down at her. She bobbed her head over his cock before pulling away and taking Josh into her mouth and stroking Logan. He liked to control her mouth and so she let him, keeping her head still as he slid between her lips, going as deeply as he could and groaning as she ran her tongue along the underside of his cock.

  “Fuck yeah, suck me,” he hissed, tightening his hands in her hair. “You’re fantastic, Aria.”

  “Just my mouth?” she asked, pulling back and turning to pay attention to Logan’s cock.

  Josh laughed and shook his head. “God no. All of you.”

  Aria winked at him and spun her mouth over Logan’s shaft. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Josh stroke himself and play with his balls, grunting and rocking towards her with each long stroke. He was so close that it wouldn’t be much longer now. She worked quickly on Logan to get him caught up, moaning each time she took him deep into her mouth.

  A moment later, Josh buried his hand in her hair and pulled her towards him. She opened her mouth, eager to take him as he spilled over her tongue. She swallowed his thick seed then pulled back, smiling up at him as she licked her lips.

  “You’re delicious,” she said, grinning up at him.

  “You’re incredible,” he sighed, sitting heavily back down into the water and splashing her. “I vote she never leaves the house again. Just stays naked all the time, ready and available for us. What do you think, Logan?” he asked, looking up at the muscular black man.

  Aria laughed and returned to stroking Logan. “You know, I think I’d like that too. But you’d both need to be hard for me all the time. Think you could manage that?”

  Logan blew her a kiss. “I’m hard the second you walk into the room. Being available for you to ride any time of the day wouldn’t be an issue.”

  “Same here,” Josh chimed in as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

  Laughing and blushing fiercely, Aria shook her head. “You two are crazy.” She took Logan into her mouth and groaned a second
later as his warmth splashed against the back of her throat. She licked him clean then sat back, getting comfortable on the stone bench of their large tub beside Josh. Logan joined them as well, wrapping an arm around her as she softly sighed.

  A knock on their front door rocked her instantly out of her happy place. “Who’s that?” she asked them, looking at first to Josh then Logan who shrugged at her.

  “Not a clue,” Josh replied.

  Logan shook his head. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

  Aria frowned. “My makeup shouldn’t be here until next week.”

  Getting visitors was weird for them. Not that they didn’t love to entertain their friends and the few members of their families that accepted their relationship for the unusual dynamic that it was—but still, most of them knew better than to just show up.

  “Oh, did you order some new stuff?” Josh asked, their visitor seemingly forgotten.

  Logan leaned in close as well, listening even as he closed his eyes.

  Aria smiled at Josh and brushed a bit of his wet hair off his forehead. “A new cosmetics company offered me a sample of their full line to try out. They’re totally natural and organic and want to make sure the model actually likes their stuff. I explained to the woman that’s not how it usually works when she called yesterday, but she said they’re trying to be a bit different.” She shrugged. “It’ll be great if I actually like the stuff instead of just getting paid to act like it.”

  “Though the getting paid either way part is pretty awesome,” Logan spoke up, slowly opening his eyes.

  “Yeah it is. I never thought that as a model I’d be making this kind of money, especially not when I did that first shoot at eighteen.” Sighing, she laid her head against his shoulder and wrapped her fingers around Josh’s hand.

  “I did,” Josh said.

  “You did?” she asked, surprised. “Did you look up salaries online? Because, let me tell you, they’re way different. There’s a huge range based on company and marketability of the model.”


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