Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters Page 15

by Myunique C. Green

  The music played loudly on the inside; Aliza’s car was still parked in front so she was still here. I walked into the building and looked around for them; Ash mingled while Aliza sat at a booth in the back with a man I couldn’t directly see. Immediately as I got closer I recognized his scent- a child of Felicia. Of course Centure would travel with him and she’d use his power of attraction to win over Alizarin if need be- and trust me, need would be.

  I held my hands firmly by my side, fighting the need to hold my nose at the foul smell of cigarette smoke. “Hey you guys,” I said as I approached the table and after giving the sincerest smile I could muster, I waited to be offered a seat.

  “Hey Corey, what are you doing here?” Aliza asked suspiciously like she always did.

  “Meeting a friend. I saw you guys and wanted to come and speak, he isn‘t here yet.”

  “He?” She was intrigued.

  I looked around the hall again hoping to spot Centure if she hadn’t already left yet. “Yes, he. Kirk Matthews, from class,” I replied, a little bit of blush on my face.

  “Hello, my name is Nikko.”

  The young man got up from the table and pulled a chair out for me. “My name is Corey, and thank you.”

  I sat in the seat he offered and looked back and forth between them for three whole minutes of awkward silence. There was an empty seat and a purse across from me on the table; Centure must be sitting there. “Is someone sitting there?”

  “Yeah, Centure is,” Nikko replied.

  “Can’t wait to meet her, where did she go?” I looked up from the table searched the building again for her.

  “She went to the restroom, she should be back in a minute,” Alizarin’s eyes narrowed. “Corey, how did you get here?”

  “Your mother dropped me off.” I had no problems lying; I’ve been doing ever since I came to this sickened world. That’s all that this place seemed to be about anyways, they lie, cheat and steal. I felt Centure’s power before I actually saw her, it was massive; almost crippling. I shouldn’t have expected any less though since she was among the leaders of The Resistance, and my mother. Slightly cowering in her presence, I smiled as she walked into view.

  “Hello, I don’t believe I‘ve had the pleasure of meeting you before,” Centure smiled, lightly touching my shoulder. “Hi friend, I’m Centure.”

  Her gaze deeply pierced my heart, I looked away shamefully; I hadn’t seen her since the escape yet I knew she was disappointed with me. She always seemed to be disappointed with me. Maybe because I wasn’t the perfect daughter, Psenora- the one that got us thrown into this mess to begin with. I closed my eyes briefly, halting time with Aliza and Nikko along with it.

  “What have you gathered?” I asked.

  She looked around at her surroundings and smiled gently- in our world this wasn’t impressive. “This child is a true goddess; her father would be proud. Masaya is searching vigorously for her, tearing entire dimensions apart. One of her henchmen was here earlier, I fear she may have already been informed before I disposed of him.”

  I returned her gaze and replied. “How many has she been through so far?”

  “About a 20 or so, innocent creatures lay slain everywhere she visits. We need to ready her; Masaya will show no mercy when she tears into this part of the world.”

  I let a small piece of emotion wonder through me for a moment as I looked over at Aliza. “What if she chooses to join her rather than fight her? Who will help us then?”

  “Why did you not introduce yourself as who you are, her aunt and guardian? I think she would have respected you a little more than she does.”

  Her words hurt; the little girl that I’d fell so desperately in love with on the day of her separation did not like me. But I blamed it on her mother. I blamed everything on her mother. Why couldn’t she just settle down with another Genesis like the rest of us? Why’d she have to run off and get entangled with a god- the last one to be exact?

  But I’d agreed within my heart, just like my other sisters, that we wouldn’t take it out of Alizarin. How could we when she was so beautiful? So innocent and charming. We all watched her grow from a baby to a teen from the shadows, struggling to keep our distance because Psenora did not want us near her. She figured by keeping us away she would, in effect, keep Masaya away and keep her child alive.

  I scoffed. Even after we’d helped her escape and risked our own lives to save hers, she wanted to shut us all out. Some nerve. Part of me was glad to see her powerless, aging and human, it was only out of stupid vanity that she was going through it anyways. Once the power is gone, there’s no hope of it ever returning. “So what do you want me to do?”

  I pushed angry thoughts of Psenora aside; there were bigger things at hand. The real enemy was somewhere out there searching for all of those that resisted her, ending their lives and gaining their power. For now, Alizarin Truehart was number one on her list.

  “For the sake of your cover, I will train the both of them.” She takes a look at Nikko and a smile tugs at her lips. “Felicia has done well with her two boys. I just wish Psenora had allowed the same for her daughter. We are all family, after all.”

  “I agree,” I respond, looking at Nikko as well. “You allow him to use attraction?”

  “I had a talk with him before we got here, seems he just couldn’t resist,” she smiles then turns her attention away from him. “He reminds me so much of his mother. As does Alizarin.” Her long nails tap against the table. “384 years, 8 daughters and 9 grandchildren. 10 if I included Asher.” She shook her head lightly. “Hopefully I will see a grandchild or two from you, before I expire.”

  I looked around the building for a moment, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with Centure’s hushed tone. The fact is I was close to settling down and giving her more grandchildren and if it hadn’t have been for Psenora forcing us all to leave Xyonthis; I would have gladly given her more grandchildren than the rest. “Do whatever you need to. She doesn’t know anything so just be patient with her stubbornness.”

  “As if I need your permission to do what I planned on doing anyways, but, thank you for giving it to me. Besides, all great leaders are a little stubborn at first, just ask your father,” she said softly. “I remember when Psenora first began going through her trials so that she could take over the Lavarian Forest.” She trailed off, no doubt, thinking about her now human daughter saddened her. “She had so many more years to grow. Now she’ll die in a matter of 30 or so.”

  The music and sounds of the crowd returned as I released them from my holds, Aliza looked from me to Centure; I held a few of my mother’s features, but not enough for anyone to readily identify.

  “Looks like I was stood up, I should get going. See you at home Aliza, later Nikko and Centure.” I shoved the chair back and stood. I waved and headed for the door- through the glass I saw my father standing in the distance; it was time for another hunt.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Sunday September 12, 2010

  Everything is dark; she can only see her hands, yet somehow she knows that she’s standing in the middle of the woods. A ghostly figure flies forward, it glows a very brilliant green, lighting up the dark path as it leads the way. She’s running now, barely trying to keep up; the air is cold and thick as it burns her nose while she heavily breathes it in. The figure pauses for a moment before addressing himself as the eldest of many Skintoucher’s.

  Once again she’s racing through the woods looking for something- although being completely lost. Suddenly she’s engulfed in flames; her eyes are bloodshot and the urge for revenge shudders up her tingling spine. She inhales deeply before staring at the flames around her, how could this be happening?

  A small hint of light shines forth through the thicket and ahead she can see that there is a clearing of the trees. The woman jogs audaciously through the forest, dodging tree limbs that have unanimously come to life, daring to keep her hidden within the forest. A limb swiftly grabs her leg
s and she stumbles face first onto the warmly moist earth; a cry for help escapes her throat, but no one can hear her, she is alone and her flames are extinguishing slowly; in no time she will be in the dark, lost forever. A small tear falls to her cheek as she finally begins to give up hope.

  That’s how the dream ends every time; I wake up in a cold sweat and my heart races on uncontrollably. I’ve been having this same dream for the past month and a half, even before I found out about the powers I possess.

  I rubbed my eyes intensely; I couldn’t sleep although being extremely tired. “So much for that nap,” I sighed as I got up from the bed.

  It was entirely too hot in the stuffy house as I contemplated on what to do with my life. Firstly, I needed to get out of the clothes I’d worn to school. I paid no attention to my surroundings as I stood in the room in a bra and panties fumbling around in the dresser for something to wear.

  “I’m caught between wanting to look and feeling ashamed of myself. You have an amazing body.”

  Immediately flames surrounded my body, not even giving myself time to locate the origin of the voice- I’d try to kill whoever it was anyways.

  Nikko stepped out of the closet slowly, daring not to get any closer to the fire. “I was sent to keep an eye on you,” he smiled.

  I quickly found anything out of the dresser and covered myself, not knowing whether to be afraid or angry as he looked at me longingly. “Are you serious right now?” I responded with a mix of emotions in my voice. “I have Ash for that, now disappear.”

  I was sure to speak nice and clear just in case anything went sour and I needed Ash to help me sneak out with his dead body.

  “Calm down, I don’t want to hurt you. Can we talk?”

  “What do we possibly have to talk about?” I stayed in flames as he tried to maneuver around them.

  “Could you calm the fire? It’s making me a little nervous.”

  “Imagine that,” I responded sarcastically. After looking him over briefly, I decided to calm the blaze down until I was myself again.

  “Thank you,” he smiled while walking over to me; I didn’t refuse him as he took my hands into his and looked into my eyes. “Do you want to have a seat?”

  The closeness and warmth of his touch dazzled me as I unwillingly began to back up and take a seat on the bed. “What do you want?”

  To my surprise my words came out more like a request than the rude question I’d meant it to be. Like whatever he told me he wanted, I was willing to do.

  He sat down beside me and looked deeply into my eyes. “We need you, Alizarin. Our people need you. Why won’t you accept our help?”

  “Why do I need your help? Why can’t I just live my life?”

  Nikko’s eyes looked tired, as did mine. “You have questions you can’t answer on your own and we have the answers you need and deserve. The fact that you hang on to humanism is beyond me.” He shook his head lightly then stared out of my open window. “Can I tell you something no one else knows?”

  “Why would you tell me?”

  He quickly jumped up from the bed and rubbed his face. I could somehow feel his annoyance come through his pours like sweat. “Why do you answer all of my questions with a question? I trust you, okay.”

  “Trust is a hard thing to come by. Why do you give it away so freely?”

  He looked away then sighed. “Forget it,” he answered before disappearing.

  Realizing that I was being a little more difficult than necessary, I got up from the bed and closed the window before openly saying, “If you can hear me, I’m sorry. Tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it.”

  Seconds later, he reappeared in the room and stood behind me- making me nearly jump out of my skin. “Great, and I have a thank you gift just for you,” he answered, once again disappearing from the room.

  “I know a lot more than you think I do. I was raised in this thing, it didn’t just happen to me in a gas station.”

  When he came back into the room he was holding the most precious thing I’d seen in a long time. It was a small brown and white curly haired Shytzu puppy no more than a few months old. It was cutely adorned with a red bow as it trembled then sank deeper into Nikko’s arms.

  “I found him rummaging through the trash in China. My mom is allergic to dogs so I can’t take him to my house.”

  I smiled down at the small dog. “He’s adorable. How’d he get clean if you just found him?” I asked puzzled.

  Nikko shrugged, “I had time to stop and clean him up, he’s still wet but you can hold him if you want to. He needs a good home.”

  I stroked the puppy’s back and smiled when I looked up at Nikko. “You’re giving him to me?”

  Nikko took the dog in both hands and handed him to me, “Sure. I’ll even bring you food and a collar for him. What will you name him?”

  I cuddled the damp puppy in my arms and recollected names that might fit the brave little guy. “I adore the name Triton, what do you think?”

  I picked him up and examined his little face, he looked depressed and lonely like he hadn’t seen love in a long time. I wondered what it was like for him out there alone and if his parents were still around or had they died.

  “Be right back,” Nikko responded before disappearing from the room for a third time. When he returned he was holding a bag of puppy chow and a small red collar with a bell and silver-plated dog tag.

  Triton vibrated in my arms as I looked from him to Nikko. “Thank you so much, what does it say?”

  “Triton the Brave.” He handed the collar to me and I unhooked the ribbon then buckled the collar around his tiny neck.

  “I’ve never had a dog before but I’ve always wanted one. I just hope my parents let me keep him.” I sat him down on the bed and pulled some of the covers over him hopefully he would warm up soon.

  “Well I’m glad you like him.” A seconds later, he had disappeared.

  “Wait! What were you going to tell me earlier?”

  When he didn’t appear back in the room, I figured he was gone for sure that time. I found something suitable to wear from the dresser then picked up Triton and headed out of the room. When I opened the door Ash was staring directly into my eyes, startling me. “What’s your problem?”

  “He got you a puppy?”

  I looked down at little Triton and smoothed his fur. “Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to? And yeah, isn’t he adorable?” I held up the little guy and turned him to face Ash who was stone faced.

  “Why would someone you barely know bring you a puppy? Haven’t you learned that you can’t trust anyone? Not even your best friends, who dare I remind you, you almost killed?”

  “No, you don’t have to remind me; I see his face every day. It’s just a puppy so calm your nerves. It’s a signing bonus,” I answered.

  Stepping around him, I walked to the bathroom. “Uncle Ash needs to mind his business doesn’t he, Triton?” I babbled as I turned the light on. I sat Triton down on the countertop and brushed my hair into a ponytail with a bang. The amethyst part of my hair was spreading while my original hair was losing its luster.

  Ash appeared in the doorframe behind me. “You should just be careful, that’s all I’m saying. We can’t trust everybody, Aliza.”

  “You don’t think I know that? But I really don’t think he wants to hurt me. Besides, his brother and grandmother have helped me.”

  Ash exhaled slowly. “Alright Aliza, do what you want.”

  He turned and walked down the hall to his room and shut the door.

  I scooped up Triton once again and headed out of the bathroom shutting off the lights as I left and headed downstairs. Although I wasn’t sure where I was going, I just had to get out of the house- it’d make me feel normal.


  By the time Triton and I returned home parents still hadn’t made it home. I hung my jacket up downstairs and trudged upstairs to my room with a tired pooch resting peacefully in my arms. When I reached my room I
gently sat Triton on the bed then examined the room before sitting down at my desk.

  Since Ash’s car wasn’t parked out front and the television wasn’t sky-high in Corey’s room, I figured they must have gone out as well, maybe to grab something to eat. “It’s just me and you Triton,” I breathed as I turned on the laptop and pulled up a blank design document.

  Before I could begin on the design for the logo for homework the doorbell rang, I pushed the seat back and got up to answer it. “Who is it?” I yelled from the stairs, several feet away.


  I unlocked the door then opened it widely and invited her in. “What brings you by today?” I said as she floated into the house. “Do you ever really use your feet?” I wondered aloud.

  Centure continued on as if she didn’t hear me, “I came to invite you to my home which is not too far from here. I am going to help you.”

  A faint car horn blew outside and seconds later Ash and Corey stepped in through the door. “Hello Centure. What’s going on?”

  “You and your sister are coming to my home which is not too far from here,” she repeated slowly. “I’m sure you heard this from the driveway, yes?”

  “Sometimes what you hear can be deceiving,” he replied tactfully.

  “How does twelve in the afternoon sound?”

  I heard a high-pitched bark upstairs and ran to get Triton, who was shaking and fully twisted up in the covers. “Awe, were you scared up here by yourself?” I said as I detangled him and held him in my arms.

  “You’re going to spoil him!” Ash yelled from downstairs.

  When I returned downstairs, Centure, Ash and Corey sat in the living room. “Why should you care?” I replied as I sat down in an armchair across from Centure. “So what is it exactly we need to be trained for? Is there some sort of war going on out there?”

  Centure folded her hands across her lap and focused on something behind me, making me turn to see what she was looking at. “There are things about yourself and about this life that you do not know and I’m afraid it’s too early to tell you about them.”


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