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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

Page 23

by Myunique C. Green

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Wednesday October 27, 2010

  The seasons had now begun to change autumn slowly died and winter rolled in; I glared out of the window at the light snowfall gracefully sticking to the glass. I barely paid attention to the television as it blared on unnoticed and stretched open my arms then placed then placed them behind my head; this was a good feeling.

  A small recap of the last few weeks replayed in my head then I eventually began to wonder over the last few months. I felt a familiar wave of static and knew Nikko was about to pop in, seeing that he always came over unannounced these days.

  One of my parents was bound to be in the room one day if he kept it up (not that they even came in here often).

  “You gotta stop coming unannounced,” I said as he transmitted into the room.

  When he was in full form, he walked over and sat on the bed then rubbed the outer side of my thigh. “I will.”

  I took my hands from behind my head and sat to give him a tiny kiss, then patted the spot on the bed next to me. I lay back down on the bed and face the TV while Nikko cuddled behind me.

  “So how has your day been so far?” The warmth of his breath on my neck was enough to raise the little hairs stand up.

  I ran down a list of all of the things that I had done today, they mainly included watching bits and pieces of television and reading the book that Benjamin had given me once I’d went back and asked for it. “Nothing special really, was learning a little bit about the role of our beasts. That’s about it,” I replied finally.

  “Well after work would you like to join me and my family for dinner?”

  “I work eight hours today, I’ll be a walking stink bomb,” I said before pinching the sides of my nose.

  “You’re forgetting something, I’m a teleported remember? I’ll take you to work, pick you up and then we can shower,” he whispered the last part in my ear, indicating that it would be less of a shower and more of something else.

  “You really are a virgin,” I teased while rising up from the bed. His hand reached up and lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I looked deep into his eyes then intentionally turned up heat where his hand was.

  “Ouch,” he said as he yanked his hand away.

  “Virgin mistakes,” I said laughing, knowing that he wasn’t really hurt. After getting out of the bed I walked around the room in search of my uniform.

  “I made you hot,” he joked.

  I pushed my hair from in front of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear. “Help me find my work clothes.”

  “For what?” Nikko was out of the bed and looking around on the floor as well.

  “It’s time to get to work already; I really don’t feel like dealing with these people.”

  “Christina and Jesse still giving you a hard time?”

  I walked over to a small pile of clothes on the floor, eventually I’d get around to washing these things. “Not so much anymore, did I tell you I made them slap themselves the other day?” I replied with a hint of pride in my tone. “It felt great.”

  “Yeah, you told me.”

  After bending over to pick up the small black shirt I reached in the closet to find a pair of jeans. “I’m not sure, and of course Centure won’t tell me. That would be too much like right.”

  Nikko walked over to me and pulled me closer to him, I felt his body surge with electricity as he leaned down to kiss my lips. “I know something else that’s too much like right,” he whispered.

  “We can’t, I have to get ready for work.”

  I thought about being with him before work but didn’t want to risk being late. “But then again, it would only take about half a second to get there,” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him. I dropped the shirt back to the ground and lifted the tank I wore over my head. Nikko was already ahead of me when our bodies came together again,

  “Mom’s coming,” Ash whispered from the other side of the door.

  “My mom’s coming,” I whispered while I picked my shirt up and threw it back on. “Make yourself disappear,” I continued as I walked across the room. He was gone seconds before my mother tapped lightly on the door then walked in.

  “What’s up mom?” I said, dropping down onto the bed.

  “Just checking on you. Shouldn’t you be getting ready for work? Are you sick?”

  “I’m fine, just had a late nap. I called and they said they don’t mind if I’m a few minutes late.” Being surrounded by liars made it easier to lie to my mom.

  “Ok then, I’ll let you get to it then.” She walked deeper into the room and kissed my forehead. “Who’s shirt is that?” she asked puzzled, noticing a shirt that wasn’t mine sticking partially out from under my bed. “Have you been having people over here?”

  “Of course not, that’s Ash’s shirt. I asked him to borrow it the other day for one of the groups I joined.”

  My mom picked up the shirt and examined it slowly. “Looks a little too big to be one of his shirts.”

  I took the shirt from her and threw it on the bed, “You know boys these days like their clothes bigger. It’s a teenage thing that I hope he soon grows out of, but you can’t tell him anything.” I hoped the extra detail convinced her of my story. “Now if you don’t mind, I have to be getting ready for work now. I’ll take Ash his shirt later, what time will you be home tonight?”

  “The usual, you know I was thinking that we don’t talk as much as we used to. I feel like we’re drawing apart and I don’t’ want that to happen. What do you say you and I go out and have a mother-daughter day one day next week?”

  I was taken back; we hadn’t had one of those days since the day after my thirteenth birthday. “Yeah that sounds like fun,” I smiled and gave her a hug.

  “Have a good day at work,” she replied before turning and leaving out of the door. I waited until I heard her footsteps disappear before letting out a sigh of relief. As if on queue, Nikko walked out of the closet.

  “You forgot something.” I said as I picked up the brown tee and threw it at his chest.

  “I’m sorry, nice save though.”

  I looked down at the clock on my nightstand; I had less than five minutes to be ready for work. I ran over and grabbed the shirt from the ground and snatched the pants from the hanger then dressed quickly. “Come on, let’s go,” I said before wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “As you wish master,” he replied playfully.

  A few seconds later the back of the building came into view and the anxiety subsided. “Be here at eight.” Nikko said as I let go of him.

  “Yeah ok,” I replied, seeming half annoyed.

  “I’m sorry about the shirt, Aliza.”

  “Yeah I know.” I walked slowly around the side of the building before I heard Nikko phase out behind me. Once I made it to the entrance of the building, I opened the door and walked into the restaurant; it was nearly noon so we were having the usual lunch rush.

  “Hey Aliza, you’re on tables three, four and five.” Louise called from behind the behind the bar. I stood for a moment in shock that he wasn’t tucked away in his office like he always is. “Your apron is in the back, hop to it.” He called over the mass of chattering people.

  I hurried to the back and into the employee lounge; Christina stopped me in the cramped space and stood in front of me. “There were nine of us that helped your mother escape,” she said softly.

  “So I’ve heard,” I responded.

  She pulled me into her father’s office and shut the door behind us. “Most of us you have already met, Centure, Benjamin, Gillie and Skylark. Have they not told you the story?”

  “Bits and pieces of it. I don’t think they believe I’m strong enough to handle the whole truth.” I sat down in one of the office chairs. “And they may be right,” I mumbled.

  “Give up wanting to be human and they may tell you. Why do you want to be one of these people anyway, why is it so important?”

  I inhaled deeply; there wa
s no real reason why I wanted to be like everyone else. Maybe if I knew a little more about the person I am now I wouldn’t want to be the person I used to be. “Tell me what you know, I’m sick of being in the dark. Also, who is Skylark?”

  “Skylark is Psenora’s sister and also the one who was entrusted by Centure to watch over you. The rest of us have settled down and had children of our own. The names are unimportant, what is important is the fact you know; there is a war coming. You should be getting ready for that, instead of busting your ass here.”

  “Maybe you’re right,” I agreed while twirling a loose thread hanging from the chair.

  “There’s no maybe to it, I am right,” she got up from desktop and walked toward the door. “This whole thing has become bigger than your poor family history.”

  “Did it honestly take nine people to escape Xyonthis? Did everyone else lose their memories like my mother?” I questioned while rising up from chair.

  “Benjamin created something that would reverse that side effect of leaving our home in the forest. But after your father died, your mother decided that she didn’t want her memory anymore, the pain was too much for her to bare.”

  This was more information than I‘d gotten in a while and I needed time to digest it. “It’s pretty crazy out there, I should get on the floor before Louise comes looking for me. Which, by the way, is he one of us?” I walked over to the door.

  “No, he is human. I’ve altered his brain to make him believe that I am his daughter. Just a fair warning, don‘t ever make me slap myself again.”

  I smiled as I walked out of the office, after tying the apron around my waist I trotted into the main floor. Two families had already sat down at my tables, waiting to be served. I grabbed the order ticket pad from behind the bar counter and walked over to family number one. “What can I get you guys today?”


  Eight o’clock came before I realized it; I had just finished cleaning my tables when Nikko came strutting through the door. “Are you ready to go?” He asked, following behind me as I tried to untie the apron.

  “Yeah just a minute. Untie this please.” I replied while moving my hands so he could take the knot out. I walked to the back of the store and hung the apron up on the hook; in the last eight hours I had manages to smell really foul.

  “See you tomorrow Louise,” I said as I passed his open office door.

  “Are you leaving already?”

  “Yeah it is a little passed eight o’clock,” I replied, stopping to look into his office door. I always wondered what it was that kept him crammed in there so much; today was one of the first days that he had actually came out and interacted with anyone.

  “Well, see you in a few days.” He half smiled then looked back at his computer screen.

  I walked back to the front and passed Christina at the bar. “I’m ready Nikko, bye Christina.” I reached out for Nikko’s hand then led him out of the front doors. I inhaled the late autumn air as I stepped onto the lit porch. “Have you ever tried to talk to your mom about me?”

  He hesitated for a moment then looked down at me. “Well, technically, your mom is my mom’s sister.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Don’t tell me you said what I think you just said,” I responded as my stomach cramped.

  “I said technically. Since Genesis woman aren’t born of blood, they’re not related as Wade and I are.”

  I shook my head; I was already in too deep. “But they are still sisters. Which would technically make you my cousin.” I stepped down from the concrete porch and onto the graveled ground, “This just got weird.”

  “You can talk to my mom about it when you meet her tonight. Please don’t be offended if she showers you with hugs and kisses. She’s wanted me to bring you over for a while now. You are her niece, after all.”

  “It’s when you say things like that, that makes me feel so dirty,” I responded as I walked around the wood building and into the dark surroundings while Nikko followed behind me and slid his fingers through mine. Ovals of light blue light flashed around me and the gut-dropping feeling came and went. Suddenly we were standing in my bedroom.

  “I told my mom we would be there around 8:30 so you have enough time to do whatever you need to do.”

  I walked over to the dresser and got out of a nice pair of panties and a bra from the top drawer then took a step toward the closet and slid the door open and pulled down a pink and white stripped button-up shirt and a pair of slacks. I held them both up to face Nikko, “To dressy?”

  He sat on the bed and shrugged, “Not if you were going to church or on a job interview.”

  I laughed then hung them back up in the closet. “Jeans and tee then?” I said while taking another look in the closet. I felt Nikko’s warm body heat emitting from behind me.

  “Nothing is always an option too. At least for me it is,” he spoke softly as his hand made its way up my outer thigh then traveled slowly up my back.

  I passionately kissed his firm yet soft lips; my body uncontrollably began to heat as I welded my body to his. Small sparks nibbled at my body, gradually increases the beat of my heart until it was bound to jump right out of my chest. Nikko’s electrical surges swarmed around me, daring unstoppable moans to escape from my lips.

  “Is anyone here?” he whispered.

  “You would have to go and check for cars outside.”

  Although I would have rather have dealt with the consequences later, it was probably the best idea that he go and scope things out. He pulled away from me slowly while dropping tender kisses down my neck. His hands wondered down the sides of my body and lifted the black shirt I wore up and over my head. They shirt landed with a small thump on the floor and my bra was next to follow.

  I broke away from him, “Go check, please.” I saw the light frustration pass over his face.

  “Meet me in the shower,” he replied before disappearing.

  I grabbed the towel that hung on the back of the chair and headed for the bathroom down the hall. I wrapped it around my exposed chest and stepped out into the dark hallway. From the darkness I could tell that no one was here, not even Corey. The light in the bathroom was on however and I could see the steam from the running water seep from under the door. I smiled and pushed the door open; Nikko was standing in the middle of the bathroom completely naked. “Took you long enough,” he said as I stepped into the room.

  “So I take it we are all alone then?” I said as I dropped the towel to the floor and stepped closer to him. Once again I was thrown into a sea of hot kisses; with one hand cupping my breast, Nikko used his free hand to tug at the button my shorts. Anticipation built with every small yank until the button was finally free and he slid then down my legs and to my ankle. I stepped out of them and brushed past him and got into the running shower. The water beaded gently on my skin, stinging in all of the right places. Nikko got in behind me, stepping in front of the water and blocking its every approach.

  “I love you,” I whispered, jumping onto his waist. “It’s soon I know, but you’re the only thing that makes sense.”

  He ran his fingers through my hair then kissed me softly, “Loved is relative,” he smiled.

  A small tear appeared in my eyes and slightly blurred my vision as I realized then that he was everything I could ever dream of and from then on, I didn’t want to live my life without him in it.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Friday November 19, 2010

  The last week of school had ended for the holiday break and I found myself only balancing trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together with work. I looked down at the small diamond and watched as it glistened in the sunlight- it was always a reminder of better days.

  Things between Ash and I were getting better, now that I was beginning to accept my new life; I had Nikko to thank for that. Although it was snowing, I continuously rocked back and forth on the porch swing. I didn’t care much for weather; it was always one temperature in my world. Today was an all-out d
o-nothing day, no work, school or any other obligations and I loved every minute of it. I heard Corey moving things around in the living room as I gazed out into the distance, I figured she’s come out here to check on me so I cleared the books I’d been reading from the seat next to me.

  Soon enough she was opening the door and stepping out onto the porch. “Are you alright? It’s freezing out here.” She held out a sweater for me but I turned it down.

  “Yeah I’m fine, thanks but no thanks for the sweater but I only feel one kind of temperature.”

  “Can I sit here?”

  I patted the cushion next to me and she walked over and sat down. “Do you want to go for a drive?” he asked while she looked at me. “I haven’t gotten my license yet, but I do have permit. I promise not to wreck your car.”

  “Yeah sure, let me just run and grab my phone.” I got up from the swing and took a step towards the door.

  “No need. I saw it on the couch and grabbed it before I came out here.”

  I smiled and reached out the grab the phone from her. “It’s about to die anyways, I should probably go and put it on the charger but I won’t.” I put it into my pocket then walked towards my car. “Did you happen to grab the keys before you came out here as well?”

  “Yeah I have them,” she said excitedly as she got into the driver’s side of the car.

  “Do you have some place you want to go in particular?”

  “Not really, just want to get away from the house.”

  She pulled out of the driveway and drove down to the main road. The sun was high above us, shining down directly through the sunroof. As we drove, I gathered a lot from our conversation, suddenly realizing that I was indeed overeating about a lot of things and humans weren’t all they thought they were cracked up to be.

  I looked ahead through the windshield at the yellow lines on the road, noticing that as we drove the lines seemed to shift from in front of us to directly below us until I was looking down at them. We were at least ten feet from the ground.


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