Things Liars Say

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Things Liars Say Page 6

by Sara Ney

  “Trust me, it’s no hardship,” I feebly joke, my voice catching when Grey runs her palms up the front of my jersey, tracing the outline of the team name screen printed there. I reach my hand between our bodies, adjusting my groin and jockstrap before capturing her hands to hold them still. “I’m going to be walking crooked for a week.”

  Grey takes a step back, giving me a once-over and pausing on the bulge in my shorts before averting her eyes and glancing up into the bleachers as her hands fall to her sides. She swallows hard and clears her throat. “You played great tonight, Cal. I’m proud of you.”

  “Grey, why…”


  “…are you here?”

  We stare at one another, and I know by the expression on her face that she’s doing what I’m doing: memorizing every line in my face, every curve of my body.

  Just in case we… just in case this is the last time.

  And there goes that crack and sizzle.

  Grey closes the gap between us. Slowly, her soft lips press against my mouth, tenderly resting there. “You know why I’m here, Cal Thompson.”

  She turns reluctantly, glancing back at me at least a half dozen times as I watch her go.

  I don’t how long I stood there.

  Cal: I’m sorry I manhandled you tonight.

  Grey: If I remember correctly, I did basically TELL you to kiss me, so in a way, I was doing the manhandling. For the sake of my friends, of course. And my charade.

  Cal: Of course.

  Grey: For the sake of science?

  Cal: That sounds even less plausible.

  Grey: Fine, don’t believe me.

  Cal: Fine, I won’t.

  @Grey_VKeller Tweeted: @tightheadthompson you sexy sexy beast

  Cal: I know you did NOT just tweet that shit.

  Grey: Are getting teased again by your friends? Come on, it can’t be that bad.

  Cal: Is this all just a joke to you? A sorority prank?

  Grey: Is WHAT a joke???

  Cal: Sexy sexy beast? Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK, GREYSON?


  Cal: You can’t say shit like that. It makes you sound like a goddamn…

  Grey: A goddamn WHAT

  Cal: Forget it. Just don’t say shit like that.

  Grey: I will NOT forget it. Tell me what your freaking problem is.

  Grey: And for the record, you overreacting jackass, I MEANT IT.

  Cal: Oh.

  Grey: Oh?

  Grey: Hello? You there?

  Grey: Cal?

  Grey: Okay then.


  “I don’t understand. You tweeted that he was a sexy beast, and then he goes radio silence on you? That’s so messed up.”

  I drum a number 2 pencil on the wooden table, and blow a puff of air at my bangs to move them out of my eyes. “I guess I don’t get it. I thought that maybe, when he kissed me, we were… I don’t know.”

  “Becoming more than pen pals?”

  “Yes. Because I felt that kiss everywhere, Mel. Everywhere. That wasn’t a kiss between two friends.”

  Melody speaks slowly then, choosing her words carefully. “I mean, I know it’s a weird thing to ask, but do you think you scared him away?”

  I give her a hard look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing! I just wonder if he thought maybe you were… making fun of him? Lying?”

  I ignore that she just called me a liar, but my mouth still gapes in indignation. “Making fun of him? Why would you even say that?”

  “Well, jeez, Grey. Look at him. He isn’t winning any beauty contests.”

  My mouth falls open even wider, and the rash on my chest shoots up my neck at a breakneck pace, coloring my cheeks, nose, and forehead. My face is flaming hot, which I bet it looks spectacular against my light blonde hair. “Melody! What the hell. I think he’s gorgeous!”

  “Well, yeah—you do. But you didn’t think he was so hot when he showed up at the house. You think he’s hot because you’re finally getting to know him. That’s why you think he’s attractive; he’s grown on you. Everyone else, erm, not so much.”

  “You—that’s so mean.” I stand abruptly, knocking a cup of pens over with a curse. Tears threaten to spill out of the corners of my eyes. I wipe them away angrily. “Not all of us want just want to date pretty frat boys.”

  Melody sighs, her eyes pleading with me. “I’m sorry. That’s not… this is coming out all wrong.”

  My bottom lip trembles.

  “Grey.” Melody stands. “You’re beautiful. And sweet. And funny. Of course everyone expects you to hook up with some GQ model. Not some… Not a busted-up rugby player from SMU. I’m just trying to be honest.”

  “I do not like you right now.”

  “Grey, you don’t even know this guy.”

  “Yes I do.” I cross my arms and stare out the window into the yard, tuning her out. Softly, I whisper, “I know enough.”

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Please talk to me.


  It’s been two days. Why are you shutting me out? I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you over reacted to the tweet, but I’m sorry if I embarrassed you in front of your friends. I called you sexy and I meant it. I wasn’t making fun of you—how could you THINK that??? I thought we were becoming friends. I miss you. I miss my friend. Grey

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: I’m an ass.

  You’re right. I overreacted. I don’t know how to explain it without sounding like a complete douchenozzle, so can we just forget about it? I feel like a tool. And since we’re friends and I’m being honest, this is exactly how I would treat you if you were a dude. I’d give you the silent treatment until I got over myself. So you should feel pretty good about that. – Cal

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Best Friends 4Eva


  Yes, I’ll forget about it, but… You know what, never mind—I’m just so relieved you emailed me back. I’ll keep this light hearted. After all, we hardly know each other. As for you treating me like one of your guy friends, well—I’m flattered. Kind of? Have you ever had a girl that’s a friend before? The distance between us certainly makes it easier to have that kind of relationship, yeah? I doubt I could manage to be friends friends if we were at the same school—if we were in the same town. Grey

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Huh?

  Greyson, I’m not even sure what that’s supposed to mean.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Seriously?

  Read between the lines, Calvin. And why are you emailing me this? Wouldn’t it be easier to text? Grey.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Still don’t have a clue. Sorry.

  Grey. I’m not texting because I had already composed the email. And last time I checked, I was a guy—and one that gets concussions on a regular basis. You need to spell it out for me. - Cal

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Forget I said anything.


  I’m not in the mood to explain myself. Maybe some other time.

  Cal: This is going to get ridiculous if we don’t talk.

  Grey: What’s going to get ridiculous?

  Cal: You know what? Never mind. I’m not playing games with you.

  Grey: Time. Out. Why are you being so stubborn about this? I don’t know what flipped your switch, but you need to explain it. Answer me, Calvin.

  Cal: You’re right. I’m sorry. You’re my friend, and it was an asshole thing to
do, and I’m sorry.

  Grey: I like you, Calvin. I think you’re sexy and handsome and funny. Accept it and move on. And stop being an ass.

  Cal: Have you always been this bossy?

  Grey: Yes.

  Cal: I like it.

  Grey: I know you do. Why do you think I’m acting so bossy?

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Not that kind of trim work

  Greyson. Going home this weekend to help my dad do some landscaping. My mom gets all weird about having all the shrubs and flower beds weeded and cut down before it gets cold out, so… just wanted to let you know. My folks get pissed when I’m constantly checking my phone. Disrespectful and all that shit. – Cal

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: TWO WHOLE DAYS?


  So what you’re saying is, you don’t want me to feel bad when you’re MIA for a few days? Aww, that’s sweet. Very considerate to let me know. I will admit that I have gotten used to talking with you during the day. Well, not “talking,” but you get my point. Does your sister have to partake in this landscaping torture, too?


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Evil Mastermind

  Grey. Yes, everyone will be there. My parents are Equal Opportunity Sadists. But Tabby (aka: the smart one in this case) will throw a fit at some point and pick a fight so my mom yells and kicks her out of the yard. IT’S SO UNFAIR. She’s a genius. - Cal

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Why should Tabitha have all the fun?


  Maybe you should beat her to it. Where are you from originally, anyway? I don’t think we’ve ever talked about it. My parents moved this summer from Lake Walton to another little lake community just south called Six Rivers. It’s also a resort town, but there’s tons to do there, which is a nice change. Lake Walton was pretty small—the closest Target was a day trip. Grey

  Cal: You did NOT say Six Rivers.

  Grey: Yes, why?

  Cal: Take a wild guess.

  Grey: SHUT UP. No way.

  Cal: Yes way. Well, next town over. 20 minutes on a bad day.

  Grey: There is NO WAY you live near where I live.

  Grey: You know what this means, don’t you?!

  Cal: That we can be best friends and do karate in the garage?

  Grey: *crickets* That made absolutely no sense.

  Cal: Never mind. It’s from a movie. LOL. Tell me what you were going to say before when you said, “You know what this means, don’t you?” and I so rudely made a movie reference.

  Grey: Well, besides you being hopelessly clueless, this means we can be buddies during summer and the holidays and hang out! We can have drinks at that bar near the lake.

  Cal: Sully’s on the Lake? It’s not near the lake, it’s ON the lake. LOL

  Grey: See. This is why we need to hang out when we’re home.

  Cal: What are the odds?

  Grey: It’s fate.

  Cal: Oh…. boy.

  Grey: You can show me the sights. We can float on the lake.

  Cal: Did you say FLOAT on the lake?

  Grey: Yeah, you know, on rafts?

  Cal: Ah, okay. So, literally floating. Will this floating require bathing suits?

  Grey: Not necessarily.

  Cal: Are you flirting with me?

  Grey: I think it’s really sad you can’t tell when a girl is flirting with you. But since you asked, I wouldn’t dare. Remember the last time I tried that? #epicfail #sexybeast #angrycalvin

  Cal: Fine. But in my defense, no one has ever called me sexy. I thought you were being a bitch.

  Grey: You are LYING. How is that possible?

  Cal: Which part? The sexy part or the bitch part?

  Grey: You are getting sexier and sexier by the day. Sorry, but it’s true. Time to accept the facts.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Warning! Warning!

  Grey. As I suspected, my mom drove us nuts over the weekend with her demands. The woman is obsessed with mulching. And, as I predicted, Tabby picked a fight and Mom kicked her out of the yard. The brat winked at me as she fake stormed off. I can’t freaking believe my mom still falls for that bullshit. The good news is, all I had to do was drive the bobcat while my dad raked leaves into the shovel. What can I say about Sunday? For starters, my damn sister tricked me into telling her about you. I don’t know how she figured it out, but I must have been checking my phone about a hundred times—just in case you decided to send a message—and she caught me. When she tried stealing my phone and I pitched a bitch fit instead of letting her take it, she knew there was shit on here I didn’t want her to see. Boy, was she a pain in my ass. The entire day she tried to steal my phone. Wanting to see pictures of you. Asking a shit ton of annoying questions. If you get a friend request from Tabitha Thompson, would you do me a huge favor and DELETE IT?

  What did you do this weekend? - Cal

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: I consider creeping research.


  In fact, I DID get a friend request from a Tabitha Thompson! LOL. No worries, I haven’t decided what to do about it yet. I did sneak onto her page, though. She looks awesome. Very beautiful. My objective, of course, was to find pictures of you. Très stalkerish of me, wouldn’t you say? Whatever. I got all giddy and girly over a few—the one of you in a tux for your senior prom? OMG. So handsome. And the one of you with your childhood dog? Must say, Calvin, I have something of a crush on you. I can admit that, right, now that we’re pen pals? Grey

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Creeping, lurking = Same thing

  Grey. Not surprised that you were lurking on my sister’s pics. That picture of me with the dog? Brownie, his name was—he was the shit. Cried like a baby when my parents put him to sleep. I don’t even want to know if you saw the picture of me snuggling Sparkles, the kitty cat I had when I was 3. Tabby posted that one last year for my birthday, that rude bitch. Shit. That was a joke. I would never call her that to her face; she’d scratch my eyes out. My sister, not the cat. – Cal

  Cal: By the way, I’ve decided I will allow you to have a crush on me.

  Grey: How magnanimous of you.

  Cal: You’re welcome.

  Grey: You ass.

  Cal: Speaking of asses, yours is incredible.

  Grey: Well, aren’t you just full of compliments today! I’ve got one for you: I could stare at your firm, tight ass in those rugby spandex all day long.

  Cal: Holy shit, that is NOT what I was expecting you to say.

  Grey: Why?

  Cal: Because you’re classy.

  Grey: Maybe, but I also have eyes. And hormones. I can’t say you have a firm, tight ass? Okay, fine. Can we at least talk about your buff arms? DROOL.

  Cal: NO! Maybe. Okay, fine.

  Grey: *pouting* I want to talk about your tattoos.

  Cal: Thank god you’re an hour away, because I can’t spend the whole night jerking off—

  Cal: Shit, I did NOT mean to send that.

  Cal: Ugh. It didn’t even make any sense.

  Cal: Greyson, fucking say something!

  Grey: Shush. Shhhh. Shhh. I’m not done visualizing you doing naughty, naughty things to yourself *closes eyes* Also, why did you TYPE it if you didn’t mean to send it? WHAT THE HELL?? LOLOLOL

  Grey: The WHOLE night jerking off? Wow. That’s some stamina you must have…

  Cal: Oh my god. This is my worst nightmare

  Grey: ^^^ you sound like such a girl.

  Cal: Wait. Did you just screenshot that shit????
r />   Grey: No. Maybe. Okay, fine. Yes.

  Cal: What are you up to right now?

  Grey: I’m about to walk into work. But instead I’m sitting here in a chair by the door like a creeper, texting you.

  Cal: Sorry.

  Grey: Don’t APOLOGIZE. Sheesh, Calvin. How could you have known I was at work? Besides, it’s my choice. I’d rather sit and talk to you any day of the week. I work until 10 tonight, which—yuck.

  Cal: That’s a long shift.

  Grey: Yeah, but it’s the only day I work this week. I’m really grateful they’re so flexible. Confession? I think the manager has a crush on me or something. It’s kind of embarrassing, but it also works in my favor.

  Cal: I don’t blame the guy. Wait. It is a GUY, right?

  Grey: *rolling my eyes*giggle* Yeah, it’s a guy. Not nearly as sexy as you ;)

  Cal: You did NOT just say that.

  Grey: Oh boy, here we go again…


  The espresso machine hisses, and I pour cold, clear water into the top of the machine's water chamber, checking quickly to make sure the boiler cap is secured. My co-worker Rebecca tosses me the filter holder that I’d forgotten to grab when I started to fill the machine with grounds, and I call out a hasty “Thanks” as I lightly brush the coffee debris off the counter that escaped when I changed it earlier.

  I remove the glass carafe under the spout and flip the switch on the machine, humming to myself as the steam heats the water to an extra hot temperature—like the customer ordered—and almost don’t notice when the coffee starts to overflow into the small carafe. Crap, how on earth did that happen?

  “Shoot,” I murmur as the brown liquid skims the top of the glass container, the foam now becoming white. I push back the lever and remove the cup, careful not to spill any of the precious nectar.


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