Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)

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Rapture (McKenzie Brothers) Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I’ve no intention of hurting her.” I start to pace not sure what he wants from me. “She’s under my skin. No one has ever gotten under my skin before and although it scares the shit out of me I don’t want to run from her. It’s been killing me because I thought she was your girl.”

  Ramon laughs. “I know. It was fun at first, but after seeing how much it was hurting Carla keeping you both apart, I told her I was going to talk to you about our agreement except this came up first.”

  “I’m going to her,” I say, waiting for him to protest as I start to make for the door.

  “Sebastian, don’t hurt her,” he says quietly.

  I turn to look at him.

  “I’ll cut your dick off if you do,” he threatens, and I fear only half joking. “I also won’t be home tonight.”

  I grin walking to my car, but my grin soon vanishes when I think about the bastard who’s after my woman.

  Chapter 19


  Stepping out of the shower, I hear my phone beeping with a text message, so quickly drying my feet before wrapping a towel around me, I make a dash for the living room to grab my phone.

  Part of me is hoping the message is from Sebastian, but deep down I know it will be Ramon after all Sebastian hasn’t messaged me since I asked him for space.

  Looking at the screen, I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. Sebastian.

  ‘I’m outside the door. Don’t want to frighten you. Please let me in.’

  Putting my phone back down on the side table, I dash, without thinking, to the door and after a quick look through the peephole I unlock the door and catch my breath.

  Sebastian in a business suit is sexy, but in jeans and a shirt he takes my breath away.

  He reaches out, placing his hands on my hips, and walks me back inside the apartment without a word spoken between us, closing the door behind him with his foot, he turns and presses me up against the door.

  Lifting his hand, he locks the door back up then rests both his arms alongside my head, without taking his eyes from mine.

  Sebastian looks dangerous with his eyes shooting sparks of lust at me, but that combined with being pinned against the door by his heavily aroused body has my clit throbbing for his touch.

  “I know you’re not my brother’s…all this time Carla. All this time we could have been together.” He rests his forehead against mine, our mouths inches apart. “I want you. I always envisioned when I took you it would be in a bed, nice and slow so I could appreciate every inch of you,” he whispers, “but slow will have to wait.”

  His lips claim mine in one of the most erotic kisses I’ve ever experienced – our tongues tangle - our teeth clash. My fingers thread through his hair, holding his head in place as he yanks the towel from between us before reaching for and grabbing my ass to hoist me up against the door.

  My legs wrap around his waist as our kiss goes on and on while he presses his swollen cock against me, sending needles of pleasure up my spine to my nipples.

  “Carla, I can’t wait,” he groans.

  Using his hips and thighs, he keeps me pinned against the door while he drags his shirt over his head, tossing it behind him. His eyes burn a path down my body as he takes in my naked form. My chest is rising and falling in uneven breaths as his hands slide up from my waist to cup my breasts, his thumbs rubbing around my nipples. Before I can catch my breath, he bends and sucks one into his mouth, which sends a bolt of electricity straight to my pussy. I try to grind against him to ease the ache he’s created, but I can’t move with how he has me pinned.

  Sebastian growls, hitches me further up the door before sliding a finger along my folds. “You’re so wet.” He quickly unbuttons and unzips his jeans, taking hold of his fully engorged cock, which is leaking at the tip with his arousal.

  I lick my lips as I watch him move to my entrance before he raises my wrists in his hands holding them above my head as he slams home.

  He lets out a long groan as I gasp in a mixture of shock at his invasion and pleasure because of said invasion.

  Sebastian releases my wrists and drops his head into the curve of my neck, struggling for breath. “Don’t move,” he groans through gritted teeth.

  I run my hands through the hair at the nape of his neck as he lifts his head and meets my eye. “Condom.”

  “I’m safe. Birth control.”

  “Tested four months ago. Not been with anyone since.”

  I smile at him. “Sebastian, stop talking and move.”

  The biggest grin I’ve ever seen splits his face. “Yes ma’am.”

  Oh God!

  The feel of his long cock sliding out of me real slowly then back in just as slowly is causing a delicious friction. I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from making whimpering noises, but one escapes just as our lips reach for the others.

  I wrap my arms tight around his neck as our tongues tangle and mate while he starts thrusting into me so damn fast and hard I wouldn’t be surprised if he fucked me through the door.

  With my orgasm fast approaching, I can’t stop whimpering into Sebastian’s mouth as he arches into me at the same time that he pushes me down on his hard shaft. He rotates his hips, grinding me on him, which causes friction on my clit. Once. Twice. Then I moan – loudly, coming apart in his arms, clutching his cock in a death grip inside me as my climax takes control over my actions.

  God, he feels so good and as I start to come down from my high, Sebastian starts to piston in and out of me. I feel another orgasm building as he lengthens just before he does one powerful thrust inside me, and starts spurting his seed, coating my walls with his essence.

  Sebastian drops his head back to my shoulder while he groans through his release, which sets mine off again, milking his cock of every last drop from him.

  “Fuck, Carla,” Sebastian pants heavily into my neck.

  Lifting his head, he places a gentle kiss to my lips. “You’re my girl now. Please tell me you’re my girl.”

  I brush the hair from his forehead with my fingers and tell him what he wants to hear, “I’m yours Sebastian. I wanted to be yours from the first time we met, although I fought what you made me feel like crazy, but I’m your girl now and you’re my guy and if that bitch Jacky touches you again she’ll lose a hand.”

  He grins at me. “Hold that thought.” He lifts me from his semi-erect dick and helps me stand back up. “You okay if I let go for a minute?”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, I think so.”

  He lets go of me, steps back and hitches his shorts and jeans back up his legs, zipping them, but leaving the button undone. Then he looks at me, and I mean really looks at me starting with the tip of my toes and gradually works his way up, hesitating around my hips and breasts then meeting my eyes again, his own eyes are full of arousal.

  “You’re beautiful,” he says, taking the two steps back to me. “Tell me what you want. What do you want to do now?”

  Well, there is only one answer to those questions, “You.”

  Chapter 20


  ‘You’, she whispered and the simple word caused my heart to miss a beat, especially with the small smile on her lips and her eyes sparkling with love for me. She loves me.

  After I’d taken her up against the door like a starving man, I’d carried her through to the bathroom and soaped her up in the shower. Just performing that simple task had me hard as hell again and ready to explode without her even touching my dick when she put her hands on me.

  Needless to say, the minute we stepped from the shower, I threw a towel at her to dry off while I did the same, nearly shooting my load all over the floor when I accidentally caught my erection on the towel.

  We made it to the bed I’m now lying on and within seconds I’m in her, both of us exploding in pleasure as soon as my cock slides inside her.

  Having waited for over five months to have her naked in my arms, I can’t bring myself to close my eyes. The thought of waking
up and discovering this amazing woman in my arms has been a dream is terrifying. It would crush me to learn I’ve been dreaming.

  Smoothing my hand slowly down her back, I caress her hip and ass unable to stop myself from touching her.

  “Hmm,” she moans, slipping her leg between my legs, pressing against me before I feel her hands on my ass and her nails scraping against my skin making my dick hard as steel. “You like that?” she whispers, as a shiver wracks my body.

  “I like anything that involves having your hands on me.”

  She snuggles further against my chest as I tighten my arms around her and rest my chin on the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry, Sebastian.”

  I freeze.

  “I should have told you about Ramon and me, but I’d promised him to go along with everything and then when he suggested talking to you about it…I told him to wait. My feelings for you terrify the life out of me, plus I wasn’t sure how your parents would react to, I guess, our deception. You know?”

  It’s frustrating knowing that we could have been together all this time. I’ve lost count how many nights I’ve had to drink myself to sleep because of the thought of Carla with my brother. Too many nights to count.

  Carla pushes slightly out of my arms and lifts her head at my silence. “Sebastian,” her voice quivers.

  I wrap her back up and roll her on to her back, looming over her with my cock cradled between her thighs. I gaze into her eyes. “I’m not going to lie and tell you it didn’t bother me, you being with my brother, because it did, a lot…but you’re mine Carla. I’ve never wanted anyone to call mine before, until you. I hope you know how special that makes you?”

  She nods her head as I lean in and kiss her cherry red lips then her nose before going in for a real taste of her by sealing my mouth over hers. The minute our tongues meet, a charge of electricity shoots through me nearly blowing the tip off my fucking cock.

  I press my hips down and grind my cock between her pussy lips as she wraps her legs around my waist while I continue sucking and chasing her tongue into her mouth. She’s so wet, coating the length of me.

  Our breathing is getting heavier as she breaks away from our kiss. “On your back.”

  I don’t need telling twice and take her with me as I roll onto my back again.

  Carla takes hold of my face and slaps a rather sloppy kiss to my lips before grinning and sitting up on my stomach. Settling down on me, my cock wedges between her ass cheeks with the tip poised at her entrance.

  Gritting my teeth, I hold her hips still. “Do. Not. Move,” I hiss out.

  Seeing her eyes fill with mischief should have warned me, but nothing prepared me for watching her cup her breasts before rubbing her nipples with her thumbs and throwing her head back as she starts rocking on top of me.

  “You’re killing me.” My hips buck up into her ass, my cock seeking its home between her legs.

  Holding her hips, I lift her up as she reaches down, wrapping her hand around my shaft to guide me home. Carla slides down my length, enclosing me in her wet, tight heat.

  “Fuck, don’t squeeze me,” I groan trying to catch my breath as she clenches her vaginal muscles sucking me in deeper. Balls fuckin’ deep.

  “I have to.”

  When I release the death grip I have on her hips, she withdraws slowly to the tip. Squeezing and releasing. Squeezing and releasing. “I have a confession to make,” she whispers.

  My hands freeze from the circular motion I was making on her plump nipples.

  “Over the past five months, I’ve fallen, irrevocably, in love, with you.”

  I’d hoped she loved me because I love her, but hearing her speak the words leaves me speechless.

  “Carla,” I groan as she slams back down on me.

  Holding her tightly to me, I sit up and wrap my arms around her as her arms go around my neck. Carla stays kneeling over me with my cock buried deep inside her.

  “I love you too, you know,” I say before placing light kisses along her lips, nose, eyes, and cheeks then I finally seal our lips together. Sucking her tongue into my mouth, I taste her, and as I chase her tongue back into her mouth she slowly starts to grind on me.

  This is the most erotic dance of my life, having the woman I love wrapped around me as she makes love to me. Knowing she loves me makes this ten times more pleasurable. She’s mine now and I’ll fight anyone that tries to hurt her. I will move heaven and earth to keep her safe.

  “Seb. Oh. God,” she moans breaking from our kiss and throwing her head back.

  “Slow baby.” I kiss down her neck and pushing her slightly away from me, I clamp my mouth down on one of her breasts as I buck up into her.

  She’s close and I’m barely holding on by a thread as I start to feel tiny flutters up and down my cock. “Come for me, Carla. I can’t hold on anymore.”

  Groaning, she starts to come apart flooding my dick and groin with her wetness. Holding her against me, I take one final thrust into her and start shooting my release inside her in a never-ending stream of pleasure.

  Coming back to our senses, Carla is panting on my shoulder with her arms still wrapped around me while I breathe in her scent as my face is buried in her neck.

  Not wanting to separate from her, but knowing I need to clean us both up, I take her with me as I lie back on the bed before rolling us so her back is on the bed.

  “I have no words for what I just experienced with you,” I tell her, my face bright with a smile.

  I place a quick kiss to her lips and start pulling out of her, but she has other ideas and clamps down on my rising dick, wrapping her legs around me.

  “Make love to me again,” she purrs reaching up to slide her hands through my hair, pulling me down to meet her lips, as my hips press down with my cock ready and eager for round four.

  Chapter 21


  I stretch my body like a cat as I enjoy every aching muscle in my body and sigh. It was definitely the perfect morning for a lazy day in bed, but I did need to catch up on mundane tasks such as laundry.

  I sigh, I have no desire to get out of bed or even move beyond the first stretch. I smile remembering the first night of passion with Sebastian. It was more than anything I could have dreamed of. Every day after that was even more wonderful. Every early morning wakeup call from Sebastian was to find him hard as steel inside me, which made my body all relaxed and sated. He’d brought me to climax three times before taking his own pleasure. But, unfortunately he had to go into the office for a meeting he was unable to get out of or postpone like he’d done for the past three days. Three days of pure bliss.

  Ramon, on seeing that Sebastian was planning on spending his time here with me at his apartment because it has better security, had decided to go ahead with a business trip to New York and wasn’t due back until later today.

  Stretching, I throw the quilt off and head for the bathroom where I’m finished with my morning regime within ten minutes, and sliding my legs into my black yoga pants and pink t-shirt followed by my sneakers.

  Feeling happy, relaxed and looking forward to my day, I walk through to the kitchen for my second coffee of the day, the first one having been brought to me in bed as Sebastian kissed me good bye, which nearly had him climbing back into bed with me.

  Smiling to myself, I take a sip of my coffee before placing it on the breakfast bar in order to get something to eat. Reaching below, I grab the box of fruit loops, which Sebastian keeps teasing me about, although it didn’t stop him from eating two bowls for breakfast yesterday.

  Pouring some into the bowl I retrieved from the dishwasher, I pour milk on and then sitting down to eat I spot my cell, which is flashing with messages.

  Unlocking it, they are all from Sebastian apart from one, which is from Lily. Deciding Lily’s message is likely to be short and sweet, I read that one first.

  ‘Carla, if you’re free, do you fancy lunch at my house?’

  That is one question I can answ
er without even having to think about it.

  ‘I’d love to. See you in an hour or so.’

  I continue munching on the fruit loops while I start to read through Sebastian’s messages.

  ‘At work.’

  ‘I wish you were with me.’

  ‘When I left, I just wanted to climb back into bed with you. You have no idea how hard it was for me to leave you…or how hard I was for you.’

  I snicker.

  ‘Carla, talk to me.’

  ‘Are you asleep?’

  ‘Carla you’re frustrating the hell out of me.’

  ‘Damn it woman.’

  Deciding to put him out of his misery, I come up with a reply.

  ‘I’m awake now. Although, I woke up naked, wet and hungry for you and the hardness between your legs.’

  I click send and smile. I know exactly what it will do to him and it makes me eager to think up another sexy message. Quickly shoving the dish back into the dishwasher now that I’ve finished the loops, I collect my coffee and relax into the chair by the window to look out at the skyline while typing out another message.

  ‘I’m thinking about last night when you let me suck you off. I’m thinking about how it felt to suck your balls into my mouth. What it felt like to taste you when you leaked on the tip. And most of all, I’m thinking about how it felt knowing that my wet mouth on you could make you quiver and lose control so quickly.’

  Okay, perhaps I shouldn’t be too naughty considering he’s at the office and maybe in a meeting or even worse giving his work instructions to Jacky, who he’d promised would be transferred to another department if she carried on touching him and trying to get into his pants.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  I can’t keep the grin from my face when I unlock the phone again and find his reply waiting for me.


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