by Mandy Wiener
Former investigating officer Hilton Botha prepares to give evidence at the bail application. ANTOINE DE RAS
Oscar’s defence team at the bail hearing. BARRY BATEMAN
Oscar’s relatives at the bail application. From left are uncles Arnold and Theo (in the background), Oscar’s brother Carl and father Henke (seated). ANTOINE DE RAS
The first photograph to emerge of Oscar in the dock shows him weeping. The picture made the front pages of newspapers across the world. ANTOINE DE RAS
A moment of reflection for the accused during his bail application. This image won photographer Antoine de Ras international awards. ANTOINE DE RAS
The holding cell at the Brooklyn police station where Oscar was detained during his bail application.
Oscar’s uncle Arnold addresses the media at the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court after his nephew was granted bail. ANTOINE DE RAS
Oscar, on his stumps, balances himself using a chair while waiting to have his measurements taken at Ergonomics Technologies in Centurion. SAPS
Oscar extends his arms as if holding a firearm while having his measurements taken at Ergonomics Technologies in Centurion. SAPS
Captain Mangena holds up a tape measure while Colonel Vermeulen holds the cricket bat against the door during their investigations. SAPS
Police investigators erected a 1:1 scale model of the toilet cubicle and fitted the actual meranti door taken from Oscar’s bathroom. BARRY BATEMAN
Oscar, on his stumps, demonstrates at Arnold’s house how he approached the perceived threat with his firearm drawn. This video was leaked the weekend before the defence closed its case. SCREENGRAB FROM CHANNEL 7 DOCUMENTARY
Oscar at a friend’s party in April 2013. To his right is Glenn Agliotti.
Oscar and Reeva on Christmas Eve in December 2012. DARREN FRESCO
While Oscar was testifying, his ex-girlfriend Sam Taylor reacted on Twitter to some of his claims. TWITTER
Soon after the shooting, Oscar’s former girlfriend Jenna Edkins took to Twitter to defend him. TWITTER
Edkins gave Oscar this collage as a birthday present. Police found it in the upstairs TV room. SAPS
Reeva and Darren Fresco in a playful mood. DARREN FRESCO
Reeva and Samantha Greyvenstein were close friends. SAMANTHA GREYVENSTEIN
Oscar arrives at court with his ‘bodyguards’ – his uncle Arnold’s sons-in-law Dieter Kruger (left) and Johan van Wyk (right). ANTOINE DE RAS
Oscar tries to leave the High Court in Madiba Street while surrounded by the media and the public. ANTOINE DE RAS
Reeva’s mother June, accompanied by her legal representative, Advocate Dup de Bruyn, arrive at the High Court. ANTOINE DE RAS
Prosecutor Gerrie Nel removes his glasses as he waits for a witness to respond to a question. ANTOINE DE RAS
Judge Thokozile Masipa presides over the trial of Oscar Pistorius. To her right is assessor Advocate Janette Henzen-du Toit and to her left is Advocate Themba Mazibuko. SCREENGRAB
Oscar leans over the dock to speak to his family. From left are his brother Carl, sister Aimee, cousin Loa Visagie, aunt Amanda Pistorius and uncle Arnold. ANTOINE DE RAS
Barry Roux addresses the court, as Kenny Oldwadge takes notes. KEVIN SUTHERLAND
Defence Advocate Kenny Oldwadge addresses the court. IHSAAN HAFFEJEE
Investigating officer Captain Mike van Aardt was asked by Nel to conduct a demonstration in court using the door and toilet cubicle mock-up. ANTOINE DE RAS
Police ballistics expert Colonel Gerhard Vermeulen demonstrates how he believed Oscar struck the door with the cricket bat. WERNER BEUKES
Prosecutor Gerrie Nel demonstrates how a person would wield a firearm as he puts questions to a witness. ANTOINE DE RAS
Defence expert witness Roger Dixon handles the prosthetic leg Oscar used on the night he shot Reeva. SIPHIWE SIBEKO
A doodle from Nel’s notebook – the prosecutor maintains his focus by scribbling intricate patterns in his notebook.
Oscar retches in the High Court during evidence related to the injuries Reeva sustained. THEMBA HADEBE
Defence ballistics expert Wollie Wolmarans demonstrates the concepts used to determine bullet trajectory. CHRIS COLLINGRIDGE
Police ballistics expert Captain Chris Mangena. LEON SADIKI
The defence legal team, from left Rohan Kruger, Kenny Oldwadge, Barry Roux and Brian Webber. ANTOINE DE RAS
Barry Roux consults with his client during a break in proceedings. The pair often engaged in intense conversation. ANTOINE DE RAS
Oscar and Aimee share a moment as a court orderly looks on at the end of the day’s court proceedings. ANTOINE DE RAS
Oscar consults with his legal team during an adjournment. From the left are Brian Webber, Barry Roux, Roxanne Adams and Kenny Oldwadge. ANTOINE DE RAS
Oscar is flushed and sweats profusely after a bout of retching in the High Court. BONGIWE MCHUNU
Security at the Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital, to which Oscar was referred for a 30-day evaluation. BARRY BATEMAN
Henke Pistorius embraces his son as attorney Brian Webber looks on. Henke attended trial proceedings for the first time during closing arguments. HERMAN VERWEY
Barry Steenkamp made his first court appearance at the trial for closing arguments. He sat alongside his wife June and other family supporters. HERMAN VERWEY
A mass of reporters, photographers and members of the public throng Oscar’s vehicle as he leaves after the first day of judgment. PHILL MAGAKOE
Barry Steenkamp, Reeva’s father, stares at Oscar while Judge Masipa reads her judgment. PHILL MAGAKOE
ONE TRAGIC NIGHT. Copyright © 2014 by Primedia Broadcasting.
All rights reserved.
For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Floor plan by Stephane de Sakutin/AFP/Getty Images
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The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
eISBN: 978-1-4668-4631-9
First published in South Africa by Pan Macmillan South Africa
First U.S. Edition: October 2014