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Captive Page 13

by Donna K. Ford

  “What happened to you?” Greyson asked. When he didn’t answer, Greyson pushed with a guess. “Looks like you and the bean counter went a round or two, and by the bruises, I’d say you lost.”

  At the mention of Marty, Uncle Dan’s gaze shot to hers. Bingo—her guess had paid off. “What’s up with you and that asshat? Someone needs to take him down a few notches.”

  The old man met her gaze with a fierce stare. “Those are big words, little girl. You won’t even fight to save yourself.”

  Greyson flinched. “Yeah, well, what’s the point in saving myself in a place like this. The way I see it, I’m already dead.”

  He looked at her with cold eyes like the gray hand of death. “You keep things up, and you’ll be right.”

  “What’s going to happen to me?” Greyson asked.

  “That’s up to you. But this is your shot to make an impression. You want to live, you’ve got to make yourself worth keeping.”

  “Keeping? Are they thinking of moving me or killing me?”

  He looked away and reached for a bottle of water.

  “Come on, Uncle Dan. Help me out here. How am I supposed to do what you want me to do, if I don’t know what to expect?”

  He pushed the tray and the water toward her. “They’re going to draw a line in the sand and dare you to cross it.”

  “Damn it, what does that mean?” Greyson said, letting her frustration show.

  He shook his head. “You’re on your own, girl. It’s time to prove your salt.”

  When Greyson moved away from the door, the room was silent and every eye was on her. Her stomach clenched. Great. She had just given everyone more evidence against her. She had run with the plan to try to play the men against each other, but at this point, the Recruiter was beating her at her own game.

  Greyson sat at a table to eat alone. She studied the room, trying to figure out who she could trust.

  Samone sat down next to her. “Good job, mole.”

  “I’m not a mole,” Greyson growled.

  “Then how do you explain your little chat with the old man?” Samone asked.

  “I was trying to get information.”

  Samone raised one eyebrow. “I’m waiting.”

  Greyson sighed. “He just talks in riddles. He won’t give me anything.” She watched Ruby watching her across the room. Ruby placed a cookie into her mouth and smiled at Greyson. Something clicked in her brain.

  “Did you get cookies with dinner?”

  Samone laughed. “No. Of course not.”

  “Hmm. Me either. How do you suppose Ruby gets them?”

  Samone frowned. “Be careful, Greyson.”

  “Come on. You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. Don’t you think it’s weird? I noticed she got them the night of the last fight too. Did you see if she passed anything to the old man?”

  “No, I didn’t. And I’m not looking. Ruby manages to keep us alive. We don’t question how.”

  “Seriously? I come in here just trying to figure out what the hell’s going on and you guys already have me strapped to the stake. But Ruby is passing information to these guys who are making money off your pain, and you don’t ask any questions? No wonder you’re still here.”

  A muscle jumped at the side of Samone’s jaw. “I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you’re not making it very easy for anyone to trust you.”

  Greyson clenched her fists. “Well, after tonight, you might not have to worry about that anymore.”

  Samone nodded in agreement.

  “So, does everyone go?” Greyson asked.

  Samone shrugged. “Not usually. We won’t know who’s fighting until they come for us. They only take everyone for the big events.”

  Greyson looked at Samone. “Will you do me a favor?”


  “If they put me in there with you, will you take it easy on my ribs? I don’t think I’m ready for that again.”

  Samone smiled. “We’ll see.”

  Greyson played with her food, too nervous to eat. A line in the sand. What did that mean? What was the Recruiter up to? And what was she going to do about it?

  Samone nudged her arm. “What are you planning?”

  Greyson pushed her tray away. “Nothing. I keep trying to figure out a strategy, but how can I if I don’t know what I’m up against?”

  “And the girl?” Samone asked.

  Greyson glanced toward Olivia. Greyson had been avoiding her, pretending she didn’t exist, but she knew exactly where Olivia was in the room. It was as if she couldn’t stop herself from wanting to protect her. She didn’t want to be responsible for anyone. If she took on that cross, she would become their slave and she would never get free.

  “She’s not my problem,” Greyson answered.

  Samone’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really?”

  Greyson shrugged. “I can’t let him get to me.”

  Samone laughed. “You say that now, but wait till tonight, you’ll see things differently. Everything changes in the pit.” Samone slapped Greyson on the back and stood. “Eat. You may not be able to for a while.”

  Greyson’s shoulders tensed at the thought of what she was about to face.

  Chapter Ten

  Guards came and removed all the women one by one, separating the group. No one knew who was being taken to cells and who was going to the pit. By the time it was Greyson’s turn, she was relieved just to be moving. The fear, the anxiety bleeding off the other women was so strong she could smell it. The anticipation was driving her crazy. She had no idea what she was going to do but she was ready to get this show on the road.

  Greyson was escorted by two men down a long, narrow hallway to a now familiar set of large doors. Her heart pounded and she clenched her fists. She drew in a deep breath to settle her nerves. Things were about to get real.

  The guard to her left stepped forward and opened the door. To her surprise, the room was full of men and women she had never seen before. A small group of men in expensive-looking suits sat around the pit. The other men in the room appeared to be guarding these more important figures. Greyson chuckled to herself. It was like she was at some clandestine meeting of a cartel or the Mob.

  “Guess I’m the entertainment tonight,” Greyson mumbled.

  The Recruiter rose from his chair and came to greet her. He leaned close to her ear and spoke as if they were the only two people in the room. “I hope you’ve thought about my little arrangement between you and Ms. Danner. But just in case you have any more questions, let me sweeten the deal.” He glanced over his shoulder to the men in expensive suits. “My Employers have certain expectations, and it’s your job to fulfill them. So I have something extra special for you tonight.”

  Greyson swallowed hard, trying to hold her tongue. She wanted him to keep talking. The more he talked, the more information she had to work with. The big doors opened and the gravity of the situation soured in her mouth as Olivia was escorted into the room and brought to stand in front of Greyson. Tears streaked Olivia’s face and she looked like she could pass out at any moment.

  “Here’s my deal.” The Recruiter motioned to a man at the back of the room. A second set of doors opened. Greyson’s heart raced as Ruby was led into the room. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the power and strength of your queen.” The Recruiter laughed. “We call her the exterminator. She’s very useful at getting rid of deadweight we sometimes acquire.”

  Greyson looked at him for the first time. “No way.”

  He smiled as if she had just said exactly what he had expected her to say. “Hmm. Then I guess Ms. Danner will do the honors tonight. Pity really, I liked her. She had such promise.”

  Olivia whimpered. Her entire body was shaking with fear.

  Greyson clenched her fist until her nails bit into her skin. “You wouldn’t.”

  He laughed. “Oh, but I would.” He nodded to the men.

  One of the men started to push Olivia toward t
he pit.

  “Stop it. I’ll do it.” Greyson seethed.

  The Recruiter smiled. “That’s more like it.” He started to leave but turned back to Greyson as if he’d forgotten something. “One last thing. If you throw this fight, I’ll have Ruby take care of her anyway.”

  “Bastard,” Greyson growled.

  He smiled. “You have no idea.”

  Greyson met Olivia’s gaze. Her eyes were wide with fear. Her chin trembled from sobs she could barely control. Greyson was certain she was condemned no matter what choices she made from here on, and she wasn’t sure there was anything she could do to save Olivia, no matter what the Recruiter said. But there was one thing she could do.

  “I’m sorry,” Greyson said, never taking her eyes off Olivia.

  Olivia shook her head wildly. Greyson looked to the tall, thin man to Olivia’s left. Marty. The accountant seemed to pay Olivia a little too much attention. His grip clamped on to Olivia’s flesh as if he owned her.

  Greyson made up her mind. She thrust her fist into his face as hard as she could. The man rocked back on his heels and instantly covered his nose with his hands.

  “That’s for Uncle Dan,” Greyson yelled as she was grabbed from behind.

  “Stop,” the Recruiter shouted a moment before the guards could retaliate. “Get her into the pit.”

  Greyson cursed the men as they dragged her into the pit. Her blood reached a boil when she saw the men drag Olivia to a wall and chain her arms above her head. They pulled her up until her toes barely touched the ground.

  Olivia cried and begged them not to hurt her. The Recruiter walked up to Olivia and slid the blade of a knife beneath her shirt. He sliced the fabric free from her body, exposing the milky flesh and the ridges of her ribs as her chest heaved with each breath.

  The Recruiter smiled at Greyson as he ran his finger across Olivia’s breast. “We had a deal, Greyson.”

  Olivia screamed, “No.”

  The Recruiter made a motion with his hand, and three of his girls were brought into the room. Greyson knew they were his by the similarities in their features. Each one walked up to a chain on the wall and one by one they pulled. With each pull of the chain, ice-cold water poured from a grate in the ceiling. The water struck Olivia, drenching her. The water splattered across the floor, sprinkling Greyson with its ice-cold tendrils. Olivia screamed again, her chin quivering as tears streamed down her face.

  Greyson turned to the pit. Ruby was waiting, her hands loose at her sides. Greyson swallowed. “How do you want to play this?” she said so no one else could hear.

  Ruby smiled. “Easy. You will lose.”

  “Fine, but I have to make it look good or she’s a goner.”

  Ruby’s smile broadened. “I know.”

  The first blow came as a shock, knocking Greyson backward into the wall. Ruby was lightning fast and had the strength of a bull. This was nothing like what Greyson had seen Ruby do in training. Ruby was completely off script. She moved so fast, Greyson didn’t even have time to throw a punch, or block one, let alone try to figure out Ruby’s tell.

  Greyson danced around the pit trying to avoid the punches. She heard the smack of something and a crack and heard Olivia cry out again. She looked up to see one of the women strike Olivia across the back with a long flexible rod that reminded her of the cane poles she used to fish with as a girl. The next strike rocked Greyson as Olivia’s bloodcurdling scream ripped through her.

  Ruby took advantage of Greyson’s distraction. The blow caught her cheek. Pain exploded in Greyson’s eye, and she stumbled. She caught herself on the wall, narrowly avoiding the next blow.

  Out of desperation, Greyson charged Ruby, throwing punch after punch, hoping something would land. As luck would have it, Ruby seemed surprised by the attack and Greyson was able to earn a small reprieve as Ruby shoved her aside and backed away. Each time Ruby advanced, Greyson met the charge head-on and held her ground. She had to put up a good fight, or Ruby would kill Olivia. But if she somehow managed to beat Ruby, no one in the group would ever trust her again. I guess this is that line in the sand.

  Greyson felt the air rush out of her body as Ruby spun, sending her left foot crashing into Greyson’s chest. Greyson fell back against the wall before falling to her knees clutching her battered ribs, gasping for breath. Pain shot through her like a bullet ripping through her flesh in an explosion against her spine.

  Ruby stood over her, her fist raised, her elbow rocketing toward Greyson like a guillotine. Greyson felt like she had been kicked by a horse. She struggled to breathe.

  Ruby kicked her in the head. She heard Olivia’s scream as the room went dark.

  * * *

  Olivia shivered from the cold, but her heart thundered against her chest as if she was running. She was freezing, but that was nothing compared to the searing pain ripping through the flesh on her back. Despite the pain, she knew things could have been so much worse. She couldn’t believe Greyson had saved her from fighting Ruby. Why? Olivia doubted anyone could survive a fight with Ruby.

  She struggled against her restraints, trying to get a full breath and desperately trying to see what was happening in the pit. It was pretty clear Ruby had it in for her. Greyson could have let Ruby have her. Why hadn’t she? She would have thought Greyson would have enjoyed watching Ruby annihilate her.

  Olivia screamed as another blow cut across her back, but she forced herself to stay focused on the fight taking place in front of her. She flinched when Ruby hit Greyson so hard she stumbled. If this was part of Greyson’s game, she had some sick ideas of fun.

  Olivia’s breath caught as Greyson exploded in a flurry of motion. Her punches were wild, as if she wasn’t trying to hit anything in particular. She looked more like she was fighting off a swarm of bees than fighting a single person. This was the first time Olivia believed it possible that Greyson had been telling the truth. The look of desperation in her eyes was too real. Greyson was fighting for her life.

  The Recruiter draped his arm around Olivia’s waist. She recoiled at the contact.

  “Good show, isn’t it.” He chuckled when Olivia tried to pull away. “Maybe I should have you fight after all, let you work out some of that feist on one of the girls.”

  Olivia froze. She had been saved once, but she doubted it would happen again.

  “That’s better. We wouldn’t want to throw away all of Greyson’s hard work, would we?”

  Olivia glared at him, fighting back her tears. “You said I didn’t have to fight if she fought Ruby.”

  He laughed. “I said you wouldn’t have to fight Ruby, but I never said you wouldn’t have to fight.”

  Olivia’s heart sank.

  Cheers erupted from the men around them. Olivia stared into the pit as Greyson fell to her hands and knees, clutching her side.

  Ruby brought her entire body down on Greyson’s back. She stared breathless as Greyson crumpled to the ground. Olivia screamed as Ruby kicked Greyson in the head. “Stop it, you’re killing her.” Olivia gasped for air. Was Greyson moving? Damn it, was she breathing? Olivia glared at Ruby. How could she?

  This was all too much. There was no way Greyson was in on any of this. How could she be and allow herself to be beaten so badly? What was the gain?

  The Recruiter nodded to someone across the pit. As the men around the room clapped at the display of Greyson defeated on the ground, two men moved into the pit, each taking Greyson by an arm and dragging her from the room.

  Olivia was paying attention now. She cataloged the face of every man in the room in her memory. She hated every one of them.

  The Recruiter shook hands with the men as if a business deal had just gone through. These were the men the Recruiter called his Employers. These were the men responsible for this barbaric game. One man stood out from the rest, as if he held a position of great importance. The Recruiter congratulated him as if his team had just won the playoffs. The man pointed to Greyson and made a gesture imitating the final blow t
hat had been Greyson’s undoing.

  His fat face was ruddy from his excitement. He reminded Olivia of the pigs on the farm at feeding time. She couldn’t imagine what could make a man feel he had the right to own and destroy another human being, but this man obviously took great pleasure from it.

  Ruby was brought from the pit to stand before another much older man with silver hair combed back from his face. He looked to be in his seventies. He spoke softly to Ruby. Olivia couldn’t hear what was said, but she jumped when Ruby spat in the man’s face. She flinched as one of the guards struck Ruby across the back of her leg with some kind of stick. Ruby fell to her knees. The old man wiped his face with a handkerchief he pulled from his inside jacket pocket. He glared down at Ruby with a sinister sneer.

  “You will pay for that,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Despite his anger, Olivia could see he was enjoying what he was doing to Ruby. Olivia didn’t know what to think or feel anymore. A few moments ago, she’d been angry with Ruby too. Now she felt sorry for her.

  Audrey had been right. They were all prisoners here. They were all just trying to survive. If someone as strong as Ruby or Greyson couldn’t get out, what chance did she have?

  Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, the big doors opened again. Another group of women was escorted into the room. Each had the signature blond hair, pale skin, and slender features of the Recruiter’s girls. They wore only black bikinis and stilettos. Each had a dog collar around her neck. Olivia had trouble keeping up with who was who as the women spread through the group of men. The similarity between the women was astounding. Olivia swallowed the bile rising in her throat as she realized this was what the Recruiter had in mind for her. She was to be one of his personal servants.

  Olivia’s stomach clenched as she watched the near replicas of herself take their places next to the Recruiter. His smile was a sickening gloat as two of the women stepped close and looped their arms through his as if he was their date to the ball.


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