The Diary of a Side Chick (Side Chick Diaries Book 1)

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The Diary of a Side Chick (Side Chick Diaries Book 1) Page 12

by Tamicka Higgins

  “This shit can go too,” Shawna said to herself. She picked Tron’s jewelry up and headed over to the bedroom window that looked out at the apartment complex parking lot. She opened the window, then the storm screen, and chucked the watches and earrings and chains out onto the sidewalk. Just like downstairs, she left the window open, never minding the fact that the furnace was now going into overdrive. Shawna packed every piece of clothing that was hers that she could take with her, slid into her coat, and headed downstairs. Leaving the front door open, since she didn’t want any of the stuff in that townhouse anymore, she rushed out into the cold and walked down the walkway to her car. Any step she took that came close to a watch or chain she’d thrown out the window from upstairs, she made sure to take a quick split-second and step extra hard on them. That was exactly how her heart felt after being lied to like that, played, and even made to believe that she was the one tripping


  Tron was not the least bit mad that he decided to stop through and give Desirae some of the dick. Even better than he ever thought, Desirae gave him that pussy and just would not stop giving it. He went ahead and decided to chill over at her place until he headed to the club to open up and do some paperwork that he didn’t get to last night because of everything that went on.

  Desirae didn’t even bother putting on any clothes when she walked Tron to the door.

  “So, you think you gon’ be staying over with your chick tonight?” Desirae asked, clearly wanting Tron to come back through when he got out of the club.

  Tron looked at Desirae’s body, knowing that deep down he would want to come back. On the other hand, he had now busted his nut and was back to thinking clearly and calmed down again. He knew that once he got home way later on tonight, Shawna would be calmed down and they could really talk to one another instead of what was happening today.

  “Huh?” Desirae asked, waiting on Tron’s response.

  Tron shook his head. “Baby, I don’t know,” he said. “I mean, maybe. I gotta see what’s going on at home.”

  Desirae knew what that meant – that meant that if whatever-her-name-is was acting up again, then Tron would have no choice but to come back over to where a real woman would appreciate him. Tron, seeming more distant now than he had seemed when he first showed up at her place, just shook his head and kissed Desirae goodbye. “I don’t know, baby,” he said. “We’ll see how I’m feelin. We’ll see.”

  With that, Tron left and walked down to his car. Desirae, now feeling sore from the dick she’d just taken, walked over to her couch and lay down for a second. For whatever reason, she felt better today. She really did feel like Tron was seeing the real deal and what he had in her. Even though she knew that she had said to him that she wouldn’t come up to the club, something was telling her to maybe just go ahead and pop in there for a second. Maybe, after all the stress, he’d be down for a little something out in the car or something. Why not? Tron didn’t seem like the type of nigga who would turn that down. After all, if Desirae wasn’t feeling the vibe in there, she would just leave and see him some other time. With that thought, Desirae already started to think about what she would wear. She had to make sure that she was the hottest thing walking in there if she was going to surprise him like that. And she had ever bit of confidence that she could be just that.


  Tron’s calm didn’t last long after he left Desirae’s place. When he was sitting at a stoplight after leaving the parking lot, he decided to check his phone. He saw that Shawna had called, and that the phone had even answered, but he knew that he hadn’t had a conversation with her. He cursed, realizing how inconvenient touch screen phones could be. If they weren’t answering calls in your pocket, then they were calling people.

  Instantly, wanting to know what Shawna wanted – and even more so what she might have heard – Tron called Shawna back at least five or six times. She never answered. He just dropped his phone onto the passenger side front seat and took his time driving to work. He could already feel that it was going to be a long night, and he could only imagine what could possibly be in store for him when he got home. Right now, he just had to worry about the business at the club. That was all that mattered at that point. And he already knew that the police were going to be breathing down their necks and scaring niggas away from coming up there and throwing their dollars.

  Chapter 13

  When Tron got to the club, he pulled in and saw that Tyrese’s car was already parked outside. He only hoped that his boy wasn’t inside smashing one of the dancers. He highly doubted it anyway, considering everything else.

  Tron walked inside and found the place to be in its usual order. The guy at the bar and the couple of workers were out on the floor, getting everything ready for when men started showing up. In the dressing rooms, the girls laughed and joked around about stuff. As soon as they saw Tron step up to the doorway and look inside, the room got quiet. The one dressing station that was damaged in the fight was Diamond’s, and it was the only station that was empty right then.

  The girls all said wassup to Tron, some of them staring him down like a piece a meat. He just walked away, more on his business mindset that anything. When he got to Tyrese’s office, he looked in at him, grabbing his attention.

  “Ah, wassup nigga,” Tyrese said.

  “Man, what the fuck?” Tron said, knowing that he never got a chance to talk to Tyrese since last night. “You was talkin’ all that shit about me and my bitches and shit, but then your hoes come up in here and get into a fist fight. And one of them pulls out a gun trying to blow somebody’s head off.”

  “Man, I told Diamond to not go running her mouth,” Tyrese said. “That hoe ain’t shit. You ain’t gotta worry about her coming back up in here no more. Bitch was nasty anyway.”

  “Nigga, that’s not what I’m talking about,” Tron said.

  Just then, in the background, the music out on the floor started playing, and Tron could hear men talking and laughing. In his mind, he was thanking God that some of the men just couldn’t help but come and look at the girls no matter what the club was on the news for.

  “Man, don’t start, Tron,” Tyrese said. “Don’t start. I feel bad enough about that shit, too, man. You just don’t know. What if Greg hadn’t been standin’ right there when he was holding Diamond away from Nalique. Diamond could have blown Nalique’s fuckin’ brains out or some shit.”

  “Right,” Tron said. “Look nigga, why don’t you just stop mixing business and pleasure, huh? Why don’t you just be professional with your shit and stop fucking these hoes?” That last part, Tron purposely lowered his voice in case any of the girls were around so he wouldn’t offend them.

  “Aight, man,” Tyrese said. “Aight. I got you, nigga. I got you.”

  “Man, you know we can’t stand no more shit poppin’ off in here,” Tron said. “We a couple of young niggas from the hood who got a strip club. You already know them racist ass white people downtown got they eye on us and shit.”

  “I know they do, I know,” Tyrese said.

  Just as Tyrese was about to say more, a girl came to the door, telling him that some dude was out on the floor and was asking for him. Tyrese figured this was probably a dude or somebody he used to know out in the streets. He got up and headed out to the floor.

  Tron went into his office, next to Tyrese’s, and sat down at his desk. He looked around for a few minutes, trying to jog his memory about whatever it was that he didn’t get to do last night because he was too busy dealing with the news anchors and doing police reports. Next thing Tron new, Tyrese came running down the hall and was at his door.

  “Nigga, you got a problem,” Tyrese said.

  Tron looked up. “What the fuck is wrong now?”

  Tyrese smiled, feeling an urge to gloat just a little since his words were coming on the back of Tron’s very same words to him about keeping his hoes in check.

  “Come get your hoes,” Tyrese said.

  “What you talki
n’ bout? Tron asked.

  Tyrese nodded his head. “That bitch you been smashing, out on the south side, and Shawna are both out there right now.”

  Tron jumped up. “Are you fucking serious?” he asked, thinking how this was the last thing he thought that he’d ever hear.

  “Nigga, dead serious.”

  Tron pushed passed Tyrese and hurried out to the floor. As he made his way across the room of men, all clustered around the stage while a girl worked the pole, he wished everything could slow down. He could feel Shawna’s cold eyes barreling down on him, while she looked every level of pissed and stood there in just some jeans, a sweater, and her coat. Desirae, on the other hand, wore a very small coat that hugged her chest and stopped right above her waist. Underneath, Tron could see that she was wearing a white dress that was so tight it looked like it was about to pop from around her hips. Tron had never felt so much tension in his life as he walked up to them.

  “I’ll go ahead and say what I got to say so I can let you get to fuckin’ this thot,” Shawna said.

  Tron started to talk, but knew that there was nothing he could say. He only wanted neither of them to make a scene at this point. On top of all that, he felt like he had the worst luck in the world that they would come up to the club tonight.

  “Bitch, who you callin’ a fuckin’ whore?” Desirae said, not liking the comment that was clearly directed at her.

  Just as Desirae was trying to talk over Shawna, Shawna stepped closer to Tron. No matter what, she wasn’t going to argue and fight with some thot.

  “You gon lie to my face when you been messing with this piece of a bitch for three or four months?” Shawna said.

  Tron was starting to stumble over his words, not really knowing what he could say to get himself out of that situation. He knew he was caught, and he knew that Desirae had been running her mouth for however long the two of them were out there. Deep down, though, he felt furious about it all and at the fact that Desirae would come up to the club.

  “Look, baby, I …” Tron started to say.

  Before he could even finish his sentence, Shawna slapped Tron across the face. “Fuck you, nigga,” she said. “Fuck you and this piece of shit you been over here fucking with.” An angry, bitter tear rolled down her face. “I heard you fuckin’ her when I called today. And as far as I’m concerned, you can go be with that… Go be with your side chick.”

  Already working herself up, Desirae was shaking her head and saying hell naw to standing there and watching another woman just disrespect her like that. Tron was begging Shawna to turn around and come back and talk to him, but she just wasn’t hearing it. In all reality, he knew there was nothing he could say if she’d heard him smashing Desirae. When Shawna was out the door, Tron looked at Desirae with a face that was angrier than Desirae had ever seen.

  “What the fuck did you do, Desirae?” he asked. “Huh, bitch? What the fuck is your problem? What the fuck you do?”

  Desirae shrugged her shoulders as if it all were nothing. “We just had a little chat,” Desirae said. “She brought up calling you or something earlier and hearing us fucking, so I let her know the real deal. She already knew it anyway – that we was getting it in.”

  With balled fists, Tron looked away from her because he was so angry. He didn’t know what he might do. He could tell that Desirae was really hoping for some sort of relationship with him. For a split second, he thought about everything and realized that she was just a hoe and that was all she’d ever be.

  “Get the fuck on somewhere Desirae,” Tron said, really trying his hardest to keep his cool. “You just a hoe, Desirae. Just something to fuck.”

  Desirae looked confused, wondering why Tron was talking to her like that.

  “All you ever was was a fuck – a hoe,” Tron said. “Get the fuck on somewhere before I really say how I feel, you thirsty-ass swallowing bitch.”

  Here, Desirae lost her cool and couldn’t help but get loud. “Say how you feel, huh?” she said. “You was the one telling me you was getting so tired of her, Tron. So, I let her know for you. You should be thanking me.”

  “Bitch, you a piece of work,” Tron said. “Only think I ever thanked you for was swallowing this dick. That’s all you was ever good for.”

  Desirae felt so insulted that she started to jump on Tron, really wanting to give him a piece of her. Within seconds, the guy from behind the bar pulled her off of him as customers out on the floor and the dancers started to notice that something was going on.

  “Fuck you, nigga!” Desirae said as she was being pulled away. “Fuck you, muthafucka. You don’t know what you had in me, Tron. I swear, nigga. You just don’t know.”

  “Get this piece of trash out here,” Tron said.

  Desirae started to swing again, but by now two men had a grip on her and were pulling her out the door of the club. Out in the snowy parking lot, she demanded that they let go of her and she walked to her car.


  A Month Later

  Desirae was salty for a good couple of days after that night at Honeys East. Not only was she mad at him, but she was mad at herself. She had given that man all her time and love and everything in between, whenever he wanted it, only to find out that he would still choose a chick he clearly wasn’t happy with over her. In so many ways, she felt betrayed. She felt stupid, just dumb.

  Desirae didn’t hear from Tron anymore. It wasn’t that she was expecting to either. Within a couple of weeks, even though she was still angry and hurt, she was starting to feel better about it all. Yeah, she was embarrassed and ashamed, but thanks to her girl Reese, she was just going to chalk it up to a learning experience no matter how much it all hurt.

  That all changed last night, however. Now, as Desirae lay on her couch, in her robe, thinking about it all over and over again in her mind, she would have to be reminded of it even more. After missing her period, she went out and bought a home pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant. And the only man who could be the father was Tron. No matter what, she already knew that she would never tell him.

  Desirae rubbed her stomach as she sat in her apartment, quietly thinking about everything and how much her life was going to change. All she did was keep it real for a nigga, and yet again she wound up being the one who was left used and abused. Never in her life had she felt so scorned. She knew that never again in her life would she settle for being a side chick. There was just no way to win.

  Sneak Peek: The Diary of a Side Chick 2

  Keep your enemies close...

  Still reeling from discovering that she's pregnant with Tron's baby, Desirae struggles with how she's going to tell him the truth. After he finally agrees to meet with her, Tron is far from the fairytale father she'd dreamed he would be. As he attempts to convince her to get rid of their child, Desirae's independence grows.

  When Tron's ex-girlfriend confronts Desirae, a verbal argument turns physically, landing both chicks behind bars. Spending time in jail strengthens their female connection as they both learn how manipulative and shady Tron really is. Deciding to take matters into their own hands, together, they try to take down Tron and his cheating ways. But will Desirae find the courage to not only stand up to Tron, but to be more than just a side chick for her unborn child?

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