Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four

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Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four Page 7

by Renee Harless

  She stands at the window an unknown amount of time - seconds, minutes, hours, Cassidy isn’t sure. The world passes her in a blur as life floats by, her mind stuck in rewind playing that one night in September over and over again.

  “Cassidy?” a soft voice questions at the same time a small hand rests on her shoulder.

  The woman startles as Cassidy twirls around in alarm before recognizing Ann beside her.

  “Sorry, I was lost in my own world,”

  “That’s ok,” the woman adds as she smiles brightly. “I’m sorry we’ve kept you waiting so long. Mr. Hoolihan was tied up on a conference call.”

  Francesca gestures for Cassidy to follow her toward the elevator bay as Cassidy replies, “That’s ok. I’m sure he’s a busy man. He didn’t need to sit in.”

  Glancing over her shoulder she adds, “Oh, well he wants to make sure it goes smoothly. Harlan is a bit irate, so I apologize now for his behavior.”

  “Why would you need to apologize?” Cassidy asks as they come to a stop in front of the elevator doors.

  “Well, he has a bit of a temper. He’s always been pleasant to me, but I’ve seen him blow up on some roadies before and it wasn’t pretty.”

  “Hmm,” Cassidy murmurs out loud.

  As the duo step into the elevator bay, Cassidy takes a moment to inspect her attire once more in the mirrored walls. She’s dressed smartly in a blush colored suit highlighted by the white silk camisole hidden beneath the jacket. She glances down at her shoes, the bright red stilettos that always bring her luck wink up at her, and she giggles. Most people are afraid to mix pink and red together, but it has always been Cassidy’s favorite pairing. Finally, she gazes up at her newly dyed blonde hair, very close to resembling her natural color.

  Cassidy barely lasted a month as a brunette before she was scheduling an appointment with her colorist to change it back. She loved the brunette color, it just wasn’t her. Cassidy already felt like she was in the middle of an identity crisis and the change in her appearance added to her confusion when she viewed at herself in the mirror every morning.

  “He’s not that bad,” Ann adds as the car comes to a stop on their floor.

  Chuckling to herself in the hopes of calming her nerves which have seemed to skyrocket as they approach the meeting room, she follows Ann to the door and waits with her as she knocks.

  “I’m not worried,” Cassidy adds just as the door opens with a smiling Max greeting them.

  “Kid, good to see ya,” he exclaims as he reaches out to grasp her non-extended hand, having to brush against Ann to reach her.

  “Same here, Mr. Hoolihan.”

  “Well. Come on in, let me introduce you,” he adds as he tugs her into the room, causing Ann to stumble slightly as she is caught in the interaction.

  “Sorry,” Cassidy mouths to the sweet assistant before turning her eyes to the man slouched over the table. She swears she hears Max speaking, introducing the man before her as Harlan, but the ringing in her ears is boisterous, overpowering, confusing.

  “Theo,” Cassidy whispers in astonishment.

  The man at the table jerks to attention as Max introduces her and he stares at her, through her, in awe and bewilderment.


  A relief unlike any she has ever known washes over her as his deep timbre cascades over her body. Months of longing bring her to this moment of utter rapture, just to gaze at him through her own eyes, not of those from her memories.

  Suddenly, Cassidy feels a sense of nervousness she hasn't experienced before. Her palms begin to sweat and she brushes them against the sides of her suit, hoping to wipe away the moisture.

  "Get out," Theo bellows into the room, startling everyone standing in attendance.

  Cassidy jumps at the exclaim and begins to back out of the room before Theo's words halt her movements.

  "Not you. You stay,” he demands from his perch in his seat as he makes direct eye contact with her, causing Cassidy's insides to melt into a pool of liquid emotions.

  "Now, kid..." Max begins, but Theo narrows his eyes at his manager, emphasizing his desire to clear the room. "Alright, you have thirty minutes. I need this room for another meeting."

  "What are you doing here?" they ask simultaneously, both smiling at each other in exchange, as the room empties out.

  "Well, if you haven't already guessed, I'm Harlan Jax. Did you figure it out? Is that why you're here?” he asks sarcastically as he seems to shrink into himself in disappointment.

  "'re not Theo? You lied to me?" she questions, joining in his disappointment.

  Their stare off lasts for minutes until the pressure of the room becomes too much. Theo moves closer to her, confirmation of her not knowing his identity showing in her eyes, and his need to reassure her evident.

  "Cassidy, I didn't lie to you. Never. Theo is part of my name. My full name is Harlan Theodore Jackson."

  Turning her attention back towards him she witnesses the sincerity in his eyes.

  "Harlan Jax," she smiles. "I bet it is a shock to realize that I have no idea who you are, even if you had the long hair I wouldn't have recognized you. I'm not really into entertainment news. No offense."

  Reaching for her hand closest to him he intertwines his fingers with hers. "Something else we have in common," he adds, but she's too busy focusing on their joined hands.

  The feeling of his palm pressing against hers, something she thought was only a dream, but it is indeed real, and the feeling is just as strong. Harlan...and he's standing before her as sexy as she remembered.

  "So... are you going to tell me what you're doing here?"

  Cassidy takes a deep breath and steels herself as she prepares to share a bit of herself with Harlan; a secret that could break them.

  "I have something I need to tell you."

  ARLAN WATCHES AS SHE takes a deep breath; all while thinking that his memories didn’t do this walking fantasy any justice. She is beautiful, strikingly so, with her hair pulled back from her face, classy attire, and sultry red lips that he wants to taste. And the shoes; Harlan can’t forget those glowing red beacons of lust.

  “I have something I need to tell you,” she whispers as she trains her gaze towards the floor.

  He knew this was all too good to be true. With his celebrity, there has to be some reason why she is here.

  He braces himself for the disappointment, the regret, the despair to wash over him as he waits for her to continue, but he can’t help but stare mesmerized at her ruby colored lips as they gape open and closed as she speaks.

  Harlan finally breaks free from his stupor when Cassidy licks her lips and narrows her eyes towards him.

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?” he inquires, this time making contact with her eyes which seem hesitant and afraid – something he fears he may have put there.

  “I got this job on my own merit. I’m a good designer Theo…er Harlan. The night we met I had just finished my show during New York Fashion Week. So please believe me when I say that I am beyond qualified to create your costumes for this tour.”

  “Ok,” Harlan adds as he strokes her arm with his hand, savoring the feel of her petite frame in his grasp, as relief washes over him.

  “Ryker is my brother, Harlan,” she releases with a quick breath, but gasps when Harlan’s hand clinches around her wrist.

  “Ryker is your what?”

  “He’s my little brother, though he tends to treat me as if he’s older. Look, we make it a point not to tell anyone about our family. They don’t want to be in the spotlight. So please understand that I’m telling you this because I trust you.”

  As Harlan loosens the grip around her arm he stands to his full height and snakes a finger through his cropped hair.

  “Please believe that he had nothing to do with this job. He’s not thrilled about it as it is, but he knows I’m good. I’m sorry, Harlan. I didn’t know who you were when we met.”

  And he b
elieves her as he focuses on her pleading eyes. Hell, he didn’t know who she was that night either and she’s just as famous as he is.

  As the silence grows within the room he watches as Cassidy’s face begins to wilt in shame and regret and an ache in Harlan intensifies as he watches her resign herself to the fact that the entire situation is a mess.

  “Hey,” Harlan says as he tilts her chin up with the knuckle of his hand. “I’ve missed you and haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night. We have a chance here and I have yet to get my fill.” He watches as that fucking tongue that constantly teases him sneaks out to lick her lips at his words. “Do you want to get out of here? Maybe just talk somewhere more private?”

  Her voice, laced in a sultry husk, responds in agreement before she adds, “I’ve missed you too, Harlan.”

  And he’s done for.

  The fact that he’s seeing his fantasy before him with his own eyes, after months of memories, is enough to satisfy him for life. But Harlan is an over achiever after all and he is bound and determined to keep Cassidy in his life…her brother be damned.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as she tightens her grip in his hand, her excitement palpable.

  “I’m afraid if I take you back to my place I won’t be able to control myself. So, we’re heading over to the coffee shop across the street.”

  As the couple steer towards the elevators Ann flags them down causing Cassidy to drop the grasp of his hands as if it scalds her.

  “Where are you headed off to?” Ann inquires.

  “Oh, well...” Cassidy mumbles before Harlan interrupts.

  “We’re going to get coffee. The measurements are finished and she’ll email you the final designs.”

  “Oh…” Ann whispers as she stares back and forth between him and Cassidy.

  “You’re just getting coffee?” she asks as she cocks a thinly tweezed eyebrow.

  “Yes,” Cassidy adds, coming into herself. “I missed breakfast and Harlan was on his way out and suggested a place nearby.”

  As the elevator opens, the trio steps inside, filling the car with a mix of excitement, lust, and anxiety. The last two confusing Harlan as Ann steps up next to him, causing Cassidy to have to stand in front.

  The silence expands and Harlan works to ignore the stare penetrating the left side of his face from Ann; who until this very moment had only ever been pleasant to him. The lust combined with hostility is a bit unnerving.

  Finally, the car doors open and Harlan steps closer to Cassidy, clasping a hand around her elbow and ushering her from the elevator as quickly as he can without making a scene. Ann waves politely to Cassidy as she steps in the opposite direction, but Cassidy misses the gesture as she has her eyes trained on the ground.

  Before Harlan can lead her through the over-sized glass doors she tugs him back with a jerk of her arm.

  “Harlan,” she whispers as she glances nervously around the almost empty room where the lone receptionist sits. “I don’t think we should tell Ryker about this, or anyone for that matter. I like my life private and I want it to stay that way.”

  “I understand about the private part, but I know your brother and he isn’t going to be thrilled to be left in the dark.”

  “He’ll be less thrilled to find out we’re doing this,” she gestures with her hands swiping the air between their two bodies. “Whatever this is or was.”

  Harlan considers her side for a moment and feels his fingers twitch mercilessly against his leg, itching to touch her.

  “Fine. When we’re out in public it’s all business,” he implies as he inches closer towards her, letting her sweet scent encompass them. Leaning down he presses his lips to the edge of her ear. “But make no mistake. When we’re alone I will have you again.”

  Cassidy jerks her head upwards and glares at him in shock.

  “What makes you so sure?” she whispers, almost in question to herself.

  Harlan reaches up with his hand closest towards the wall, where prying eyes passing through would be unable to see, and wraps it gently around the side of her neck in a sensual manner.

  “Sweet sweet, Cassidy. I can smell you from here. You’re turned on and excited. I bet you taste just as good as I remember.”

  Cassidy just stares at him wide-eyed, no need to confirm or deny her feelings at the moment, her eyes say it all. She wants him, badly.

  Removing her from his encapsulated hold, he reaches across and opens the door leading them out into the world.

  As in typical fashion, paparazzi swarm outside the record company building, all hoping to catch a sight of someone famous, someone like him.

  Of course, when Harlan had asked her to coffee he had forgotten about the vultures waiting outdoors, luckily security continuously stands guard outside the building’s entrance helping him to usher Cassidy into a taxi first.

  Harlan closes her door and leans down to speak to the driver through his window. He asks him to drive for about ten minutes before dropping Cassidy off at Mama Lou’s and then hands the man a hundred-dollar bill.

  “I expect this to stay with you. If I find any of those paps following her there, you can and will lose your job. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mr. Jax.”

  Harlan turns his attention back through the window to where Cassidy sits idly.

  “I’ll be seeing you shortly.”

  With a sense of confidence, she had yet to show towards him, she replies, “You can count on it.”

  ASSIDY STARES UP AT the small metal sign tacked to the edge of the building gesturing for her to proceed down the alley-way. She glances back at the cab, patiently waiting for her to turn the corner, and sends a nervous smile in the driver’s direction. Cassidy inhales a deep breath and moves towards the red steel door along the dark and dingy brick. The shadows encompass the alley, sending shivers down Cassidy’s spine as she steps away from the light.

  Above the door hangs a sign similar to the one around the corner reading “Mama Lou’s”. The sound of scurrying echoes from down the alley and Cassidy jumps in a bit of fear and tugs against the door handle to enter the building.

  What greets her when she opens the door surprises her more than the sound outside. Warmth. Coziness. Home. That’s all Cassidy can think as she glances around the small space. Couches and bistro tables sit scattered across weathered hardwood floors. A small crowd hovers in the corner as they watch in rapture as a young man strums on his guitar. She recognizes the man instantly as an up and coming singer and web star.

  “Hey, sugar,” a scratchy voice calls from around her shoulder. “What can I get ya?”

  “Oh, um…I’m not sure. What would you recommend?” Cassidy asks as she glances around the space for a menu that seems to be nonexistent.

  The large, elderly, dark-skinned woman scoots around Cassidy and props her hip against a sturdy wooden table that houses a register and some containers filled with sugar and milk.

  “Well, first, are you here for breakfast or lunch?”

  “Breakfast I’d say. It’s my favorite meal,” Cassidy says with a small grin and she feels it grow as the older woman returns her smile.

  “Mine too. You look bright-eyed enough, so let’s get you a decaf coffee and a plate of French Toast. You go find yourself a seat and I’ll bring it to you when it’s done.”

  “Thank you…” Cassidy starts but levels off her voice hoping that the woman offers her name.

  “Mama Lou here, Miss Cassidy.”

  Cassidy’s mouth opens wide in shock as her hand places itself on her chest out of its own volition.

  “How did you know who I am? Did Harlan call you?”

  “Oh, sugar. I’m a big fan of your clothes. I love how you design for bigger ladies like me; well glory-be, I think these jeans I’m wearing are yours,” the woman adds as she tilts her hips forward and around trying to glance at her own bottom.

  Cassidy takes a glance at the pockets and notices the small C in the bottom corner, marking her
brand, and smiles.

  “Yes, those are indeed mine. I’m glad you like them.”

  “And you asked about, Harlan? Is he joining you? Such a sweet boy that one,” Mama Lou adds smiling saucily as if she knows a secret.

  But for Cassidy she has a hard time picturing the soft sweet boy that Mama Lou obviously knows. To Cassidy, Harlan is a dark mysterious man with secrets and a man whose eyes show that of a hunter, cunning and suave. A Predator. And boy did she want to be his prey.

  “Now, we get celebrities here all the time, since we don’t let those awful photo-people in,” Mama Lou adds. “But that Harlan? Shoot, he is a good one. When we lost power back around Christmas that boy came right over and helped me start that generator.”

  Cassidy smiles warmly as the woman hero worships Harlan. At first, she had been a bit nervous to join him, using her fake confidence technique to hide her nerves when he leaned into the taxi, but now she is truly excited to learn more about the man she left high and dry last fall.

  Mama Lou pats Cassidy on her shoulder and then turns around to make her way back to the kitchen while Cassidy goes in search of a secluded area for her and Harlan to sit.

  Do I pick the couch so that we have to sit next to each other? Or do I pick a table so that I can look at him? Cassidy thinks to herself.

  Remembering that she has a plate of food coming Cassidy nixes the idea of the couch and heads towards one of the bistro tables in the far corner, a pendant light hanging from the ceiling casting the table in a warm glow.

  She tucks herself into the chair allowing her to face the door and places her clutch and notebook on the edge of the table. As she waits, she scans the wall next to her, glancing at the homey pictures of Mama Lou and her family, front and center. A feeling of homesickness washes over Cassidy and a tinge of joy flickers when she remembers that her sister’s bakery is opening the new extension this weekend. She has completely forgotten the occasion, her costume deadline a bit more urgent in Cassidy’s world, but if Harlan can get his fittings complete she can go home to surprise her family.

  Smiling down at the table, Cassidy startles once more, which seems to be a common occurrence this day, as Harlan says, “What has you smiling like that, sweetheart?”


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