What to Do With a Bad Boy

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What to Do With a Bad Boy Page 24

by Marie Harte

  “Shit, Del. I wish you could see this. You’re amazing. So hot.”

  She moaned around him, and he knew if he didn’t do something fast, he’d come down her throat.

  He withdrew in a hurry and settled over her. Then he removed her blindfold and her wrist restraints, but held on to her wrists, wanting to reinforce that he was on top. “Watch me while I enter you.”

  She stared into his eyes, her diamond-bright gaze glowing in the shadows. “Do it.”

  With one hand, he positioned himself at her entrance, then pushed forward.

  They stared at each other while he moved, and the slick glide inside her felt like heaven.

  “Mike, you feel so good.”

  “Yeah, honey. So fucking good.” He thrust all the way inside, sweat beading on his forehead, fighting the urge to hammer inside her until he climaxed.

  “God. You’re so big.” She squirmed, and he swore, gripping her wrists tightly. Her breasts mashed against his chest, her sultry mouth needing to be filled, her scent…

  Lightheaded with lust and no longer able to wait, he withdrew and slammed home.

  She cried out, begging for more, and he did it again.

  And again. Fucking her, loving her, while they moved in harmony. He’d never experienced such erotic bliss—especially when he took her mouth and ground against her clit. She clamped down on him, and he felt her orgasm like an electric glove around his cock.

  He pulled back from the kiss to finish, watching her climax while he rode through it.

  “Fuck, Del. Oh fuck,” he groaned as he thrust once more and lost it. He shattered, his climax incredibly powerful. Knowing he filled her and not a condom increased his excitement, and it took him a while before he had the capacity to think.

  Finally finished, he let go of her wrists and leaned up on his elbows, then bent down to kiss the smile from her lips.

  Passionate yet comforting, the kiss summed up exactly how he felt about Del. He wanted to fuck her, make love to her, argue with and comfort her. All in the same breath. But he didn’t want to think about the future or emotional nonsense. Not right now, when he could bask in the feel of her. Loving being a part of her.

  “That was amazing,” she said on a sigh and she put her arms around him, her small but rough hands stroking his back.

  “Yeah, amazing.” He kissed her again. “I should spank you for making me use condoms before. Holy fuck. Now I know where the term ‘bust a nut’ comes from.”

  Del snickered, the mean little laugh stroking love and lust from him in equal measures. “That’s what I love about being with you, Mike. The incredibly romantic pillow talk.”

  “Hey, I lit candles for you.”

  “You did.” She ran her jagged little nails up his spine, and he moaned with contentment. “So what’s with the gummy bears?”

  “Oh. Well, those were for Colin’s sleepover but he forgot them. The ice cream spoon too.”

  “And the chocolate.”

  He smiled. “No, baby. That’s for us. I have this fantasy about drizzling it all over your tits and licking it off, slowly.”

  “My tits, huh?” She licked her lips, and he wished he wasn’t so drained that he couldn’t make love to her all over again right now. “I was thinking more like your cock. You know I have a sweet tooth.”

  “Hell.” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers for a moment. “Now I’ll never get that image out of my head until we do it. I’m gonna need some time to recover though. I mean, I kind of lost my head with you.”

  “You made me beg, you big jerk. I came so hard I’ll be walking funny tomorrow.” She dug her hands into his hair and pulled his head back, then nipped his throat.

  Damn if his cock didn’t stir.

  “Del, be nice.”

  “You want nice from me?”

  “Well, only if your mouth is around my cock. Remember, it’s not a chew toy.”

  She grinned. “I’ll do my best.”

  He forced himself to move off her and removed her ankle restraints. “Best night ever. Just sayin’.”

  She crooked her finger and he joined her again on the bed, cleaning her up with a rag he’d set on the bed stand. After he finished, she rolled them over and slid down his body.

  “Del, seriously. I’m spent. I need a little rest…” He just stared as she took his limp cock in her mouth and started bringing him back to life.

  She paused with a wicked grin. “You can dish it out but can’t take it, hmm? Three for me? The least you can do is two.” Orgasms.

  And damn if his body wasn’t willing to work with her. Especially when she left him and came back with the chocolate syrup.


  Sunday’s barbecue looked like something out of a magazine, Beth thought with pride as she surveyed the festivities. Her sons had arrived with their fiancées. Brian attended solo, waiting for Colin, while his parents took his older brother to a baseball game. Nadine and Grace smiled and laughed with Noah, who stuck close to his mother. And her husband tended the grill with that blustery sense of humor that had captivated her over thirty-six years ago and still made her laugh.

  She joined him, pleased when her boys tossed around a football, including Noah and Brian.

  James shook his head at her. “Woman, why can’t you leave well enough alone?”

  Surprised at the criticism, because since their marital troubles and counseling, James had been beyond considerate, she stared. “What?”

  He nodded to Grace. “That. You know Mike isn’t having her. He found someone else. Accept it, honey.”

  “Why? Because he’s infatuated with someone different from his usual type? I admit, the fact that he’s openly admitting he has a girlfriend is a step in the right direction. But Del Webster?”

  “So is it that she’s a mechanic, has tats, or that she’s the first woman Mike’s been truly interested in since Lea that has your back up?” He flipped a few burgers and watched her, his dark blue gaze unblinking.

  Beth thought about it. “A little of all three, I think. Del comes from a good man. I love Liam.” At her husband’s growl, she amended, “I mean, I love him as a friend. Oh hush. He’s a kind man, and I know you’ve talked to him a few times.”

  “Maybe I have. Your car was making some odd sounds, and I figured I’d ask him what he thought.”


  His lips quirked. “The brake pads need replacing, and he’s not in love with you. We’re good.”

  “Yes, we are.” She kissed him. “Best thing that man ever did for me was agree to go to coffee. Got you to see what an ass you were making of yourself.”

  “We were talking about Del…”

  She shoved down her laughter. Her husband’s jealousy had shown her he still cared, and it had shown him that his wife was attractive enough to get another man’s attention. “Maybe I want to see how Del reacts if Grace is around.”

  “Beth.” He sounded disappointed. “You’ve never been one to play games. What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. James, I like Nadine.”

  “I know you do. I like her too. She’s a great neighbor.”

  “Yes, and her daughter is a nice person needing a fresh start. What’s so wrong with her and Mike going out?”

  “Nothing, as long as you discount the fact that Mike doesn’t love her. Hell, I don’t even think he likes her.”

  “And he loves Del?” She huffed. “That boy is stubborn, like his father. He has it in his head that McCauleys only love once. Bullshit.”

  “I love when you swear.”

  “You’ll be hearing it a lot then, because it’s time your son and I had a talk. He can’t avoid me forever.” Though he’d been trying. “I only want him to be happy.”

  “Then stop trying to set him up with another Lea. Let him make his choice.”

  Mike, Colin, and Del arrived together. To her bemusement, they looked like a family. Colin held Del’s hand, his face turned up to her while he spoke and she smiled down at
his answer. To Beth’s surprise and discerning eye, Del seemed to honestly enjoy Colin’s company. She’d seen her share of women try to charm her grandson to get into Mike’s good graces.

  Her gaze drifted back to Nadine and Grace, wondering if what the girls had mentioned was true. They’d filled her ear with nonsense about Grace being a passive-aggressive minx. Well, Vanessa had used the term bitch, but Beth didn’t like the word.

  Beth didn’t know what to do anymore. She liked Grace, mostly because the girl reminded her of Lea. Soft-spoken, sweet, pretty. And a wonderful mother to Noah…who again tried to smack Brody’s dog with a stick. Might want to use that stick against his backside. She looked to Nadine, who spoke sharply with the boy. Then Grace was there, hugging him.

  Frowning, Beth watched Grace take in the scene of Mike with Del. She didn’t seem pleased.

  “Look alive. Boy’s coming this way,” James murmured and rotated the hot dogs.

  Colin darted away from Del to join the football toss. Del seemed to stiffen as they drew closer. That attitude would need to go, Beth thought as she deliberately relaxed and offered a wide smile.

  Mike reached her first and hugged her.

  “Put me down,” she squeaked as her once-little boy, now a huge man, pulled her off her feet.

  He laughed. “Hi, Mom. Dad.” He took the soft blow James gave to his back without flinching. “You guys know Del.” He paused and put an arm around her shoulders. “My girlfriend.”

  James grinned. “And a pretty one at that. We McCauleys sure know how to pick ’em, eh?”

  Beth noted Del’s shy smile with astonishment. Never would have imagined the girl had a quiet side to her. Thinking maybe she’d be better off to observe and shelve her assumptions, she did her best to welcome the girl. “Hello, Del. Glad you could come. How’s your dad?” A safe enough subject.

  Del smiled. She wore a small silver loop in her eyebrow and a diamond stud in her nose, had a short-sleeved purple T-shirt that showcased her colorful arms, and wore jeans and black boots. She’d done her ash-blond hair in a set of tight braids and looped them together in what should have been a mess but on Del looked fashionable. “Dad’s just fine. I think he’s got a new girlfriend.”

  “Thank God,” James muttered.

  “Dad.” Mike frowned.

  Del laughed. “Don’t worry, James. Dad’s too busy with work and his new lady friend to cause you any trouble.”

  “What’s he got going at work?”

  Del discussed a new client and some engine for a classic car they were rebuilding. Mike, Beth noted, smiled and looked on proudly. He wasn’t putting on a show either. He genuinely liked the girl. Beth grew a little worried. It was one thing for Mike to fool around with someone she wasn’t sure suited him, but another if he started falling for her.

  Then Grace approached.

  “Oh boy,” James said under his breath.

  Mike nudged Del. “Why don’t you go say hey to Vanessa before her arm breaks off. She’s waving.”

  “I see that.” Del sounded amused. “Fine. Don’t worry. I won’t rip her head off. No blood in front of the boys.”

  Del walked away, and Beth realized she’d been talking about ripping off Grace’s head. “Mike, really.”

  “What, Mom?”

  “Beth,” James cautioned.

  He had a point. But she’d darn well talk to her son later, in private.

  “Nothing. Enjoy. I’m going to get the pie out. Hey, Grace, why don’t you come help me?”

  “Sure, Beth.” Grace smiled. Such a nice girl.

  Beth went into the house, prepared to wait to talk to her son. She was determined to get to the bottom of Mike’s fixation with that Del Webster once and for all.


  Mike let out a breath. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “No, son. Thank you. About time you dealt with your mother about this bullshit so I don’t have to hear about it anymore.”

  He groaned. “Throw me to the wolves why don’t you?”

  James chuckled. “Boy, I know when to fight the battles that matter. Sticking up for your sorry ass is ridiculous. You’re thirty-four. Act like it. Talk to your mother.” He paused. “You know, I never did think you and Grace would be a match. No way my boy could be attracted to a girl like that. Sure she’s pretty. But way too agreeable.”

  They stood together over the grill while Mike thought about what his father had said. An odd notion struck him. “I thought she was a little like Lea.”

  “Well, a little, I guess. But Lea wasn’t all that agreeable, was she? I remember you two had some whoppers of fights.”

  Mike smiled. “We did at that.” He and Lea hadn’t been perfect. They’d been in love.

  They watched Flynn toss a football that hit Colin in the head. Good thing they were using a foam ball.

  “Now that’s just sad,” his father said loudly. “Boy has hands like Cam.”

  “I heard that, old man,” Cam shouted. “And it’s more like he’s a chip off the old block.”

  It took a minute for that to sink in. “Hey.” Mike glared at his brothers. “I played linebacker, not receiver. Want me to show you?”

  “Yeah, Cam. Let him show you,” Brody taunted, then went down when Cam tackled him. Colin and Brian piled on, and the game devolved into a tickle fest when Flynn joined in.

  “Boys.” His father grinned.

  Mike noted Del hanging with the girls but didn’t like the fact that his mother had once again taken Grace under her wing. He had a feeling he’d have to have a sit-down with her before too long. This need to fix him up with Grace Meadows had gotten on his last friggin’ nerve.

  “Grab me that plate.” His father nodded to the large platter on the table near the grill. “I like your new girlfriend, by the way.” He laid hamburger patties on the plate, then followed with hot dogs. “She won’t take your shit.”

  “I know.”

  His father nodded. “How serious are you two?”

  “We’re not. Just having fun together. No biggie.”

  “Son, for you, a declaration is a biggie. You’ve pretty much announced that she belongs to you, and you to her. Don’t fuck it up.”

  “Great advice, Dad. Thanks.”

  Before his father could smack him in the head, Mike took the platter and set it on the center picnic table next to the potato salad, the beans, mac n’ cheese, and salad. One thing he could say for his parents—they knew how to throw a backyard picnic like nobody’s business.

  A glance at Del showed her laughing at something Maddie was saying, and he smiled, liking the way she fit in to his family.

  “Hey, Dad. Think quick.”

  He looked up in time to duck the ball aimed directly at his head. “Colin.”

  “It was Uncle Flynn, Dad. You said he throws like a girl.”

  When Del glared over at the boy, he shrugged. “Sorry, but that’s what he said.”

  “Nice, Mike.” Del gave him a disgusted look. “Hell. Even I can throw better than you idiots.”

  “Yeah? Put your money where your mouth is, Nancy,” Brody sneered.

  When Del stood, he hid behind Flynn. “Help, Abby! The mean lady is coming to get me.”

  Abby laughed. “Put up or shut up, Brody.”

  Del rubbed her hands together with glee. “Okay. Let’s have a contest. Girls against the boys.”

  Half an hour later, while everyone waited for Mike to take the last throw, aiming for the old throw pocket net his father had dragged out of the garage, he readied to win.

  Del approached from the side.

  “Hey, no tampering with our guy,” Flynn complained.

  “Shh. She’s allowed,” Maddie argued. “You did it to me.”

  “That was nothing. I was scared for you to break a nail. You did just get them done, honey.”


  “Hey,” Mike barked. “I’m trying to throw here.”

  He saw Nadine laughing with his mother. His father waited next to them, h
is arms crossed, and nodded to the net. “You don’t win, you’re no longer a McCauley.”

  “Come on, Dad.” Colin seemed anxious. “You have to win.”

  “Thanks so much.” Mike glared at his father. Then he lowered his throwing arm and dragged Del closer. “What?”

  “Just going to wish you good luck…Nancy.”

  James laughed. “Oh, nicely played.”

  Mike looked into her laughing eyes. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She smirked at him.

  So he did the only thing he could think of to shut her up. He kissed her. Not an innocent, quick peck, but a deep kiss with tongue and fire.

  Whistles and shouts sounded behind them, and Del finally pushed him away.

  “Good luck,” she rasped. “Doubt your arm’s steady after that.” Damn if she didn’t saunter back to the girls’ table looking smug.

  Vanessa high-fived her. “That’s the way you play. To win.”

  It had been his idea to kiss her. Whatever. He calmed himself, took aim, and threw right through the center hole into the net.

  That’s when Cam started singing Queen’s “We Are the Champions.” Brody and Flynn chimed in, and his father couldn’t stop pumping his hand in the air in victory.

  Del laughed along with them. “Lucky throw. You want my take, it was my kiss that saved him.”

  He noted Grace and Noah coming back out of the house. They’d been gone for a while, and he assumed the kid had a bellyache from all the cupcakes he’d been wolfing down when his mother and grandmother hadn’t been looking.

  “What did I miss?” she asked.

  “My son is the new champion of backyard football, apparently,” Beth said while rolling her eyes. “Hurray.”

  Grace blinked. “Oh?”

  “It’s time all you women bowed to me and all the men in this yard. For we are the champions.” He started singing with them, and Grace just watched him in confusion. Del flipped him the bird when the kids weren’t watching.

  And that is why I’m with her. That finger…and that kiss.

  Chapter 19

  As the party wound down, Mike helped his father clean up. Colin and Brian had had a blast. Noah, as usual, hadn’t listened to Grace or Nadine. So after vomiting up his cupcakes after his bellyache, he’d gone home with his mother and grandmother to feel better.


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