Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy)

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Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy) Page 11

by Leeland Artra

  Three-on-one combat was different and took a lot of getting used to. Ditani had to be corrected many times. Then it was Lebuin’s turn in the hot spot. He kept losing track of at least one of them, until a sword slapped him someplace. After a rather painful rib slap, he held up his hand. “I surrender for today. I’ll get it, but not this minute. Also, I am getting tired. Lunch anyone?” Illa and Ticca chuckled, but relented.

  Ticca sheathed her sword and dagger. “I think we make a pretty good team.”

  Ditani measured the light. “Well, it is well past noon. I assume we are going to stay here another night?”

  Illa and Ticca both looked up, surprised. Ticca laughed. “I was having so much fun, I lost track of time.” Illa nodded in agreement.

  “I don’t see any reason to rush back to town today.”

  Ticca was about to agree with him when her face changed to a worried look.


  Ticca’s eyes flashed to the tree line, and she pulled her sword and dagger. Illa cued from her and turned the same way, holding the knives Ticca had given her, at the ready.

  Ditani and Lebuin took a moment longer to register something was happening before they drew and stepped up next to Ticca. She was scanning the woods. Softly, she said, “Someone is coming. Circle up and be ready.”

  According to the marks on Elades’ saddle, they had been following the new trail for a day and a half when Duke stopped suddenly and went on point, like a hunting dog. He signaled, and all the Daggers slipped off their horses and moved up around Duke, like ghosts. Looking over, he noticed Nigan was practically invisible behind some grass, as he moved up. Okay, you win. That outfit does blend well.

  Duke sniffed the air and then moved forward slowly. Alpha Squad fanned out, making a firm line. A third of the squad took the horses and provided rear guard. Picking every step carefully, Elades moved up behind, and to the side of, Duke. He heard an almost inaudible, low growl, which made him draw his sword and dagger. All of the squad followed his lead. Duke lowered himself so he was almost on the ground, his hind legs poised to leap. In the hunting crouch, Duke pushed his head past some deep grass.

  Elades could make out through the brush an open area, and on top of a small hill, stood some figures with weapons out in a defensive circle. No one moved for what felt like a long time. Finally, a female voice called out authoritatively.

  “Whoever you are, we know you’re there. Come on out. If I have to come in there and get you, you won’t like the results.”

  A male voice laughed. “She’s not kidding—she’s dangerous, even when she isn’t grumpy. But when she gets mad, you don’t want to be on the receiving end.”

  Nigan motioned to him. He looked over and Nigan signaled that that was Ticca and Lebuin. He relaxed slightly. False alarm. He said to Duke, “Sir, Nigan confirms it is Ticca and Lebuin.”

  Duke growled in response, and moved forward, into the open like he was ready to kill.

  Something is wrong. All right, let’s do this by the rules. He signaled for half to remain hidden and the other half to advance on his lead, ready for a fight. Then he turned and stepped out into the open space, behind and slightly to the left of Duke, to make sure he had full maneuvering room. Thirteen other Daggers stepped out with him, all on the ready.

  He recognized Ticca, as well as Lebuin and Ditani, from the descriptions he had. The fourth member of their group was someone he didn’t know. She stood next to Ticca, facing them. Her tunic had a cut across the belly, as if she had been in a fight, and there was a bloody line on her skin underneath. Both Ticca and the other lady had been in a recent fight. Then he spotted what had Duke on edge. The new lady had a pair of odassi tucked in her belt, although she was holding two normal-looking, long, fighting knives in her hands. She’s a Nhia-Samri, but she is standing with Ticca and Lebuin. Could we have another traitor?

  Duke’s ears were back, flat against his skull. “Who is that with you, Ticca?”

  Ticca looked them over and nodded in recognition of a few Daggers. Ticca’s eyes locked on Elades’. “Hey Elades, you were the back-up at the West Gate. Thanks.” Ticca didn’t drop the ready stance, and looked back at Duke. “She is with us. If you have a problem with this, you can move along. Or you can try to take us, if you want.”

  Duke was not fazed or impressed with the bravado. “She carries true odassi, making her a Nhia-Samri, and right now, I am hunting Nhia-Samri. So step away and let me take care of her.”

  Lebuin and Ditani were concentrating on covering Ticca’s back from attack and didn’t look over. But still, Lebuin spoke, “Duke, she is not a Nhia-Samri. Those are not what you think.”

  Duke moved forward, and Ticca shifted to face him. The other three shifted as well, remaining in the defensive circle. Now that is a good team. They are not relaxing, nor letting themselves be surprised from behind. I thought Lebuin was a new Journeyman mage and Ditani was a servant. But they are moving and acting like experienced Daggers. What the hell is going on?

  Ticca shook her head. “You’ll have to go through me. She is under my command.”

  Duke’s ears snapped up and pointed at Ticca in surprise. “What do you mean, under your command?”

  Lebuin took exception, too, because he asked the exact same thing at the same time.

  The other woman with Ticca looked amused.

  Ticca, in a completely serious tone, said, “I am Lebuin’s general, and he placed her under my command.”

  Elades felt like laughing, except Ticca’s tone made it clear she wasn’t joking. Lebuin also took it seriously. “Oh yeah. Sorry, General Ticca. It’s been a busy day.”

  This was almost too much for Elades, as he felt they were making some kind of joke, and he found it funny. Duke, on the other hand, didn’t laugh, but he straightened up. “Listen here, you little whelp, and you, too, Ticca. I don’t care if you’re a God; I am a field marshal and Supreme Commander of the Alliance. I order you three to stand down and let me at this Nhia-Samri.”

  Ticca smiled wickedly and was trying not to laugh. Duke’s ears drew back as he growled and advanced. “I’m not playing games.”

  Ticca looked at Duke. “Duke, stop. You have no idea how wrong you are.”

  Duke obeyed. He straightened up and sat down, pointing both his ears straight at Ticca. “Okay, Ticca. Who the hell is she, please?”

  Why is Duke obeying orders and being polite? For the hundredth time in the last cycle, he found himself asking, Who is Ticca?

  Ticca looked at Duke for a second and then relaxed. “Well, this is where you are not going to believe us.” She straightened, spinning both her knife and sword as she sheathed them. “Duke of Greyrhan, Lord of Aelargo, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armies of Duianna, allow me to present to you Lady Runa-Illa, High Priestess and First Disciple of Lebuin.”

  Duke’s mouth dropped open and a gurgling sound came out.

  What did we walk into? I’m with Duke on this. That sounded formal, and it made Lebuin sound like a God.

  Duke shook his head as if trying to wake up. “Are you crazy? Lebuin isn’t a God. You must have taken a blow to the head, or something.”

  Lebuin sheathed his weapons and stepped over next to Runa-Illa, putting a hand on her shoulder. Runa-Illa straightened up and slipped the two knives into her belt without any sheaths. She bowed to Duke. “I am pleased to meet the great Duke, Lord of Aelargo.”

  Duke started to nod his head in response, then stopped. “You really think you are a high priestess? Lebuin, please tell her you not a God.”

  Lebuin stood proudly. “Sorry, Your Excellency. I am what I am, and she is my high priestess.”

  Duke looked around, then back at the four on the hill. He considered the possibilities. Duke looked at Ticca, then looked back at Lebuin. “So you are saying you’re not a Journeyman mage, but a God?”

  Ditani stepped up and put his hand on Lebuin’s shoulder, stopping him from the reply he was about to make. “Your Excellency, my deepest apologi
es. I should have done this right away. However, the situation was … tense. Duke of Greyrhan, Lord of Aelargo, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armies of Duianna and Daggers all, please recognize me, Ditani, Speaker of the Tribes of Kiliua-ona, and allow me to present to you Lord Lebuin of House Caerni, Journeyman of the Guild of Argos, son of Lord Waylen Caerni and Lady Alia Caerni, Grandson of All-Father Argos and Lothia the Raven of Karakia. Hail, Lord Lebuin!”

  Some of the Daggers reacted to the temple phrasing, and called out together, “Hail, Lord Lebuin!” A few had the decency to look embarrassed afterwards, but still others stood proudly of their acknowledgement of Lebuin as a God.

  Many thoughts warred for Elades’ attention. That was too formal. I have heard of the tribes of Kiliua-ona. It is said they answer directly to Lothia. Sheathing one of his knives, he absent-mindedly ran his hand over his head and through his greying brown hair. Wiping his forehead on his sleeve, he tried to take in Lebuin as a God, and was having some problem with the idea of a God looking like an ordinary man who has been camping in the woods.

  Duke stood and took a step backward, almost running into Elades, and raising his right front paw in surprise. “That is a false claim. Alia is in the west. If you really want to play this game, you will regret it.” Duke sat down, his tail brushing Elades’ leg. He raised his head, and then made a howling call that was musical, but not loud. A strange vibration ran through Elades’ body as the sound of Duke’s call washed over him like a wave. He had the distinct impression of Duke’s call retreating off into the woods, like a bird flying away.

  What the hell was that? Lords and Ladies, please keep this normal! At least, this has moved to a talking match. He sheathed his dagger and the other Daggers followed his lead. They collapsed into a rough line centered on him and fanning out from Duke, facing the four on the top of the hill, who were also standing in a line facing them.

  Duke looked around and then called out, “The rest of Alpha can come out and witness the fun.”

  The others came out of the woods and lined up. Lebuin’s face lit up when he saw Nigan and Risy. “Hello you two, glad you made it through.” Nigan and Risy laughed and nodded back. Nigan was looking all around with his usual grin, taking in the world like a man enjoying an excellent wine. Risy, however, seemed to be looking at only Ticca, with a grin on his face.

  Boadua stepped up next to Elades and warned him. “You might want to step away from Duke.”

  He looked at Boadua. “Why?”

  “He is about to get a big shock,” Boadua said mysteriously, and then stepped a good distance away. He decided a warning was always welcome. Even if not right, it would be stupid to not trust her. She was gazing on Lebuin with a kind of spiritual light in her eyes. Oh, Lady, please. I hate dealing with religious types. Taking her advice, Elades moved out from behind Duke, giving the old wolf six feet of clearance. The other Daggers shifted around him, doing the same.

  A huge black bird flew out of the forest from the south and circled the scene, cawing. Duke looked up at it with his mouth open, and he jumped backward. If Elades had stayed where he had been standing, he would have been bowled over by Duke.

  Now, how the hell did she know that was going to happen? Glancing at Boadua, he saw she was standing facing the coming raven with her open hands out, palms up, and her eyes were tearing.

  The raven circled the area twice, then drifted down to land, facing Duke; but instead of landing, at six feet off the ground, it started to shimmer and elongated to almost touch the ground. Boadua fell to her knees, eyes locked on the shimmering form.

  Instead of a raven, a tall woman with long, straight, black hair that fell to her waist stood in front of Duke. She wore a triangular parka-like top made of an animal hide, which was embroidered with thousands of beads of many colors. The beads formed the silhouette of a raven against a full moon in the center of her breast. There was a shimmering quality to the woman, and the feathers in her head dress didn’t settle down. Instead, they floated.

  Elades knew that for the first time in his life, he was before a true Goddess. It took no thought to identify the Goddess as Lothia the Raven, wife of the All-Father Argos. He felt her presence as much as he saw her. He fell to his knees as his mind, soul, and voice as one screamed, “Hail, Lady Lothia.” The Daggers that hadn’t done the same echoed those who had, and followed him to their knees.

  The legends of Duke are not exaggerated—he can call on the very Gods. But I never dreamed he could call upon the wife of the All-Father!

  Unashamed, Elades looked upon Lothia, burning her beautiful image into his mind. She wore an almost scandalous, side-split, brown, soft leather skirt that fell to her knees, which was also embroidered with bright beads in a peculiar pattern. Her toned legs and feet were bare, except for a white fur anklet decorated with two floating black feathers, and tied by a blue beaded leather strap on her right leg. Her top was held in place by a leather belt from which a single long, double-edged blade in an open sheath hung on her right and an embroidered buckskin pouch on her left. Her hair was held back from her face by a silver hair clasp on the left side, from which half a dozen raven feathers decorated with silver beads on leather pulls gently floated. Her skin was red tan and her eyes were the blue of deep water with oversized pupils. I really must visit Karakia. I have heard all the women there mimic her in dress style. It must never get too cold.

  Duke bowed to her. Only Ticca, Lebuin, Ditani, Runa-Illa, and Duke remained standing.

  “Duke, it has been so long. I am pleased to see you now.” She stepped up and gave Duke a hug.

  Duke closed his mouth, and when she let go, stepping back even more, he shook his head to look at her. “I didn’t call you, Lothia. Even if I had, that was too fast. What is going on?”

  Instead of answering him directly, she turned, looking over the Daggers present. “You are all fine Daggers and should be proud of the record of your actions. I am pleased you are here to witness this.”

  Turning again, she appeared to walk up the hill, but reached the top in only a few steps. She faced Ditani. “Kiotiaditani, my son, it has been over three hundred years since we last met. You have done well.”

  Ditani is Kiotiaditani, the son of Lothia! Oh, thank the Ladies and Lords, we didn’t attack. I’ve heard he tries to avoid fighting, but is a vicious fighter, inhumanly strong and fast.

  Ditani smiled. “Hello, Mother. I am pleased to see you.”

  Duke made a strangling noise at the initial exchange. Ditani—or Kiotiaditani—and Lothia hugged each other long. “Mother, Magus Vestul is…”

  “I know, my son. In time, we will meet in your asi, smoke the ritual pipe, and share our stories.”

  Ditani looked down. “Mother, I have lost what should not have been lost. I cannot return to my asi.”

  Even though Lothia’s back was to him, he knew her smile never faded. Lothia’s hands raised to brush back Ditani’s hair over his ears. When her hands finished, he was wearing a Karakian head piece of raven feathers decorated with bright beads. “No, my son.” Lothia pulled the air, and in her hand, was a leather pack decorated with beads. “I took these from your home with Vestul before the fire reached them.”

  She was here for the fire that burned Magus Vestul’s home. Now, I see why Duke is suspicious. Karakia is thousands of miles over the mountains to the south. Why is Lothia here? Elades’ attention was pulled back by Ditani choking before taking the pack and saying, “thank you,” along with some words he didn’t understand, in a deep, guttural yet musical language.

  Turning from Ditani, Lothia moved to Lebuin. “Hail, Lord Lebuin. My grandson, you have surprised us all, and I am pleased to be with you now.” She gave Lebuin a hug. Lebuin looked like he was going to cry. He stood woodenly stiff and proud, unable to speak. “Grandson, I hope when Kiotiaditani and I meet in his asi, you will be there, too.”

  She moved on to face Runa-Illa. “Runa-Illa, High Priestess and First Disciple of Lebuin, you are the greatest surprise of all
to us. I confess, though, you are one of the happiest surprises to me in many years. I have tasted of your spirit and found it good and wholesome. Know that both Argos and I am pleased with your service to our grandson.”

  She moved on to face Ticca, holding her hands out in the Dagger style. “Ticca of Rhini Wood, Dagger General of Lebuin, your service honors me.” Ticca took her hands and swelled with pride, standing tall.

  “The honor is in the service, Great Lady.”

  “We are pleased with your service.” She released Ticca and turned to Duke.

  She stepped down from the hill, in those strange few steps that covered so much distance, and stood before Duke. “Duke, second most beloved of my husband,” she put her finger on the tip of Duke’s nose, “and I make sure you stay second to me,” she grabbed Duke’s head in her hands and pulled his head down, kissing his forehead. “Are you now satisfied?”

  Duke was unable to answer. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before he got out, “Lothia, I do not understand. The Circle is required to tell me.”

  She looked sad. “Yes, we have been judged and punished for this. It was necessary. In time, I promise we will explain.”

  Duke’s tone turned hopeful. “If Lebuin is Alia’s son, then Alia is in Llino. I can double back and see her before the race to Gracia.”

  Lothia frowned. “My precious Duke, no. Alia died in giving birth to Lebuin’s sister.”

  Duke looked at her in shock and anger. “How could you let that happen? You could have called on me for the power!”

  Tears fell from Lothia’s eyes. “I had already given so much of myself for Lebuin. I gave what little I had remaining and more. Still, it was not enough. There was no time between to gather. It never occurred to me to call on you.”

  Duke roared out, “LOTHIA, YOU ALL MADE ME! I’M YOUR MISTAKE! You could have taken all you gave me to save her! I have lived too long!”


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