Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy)

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Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy) Page 27

by Leeland Artra

  “Well, old wolf. Good luck. Do what needs to be done. We’ll be off in a day or two, once everything is settled here.” Then Ticca gave Duke another light kiss on his nose. “Remember, don’t be so enigmatic.”

  Ticca turned to Elades, and she jumped at him and gave him a huge hug before he could react. “Elades, thank all the Gods, you are all right. Promise me you’ll duck next time! I know you were watching over me the last six cycles, and I even know about the couple of jobs you diverted to me. Thanks! Now, I order you to go and teach those Nhia-Samri to never again meddle with the Alliance!”

  Ticca grabbed Illa’s arms and looked at the Daggers around. “I’m proud of all of you. Stay sharp!”

  Without any prompting, all of the Daggers drew their daggers and held them high. “Yes, SIR!”

  Ticca blushed. The two ladies exchanged a quick glance and simultaneously drew their daggers. Ticca spun her dagger dramatically as she and Illa raised them high in the air and shouted together, “Semper Fidelis!”

  Everyone, including Duke, shouted at the top of their voices, “SEMPER FIDELIS!”

  Ticca whispered to Elades, “We’re going to go shopping now.”

  Ticca spun her dagger twice around her hand and dropped it into its sheath. The Daggers all shouted and clapped their support as the two ladies walked out of the yard and headed down the street.

  Elades closed his mouth and looked at Duke, who was looking at the gate, shaking his head. Duke chuckled. “Now, that is a dangerous pair.” He then looked at the Daggers, still standing, and shouted, “Back to work, folks. We ride out in one mark! And you,” Duke looked at Elades, “go get cleaned up and meet me here in a mark.”

  Elades took his time shaving and showering, enjoying the feeling of getting clean, as well as just being alive. When he finished showering, all his ripped and dirty clothes were gone. Huh. I didn’t see anyone come get them. Drying off with the towel, he grabbed the sturdy grey forest-patterned pants. Well, that is nicer than I’m used to, but they feel great. Also, there was a dark green, silk tunic and a soft white linen undershirt with dark brown leather arm guards. New calf riding boots waited, as well. His blades were there, as was a new dark green cloak of tight-knit wool.

  Damn it, this makes me look like a lordling. I’m going to get you, Nigan! I’ll have to go with this. I don’t have time to run around naked, looking for my real clothes.

  He dressed, and as he walked back out to the front yard, he was amazed at how comfortable the clothes felt. Well, I admit they feel good, but I feel silly being dressed like a stupid brat noble’s son.

  As he walked, many Daggers stopped and stared. A few nodded appreciatively. He watched for any sneers, but didn’t see one. Everyone was proud. When he reached his horse, Nigan was standing there, dressed in a dark wine-colored outfit. Nigan held his horse for him.

  “Damn it, where are my clothes, Nigan?!”

  Nigan looked innocently at him. “In your saddle packs, of course.” Nigan held out a new triangular, leather riding hat. “You’ll need this, too.”

  Grabbing the hat, he slipped it on. It fit nicely and did block the sun well, so he stepped up and climbed onto his horse.

  Duke stepped over. “Wow, Elades! You look as good as Ticca and Illa. Well done.”

  Elades looked for Nigan, who was retreating, but still made eye contact and winked at him. Rolling his eyes, he kicked his horse into motion.

  Duke called out, “Move out. We have a long way to go.”

  As Duke took lead, it occurred to him that Nigan had also volunteered to pack his gear. As his horse followed Duke out the entryway, he reached back and opened the stuffed saddle pack. Inside was an array of folded clothes in greens, grays, and black that looked very expensive, and nothing like anything he had ever owned. He spun around, looking back at the estate, and saw Nigan standing outside of the entry, waving at him with a wide grin.

  “Damn it, these aren’t mine!” He yelled back.

  Nigan laughed and yelled back, “A gift from Lord Lebuin! You’re going to Gracia, after all!”



  Colonel Mishia-Ollan marched through the empty barracks.

  Six hundred of my warriors gone.

  He frowned as he recalled the mission, knowing that it was unlikely any would survive to return.

  It will take many years to recruit and train their replacements.

  The 50 cots, 25 on each side, all stood straight out from the walls, shining in the afternoon light, streaming in from the sealed windows. All the cots were dustless, each having its bed roll precisely rolled around the pillow. A folded wool blanket and white cotton sheet were positioned at the head of each, by the wall.

  Stopping, Mishia-Ollan opened one of the dual compartment trunks located at the end of a cot, identical to its 49 brothers. Inside it was spotless, having been cleaned and oiled. Nodding his approval, he closed it, locking its latch in place.

  From the middle of the room, he turned, looking for anything at all out of place.

  This is the last building I have to seal. It will also be the last to be unsealed. Likely, this will have to be preserved for a hundred years.

  Finding nothing, he looked at Major Hiri-Rula and nodded his approval. “These barracks are in proper order to be sealed.”

  Major Hiri-Rula, his second in command and a powerful mage, bowed her head. She stood at attention as he walked out of the barracks, to the training yard, where the sixty remaining warriors stood in three ranks, all in full combat armor. The contrast between the size of the training yard and the size of his remaining warrior ranks drove home how desperately the Grand Warlord must desire his revenge. They look like children in the immense yard. I don’t think attacking Gracia is wise, but there is little I can do about it now.

  Ever since Mishia-Ollan was a boy, he knew he was destined to lead. His father was a senior officer in Outpost One before being given command of this outpost. Mishia-Ollan remembered moving to this outpost with his mother, father, and a group of handpicked officers with their families. He had worked hard, and even traveled to Hisuru Amajoo for several years, to receive advanced training. Although not a perfect officer, his father’s blades had chosen him when his father died. It was not long before he was promoted to commander of the same outpost his father had commanded so many years ago.

  He had commanded the second-greatest outpost for just over a decade. It had been a period of work, training, and joy. Then a year ago, Hisuru Amajoo had ordered all families evacuated from the outposts, back to Hisuru Amajoo. His wife and daughter were safe inside the walls of the mountain fortress. Mishia-Ollan did not understand what was going on, but he was filled with dread for the future. For the last few weeks, he had dreams where he was forced to labor in ways he could not understand. Last night, he had the dream again, but this time, a pair of shining warriors had descended on him, breaking his bonds, and whispered in his ear, ‘It is time. You are ready.’ He had awoken to find he was holding his odassi blades, sweating and scared, but also determined.

  Major Hiri-Rula closed, locked, and placed her hand on the door. Her hand glowed and the glow spread over the entire building, warding it air-tight. She then turned and followed him as he inspected the remaining warriors. I have kept the best instructors.

  He recalled what his mentor had once called such warriors: ‘the long tooth brigade.’ His mentor had then shown off his unusually long front teeth. There was a reasonable mix of old and young warriors present, and some women who were pregnant, he had kept, knowing that a new generation would be needed more than their skill, in Gracia.

  After inspecting every warrior, Colonel Mishia-Ollan stood in front of the ranks, his second, Major Hiri-Rula, standing at his right.

  “You have been chosen to rebuild this outpost. Those that have left will leave our outpost much honor. I do not expect any to return. From this moment, the maintenance and work of this outpost is our responsibility alone.
We must continue all our labors, training, and recruitment with what we have now. Major Hiri-Rula will establish a new work rotation and training schedules. All sealed barracks will be maintained, and we will rebuild ourselves to full strength.”

  As he spoke, a large insect flew around the area. It is not the time of the year for insects such as that. He gave one last look at the ranks of warriors. “Return to your duties.”

  As the warriors broke up, he glanced at his second and, flicking his eyes in the direction of the large insect, “Capture that.”

  Major Hiri-Rula looked, then flicked her fingers in the direction of the insect. A small bubble that sparkled in the sun raced from her hand, towards it. The bug launched itself with surprising speed, straight up, and proceeded to perform a complex series of maneuvers, each turn and dodge taking it further away. Major Hiri-Rula’s bubble raced after it, missing, time and time again. Major Hiri-Rula had turned to face the creature and was concentrating on trying to predict its flight. She created a second bubble almost on top of it, but it darted in a new direction, preventing it from being entrapped.

  That thing is being directed! “If you cannot capture it, destroy it now.”

  Major Hiri-Rula’s amulet started to glow as she drew on the Nhia-Samri’s great powers. She created an enormous sphere around the insect. Although the little insect flew with agility and intelligence, it could not escape so large a bubble. Smiling, she contracted the bubble down to just larger than the bug. The sphere floated toward them.

  As it got closer, he could see it was a dragonfly of an unusual type that he had never seen before. It had the typical elongated body, which looked like an oil torch, with the head at the heavy end. However, although it looked like it was in a hard shell of glistening purple, the creature flexed its body, showing that it was not a rigid shell. There were four translucent wings, angled in star formation from just behind the main body, which created rainbows from the sun. Where did this come from? Dragonflies prefer wetland areas around lakes or swamps. This area is far too dry. What dragonflies we have are brown and stay near the river, to the west. The colors remind me of the description of some from the swamps at the far eastern shores. Why would it be so far inland?

  Major Hiri-Rula echoed his own thoughts. “It is very unusual in coloring. I’ve never heard of or seen a dragonfly like this before.”

  He shook his head. “It is like those found in the far eastern swamps, the other side of Llino. I saw them one summer when I was stationed there on exchange. I don’t know how it came here. It might be a Magus construction or tool. It flew with the intelligence of a crafty warrior, not that of an insect.”

  Just as the bubble came to float a few feet from them, the sun was blocked by a huge shadow. Looking up, they saw a black blob was arcing down towards them. Major Hiri-Rula raised her left hand above her head, and a powerful shield flowed from her hands, covering the entire training ground as her amulet flared on her chest.

  The blob dropped fast and slammed into the shield, spreading out like an oily mass. Now, that it was close! He could hear the buzzing and could see that the blob was thousands of black beetles.

  Mishia-Ollan’s heart raced, and he felt the adrenaline rushing into his system. He tried to observe the bugs, but a tingling spread over his body, causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end.

  It is as if the world is attacking us!

  “Burn them! Don’t let any through!”

  Major Hiri-Rula was looking ashen-faced as the sun was blocked out by the mass of beetles, buzzing, walking, and piling up on her shield over the training area. She spun around in a circle, looking up at the volume of beetles. There was something primal in the fear showing in her eyes.

  I understand the thought of being buried in those insects is horrifying.

  Major Hiri-Rula made some more gestures, singing her magical incantation. The center of the mass exploded in a smoking ball of fire. The effect was even more eerie, as that let a single shaft of sunlight through the mass of beetles.

  Many of the warriors present had drawn weapons and were watching the events with worried looks. Others took it upon themselves to begin coordinating a search of the area, moving with stealth and speed, hugging walls and other cover. He nodded his approval. Well done.

  Major Hiri-Rula continued to gesture and sing, destroying thousands of beetles at a blast. It was hard to tell if she had destroyed all of them, but finally, nothing more moved, and only ashes remained resting on her shield. All the other warriors had moved under overhangs and were watching for trouble. Major Hiri-Rula called on winds to blow away the ash, holding the shield in place until the air was clear.

  Major Hiri-Rula looked at him. “Should I drop the shield?”

  Looking around at the concerned faces, he considered. They are afraid, as am I, to be honest. That invoked a primal reaction in everyone. “How long can you maintain it?”

  Major Hiri-Rula shrugged. “As long as you desire, Sir.”

  He nodded. “Very well. Keep it in place until we finish examining this other bug.” He looked around, but didn’t see the other bug anywhere. “Where is it?”

  Major Hiri-Rula looked around, surprised. “I forgot about it, releasing it as I took care of those other strange insects. It must be here somewhere. It could not escape, because of the shield.”

  No, but it could hide. “Everyone, spread out and search everything. Find me the missing, large, purple dragonfly with four translucent wings now! Major Hiri-Rula, do not drop that shield until we have recaptured that dragonfly.”

  Warriors spread out and began searching the buildings, roofs, and every crevice between supplies and materials. He and Major Hiri-Rula joined in the search.

  Was that attack to make us let the other go? If so, this represents a serious threat to this outpost. Considering the threats made by the Alliance and Duke, it could be possible. But we are supposed to have peace until the Assembly votes in two cycles. What could this mean?

  They searched for marks. Of the dozens of large insects found, none were the purple dragonfly he knew had to be somewhere within the contained area. The air was stale and hot in the afternoon sun.

  It was right here. The other bugs attacked, and in two minutes, it was gone.

  Colonel Mishia-Ollan stood where this had all started and looked around, trying to force the insect’s hiding location to reveal itself through sheer willpower.

  Hiri-Rula stepped up and saluted. “Colonel, it is too well hidden, and the air will soon become unbreathable, unless I allow fresh air in.”

  He frowned, showing his disapproval of the news. Hiri-Rula acknowledged his displeasure by bowing her head, looking at the ground.

  This is unacceptable. How can a bug that big and brightly colored hide so effectively? “Hiri-Rula…”

  What he was going to say was interrupted by a loud blast from the far end of the field. The shields over the area rippled like water, making the sunlight coming through sparkle around them.

  He spun to face the direction of the sound, as three warriors ran towards him from where the sound had come. The lead warrior was the tactical instructor Aupli-Niun, and he shouted as he ran, “Colonel! There are twelve silver creatures behind that barracks!” Aupli-Niun pointed behind him. “They were doing something to the shield when we discovered their presence. One of them tried to hit us with a magical blast the moment we saw them. The shield held, but it was a powerful attack!”

  “Come! We are being attacked by a Magus of great power, or perhaps Magi.” He slapped Hiri-Rula’s arm and started running towards the indicated barracks.

  Hiri-Rula, only one step behind him, was already drawing her odassi. Another blast sounded, and this time, the shield rippled as it flew apart. Hiri-Rula warned him, “Colonel, I have lost the shield. I can’t get it back before they are here.”

  Aupli-Niun called out, “We should fight them here, where we can maneuver.”

  Fresh air blew through the area, bringing with it a cleare
r mind. Breathing deep, Mishia-Ollan drew his own odassi, feeling their power flow through him. Skidding to a stop he yelled, “We are under attack! Warriors to me. Defensive ranks!”

  Four of the silver creatures came around the left side of the barracks, four more came from the right, and another four came over the roof, at the same time. The creatures looked like man-sized crabs that moved on eight legs. Every inch of them looked like metal, highly polished to a mirror shine. Each creature had powerful pinchers and antennae that waved in the air. The silver crabs stopped and looked them over.

  One of the crabs stepped forward and lifted, showing a circular mouth. Hiri-Rula jerked her hand out, fingers splayed open, as a blast of white light shot at Mishia-Ollan and his warriors, from that mouth. A ball of white light hit the new shield Hiri-Rula had created with an explosion of sound and power. The flash was so bright, his vision blurred and stars floated around him. Blinking his eyes to protect them from the light, he hoped his vision would clear.

  Before Mishia-Ollan could see clearly, someone screamed in pain nearby. The sound of fighting came from both his right and left sides.

  Don’t stand still. Those things are not going to be slow! Sight or no sight, either I move or die.

  Mishia-Ollan used all the power flowing from his blades to speed his reaction and strength, leaping up and backwards, flipping to land at the ready. Thirty years of training, and another twenty as a commander, made his moves fluid.

  This used to only be for demonstrations. Never thought I would end up in a life-and-death fight blind.

  Smiling as he heard the whisper of air to his right, he brought his odassi around, hearing the satisfying sound of it slicing through armor and something not of flesh.

  Mishia-Ollan felt the sensation of warning, and flattened himself to the ground, as something flew over him, causing a massive draft of wind. Rolling, he snapped back to standing as his vision cleared. A one-clawed crab was turning to face him. Behind it, another crab was spitting dozens of projectiles at three of his warriors. One of them was creating a defensive shield as the three of them ran towards the crab. The slim missiles bounced off the barrier.


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