Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy)

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Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy) Page 37

by Leeland Artra

  I wonder if I could have opened the panel before Eshra-Zunia granted me permission. Is something down there monitoring us and doing as commanded?

  Someone cleared his throat. She turned to see the warlord’s privy command sergeant major there. “Yes?”

  “Colonel Hiri-Rula, Warlord Eshra-Zunia commands your presence.”

  I wonder what she needs.

  Hiri-Rula stood up and put a slip of paper into the book, setting it down on the table. Turning, she stepped out into the hall, letting the command sergeant major escort her. He did not go the direction she expected. He took her through the halls, coming out at the far end of the long main hallway, to the throne room.

  What is he doing? We could have entered the throne room through the side doorway near the library.

  As they marched together past the armor and weapons of long-dead enemies, she noticed the far end of the hall was lined with warriors.

  This looks like a trial. Am I to be punished for losing the outpost to our new enemy?

  The command sergeant major marched in precise time, and she matched him, following two steps behind. The warriors lining the hall were all colonels. As she came to the throne room, the rank went up to generals. All ten generals were standing at attention, five on each side of the throne room, making an impressive hallway of warriors. The table that normally sat in front of the warlord’s throne was missing.

  The command sergeant major stopped before the warlord, who sat in full battle armor, stiff-backed in her throne. The light played on the glistening, red ceramic plates of Eshra-Zunia’s armor.

  This is serious.

  Hiri-Rula came to attention and waited. The warlord nodded to the command sergeant major, who bowed and did a 90-degree right turn, taking two steps before repeating the maneuver, and marched back behind her. She could hear that he made it to the edge of the room before stopping and doing an about face.

  Warlord Eshra-Zunia waited a moment longer, then stood, like a snake preparing to strike.

  “Colonel Hiri-Rula, defend yourself.”

  Eshra-Zunia leapt at Hiri-Rula, her odassi already drawn, as if by magic.

  Adrenaline flowed, as well as power from her blades, as Eshra-Zunia leapt. Hiri-Rula flipped herself backwards, doing two reverse summersaults, as fast as she could. As she snapped back up, she drew her own odassi. Eshra-Zunia was already on top of her. The four blades rang out and sparks flew as they exchanged a half-dozen strikes and counter-strikes.

  The generals that lined the room all stepped backwards in precise unison, opening the room. The adrenaline was flowing full force, and time slowed as Hiri-Rula’s perceptions and abilities magnified. She pulled on her magic and fed her blades power. They were exceptional weapons, and she managed to push Eshra-Zunia back.

  Eshra-Zunia stepped back, but she pushed right back. Her hands became a blur of speed. Hiri-Rula felt a loop of energy form between her and her blades. She had never fought so hard or so fast before. Yet she controlled her breathing, giving her body the oxygen it needed. The ancient odassi blades gave her strength and speed beyond anything she had experienced.

  Eshra-Zunia did not give ground and pushed her back towards the wall.

  A feeling of warning was all she had. She swung as hard as she could at Eshra-Zunia, striking with so much force, Eshra-Zunia was forced to brace in order to maintain her stance. At the same instant, Hiri-Rula dodged to the left as a new pair of blades cut the air where she had just stood.

  One of the generals had drawn, so Hiri-Rula had to fight two.

  I can’t deal with two opponents. I need to remove one of them fast.

  She took in the new attacker.

  It’s General Dumua-Acas. His left leg is weak from an old injury. That she knew that was a surprise, but there was not time to ponder how she knew that weakness.

  She ducked under Eshra-Zunia’s strike, dropping flat to the floor, kicking out at General Dumua-Acas. She made contact, and he grunted in pain as he fell backwards. Eshra-Zunia twisted and brought her blades down in an arched attack that would have cut Hiri-Rula in half if she hadn’t rolled away, snapping back to her feet.

  Why are they trying to kill me?

  Hiri-Rula thrust at Eshra-Zunia, who managed to twist enough that her blades only scratched the armor. A series of gasps came from around the room.

  Again, she felt another general, Armio-Ery, was jumping into the fight. He is a strong fighter but with little imagination. Something unexpected is needed. She spun backwards, around Armio-Ery’s attack, and kicked his back, throwing him into Eshra-Zunia. Eshra-Zunia batted Armio-Ery away like he was paper.

  Eshra-Zunia dove at Hiri-Rula in a strike that would run her through, ending this. She was off-balance from handling General Armio-Ery, with nowhere to go.

  Her instincts screamed at her. NO!

  Power flowed and she bent backwards like a reed, letting the thrust flow over the top of her. She twisted and spun, kicking at Eshra-Zunia’s exposed arm. Making contact, Eshra-Zunia’s arm swung widely, forcing Eshra-Zunia to twist around. But Eshra-Zunia was amazing. She turned that into a new thrust.

  Hiri-Rula barely managed to move aside from the attack, but that brought her close to two other Generals: Enon-Anos and Ilil-Ushual. Anos is very strong but slow and is not rooted properly. Her heightened senses warned her in time, and she dropped to the ground again in a sweeping kick that threw Enon-Anos into Ilil-Ushual. Bringing both feet under her, she leapt with all her might, up and backwards, over Eshra-Zunia. As Hiri-Rula passed overhead, she brought her odassi down in a strike that would have killed Eshra-Zunia, but Eshra-Zunia managed to get her blades up, blocking the attack and causing brilliant sparks to flash.

  Hiri-Rula landed gracefully and started to step in, when Eshra-Zunia spun and yelled, “ENOUGH!”

  Hiri-Rula froze, her blades already half into the strike. She and Eshra-Zunia faced each other, blades frozen. The warlord straightened up and brought her odassi together in a warrior’s salute to her.

  What was this all about?

  Breathing hard, she straightened and saluted back. Still, she waited and sheathed her blades in perfect unison with the warlord.

  Generals Cyni-Ege and Enon-Anos were helping General Dumua-Acas to stand back up. Dumua-Acas’s leg was broken. Once Dumua-Acas was standing on one foot, they released him. All of the generals drew their odassi and saluted her.

  The warlord looked around. “Is there any further debate?”

  Three of the generals—Enon-Anos, Nuta-Toyi, and Mina-Jabu—looked down at the floor in humility and shook their heads ‘no.’

  The warlord stepped back to her throne and sat down in it. She then pointed to a place at her right. “Hiri-Rula, stand here.”

  That is the second in command’s place!

  She hesitated, then stepped to where the warlord was pointing. The edge of the warlord’s mouth turned up and she nodded at Hiri-Rula.

  Facing the room, the warlord said in a strong voice, “Hiri-Rula is named general of Outpost One. General Hiri-Rula is second in command and my direct successor. She speaks with my voice.”

  All of the generals and officers from the hall stepped into formation and dropped to their knees, drawing their odassi, and holding them out in a cross before them, as they bowed their heads. In a single voice, they called out, “I AM YOURS TO COMMAND!”

  I’m the second in command! This was to prove my abilities were second only to the warlord’s...but I think I could have beaten her. And how did I know all those weaknesses? I have only met these generals once or twice.

  She noticed the general with a broken leg had fallen to his knees, in spite of the broken leg.

  She couldn’t help it. “Take care of General Dumua-Acas’s injuries immediately.”

  Generals Nuta-Toyi and Mina-Jabu jumped up and helped General Dumua-Acas limp out of the room. As they left, she noted a number of warriors looked at her with pride, and a few of the generals were giving her an approving look.

Well, my first command as second is one of mercy.

  The warlord gestured, and the room was restored, the large table being brought out from a side room.

  The warlord looked at her. “General Hiri-Rula, when we attack Gracia, you will lead the second division that is to hold this outpost against counter-strike. You are now responsible for overseeing the drilling and scouting. I have chosen the five hundred warriors I will lead as the arrowhead into Gracia. I suspect that before, or just after, that attack, a similar attack to the one on Outpost Two will happen here. We have been drilling based on the new combat strategies you recommended for these mage creatures.”

  The warlord looked at her. Indicating the officers, “You may selectany officers and warriors for your staff, except for the ones I have designated for my personal division.” She then pointed. “I recommend Generals Armio-Ery and Ilil-Ushual to be your privy councilors.”

  They are both seasoned warriors. I like Armio-Ery. He was highly thought of by Colonel Mishia-Ollan. I don’t know Ilil-Ushual. But until I have time to consider, the warlord’s recommendation should be treated with great respect.

  Hiri-Rula nodded to the two generals, who bowed their heads back in acceptance.

  The warlord continued, “Your first task is to tour the camp and inspect the training. Everyone is dismissed.”

  All the officers bowed and began filing out. Hiri-Rula started to step down from the dais when the warlord held up her hand. “Hiri-Rula,” the warlord touched the scratch in her armor, “well done.”

  Hiri-Rula bowed to the warlord as her heart swelled with pride.

  As she left the throne room, Generals Armio-Ery and Ilil-Ushual were waiting for her. They both bowed before Armio-Ery asked, “Do you desire to rest before your inspection?”

  “No. We have a dozen training sites to visit and observe. We can complete this before the evening meal. I also want to observe morning drills tomorrow.”

  They will never answer anything but ‘no’ to this question. Still, I shall ask it.

  “Do you have any pressing duties at the moment?”

  Both officers shook their heads and then bowed to her. “Your will, General Hiri-Rula.”

  My will, indeed. And I thought I needed to be careful as a colonel. Now, anything I say will be taken as a direct order and the law.

  She nodded to the generals and started walking in a measured pace toward the exit. Her two generals fell into step with her as they walked out of the main complex, to the camp grounds, where the larger training areas had been set up.

  I haven’t been out of the main complex since the day I got here. It will be nice to move around the camp.

  The signal alarm Vesta had been waiting for weeks for sounded.

  Ah, at last.

  The data flowed into her systems, and she reviewed it as it came in.

  So my little mage has been promoted, and is in charge of the outpost after the attack begins on Gracia. Well, we wanted proof and here it is.

  Opening a communications channel to Gracia’s central systems, she signaled for Arkady. He responded, “Yes, Vesta?”

  “Arkady, please examine this data stream I am uploading to your system now.”

  While she waited for Arkady to process it, she continued examining the modifications to the city sensor network.

  That was clever to mask your identity code, yet leave yourself command-level access.

  She restored the subsystems that Orahda, as he was then called, had modified.

  It is nice to know you tried to wake me up. I wonder what your plan was.

  “Well, Vesta, that is it. They are going to attack Gracia the moment the Assembly ratifies the war declaration. I presume you also saw the conversations around the new training?”

  “Yes, I did. We need to double the attack force and alter our tactics. I have learned some of their tactics, so our creatures will be a lot more effective than the ones that attacked Hiri-Rula’s outpost.”

  “Hmm. Well, that should overwhelm them. Are you sure we can clean it all up before we are discovered?”

  “We can compensate. Besides, I believe Ticca and Lebuin will be going to the other outpost. I have seen no indication they even know of this larger outpost.”

  “True, but we cannot have airlifts flying all over the country. If even one is spotted, we are in trouble.”

  “You will have to help me monitor and direct the operation.”

  “Of course. I have a solution for Hisuru Amajoo.”

  That got her attention. “Should I call Electra?”

  “No, not yet. You’re not going to like this. I can arrange an orbital bombardment of meteorites, with a couple large enough to level that whole valley.”

  “Mass destruction of the whole valley? That is more than killing the warriors! There are nearly thirty thousand civilians living there. That is the best you can come up with?”

  “We don’t have the resources to do anything else. The valley is too far away from any of our systems. Even if we could operate openly, it would take a sustained attack of days or weeks to neutralize that place.”

  “No, Arkady. I cannot agree to mass murder.”

  “Vesta, you were never involved in a war. It is a messy thing. Yes, people get hurt. It is always murder. Warrior or civilian, it is intentionally taking a life. The goal of war is to minimize the losses on your side while doing what is necessary to end it.”

  Vesta’s heart felt pained at the thought of killing all those people. “No, Arkady. We cannot do this.”

  “Vesta, this is not a normal enemy. This enemy will strike at the heart of Gracia, show no mercy, and will level this city. There are three hundred thousand people here who will not live if these Nhia-Samri come. This Shar-Lumen is out to destroy everything. We have to stop him.”

  “If Duke hears of it, he’ll know we were involved. What about the meteor defense systems? Having a precision strike like that would be a dead giveaway.”

  “Here, examine this.”

  A new data stream came from Arkady. It was an audit of the meteor deflection and defense systems.

  So that is what you wanted that satellite for. You’ve been planning this for a while.

  Five thousand years of automated maintenance was taking its toll. Already, a number of meteors had slipped through, in the last hundred years, to become full-fledged meteorites. Luckily, none of them had hit anyplace populated.

  Arkady continued, “I can arrange it like you did in New Alganetia, or Algan as they now call it. A few little tweaks, I lasso a small cloud of meteors, and it will look like a natural incident that slipped through the failing systems. Convenient, yes, but not highly suspicious. Plus, it is remote. It is likely, Duke will never hear of it, but we’ll have to hide your new satellite systems on a moon, or something, for a bit.”

  Her heart wouldn’t let her agree. “Arkady, I am already lamenting the one base I did attack. I cannot make this decision. We need to consult Electra.”

  “Okay, call her.”

  “I have. What about Orahda?”

  “Oh, he hasn’t lost his touch. He has been a busy boy here. I have been playing cat and mouse with him, keeping him from finding out I am awake. He has been busy inspecting a lot of things. Have you figured out why you didn’t know he was there?”

  “Yes, he altered the subsystems here to not record his identity codes. He was a ghost to my systems. But he kept all his command-level access intact. Oh, and he made several attempts to wake me up, but he wasn’t able to bypass the Assembly locks.”

  “That’s our boy, all right. I hope one day we can find out how he managed to not be dead.”

  “You’ll find this interesting. Orahda didn’t show up here until only forty years ago. I have no records of him anywhere else. You?”

  “Nothing, but his identity code is active. I think he suspects an attack. He has been spending a lot of time inspecting the Assembly buildings and surrounding areas. If anything, I would guess he is still on the right side.”r />
  “You mean our side.”

  “No, I mean the right side. Remember his training. I bet he still follows the Elraci Guard Code in word and spirit.”

  “You’re probably right. I have collected data on his activities here. He has been acting as the weapons master for the city guard. He has personally trained all of the major officers here. He has also instilled the essence of the Elraci Guard Code in every person he has trained.”

  “Interesting, that he is the weapons master. I would have expected him to be in charge of the guard.”

  “True. Pehaps he has lost his desire for the lime light.”

  “Humph, not likely. Any chance the hawks are ready? I’d love to observe him more closely and I can’t use our current observers too much.”

  “Almost finished. The genetic traits are in place. They’ll breed true, no matter which mate they are with. I’ll be releasing a dozen pairs into the wild in a couple of days. There will be four we can share to start.”

  “All right, signal me when Electra responds. Orahda is digging at something in a wall; this is likely to be interesting.”

  - - -

  Dohma was watching for servants or guards, along with Cundia, while Orahda picked at the plaster of a wall. We have been walking around this palace for days, every free minute. What is he looking for? He signaled Cundia, who signaled back, all clear.

  “Can you explain what you have been looking for?”

  “Found, Milord.” Orahda kept digging.

  As Orahda scraped, a flash of gold became visible. With a few more strokes, Orahda had exposed a golden three-inch diameter disk with a crystal mounted in the center of it. Orahda got his knife under the edge and levered the disk out, catching it as it fell. He then held it out for Dohma.

  Dohma took it and examined it. There were intricate runes with a scrollwork inscription that looped around the whole disk. Orahda tore into another spot.

  “What is this?”


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