Winters' Thaw

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Winters' Thaw Page 1

by W. Lynn Chantale

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 W. Lynn Chantale

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-212-8

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: JS Cook


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Hey Mom, you always wanted to know what happened to Michaela and Brock. Well here’s your chance.

  I would like to take a moment to thank my editor JoAnne, it’s always a pleasure. A special thank to Emma Lai and Kassanna, I don’t know where I’d be without your wonderful input, and to the readers and fans.

  As always I thank God for blessing me with this talent.


  Romance on the Go

  W. Lynn Chantale

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Wind whipped through the icy gloom, threatening to rip away her husband’s dangling form from Michaela’s desperate grip. Beneath her, the aging balcony she lay on shuddered and groaned. Bitter cold from the steel floor seeped into her clothes as if she wore nothing at all. It tilted forward, and a shriek escaped. Frigid cold metal bit into her skin as she was wedged against the railing. Arctic air blowing off the frozen lake, slapped at her face and stung her eyes. She tightened her hold on his jacket. Her back and shoulders burned, straining with effort.

  The supports gave another ominous creak and the balcony bounced lower. She clutched handfuls of his clothing, uncaring that her fingers were raw and numb with cold. All that mattered was dragging her husband the few scant millimeters until he could grasp one of the iron spindles.

  “Let go.” Quiet command filled his shouted words.

  She stared into honey-brown eyes, read acceptance and love. He’d do anything to protect her. Well screw that, she wasn’t letting him go just so she could spend the rest of her life a widow.

  “Shut up.”

  Despite the situation, he chuckled. He reached for the metal bar, his fingertips just grazing the rod. Hope surged. Just a little farther and he could pull up the rest of the way. She renewed her efforts, grunting as she inched backward with her toes. Her arms and shoulders quivered with the effort of holding him, but she held on. Giving up was not an option.

  Footsteps pounded in the concrete tunnel behind her. Michaela stiffened and turned her head. Oh god. She glanced at her husband, then to the gun she’d abandoned earlier. It lay on the ground lodged against cement lip joining the bars to the balcony base just out of reach.


  “Someone’s coming.”

  “Get out of here.”

  “Not without you, Logan.”

  The structure lurched forward. Her weapon scraped closer.

  The only way to protect them both would be to let him go, at least with one hand. She twisted his clothes tighter in one and reached for her gun with the other.

  A shadow fell across the wall. Michaela stretched. Her little finger just touched the butt of her weapon. The clothing went slack in her grip. Heart pounding, she glanced at Logan. He had one hand curled around the metal bar, but he wasn’t out of danger yet.

  Black boots appeared in the doorway. She grasped the gun with two fingers then dragged it until the weight rested in her palm, aimed at the newcomer and squeezed the trigger.

  Twelve Hours Earlier

  “I can’t believe you dragged me away from my vacation for this.” Michaela Winters couldn’t keep the annoyance out of her voice as she gestured toward the precipitation falling outside the window. Occasionally, a brisk wind would send the wintry mix pinging against the glass. She’d seen enough of the glittering ice to know they weren’t going anywhere. “Seriously, Logan, did you even check the weather report before deciding we just had to travel up north in the middle of a frickin’ ice storm?”

  She’d been perfectly content luxuriating at the exclusive spa resort, but then her husband of nearly six months, Brockridge Logan, decided a romantic trip to their cabin near Alpena, Michigan, would be a great surprise. Normally she loved being at the cabin. It was quiet, far away from the outside world, and on a good day, cell reception was spotty. But the storm completely isolated them from calling for help. If anything happened... She skimmed a hand down her abdomen. She hadn’t even told him yet. Not that he deserved to be told. Not after the little stunt he’d pulled.

  The surprise had been him having to leave on day two of their honeymoon, but she understood. National security, guarding federal witnesses and top secret stuff was important. What she couldn’t abide was him being gone for three months only to pop up as a witness in her last case. He seemed more concerned with duty and honor, than how the friction would harm their relationship. Right now, she didn’t want to spend time with him. Maybe he was trying to make amends with this getaway. If he was, he didn’t have to ruin her much needed vacation by bringing her here. She huffed, tunneling her fingers through her hair and yanking on the ends.

  And now they were stuck...together.

  With an exaggerated sigh she allowed the curtain to fall back into place and glared at the man seated in front of the fireplace. His long denim clad legs were stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. One white-socked foot wiggled back and forth. She narrowed her eyes. He seemed unperturbed by her outburst and their forced confinement.

  She stepped closer. A Glock 22 .40 caliber pistol sat across his lap. He used a cloth to finish wiping the exterior of the weapon before placing it in a small case balanced on the arm of the chair near his left elbow. Another sat on the low cocktail table.

  “Expecting trouble?”

  “Any time I’m around you I always expect trouble.”

  Her lips quirked at his quip. Still, he was a bit too calm for her liking. There was no need to bring his weapons on this trip. Unless he really did anticipate trouble and in that case why bring her here?

  She prowled the rustic cabin. An enormous pine tree, laden with bright red and green ornaments and sparkly crystal decorations inhabited one corner of the room. Several gaily wrapped packages rested on the faded crimson tree skirt just visible beneath the scattered presents. The handcrafted furniture, the stone fireplace, bright cushions and rugs added to the homey charm.

  If she were here with anyone else, she’d be able to appreciate the beauty of the room, but she and her husband still had unresolved issues. She wandered back to the window. The view of the frozen lake hadn’t changed, but the rhythm of precipitation had.

  “Are you sure we’re stuck here?” This was not the way she envisioned spending her two weeks away from court. Her last case had been grueling and she’d only won on a technicality, but knowing she had time to recharge before she went back to defending the sometimes guilty and unjustly accused innocent eased the sting of the almost loss. Having to spend the next several days with Brock Logan...well she’d rather be in contempt of court.

  Warmth enveloped her back. She stiffened. When had he moved? The crisp scent of his soap and masculinity teased her senses. She bit her lip against the moan of pleasure. One of the things she always liked about him was he didn’t wear cologne just the natural musk God gifted him.

  Now he’d trapped her between the heat of his hard body and a cold window, her scooped-neck tee insufficient barrier to both. She closed her eyes as he shifted and his arm circled her waist. D
esire simmered in her veins and dampened her panties.

  “You heard the officer. The roads are closed,” he murmured near her ear.

  His breath tickled the delicate shell, sending shivers of want to her nipples. They puckered painfully beneath her shirt. She tried to move closer to the window, only he held her more firmly against his unyielding frame.

  “That doesn’t mean you should invade my personal space.”

  He chuckled. The low sound wrapped around her like warm fudge. She wanted nothing more than to hear him laugh in the confines of a bedroom while they were both naked and sweaty. She tamped down on the thought, but his solid physique at her back and the bulge wedged against her buttocks conjured all sorts of naughty images.

  His lips feathered over the exposed skin just below her ear. Need ignited and blazed a fiery path from tit to clit. She locked her knees to keep the ache in check. As if sensing her state, he cupped her breast and his thumb circled the taut nipple through her shirt.

  She couldn’t stop the moan of pleasure from easing between her lips.

  “I plan on doing a lot of that while we’re here,’ he whispered.

  With great effort, she wrenched from his arms and stared at his reflection in the glass. Was she so easy that a few caresses and some kisses could muddle her brain? This man ruined a case for the greater good, nearly destroyed her career, not to mention wedged a nice little chink in their relationship. Michaela couldn’t let her traitorous body dictate to her heart, no matter how wanton he made her feel.

  She drifted her gaze over him. He was rugged, all sharp edges and rough planes. Sandpaper would only refine and hone his persona. He needed someone soft yet strong enough to withstand his arrogance. Why she ever thought she could maintain a relationship with the man and remain unscathed spoke more to her belief in love and romance rather than the logic of them as a couple. What a fool she was.

  Still, the man was absolutely gorgeous. Average height, but she loved to run her fingers over his taut, chiseled muscles. This time her pulse leapt in response. No use in thinking like that. There was no way she was going to let him get that close again, at least not for a long while. She scanned the room. Logs for the fire were piled next to the hearth, the kitchen was well stocked and when they arrived, Logan hadn’t brought anything into the cabin other than their bags. That meant...

  She whirled. “You set this up!”

  “It was the only way to get you to listen to what I had to say.”

  “Now you want to talk?” She pushed past him.. Well, she didn’t feel like talking.

  Before she’d taken more than a few steps he grabbed her arm and pressed her to the wall. The rough wood bit into her back. She stared into his honey brown eyes, alive with passion and determination, then settled her gaze on his mouth. He had such an exquisite mouth, which he was fully capable of using to kiss her into submission. His way of ending most of their arguments and such an unfair tactic.

  She flattened her palms against his chest to shove him away. Logan grabbed her wrists in one hand and raised her arms above her head, then leaned close. Every breath she drew pushed her breasts into contact with his perfect pecs. Desire surged hotter.

  He swept his lips across hers. His kiss was firm, dominating, and possessive. She stood unyielding at the onslaught, but she was fighting a losing battle. Her resolve to remain distant crumbled with each nibble of his lips and the attraction sparking through her veins. If she gave into his seduction, he’d win. He thrust his knee between her legs, applying just enough pressure to her aching core. A moan stuck in the back of her throat and she kissed him back with a hunger that surprised her.

  Michaela surrendered to the sweet dominance of his mouth, savored the enticement of his tongue as it dueled with hers. All the while his leg kept steady pressure on her throbbing pussy. She shimmied her hips, grinding against his thigh, prolonging the shivery tingles zipping through her body.

  Logan moved from her mouth to nip at her jaw and then skimmed his lips along the smooth column of her throat. She whimpered when he swirled his tongue against her skin. He released her hands and cupped her breasts.

  “We promised not to let work ruin what we have. Do you know how often I’ve thought about you over the last few months,” he whispered, while his hands stroked a deliberate caress over the soft globes through her cotton top.

  Each meticulous swipe sent moisture to dampen the folds between her labia, intensifying the ache pulsing between her legs. He was right. They had made that promise to one another. Though it didn’t excuse his absence, he did bring her to a place they both loved. Maybe being stuck in this cabin wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  “Tell me.” Her request came across as a breathless pant.

  “Often enough to know I was wrong.”

  She angled her head and stared into his eyes. Was that an apology?

  A heavy thud shook the tiny cabin. What the hell was that? In one fluid motion he spun away and drew his weapon. He’d gone from passion to protection in a heartbeat. Michaela's unease fought with a momentary flash of anger.

  He hadn’t brought her here to make up for the distance and the arguments. He’d brought her to the middle of nowhere to keep her safe. But from what?

  She fumed, watching him as he checked the windows, then the door.

  “Stay here.” He stuffed his feet in boots and shrugged into a coat. “I’m going to check the exterior.” He motioned to the gun case on the arm of the chair. “Take that and stay low.” Arctic air and wet snow blew into the room as he slipped out the door.

  Again. He’d done it to her again. She did as he ordered then checked the weapon. It wasn’t the one she’d seen him cleaning, but a smaller 9mm. She hurried to the far corner of the room, where she had a view of the front door, bedroom and windows, then crouched low. Cold air permeated the wood at her back and she resisted a shiver. Her stomach lurched uncomfortably from a combination of nerves and morning sickness. She didn’t have time for nausea.

  Minutes inched by and Logan had not returned. She should’ve made him take a walkie-talkie or something. No, she wouldn’t worry about him, no matter how much her heart pounded. She had to trust that he knew what he was doing, that he hadn’t forgotten what happened the last time he chose to protect her. Because she hadn’t. He’d been shot trying to keep her safe, trying to rescue her from...

  The knob twitched. She focused on the door. The gun trembled in her hand. She inhaled and slowly released an exhale. Her shaking stilled, but her heart raced.

  “I’m coming in,” Logan announced. The door eased open.

  She trained her weapon at chest level. If it wasn’t him, she’d squeeze the trigger. Lord knew the man had drilled her enough in firing first and asking questions later. Tension clenched her entire body and she forced air into her lungs. She braced for the cold as the breeze swept through the room. A snow covered boot appeared first, followed by jeans and a dark jacket. One gloved hand raised, a gun dangling from an index finger. She raised her weapon a little higher. Michaela didn’t relax until Logan was in and the door locked behind him.

  She flicked the safety, crossed the room and set it back in the case.

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” She hoped her voice was a chilly as the elements. She shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but the hard set of his jaw was a good indication something was amiss.

  He shrugged out of his coat and toed off his boots. Ice, maybe, had rubbed his face raw, or it could easily have been a fight. Michaela could just make out traces of blood in one or two spots. She would not let sympathy sway her. Although the more she studied the abrasions on his face, they could’ve been made with a fist.

  As if sensing her thoughts he sighed and met her glare with steely resolve.

  “Someone is trying to kill you.”

  Chapter Two

  Now she was really pissed. He brings me to the middle of nowhere, without reliable communication and someone’s after me? The quiet authority in his voice still
ed her footsteps. He could always do that and she hated it.

  “Don’t ‘Michaela’ me. You knew what was going on before we even came up here.” She summoned all the fury she could and faced him. “Here I thought you were trying to do something romantic and put a little spark back in our marriage, but no. This was some ploy to keep me safe.” She closed the distance between them and jabbed an index finger into the solid wall of his chest. “How long have you known?”

  He grasped her hand with both of his, met and kept her gaze. “The second day of the trial.”

  Stunned, she stumbled back. He tightened his hold on her hand and held her upright. The trial was three-and-a-half grueling weeks, and he’d known since day two? Anger overrode her surprise and she shoved him away. He retained his grip.

  “When were you going to tell me?” she demanded. “When the guy decided to strap me to another bomb?” The last time someone tried to kill her, the man had been a colleague of Logan’s. Had her would-be killer escaped? Panic seized her by the throat. Alone in a cabin, during an ice storm was not ideal.

  With one hand. he smoothed her hair from her face, before cupping her cheek. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  She shook her head. Nightmares still plagued her and only got worse when she was stressed. That’s why she needed the vacation. She had to relax or else.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “You should’ve let me stay at the spa. They had all sorts of security.”

  He remained silent.

  “It was a top notch facility. I’m surprised they let you in.”


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