The Manhattan Incident

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The Manhattan Incident Page 4

by Raymond Poincelot

  PRESENT DAY. Maybe they ordered clam linguini and maybe they didn’t. Unimportant, thought Laurent. The event happened, according to notes found later on Utkin’s computer. Alexi and Elmer weren’t around later to confirm anything. Paul’s eyes and ears wandered back to the video.

  VIDEO: THE INCIDENT. Essentially Alexi learned that Elmer’s group was providing food service for a major conference being held the next day. Elmer had snooped and found out military and defense specialists from the major global powers were meeting there. Alexi figured that the room would be inspected for electronic bugs just prior to the meeting. “Will they have coffee delivered to the meeting,” asked Alexi? “Yes, about 30 minutes after the meeting starts, around 10:00 AM,” said Elmer. “Elmer, five C-notes are yours right now if you attach this object to the metal bottom of the wheeled cart that brings the coffee. You can use a cart and get it there at 10:00 AM, right?” “Sure, I can. No problem,” said Elmer. “There’s another $500 for you if any useful information comes from this. If the bug is discovered, you can claim you knew nothing about it. They won’t suspect a food service worker.” Alexi smiled in the video as he passed over five crisp 100 dollar bills.

  Around 9:45 AM on January 19th, Alexi wandered around the UN building in areas that were visitor accessible. He is shown entering a bathroom as close to the conference meeting room as possible based on the information provided by Elmer in their lunch meeting. He enters the stall and locks the door. Nobody would pay attention to him in the stall. He sat and put the ear bud into his left ear and turned his smart phone off. The first thing he heard was “...strategize on possible scenarios.” Damn, the meeting must have started a bit early were his thoughts. “The Chair recognizes the Secretary of Defense from the United States, General Thadford.” “One scenario is that they come in peace.” Alexi wondered who the hell “they” were. “On the other hand, they might be completely hostile and intend to beat the hell out of us. In the event of the latter, we might want to watch our communications. Maybe they can pick up our Wi-Fi net communications. Even if securely encrypted, we can’t be sure they won’t break the codes. We also need to beef up our buried or land line communications systems. They could clearly take out our communications satellites. The worst case scenario is that they can destroy all our above ground communications systems and electric grid with EMP technology. As near as we can tell, they must have arrived via some worm hole like the stuff of science fiction.” At that point, Alexi’s eyes widened. “Damn, we are talking about aliens from outer space. I have a scoop, but how do I attribute this to a reliable source?” he muttered out loud.

  “The Chair recognizes Dr. Hertzfeld. For those of you who don’t know him, he is a communications specialist.” “The most secure communication systems would be systems buried in the ground such as old underground telecom lines and oceanic cables. Land line telephones are the way to go, but strong encryption would be in order. We might want to reinstitute the telegraph system. That could take them some time to puzzle it out. Too bad the last commercial telegraphs system, Western Union, discontinued service in 2006. However, it shouldn’t take long to restore service.”

  “The Chair recognizes General Dang from the People’s Republic of China.” “We already have most of our communications handled by buried land lines. We prepared against EMP dangers, but we thought they would come from the United States, not aliens.” General Thadford smiled inwardly. The U.S. military already knew about the Chinese extensive underground communication lines. While immune to EMP and airborne jamming, the hub points were known and could be severed with well-placed bombs or missiles. Still, they would survive a lot longer than above ground systems.

  The Chair cut in again. “Gentlemen, let’s focus on military preparedness and how we’ll coordinate global response, should the extraterrestrials prove hostile.” Just then Alexi heard a door open and rushed footsteps, then whispers near the microphone. “Gentlemen, urgent updated news. The alien saucers route is now confirmed beyond any doubt to be heading toward Earth. Predicted arrival is approximately 27 days.” Alexi thought the voice belonged to the meeting’s Chair.

  When General Thadford, the Secretary of Defense, heard this announcement, he fumed internally. Weeks ago he had advocated placing multiple tactical nukes via ICBMs in various orbits and detonating them remotely when the space craft arrived in their vicinity. He had been overruled by a cautious President who preferred to watch and wait, hoping for peaceful intentions. The President felt that the presence of orbital nukes would indicate hostility on our part and not be a good start. Besides it would take more nukes than available to assure saturation and removal of all space craft. General Thadford knew the latter point was valid, but felt the fewer craft left, the better the odds.

  Just then we hear a splat followed by splash noise, and then rapid cursing in the video. Alexi panicked and thought that someone must have dropped a cup of coffee. Given the loudness of the noise, it had to be right near the coffee cart. If that person bent down to wipe it up with napkins, they might see the bug. Wiping noises are heard, which suddenly stop. Next are heard static-like clicks, as if someone had reached under the cart and tried to remove the bug. “Shit,” groaned Alexi. We see him throw the ear bud receiving equipment into the toilet and flushing it down. Quickly he steps outside the restroom and walks in what he hoped was an unhurried manner and blends into the nearest crowd of people. His heart didn’t stop pounding until he exited the building and was safely on the street. We know that Alexi wondered how he could report this news. Perhaps state an unnamed source as the supplier. He is shown hurrying back to the office. We know that Alexi wondered how the public would react to such news. He had an unsettled feeling that panic was the likely outcome. Lord knew what he should do next.

  Back at the New York Times building, Alexi is in a heated discussion with his immediate boss, Jack Wingate. “We have to release this. The public must know,” stated Alexi Utkin. “But you have no reliable source. You can’t admit to bugging the meeting. Even if you attribute it to an off the record comment from an anonymous source, you might be forced to admit the source for reasons of national security or go to jail.” Alexi retorted, “I’ll take the chance. This is a time critical news item and I’m likely to be the only one who can break it before the Public sees these alien space crafts.” Finally, Wingate sighed and said, “OK, you can write it up, but only on our electronic version. At least the digital version can be withdrawn more easily later than the printed copy, if it turns out badly for us.” Alexi ran off with a “Thanks”.

  However, this version was never written. Even as Alexi headed back to his New York Times office, FBI agents were going through all the security camera footage at the UN. It didn’t take long for an agent to spot Alexi going into the bathroom and not coming out for a long time just before the meeting. Suspicions grew as he was seen to exit the bathroom nervously seconds after the bug was discovered on the coffee cart. Once he was identified as an NYT reporter, agents rapidly moved to arrest him at his office. Alexi was questioned and whisked away before he had time to send anything on from his office computer. The computer was impounded with the partially written piece. The agents also took Wingate in to custody, too. Both were trundled off to a secret prison and held incommunicado. All the NYT Chief Editor was told that it was a matter of national security. The NYT’s efforts to uncover what Alexi or Wingate had been working on came up empty-handed. They were stonewalled by the United States Department of Justice and a request to the President’s office was rebuffed. Threats of a lawsuit failed to get any response. Negative publicity began to garner public sympathy and outrage, especially when linked with the families and other individuals that disappeared into government hands. The mounting pressure began to take its toll on President Tomlinson’s approval rating, which dipped to 15, a new low to replace that of President Truman at 22 in 1945.

  The space craft sighting was kept bottled up for two weeks. During testimony from Admiral Hawthorne before the cong
ressional fact-finding committee, he acknowledged that the NSA was responsible for the disappearance of the New York Times reporter, Alexi Utkin, his Newsroom Boss Jack Wingate, the Morehouse family, and several others. He said the action was taken because of a terrorist threat, per order of the Secretary of Defense. He now believed that he had been misled, that there was no foreign terrorist threat. Senator Merrick asked, “Did the order originate with the President?” Admiral Hawthorne responded, “I don’t know. I suggest you ask the Secretary of Defense.” “Oh, we will, I assure you. The subpoena will go out shortly. We will get to the bottom of this.” “Oh, one last thing; rumors are going around about extraterrestrials. Do you know anything about this?” “No, Senator, I do not.”

  President Tomlinson and General Thadford watched the televised proceedings in the Oval Office. “That sanctimonious bastard, Merrick, he would like nothing better that to stick it to me,” said President Tomlinson. The General responded. “He smells blood. I can take the fifth at the hearing to buy us more time.” “That won’t be necessary. I think it is time for a Presidential news conference. I have heard the unrest among those of us who are in the know. There is now some disagreement about keeping it from the public. The change-of-heart group feels the public should know and prepare in whatever fashion they can. I think it is only a matter of time before someone in the White House leaks it or some bastard in another country does. I’ll have the Chief of Staff schedule a Presidential address to the American people before you are scheduled to testify. I’ll also call a meeting of you and a few other trusted cabinet members to strategize about what I should say. With any luck and the right verbal bullshit, we should come out of this in good shape.” The two men smiled. Deceit was the common currency in this administration. “The next election is still mine,” said the President, as he walked General Thadford to the door. President Tomlinson was confident that his approval rating could only go up after a well-planned, clever duplicitous Presidential address.

  The next scene in this video is actual televised footage recorded on January 31st, 2016 from President Tomlinson’s address to the American people.

  The podium with the official presidential seal is seen briefly and then the President steps behind it. “My fellow Americans, I know you have questions and concerns about your government’s actions these last several days. I want to assure you that everything will be explained shortly. But first, I want you to know that these actions were taken in the best interests of all of you, the people of this great nation. My heart was heavy when the need for these actions became necessary. I weighed the needs of this great nation against the few whose civil rights were temporarily suspended. It was with great reluctance that I authorized those actions. I alone take full responsibility for the unlawful restraints of those individuals, those families, who came unknowingly into information that might damage the well-being, the spiritual fabric of this great nation. My guiding principle throughout this ordeal was the common good of the many outweighed the rights of a few. I assure you that those unfortunate people are being released from government custody as we speak, that they were treated well, and will be compensated fairly for their retention by this government.”

  “You ask, you demand, to know why was this action against a very few citizens necessary? When events arise that threaten the very fabric of this nation, and indeed all nations, great leaders cannot be timid. Bold action becomes necessary, indeed required by the magnitude of the event. These citizens learned of the event accidentally, so essentially being in the wrong place at the wrong time led to their predicament. I am sorry that it happened. I wish it had not. However, once it did, it could not be ignored. I took action to prevent the event from becoming public knowledge.”

  “You ask why I did what I did. I and the other world leaders conferred about the event. We all feared that public disclosure at this point would be devastating. We feared riots, we feared runs on food supplies, we feared panic, we feared mass buying of guns, and we feared needless deaths of citizens caught up in the panic of the moment. We were determined to avoid this outcome, to buy time until we could act and get mechanisms in place to prevent panic, injury and death. So we acted in your best interest, as government should and must. Eventually, we could not hide the increased military activity around the globe, especially on the air force level. At this time your government has decided that its protective actions might lead to the same panic that initial disclosure would have caused. It is hard to hide fighter jets that seem to be on constant patrol world-wide. Our fear was that you might think war was inevitable because of all this global military activity and the media reports of this rising activity. Therefore, it has come to the time when you can know, must know the truth. Other governments will be telling their citizens in their own way. I wanted to be first. You should not have to learn about this event from another country’s leader.”

  “So what is this event? I can now say unequivocally that humankind is not alone. There are other forms of intelligent life in this Universe. Several space craft of unknown origin have been sighted between the Moon and Mars. This knowledge undoubtedly challenges you to the limit. Is it a threat to me? What is the religious significance? Are we God’s only children? Why are they here? Will life on Earth change? All these questions are unanswerable at present. There has been no contact yet. Our radio signals beamed at these space craft have gone unanswered. Our questions and answers will have to wait until the ships arrive. Yes, they appear to be headed toward Earth. They will arrive in two weeks, give a day or two. We will be ready for this arrival. We are committed to a peaceful first contact. However, rest assured that should hostility be their intent, we will be in position to deal a deadly blow. Preparation involves considerable effort and mobilization of our troops. This massive effort will require some sacrifices on your part and the suspension of some of your civil rights. This imposition is only temporary and will be lifted as soon as possible.”

  “Now in order to continue preparations for their arrival, I am declaring martial law effective immediately. There will be no gatherings of people, crowds will be dispersed, and a curfew from 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM is imposed. Exceptions will be made for emergency responders, medical personnel, police, soldiers, truckers and those whose jobs require them to work during those hours. Failure to abide by these edicts will result in arrest and incarceration for the near future. Food and pharmacy distribution will be controlled. There will be no panic buying or hoarding. The National Guard in all states is being activated to enforce these regulations as I speak. You are to go about your natural work and school activities. You will be allowed to travel for vacation or recreational purposes. You will be inconvenienced sometimes, as military activities take precedence. All military convoys have the right of way on the road. Should roads become overly congested; the National Guard will suspend all travel, as the military mobilization has the highest priority. All National Guard personnel should report to their units effective immediately. Orders will be issued for their deployment”

  “The last restriction will undoubtedly incur the wrath of the NRA. I am ordering the closure of all gun stores. No guns, pistols, rifles, shotguns or ammunition will be sold during the duration of martial law. These stores should close effective immediately. If not done, local police assisted by the National Guard will do it forcibly. Background checks and federal approval are suspended immediately until further notice, thus ending sales right now even if you find a store open. Even those possessing a legal concealed carry gun permit cannot purchase fire arms at this time.”

  “This ends my address to you, the American people. There will be no questions allowed at the end of my address. Future conferences will be arranged for those purposes. My fellow citizens, God bless and good night.”

  Over the next two weeks, chaos and a circus atmosphere reigned. Pushback from the NRA was almost immediate. Armed with vast funds, lots of lobby power backed by significant political clout by its collective membership, and good lawyers, the NRA managed
to get the United States Supreme Court to schedule a ruling on the constitutional merits of the prevention of gun sales based upon the second amendment. Was it legal? Did martial law give the President the authority to suspend the second amendment? Surviving polls from that time show that the NRA’s approval rating was considerably higher than that of President Tomlinson.

  A congressional fact-finding committee was rapidly established by the opposing political party. The request to appear was rebuffed by the Secretary of Defense, General Thadford, who claimed Executive Privilege and unavailability because of martial law. The media had a regular circus covering these legal aspects. The circus atmosphere became even more pronounced with daily countdown calendars until Alien Arrival Day. Talking heads proliferated, speculating on technological benefits likely to be bestowed upon humankind. A few warned of dangers such as outright hostility, death and destruction. Their views weren’t very popular. Some religious groups announced the second coming of Christ, or Buddha, or Mohammed, you take your pick. A few thought the Rapture was at hand.


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