The Manhattan Incident

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The Manhattan Incident Page 17

by Raymond Poincelot

  “For the following cities, we have instituted additional safeguards per martial law. Those cities are New York, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Detroit, Phoenix, and San Francisco. In these cities, we have decided to close all schools, both public and private at all educational levels, to safeguard the children and young adults and to prevent the spread of the disease. Gatherings of any type are banned as are all sporting or entertainment events where an audience is assembled. Home school your children and keep them close by. You can find home school lessons and materials at Watch over your neighbors and friends. Report any illness immediately to the authorities. As new information becomes available, it will be available on television, the radio, and the internet. Go to for the most up to date source. Stay well and God bless each and every one of us.”

  The narrator cut in. At the end of the first week, an important meeting took place. This meeting was just as important as the Cabrot meeting to tackle the Blue Flu virus. The goals were both the same, to keep humankind around. The Cabrot meeting dealt with short term survival. The other meeting, now known as the Chung-Straub meeting, was concerned with long term survival. This meeting took place in Area 51 and involved what is now known as the Global Strategic Defense and Survival Group. While it took place at Area 51, most of the participants were present by video internet conferencing. The communications were encrypted with the latest technology. By then it was quite certain that the aliens had been able to eavesdrop on our communications. However, the aliens weren’t around, so the cynics among us wondered if the real reason was to keep information from the general public. The participants included surviving or newly appointed world leaders and the top military commanders of the United States, the Peoples Republic of China, India, Pakistan, United Kingdom, France, Israel, and North Korea. The common denominator was the possession of nuclear weapons. Leaders were very new in some cases, the United States, Russia and the Peoples Republic of China. Their leaders had been killed by alien strikes early on. The meeting was opened by President Chung.

  “Welcome, Presidents, Premiers, Prime Ministers and Generals. There is an old Chinese proverb to describe why we are here. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. My update of the proverb is “The greater of my enemies can only be defeated through cooperation with the lesser of my enemies.” We all have had political, economic and military differences. It is time to put all of that behind us, as we face an enemy far greater than any of us could ever have imagined.”

  “Their technology is considerably beyond us. Wormholes, the stuff of science fiction, appear to be real and have been mastered by the aliens. How else can we explain their appearance out of nowhere? Their larger ships are immune to our defenses, given their multiple coordinated laser firepower. We were only able to prevail when the large ships divided into what some have popularly called, “Wedgies”. I say prevailed in the most marginal sense of the word. We succeeded in the United States only because of one specialized aircraft here, the Warthog, and experimental weapons pushed to their limits. In some cases success was due to nuclear weapons as in the Peoples Republic of China or numerous specialized aircraft like our Warthog in Russia. In some cases success came only after the crafts mysteriously left.”

  “Numerous lives were lost in the process through tactical nuke strikes by the aliens and during our defensive actions. While bad enough, it pales next to the threat we face now. We now know that the ships left, not because of our armed might, but because they thought a mortal blow was delivered through their bio-weapon, the Blue Flu virus. The United States has a team working on a cure or treatment for the Blue Flu virus. We might have the only BSL-4 level lab left in the world according to our intelligence. If we are wrong, speak up now.” No one spoke. The nodding of heads across the multiple screens said it all.”

  “The United States promises to share whatever treatment, cure or vaccine we come up with. This is done in the manner of new global cooperation, as alone none of us stand a chance in the long term. In that spirit, I propose a new strategic initiative to assure readiness for the aliens return. While no one knows for certain, they likely want our planet’s resources and a sufficient slave labor population to work for them. Otherwise, they would have completely destroyed all our infrastructure, used more nuclear attacks, and spread the virus further rather than our 100 largest global cities. They are counting on survivors when they return. When will that be? It could be in a month, a year, or 10 years. We don’t know, but we damn well better put aside all our differences and we better be ready to deal a major blow upon their return. I now turn over the meeting to General Straub, my current commanding officer under me for all the branches of the United States military forces.”

  General Straub spoke. “With my deepest respect, I wish to honor the memories of all those who lost their lives, whether as innocent civilians or military personnel. We cannot bring them back, but we can remember their sacrifices. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. It will be fresh in our minds whenever and where ever we meet the enemy again. We stand to lose many more lives before the virus is stopped. They will only add to our determination to destroy the aliens upon their return.”

  “Even though the virus is not under control yet, we need to proceed with strategic defensive measures now as time is not on our side. I ask for your cooperation in this larger effort. Some of you might ask, why just us? Many other countries exist, but are not here today. The answer is simple and likely you have guessed already. We are the nuclear weapons club. These weapons have to be our first line of defense out beyond our planet. That goal can be achieved in short order with your cooperation.”

  “Our scientists have pinpointed the exact location where the alien ships first appeared near Mars. It is the same location at which the lone surviving ship disappeared. Using our telescopes, we have detected a geostationary object that we believe is essential for wormhole termination. We have located a similar device in geostationary orbit on the moon’s dark side. Our first thought was to launch nuclear missiles and destroy them. If we destroyed the objects, the aliens would likely put a new one somewhere else and we would have lost the element of surprise. In fact, there might even be more of these devices in our system. Cooler heads prevailed. Our next plan was to retrieve the object closest to us. We could analyze it and perhaps figure a way to jam it or even to master wormhole technology. However, after the last ships departed, we learned that both objects had disappeared, either destroyed or removed by the aliens.”

  “We propose placing several nuclear devices in the vicinity of the original devices, which could be detonated remotely when the aliens return. However, we cannot assume that the aliens will come through those two portal locations again. It could be anywhere in the solar system. As a compromise we propose planting more nuclear devices between the moon and Earth and between the moon and Mars. Even if a wormhole appears beyond, the aliens will still have to pass through the mined region. This plan is ambitious; many nuclear warheads are needed. The timing needs to be discussed and a consensus reached.”

  “Do we detonate the minute the first ship comes through or do we wait for many ships to come through? The first option destroys only one vessel and ends the ability of the others to come through. Of course, destruction of the wormhole might destroy the ships in transit or maybe even at the starting point. We just don’t know. If the first one is destroyed without affecting the others in transit, many others could come through another time at the same or some other location. If we wait, we are assured to destroy many ships, but run the risk that their technology might sense the nuclear weapons and destroy them before we can use them. Of course, we could shield the nukes with lead and made them look like an asteroid. The devil is in the details. The bottom line is that we all need to contribute a fair share of nukes based proportionately on our current holdings and use the launch facilities in the United States, Russia and the Peoples Republic of China to put th
em in place. That is Phase 1 which should be accomplished without further delay.”

  “Phase 2 will run concurrently, but with different teams. This effort will concentrate on the development of highly advanced weaponry for use in orbital platforms and at land-based mobile weapons units and sea-based ships. These weapon systems would be the second line of defense for ships that get past the orbital nukes and head for Earth. The space platforms will take the second line of defense followed by the land- and sea-based weapons. These weapons would likely be particle beams, lasers and rail guns. We have successful prototypes that were used, but they have limitations that hinder their effectiveness. We know you have such weapons in development. We propose sharing of technology with the hopes that a group effort would overcome these limitations.”

  “Phase 3 would be the development of better jet fighters. We envision a fighter more heavily armored and with more effective missiles and cannons than our current Warthog or the F-22. We also want both planes to be faster, more maneuverable, and able to reach higher altitudes.”

  “Phase 4 would be improved hand weapons that can fire with more power and pierce armor. These might be conventional, highly improved pistols and rifles. We should consider laser versions. We might want to explore new cartridges. Think outside the box. For example, a hybrid cartridge with more powerful propellant and a three part bullet could be developed. Here’s one idea our team came up with. The outer part could be an extremely sharp pointed titanium piece coated with Teflon for armor penetration and able to travel at twice the velocity of our current rounds. The second part could be a depleted uranium slug and the third part an explosive powder that detonates on impact, thus ramming the uranium slug through the hole created by the titanium lead slug. To show our openness and to get your trust, we have captured one alien and its armor. That’s why we need a new cartridge, should we get to ground combat.”

  There was a considerable stir and noise and surprised faces at all the monitors. “Gentlemen, I know you have many questions. This is not the time or place. I assure you we will share whatever we find out about this alien.” General Straub knew he was holding back on the captured ship and weapons. He had decided to update the President with their limited findings to date. Both he and President Chung had discussed the issue and decided to hold the information back as a trump card.

  “In conclusion, I propose the establishment of working international teams for phases one through four. I have placed General Douglas in charge of the effort on our side. He will now take over and discuss arrangements and schedule additional meeting. “

  General Douglas stepped forward and outlined steps, timelines and possible meeting schedules. The video voice-over cut in. We won’t bore the viewer with details. Suffice it to say that the ball got rolling and cooperation won the day. Really, there was no other choice. However, the actual creation of a Global Strategic Initiative took a back seat to the race to contain and cure the Blue Flu virus. That was expected, one must survive in order to plan another day. It would be four months before the world turned its serious attention to the Global Strategic Initiative.


  VIDEO: THE INCIDENT. The video voice-over returned. During the second through fourth weeks, the best and worst of humanity became evident as the Blue Flu virus continued unabated. No cure or treatment had been found yet. In all fairness it was not physically possible to develop cures and treatments in such a short time, even with Dr. Cabrot’s group working at a flat out pace. While not possible to chronicle those events in the United States, never mind global, we will provide the viewer with a flavor, a snapshot if you will, of those times. These events are as true as possible and are based on existing documents and interviews with those who survived. Many events went unrecorded and are lost to history. We only know they happened from the remains of mass graves or just decomposed bodies found where they dropped and vast physical damage from fires and explosions. For a more detailed look at these and other events of that time, we suggest the viewer go to the internet site, This video concentrates on the happenings in the United States. We also suggest that you view videos from other nations for a more complete global view. We now introduce you to the first vignette.

  PRESENT DAY. Zack was sitting in the classroom watching the video like all the other students. At the mention of the snapshots of those times, powerful memories flooded Zack’s mind. A tear dripped down his cheek. At that moment, Paul Laurent noticed the tear and thought that some sad memory must have triggered. Zack thought back to his sad time.

  It was Zachary Johnson’s birthday. He had just turned 9 years old. Zack, as he was known to his dad, was not celebrating or having a party. Such things didn’t happen in his sad life. His mom had left some years back, never to be heard from again. She couldn’t cope with the fits of drunkenness of Zack’s dad and the raising of a child. He was sitting in the living room playing a video game. School was closed and he hadn’t been out in days and food was running low. No one was around to buy food or pick it up at the government distribution center. He was afraid to venture out, having seen the government warnings about the Blue Flu virus. Zack lived in a small apartment, one of four in the stand alone complex on the outskirts of Rutland, Vermont.

  He didn’t have any friends. The kids at school tolerated him, but thought he was weird. The weirdness originated two years ago when Zack said he had a bad feeling about their teacher. The next day the teacher was killed in a car accident. The kids called him witch boy because of it. The school authorities tried to explain to the kids during the counseling phase that it was just a coincidence on Zack’s part. He went along with it, having learned to never share his feelings with anyone ever again. Still, it was not a coincidence in Zack’s mind. He vividly got the feeling the day before while looking at his teacher. She looked sad. Suddenly in his mind he somehow knew that the love of her life had run off with another, younger woman. He sensed she had lost her will to go on. He felt in a way that he could not put into words that she was going to drive her car into a tree. The next day, she did and it was ruled an accident. Zack knew better.

  His only friend was Dr. Harvey Monroe in the apartment next to him. Doc, as Zack called him, was a kindly retired veterinarian some 80 years old. His dog, Chaser, was a golden retriever who loved to chase tennis balls. Chaser was why Zack first became Doc’s friend. Doc was delighted to share his dog and very pleased to let Zack walk him and play with him, as it was getting harder and harder for Doc to do those things. The third unit was currently unoccupied and up for rent. The last unit was owned by a family that only used it when they were skiing at Killington. While they were often there in the winter, this year it seemed that they weren’t around at all. Zack figured they were scared of the Blue Flu virus.

  Zack wondered where his dad was. He was often late coming home, usually arriving drunk, having stopped at a bar. Zack’s dad worked at a local warehouse accepting deliveries, placing goods in their proper locations, and getting them ready for shipping out as the need arose. Zack looked at the clock. Earlier, he had a bowl of cereal for dinner and the milk was starting to turn. The clock said 11:00 PM. Zack decided to go to bed very worried, as his dad was never this late. When he woke up that morning, dad still wasn’t there. Zack was really worried. He went next door and knocked at Doc’s door. He could hear Doc shuffling to the door and Chaser thumping his tail against the door.

  Doc opened the door. “I knew it was you. Chaser always tells me. You here to give him a morning walk?” “Sure, Doc,” answered Zack. As Zack stepped in, Doc saw the one lone tear drip down Zack’s cheek. “What’s wrong, Zack?” “Dad didn’t come home last night and I’m out of food” blurted Zack. “Hmm,” said Doc. “Let me think on this for a while. Why don’t you walk the dog and I’ll figure something out.” Zack put the lead on Chaser and said, “Let’s go Chaser.” Zack gave Chaser a nice walk in the wooded area behind the apartment building and brought Chaser bac
k to Doc’s apartment.

  Doc heard them come in. “Zack, I’ve called the police and hospital, but they know nothing about him. It’s possible he is on a big bender and is holed up somewhere for a few days. Zack said “Dad’s hasn’t done that for a long time. It’s not like him.” “Well Zack, there’s nothing we can do since neither one of us drives. I did call his workplace and the bar he frequents. Both saw him yesterday, but not today. In fact, he hasn’t shown up for work. If he isn’t back tomorrow, we’ll file a missing person’s report. Let’s get some food into you. Perhaps that will help you feel better.” Chaser whined and snuggled up to Zack’s legs. Zack wolfed down the hot dogs and some salad. Doc ate too to keep him company. “Zack, you know things are going to hell in a hand basket. I called the local mom and pop grocery store that usually delivers to me. They said no more deliveries. I think they are afraid of the Blue Flu virus. Until your dad comes back, we can’t even get to the government food distribution center in town.”

  “I have an idea. Rummage around in the back of my closet. You’ll find a crowbar and wire cutters. Bring them here.” Zack gave him a puzzled look, but did as he was told. He came back with the crowbar and wire cutters. “Zack, these are hard times, bad times. Sometimes you have to do what you’ve got to do. Zack, you’re going to go to the telephone boxes on the outside of the apartment complex on the north side. Look for the one labeled Northfield. Cut the wire going into the top of the box. Then come back here.”


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