The Manhattan Incident

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The Manhattan Incident Page 28

by Raymond Poincelot

  The ten minutes were up and all the students had returned to the room. Zack had been the first one back after only a few minutes absence. As Paul looked around, he noticed Zack staring at him. “Is something wrong, Zack?” Zack lowered his head and mumbled something. To Paul, it sounded like “No, Dr. Cab.., I mean Dr. Laurent. Sorry.” Paul shook his head. Either he misheard, or it was an honest confusion caused by the embarrassment of being called out.

  DEAR READER. The public was led to believe that Drs. Cabrot, Gupta and Miller did not survive the bomb attack. Because the bomber died in the explosion, it was not clear if he acted alone or had help. Of course, dear reader, you do know about Reverend Cooper’s involvement. At the time of the actual event, the identity of the perpetrator(s) was unknown. Only later from Reverend Cooper’s autobiography did we learn the truth.

  VIDEO: THE INCIDENT. President Chung strode to the podium. “We are gathered here to pay our final respects to Drs. Cabrot, Gupta and Miller. If not for their dedication, their brilliance, their unending labors on our behalf, many of us would not be here. Indeed, our nation, and all nations might not even exist. So it is fitting that heads of state and military delegations from around the world are here to honor these heroes.” She paused while the camera panned around the audience.

  Here Paul remembered how he as John back then and his companions marveled at seeing the heads of State from Canada, Australia, Russia, the People’s Republic of China, India, Brazil, Turkey, England, France, Germany and so on. The military Generals and Admirals were all present, too, in their resplendent uniforms. It looked like a gathering never seen before for any funeral held on Earth. John remembered thinking that one bomb there and the world would take years to recover. He was sure the security had been top notch.

  As the camera panned back to the podium, Paul noticed General Straub and General Douglas were sitting behind the President as were numerous other politicians and military officers from the U. S. government. They looked much younger back then.

  President Chung continued. “We can never repay these men for their unselfish efforts to save the world. Instead, they will be in our hearts and minds for as long as we live. Their memories will continue on for generation to generation as all school children are taught about Earth’s greatest heroes. Their accomplishments and their memories will be honored forever, as long as any humans remain on this earth. We hope that these men will be an inspiration to future generations, as those who come after us strive to put nationalistic pettiness aside to better humanity and protect us from future alien incursions. We pray with all our might that this will be so. Even now all world governments are meeting at the UN to make this vision a reality. We ask God to guide this Global Strategic Initiative to a successful conclusion, so that all nations can live and work together. No less is needed; no less will do, if we are to emerge triumphantly from this alien attempt to subjugate the human race. We do this united effort in honor of Cabrot, Gupta and Miller. May they rest in peace for eternity.”

  Again Paul’s thoughts intruded. He remembered watching this and saying “Holy shit. This is unreal.” Ahmed had responded, “Actually fraudulent.” Ralph had chimed in with “But, don’t you love it.” “Have you noticed this ceremony is at Arlington National Cemetery?” John had said. “Why there? Isn’t that for the military burials?” He focused again on the video as President Chung continued on with her eulogy.

  “It is appropriate, it is the least we can do to honor their memories that we dedicate this memorial to Earth’s Heroes.’ The camera then panned to a lumpish tall object covered with a blue tarp. Suddenly it was raised and a gleaming black and white spectacled marble obelisk leaped into view. As the camera panned upward, a globe was seen at the top. The camera zoomed in on the globe and it resolved into a beautiful rendition of the planet Earth showing beautiful blues, greens and browns. The audience gasped. Next the camera zoomed to the bottom where the names of John Cabrot, Ralph Miller and Ahmed Gupta were inscribed with their dates of birth and death. Higher up on the frontal plane were inscribed the words, “Earth Heroes, Never to be Forgotten.” John wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he watched this part. Again, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zack staring at him.

  The narrator’s voice came on. “If you viewers are wondering how this marvelous memorial was readied in such a short time, the answer is that this was only a quickly cast acrylic stand-in. A real marble replacement was lovingly crafted and installed later.

  President Chung came back. “This memorial is a monument to not only America’s heroes, but to any nation’s heroes of the future. In the spirit of the ongoing Global Strategic Initiative, I hereby declare that this monument and the immediate burial ground for its heroes are deeded to all nations in perpetuity. Let this show America’s commitment to cooperation with the aims of the Global Strategic Initiative.”

  Paul again thought back to those times. He distinctly remembered a conversation with General Straub after the funeral. General Straub has fumed internally when he heard President Chung’s statement ...” America’s commitment to cooperation with the aims of the Global Strategic Initiative.” Those words, he thought, were so hypocritical. President Chung had been doing her damn best to sabotage the talks. All she could think of was losing some of her Presidential power. She was so blinded by this view that she could not see the critical need for a united effort against the aliens. Most of the military in the United States had seen the need. Her obstinacy was causing the Chinese to balk also. Her words were only grandstanding for the upcoming presidential election.

  The video continued with the President saying “For those of you who wonder about why Arlington National Cemetery, isn’t it for the military? Generally yes. However, these men worked as civilians under military direction, they did their research mostly at a military base, they came under attack as did our military, and they enabled the world to defeat the biological scourge released by the aliens. In short, they were soldiers of the Earth, so they are entitled to take their place of rest with our other men and women of the armed forces of the United States of America.”

  At that point three uniformed soldiers approached the podium and bent to pick up the three urns at the base of the podium. One man wore the uniform of the United States Air Force, another man wore the United States Navy uniform, and the third, a woman, wore the uniform of the United States Army. They straightened up with the urns and stood at rigid attention. Then the military band struck up the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” As the music roared out, three F-35s roared over and dipped once. Then a Marine resplendent in his uniform and carrying the flag of the United States of America approached the podium. He saluted and then spun sharply on his heels and started a slow march to the memorial. The three military men and woman marched behind him. They all paused at rigid attention in front of the memorial. A 21 gun salute started nearby. When it was over, the three urns were lowered gracefully in perfect unison by white-gloved hands into the holes. There wasn’t a dry eye to be seen anywhere, other than the four soldiers at the memorial. The ceremony closed with the band playing “Amazing Grace.”

  DEAR READER. The following event was determined to actually have happened based on Reverend Cooper’s later autobiography. Somewhere in the Bronx, Reverend Cooper angrily hit the turn off button on his remote. There was no one in the room, but he spoke out loud with anger. “God, what is wrong with these people? Those men worked for the devil, they were the Anti-Christ and his minions. Is the devil that strong? Can’t these people see the truth? Heroes, my ass. God, please give me the strength to continue your fight.” He stormed over to the cabinet and poured himself a large whiskey.

  VIDEO: THE INCIDENT. The voice-over narrator spoke. The next day an event took place that shaped the future of humanity. If it had gone the wrong way, the human race likely would not have survived or would have survived enslaved by an alien overlord race. The right way, while it didn’t guarantee our survival, it did give us a fighting chance. The meeting took
place in the Oval Office. General Straub had been called in for a behind the wood shed moment. President Chung sat behind the imposing Presidential desk with an angry demeanor. Her two closest aides sat nearby in the corner. General Straub sat stone-faced in front of her desk. “General, I do not like, I do not approve of the way the Global Strategic Initiative is going. I refer specifically to the command of the International Army. Our wealthier citizens are none too happy about the proposed restrictions on business and manufacturing either. Since I am Commander-in-Chief, you will follow my orders. The International Army Command must have a veto override by my office, should I not agree with the objective of the International Army. I want the right to disagree and pull our troops, if necessary.”

  “Madame President, with all due respect, it won’t work. The army must have a unified command structure; it cannot answer to any country, and must be absolutely free of political influence. While some mechanism can be created to give countries input and some method to object can be arranged, one country alone cannot, and should not, run the show. Only a majority opposition should be able to alter the objectives. Currently, only you and the Chinese premier are opposed. Our understanding is that the Chinese will give in, if you do.”

  “General, this is your second show of insubordination. I have overlooked the first, but will not do it a second time. Either you do as I order, or I will relieve you of command.”

  Just then one aide ran over to President Chung and whispered into her ear. President Chung scowled deeply. “General, let’s take a 15 minute recess to cool down.” General Straub stood, saluted and left the office.

  She turned angrily to her aides and said, “This had better be worth my while. I can relieve you of your jobs just like the General.”

  The braver of the Aides said, “Hear us out without interruption. When we’re done, if you wish, we will submit our resignations. First, you should know that public opinion polls place General Straub considerably ahead of you in popular public support. If he were to run against you, you would certainly lose the election. Now, before you say what makes you think Straub would run now, you need to know that the Republican Party is considering drafting General Straub to run against you. We have learned that one of their political attack ads being proposed, if Straub accepts, shows you cowering in the Presidential bunker, while General Straub is leading the battle against the aliens. The public knows he saved them, not you. If you fire General Straub, he most likely would accept the draft and run against you. Even if you don’t, he might still do so. Our resignations are on the table.”

  “OK, you keep your jobs on the condition you give me a plan that gets me in the White House for a full, real term.” They conferred for several minutes.

  At 15 minutes sharp, General Straub returned. He saluted smartly and stood at attention. “Sit down, General and be at ease. I have a proposition for you. You can keep your job and you can have my support for your proposed command structure, but on one condition. You must agree to not run against me in the upcoming race. I want you to publically declare you will not run and that you will not accept a draft, if offered. Can you do that?”

  General Straub was pleased with the turn of events. Yes, he knew about the draft targeting his run and felt in his heart he could beat President Chung. However, he truly believed that there was a higher calling, a more important choice, which was to make the Global Strategic Initiative work. “Yes, I can do as you ask, but I have two conditions of my own. First, you end this threat of insubordination now and forever. Two, we draft a written agreement that we both sign.” “General, you have a deal.”

  Suddenly the voice-over narrator interrupted. Due to legal considerations, we are obligated to say the following. Former President Chung disputes our version of the aforementioned meeting with General Straub, as does she other parts of this documentary that cast her in a less than favorable light. For her version, you are directed to read her autobiography, “How I Stared down THE INCIDENT.” published by Warner, Sony and Morrow Press. For our part, we are allowed to say that we believe our versions are historically correct, being based on recovered emails, documents, interviews, and the recollections of first and second hand witnesses. Now back to our video.

  The announcer continued on. The Global Strategic Initiative conference continued on at the UN for several more days. There was considerable debate about surrendering some power from sovereign nations, who would control the new global armies, and how to balance capitalism vs. socialism. Religion was left completely off the table. Lobbyists, special interest groups, big money, and politicians did their damndest to sabotage the whole process. Opposing these groups were the everyday citizens around the world using Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It was an ugly time and debate. Ultimately, the elephant in the room, the threat of human annihilation by the aliens next time, prevailed. These 10 days of decision reaching consensus would require an entire documentary of its own to convey what happened. We cannot, and will not, try here. Instead we will summarize the working goals that guided the formation of a new World Government. This new government had its own army and other institutions comparable to a working democracy, while sovereign nations remained, for the most part, autonomous. No one nation was happy with the outcome, but no nation felt like they got nothing. That outcome is what one expects through compromise. We suggest the listener consult the book, “Blow by Blow; The Global Strategic Initiative Conference,” published by Warner, Sony and Morrow Press. For the record, the makers of this video have no commercial interest in the publisher and do not receive any remuneration for mentioning this book or the President’s book. Please stay with us while we narrate this section. We’ll try to enliven it with background scenes pertinent to the topics of discussion. Pay attention class, your teacher will likely test you on this part.

  First and foremost the conference participants overwhelmingly approved the weapons development and strategy proposed by General Straub. The United States would take the lead in manufacturing the new Warthog-OS and the F22-EV. Major components would also be contributed by the People’s Republic of China. Russia would take the lead in manufacturing the larger laser-based weapons with German assistance. Particle beam and rail gun weaponry would be primarily a United States task with Chinese and French help. Nuclear weapons for the orbital platforms and deeper space applications would be contributed primarily from the United States, Russia, and the People’s Republic of China. A European consortium of England, France, Germany and Italy would manufacture the orbital platforms and deep space mines, while the United States and the People’s Republic of China would provide the rocket lift capacity to place the platforms and mines in space. Small arms manufacture of hand held laser side arms, laser rifles and conventional small arms would be made in dozens of countries around the globe.

  Special armor piercing bullets were contracted out to several countries under the direction of the United States. These were hybrid cartridges with very powerful propellants and a three part bullet. The outer part consisted of an extremely sharp pointed titanium piece coated with Teflon for initial armor penetration. The second part was a depleted uranium slug and the third part an explosive charge that detonated on impact, thus ramming the uranium slug through the hole created by the titanium lead slug. The United States supplied the titanium and spent uranium components to the manufacturing countries.

  Details and coordination were worked out after the conference by a special commission consisting of military officials and manufacturing representatives from the various countries.

  The next accomplishment was the creation of the global armed forces, which became known as GAF. It was decided that the initial GAF should be formed from the top ten militaries in the world. The United States, the Peoples Republic of China, Russia, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, Japan and Turkey all agreed to release 10 percent of their troops and military gear across all services. The 10 % would be volunteers first and conscripts only if necessary to meet the quota. Such was the
anger and zeal to revenge humanity and protect Earth, more volunteers turned out than were needed. It was agreed that the command language would be English only, so the first recruits were given English intensive instruction until they could pass the English mastery test. While this point was a sticking point, it was ultimately agreed upon because English was the most widespread first and second language around the globe and all saw the need for a unified command language during critical actions.

  Other countries could voluntarily provide troops and equipment. No one would be drafted, but citizens from any country, male or female between the ages of 18-24 could join as long as they passed the physical and English mastery tests. One was allowed to retake the tests multiple times. To make the GAF attractive, salary levels were set 20% higher than the highest paid troops anywhere on the globe. After much debate about how to fund the army, it was decided that a value added tax would be applied to all goods sold worldwide, except for food and medical expenditures. Enforcement was quite simple. While no country was forced to participate, except for the ten countries that provided the military muscle, it was made known that the GAF would only defend countries that provided the VAT monies. Fear and citizen anger ultimately forced almost all countries, except for Iran and North Korea, to contribute.

  The command structure was typical of most militaries. There were Generals, Colonels, Lieutenants, Sergeants, etc., and Privates. Who would get these posts? While initially troublesome, it was decided that each of the 10 countries providing the troops could nominate officers for these posts. For example, President Chung nominated General Straub. Now some questioned whether her motivation was because Straub was the best, or whether she wanted him to leave the U.S. armed forces, but we can’t say. A committee with representation from the ten countries met to vet all the nominees. General Straub turned out to be the unanimous choice for the top leadership. His defensive response against the aliens was considered to be the best among the major powers. He went from being a six star General of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to a seven star General of the Global Armed Forces. He accepted the post with gratitude. One couldn’t help but wonder how he felt about going from being under the command of President Chung to being over her in the command structure.


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