Zombie Theorem (Book 3): The End Game

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Zombie Theorem (Book 3): The End Game Page 20

by James Wallace

  “I am a woman. I am used to telling men when they are wrong.” She smiled and let a little girl-like giggle out.

  Doc rolled his eyes and let out a snort of derision. Apache reached over and popped him in the back of the head. “Dad, could you tell Apache to keep her hands to herself, please?”

  “Apache, stop teasing and beating up your wussy little brother.” Kuppers droned out while examining the data given to him by Brian’s assistant, Corporal Narron.

  Apache stuck her tongue out at Doc, and he stuck his, out in response. “Okay children, enough. We have work to do,” I interrupted the tit-for-tat before it upgraded to wrestling.

  I stared at the map for a while till we were interrupted by a pair of sergeants escorting some corporals and airmen up with food and drinks for the planning staff. We took a break and ate, talking about other subjects and trying to ignore the situation we all sat in. I finished my salad and sandwich, picked up a refreshed cup of coffee and retreated outside to clear my head. We had spent so much time on our planning that we had lost the entire day. The sun had travelled across the sky since this morning and was beginning its downward fall over the mountains. I hiked out about fifty yards from the opening of the building and stood looking northwest. I imagined seeing a large line of armored vehicles and armed men making their way to us, firing their weapons and decimating us. I realized we could just sit inside and button down the hatches. But they could sit on us and wait for our supplies to dwindle down to nothing, forcing us to come up and then kill us one at a time or worse.

  I looked over our surroundings and up to the hills. Ideas started coming to me the longer I stood there, surveying the terrain. I turned quickly to jog back to the planning room when I was surprised. The whole team had followed me outside and had been standing behind me, waiting for something to come to me.

  “I take it something finally came to you, Boss?” Brian was standing just slightly behind me with his arms crossed over his massive chest.

  “I was coming in to chat with you guys about that very thing. I was checking out the terrain and wanted to see if you guys agreed with some ideas I have.” I turned and started pointing to the nearby hills. “First, we should put some people with heavy weapons up high. Next, and I am little embarrassed by this idea because I saw it in an old TV show called The A-team, but what would happen if we dug some ditches and soaked them in diesel or something. Then when the enemy gets here, we ignite it and burn them.”

  Apache came forward and stood next to me looking at the same area as I had been. Her hands were on her hips and a look of concentration etched on her face as she chewed on her bottom lip. “I think he has some good ideas. I also suggest we look into setting up some IEDs on the foot paths behind us into the valley, so we don’t have to spread ourselves too thin to watch our flanks.”

  Kuppers came forward and took Apache’s place. “Well, we don’t have much time. The General says he re-tasked a Canadian satellite, and they see a large force coming our way. Not much armor, so we caught a break. But I do believe they will try softening us up, with either a bombing run or they could set up just on the other side of the hill there and hit us with mortars.”

  “No way. They want this place intact. I think they are going to try and hit us with a rush of ground troops. They will try and come through the garage or front door. I also think, they may know a back way in or come through the ventilation. Anyway, that’s what I’m thinking.”

  “That actually makes sense. But we need to plan for all contingencies. Cupcake do you think we could barricade the garage?” Vic enquired.

  Cupcake stood quietly while he thought about the question. “If I can borrow ten bodies, we can stack some of the heavier supplies against the garage doors and then support them with two Humvees. That should be able to hold against enemy soldiers and light weapons, but unless I had a way to build a foot-thick steel door, there is no way I could protect against heavier weapons or breaching charges. But if I could have Doc plant some IEDs on the path up to the door, we should be able to hold off a fairly large force, for a little while at least.”

  Doc whispered into Apache’s ear, bringing a mile-wide smile to her lips. “Doc and I found a ton of C-4 and we have a crate or two of claymore mines. If we had some help, we could mine the garage entrance and still have plenty to set up as surprises for anyone trying to come through the front here.”

  “I saw two old front loaders, D6s I think, in the garage. We can use them to create the diesel fire pits that Dan suggested.” Brian threw into the conversation.

  “Anyone else have a great idea?” I asked.

  The group remained quiet till Kuppers spoke up. “I got good and bad news. The bad news is that the AC-130 we were promised is having some maintenance issues. Their mechanics are working around the clock to get it done. So, no promises that we are going to have air support. The good news is that General Richards is sending us a small attachment of National Guard MPs, who we fought with in San Francisco and at Alcatraz. To add to that good news, he is sending us some more ammo, and some heavy hardware they found, including some ATMs, mainly a couple of FGM-148 Javelins, and some M47 Dragons.” I raised my hand and Kuppers smiled. “Sorry, Dan. I keep forgetting that you don’t know our acronyms. ATM means Anti-Tank Missile. These can be set up and manned by a small number of soldiers. The Dragons have not been used for a long time, but I am sure they will be nice to have. I guess we should set them up in stages. We won’t have many, but let’s put some up here on these ridges and then two more up on those ridges.” He pointed to ridges closer to the facility. “Then, maybe hold a couple in reserve and plant two more in the rear to protect us from being flanked. Any questions, concerns, or gripes?” he asked.

  “When are the NG coming?” Vic asked.

  “They are in the air as we speak. They cannot land, so the supplies will be an air drop and the NG are going to have to parachute in,” Kuppers answered.

  “Brian, grab the equipment you need and start digging the trenches, make sure we can ignite them remotely. Doc and Apache start on the garage access, planting your mines and C-4. When you are done, handle the front access. Cupcake, grab who you need and start barricading the garage doors anyways. We can always park the D6s outside the garage doors to help dissuade them from messing with them. Kuppers, work with Vic and mark the positions on the map where you want the ATMs to go. We also need to figure out who is going to fight from outside and who is going to be the inside force. I need time to think, I will be with Joseph, down in the labs.” Everyone knew their tasks and jumped to it. I took one last look at the horizon and then at the terrain. I knew it wasn’t going to look this peaceful again for a long time.

  I made my way back into the facility, then down the stairs and finally, into the main lab. I found Joseph sitting at his workstation with his head resting in his hands. None of his assistants were present. This was starting to look like a bad omen. I pulled up a stool and sat down.

  “Joseph, what is going on?” I asked while rubbing his back.

  “This Holly thing is blowing my mind, its taking all my attention. It’s hard keeping everything in focus.” He shook his head back and forth.

  “Doctor.” I used his title trying to shake him out of his funk. “What is the current status of our retro virus?”

  Joseph kept his head down, resting in his hands. “I don’t know right now.”

  “Doctor, you not knowing is not a good answer. We need to get this thing solved now. We cannot wait for you to get your feelings figured out. What you do right now, will decide if we get to have a future. Now come on doc, get your shit together.” I was trying to get him to see that he, and what he did was very important.

  Joseph rubbed his head and face aggressively as if he was trying to physically wipe away his fears. “I understand that what we do is very important, if not vital for ours and the rest of humankind’s survival. I am just trying to figure out how to deal with all of this.”

  “Doctor I understa
nd all that. I am still trying to wrap my head around it all,” I explained.

  “Yes, of course. I guess everyone needs to deal with this in their own way. I am sorry, I have not been dealing well,” he offered.

  “Joseph, we are getting some reinforcements, but we do not believe it will be enough. I need you and your assistants to work overtime on this.”

  Joseph stood and stretched his back and shoulders. “Ok, Dan. I’ll do what I can do.”

  “That’s all I can ask. Any of the guards can come and get me, if you need me.” I gained my feet and said my good byes, then hotfooted it out of there.

  I found the bathrooms and showers, and took my first shower since we had left the base, and almost melted under the hot water. I soaped up and scrubbed my skin till it turned red, trying to feel human. No, trying to feel normal again. It pained me that this was my new reality. My future could be measured in days if not hours. I put my head against the wall and let the hot water flow over my body. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, I tried to let that other side of my mind take over and try to work out the puzzle of the upcoming battle and if we lived through it, the next steps we could take to fight this war, to try and win it.

  My thoughts were interrupted when a male’s voice called out, “You in the shower, pretty boy?”

  I sighed and turned off the water before answering. “Yeah, I’m in here. What’s up, Brian?”

  A towel appeared over the shower door. I took it and dried off my soaking body, and wrapped it around my lower half. Which I was amazed to see looked thin and closer to being muscular. Even my new scars looked healed and almost gone. I stepped out of the shower and raised my brow at Brian questioningly.

  “You’re looking better Boss. I guess this new life-style does your body well.”

  “Brian, are you here to check me out? Or do you have something else on your agenda?” I asked, semi-annoyed over my privacy being invaded. Brian looked hurt for a second then shook it off and offered me a smile. I’d felt like an ass the second I had said the words. “Brian I am sorry I have no excuse brother.”

  His smile became wider as he considered my words. “Don’t worry brother, my skin is thicker than that. I see that I caught you at a bad time. Kuppers requested that I come here and let you know that the Guard has dropped in, along with their supplies. He also says we may have less time to prepare. The Ridder forces are upping their timetables. Hase and Delta are on their way back, ahead of the oncoming convoy. We have the trenches built and are pumping in diesel now, as we speak. Doc and Apache have also installed the C4 igniters.”

  I leaned against the sink and dropped my head, thinking about everything that had gone through my brain while I’d been in the shower. “What about the garage? Is it mined and barricaded?”

  “Yeah, that is done. My guys are helping move the ATMs to the positions we planned on.”

  “Great, but tell them not to fire until we see what the enemy is up to. I want Ridder to make the first move. Then, we can adapt and fight back. We are going to have less men, less weapons, and less back up.” I added.

  “Gotcha. At last check, the communications guys say that we have four hours till the convoy is within striking distance.”

  “Okay, let me get some clothes on and find some weapons. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria for a quick meal.”

  Brian pointed to a counter behind him. “I brought you a clean set of BDUs and a shaving kit. I’m going to shower and shave, then I will meet you in the cafeteria. By the way, the weapons you seek are in our room on your bed. I found you a new battle rifle. Don’t play with it till I show you how to use it. You have, yet again, a new set of armor that I scrounged up for you.” He started stripping as he made his way over to the shower. He opened the door and went in, and threw his dirty boxers over the door.

  “I am not picking those up, Brian. I’m afraid of what might be crawling around inside of them.” I slid on the clean boxers, socks, and BDU trousers. Leaving the shirt off, I opened the shave kit and got to work cleaning up my fuzzy head and trimming up my goatee. I washed my face clean and stared at the man in the mirror. Amazing what little everyday things could mean for someone living in this world. I finished up just as Brian turned off the water. I threw his towel over the door for him and told him that I would see him in a bit. He grunted, of course.

  I popped into our room, slid on my new armor, and holstered the three weapons Brian had left out for me. Somehow, he had found my Benelli pump shotgun. I was happy to see that gun. It had become a close friend since the first battle I’d found myself in way back at the Ridder camp in Northern California. I slung it onto my back using its sling and tightened it so it would stay there. The new battle rifle looked futuristic, it was made out of plastic, which seemed weird for what it was. I slung it around my shoulder and brought the gun around to my front. I rested it on my chest and then filled my ammo pouches with, you guessed it, magazines filled with rounds. Last to be holstered was my trusty 1911 .45 ACP. This was the first gun I had ever fired, and I felt most comfortable with it.

  I clanged when I walked, but I made it to the cafeteria with everything still intact. I left my helmet off, carrying it and decided to enjoy my freedom, since I knew I’d be wearing it most of the night, if not till tomorrow. I opened the common room and made my way in to find Brian already sitting at the table with the rest of the leadership team. In front of them sat heaps of food and coffee. I made my way over and moved my gear around so I could sit. A plate filled with food appeared in front of me, as well as a large cup of steaming coffee. I ignored the food and sipped at my coffee. Man was this stuff good! That life-giving fluid was always welcome in my belly.

  Brian nudged me. “Hey, we have no idea when we will be eating again, so fill up on calories. You can always take coffee with you to the top. You’ll thank me for it.”

  I sliced into my grilled chicken and downed it quickly, then attacked the potatoes and heaps of veggies. Once done eating, my plate was whisked away and refilled. I looked down at it and thought I would be too full to eat anymore, but the second I smelled it, my stomach growled and begged for me to eat more. I downed the steaming coffee and attacked the new food. The fact that I was not eating MREs did not pass me by. This food actually had spices and great flavor, instead of that bland stuff they called ‘food’.

  I watched the team between bites, as they attacked their food and drank large amounts of coffee. It then hit me, what about the rest of the soldiers? Are we the only ones eating this good? Were the others relegated to eating the MRE slop? I caught Doc’s eye and asked “Hey Doc, what about the rest of the troops? Are they eating MREs? Cause that does not seem fair.”

  “Oh, those bastards are eating good, I promise. Most of them are already done and manning the defenses. We are the last to eat, now stop wasting my time and finish up, because we have things to do, boy,” he spoke in that cowboy accent and squinted.

  “Boy? That would be Major Boy to you, Daisy!” I barked out but of course was not taken seriously, since I had a large smile plastered on my face.

  I dropped my head and shoveled the food in. I poured another cup of coffee and pushed back in my chair, moving away from the table. I crossed my legs and listened in on the jokes being thrown about wildly. I took small sips from my cup, enjoying the warmth and caffeine rush as it washed over me. Apache caught me relaxing, taking in the scene and ambience. She winked at me and threw a smile in my direction. I returned the wink, smile, and then closed my eyes.

  Chapter 5

  I was yanked out of my body. I felt it and when I opened my eyes, I was flying away from my body and the table. I went through the ceiling and outside, and I still didn’t stop. I flew into the sky and then, rushed back down so fast that I could not see where I was going till I found myself sitting in the boat. I had to breathe hard to catch my breath. Okay, to be honest, I didn’t. Being on this plane of existence took the need to breathe and the feeling of pain away. But in my psyche, I needed to breathe hard.
If you don’t understand me, that is ok. I know it’s taking a leap of faith to follow what is happening here.

  I looked around and no one was on the boat with me. Usually, Angel would be here waiting for me. I got to my feet and stalked around, looking for anyone present. It took me a while to notice that the boat wasn’t rocking and that the bay was clear as ice. I climbed to the top of the boat to see if I could notice anything moving on the island that I was calling Paradise. It was also deserted, no wind rustling the palm trees, no one sitting on the beach, no waves washing ashore. I took my seat and looked up to the sky.

  I tilted my head up and yelled into the sky. “Look, I’m here I don’t know what you want from me!” I was upset and wanted to go home, I had a battle to get ready for.

  I sighed and looked overboard, I considered jumping off the boat and into the water. I figured I could swim to the island and look around for someone to talk to. A male’s voice coming from behind me caused me to jump.

  “Why so impatient my friend?” The voice was what you would expect to come from a thirty-five-year-old meek accountant who lived in Fargo, North Dakota with his mom.

  I turned and found the man that the voice belonged to. He was small statured, and looked mysteriously like Agent Coulson from the Avengers, complete with black suit, and black, plastic glasses. He sat on a small bench seat with what looked to be a sweaty glass of iced tea, complete with lemon and a little umbrella.

  “Come sit down and have a glass of tea, Dan. We need to talk.”

  I stared at him for a while till he gave me a disarming smile and held out his glass to me. I took a step closer and took his glass of proffered tea, then slowly sat down opposite of him.

  “How do you know who I am? And where is Angel?” I asked.

  “She is busy with some other assignments right now. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you.” He smiled showing his bright whites.


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